美国药典USP31 71 无菌检查法 双语版 下载本文

To each L of Fluid A add 1 mL of polysorbate 80, adjust to a pH of 7.1 ± 0.2, dispense into

containers, and sterilize using a validated process. Use this fluid for articles containing lecithin or oil, or for devices labeled as ―sterile pathway.‖

向每升液体A中,加入1mL聚山梨酯80,调节pH值至7.1 ± 0.2,分装入容器中,并使用经过验证的工艺灭菌。此液体用于含有卵磷脂或油脂的物品,或用于标为 ―无菌通道‖的设备。

Fluid K 液体K

Dissolve 5.0 g of peptic digest of animal tissue, 3.0 g of beef extract, and 10.0 g of polysorbate 80 in water to make 1 L. Adjust the pH to obtain, after sterilization, a pH of 6.9 ± 0.2. Dispense into containers, and sterilize using a validated process.

将5.0g动物组织胃蛋白酶消化物、3.0g牛肉提取物、10.0g聚山梨酯80溶解于1L水中。调节pH值,以便使pH值在灭菌后呈6.9 ± 0.2。分装入容器中,并使用经过验证的工艺灭菌。


Carry out a test as described below under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined using exactly the same methods, except for the following modifications.


Membrane Filtration 膜过滤

After transferring the content of the container or containers to be tested to the membrane, add an inoculum of a small number of viable microorganisms (not more than 100 cfu) to the final portion of sterile diluent used to rinse the filter.


Direct Inoculation 直接接种

After transferring the contents of the container or containers to be tested (for catgut and other surgical sutures for veterinary use: strands) to the culture medium, add an inoculum of a small number of viable microorganisms (not more than 100 cfu) to the medium.


In both cases use the same microorganisms as those described above under Growth Promotion Test of Aerobes, Anaerobes, and Fungi. Perform a growth promotion test as a positive control. Incubate all the containers containing medium for not more than 5 days.


If clearly visible growth of microorganisms is obtained after the incubation, visually comparable to that in the control vessel without product, either the product possesses no antimicrobial activity under the conditions of the test or such activity has been satisfactorily eliminated. The test for sterility may then be carried out without further modification.


If clearly visible growth is not obtained in the presence of the product to be tested, visually comparable to that in the control vessels without product, the product possesses antimicrobial activity that has not been satisfactorily eliminated under the conditions of the test. Modify the conditions in order to eliminate the antimicrobial activity, and repeat the validation test.


This validation is performed (a) when the test for sterility has to be carried out on a new product; and (b) whenever there is a change in the experimental conditions of the test. The validation may be performed simultaneously with the Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined.




Number of Articles to Be Tested 供试物品数量

Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this chapter or in the individual monograph, test the

number of articles specified in Table 3. If the contents of each article are of sufficient quantity (see Table 2), they may be divided so that equal appropriate portions are added to each of the specified media. [NOTE—Perform sterility testing employing two or more of the specified media.] If each article does not contain sufficient quantities for each medium, use twice the number of articles indicated in Table 3.


Table 2. Minimum Quantity to be Used for Each Medium


Minimum Quantity to be Used (unless otherwise justified and authorized) 最小使用数量(除非另有依据和授权) Quantity per Container 每个容器中的数量 Liquids (other than anitbiotics) 液体(除了抗生素) Less than 1 mL 少于1mL 1–40 mL The whole contents of each container 每个容器的总内容物 Half the contents of each container, but not less than 1 mL 每个容器中内容物的一半,但不得少于1mL Greater than 40 mL, and not greater than 100 mL 大于40mL,但不大于100mL Greater than 100 mL 大于100mL 该容器内容物的10%,但不得少于20mL Antibiotic liquids 1 mL 10% of the contents of the container, but not less than 20 mL 20 mL 抗生素液体 Quantity per Container 每个容器中的数量 Minimum Quantity to be Used (unless otherwise justified and authorized) 最小使用数量(除非另有依据和授权) Other preparations soluble in water or in isopropyl The whole contents of each container to myristate provide not less than 200 mg 溶于水或豆蔻酸异丙酯的其他配制品 每个容器的全部内容物,以提供不少于200mg Insoluble preparations, creams, and ointments to be Use the contents of each container to provide suspended or emulsified not less than 200 mg 待悬浮或乳化的不溶性配制品、乳膏、油膏 Solids固体 Less than 50 mg 少于50mg 50 mg or more, but less than 300 mg 50mg或者更多,但少于300mg 使用每个容器的内容物,以提供不少于200mg The whole contents of each container 每个容器的全部内容物 Half the contents of each container, but not less than 50 mg 每个容器内容物的一半,但不少于50mg 300 mg–5 g Greater than 5 g 多于5g Devices设备 150 mg 500 mg Catgut and other surgical sutures for veterinary use 3 sections of a strand (each 30-cm long) 兽医用肠线和其他外科缝合线 Surgical dressing/cotton/gauze (in packages) 外科敷料/棉花/纱布(在包装中) 一股线的3部分(每个30cm长) 100 mg per package 100 mg每包装 Sutures and other individually packaged single-use The whole device material 整个设备 缝合线合其他单个包装的一次性使用物料 Other medical devices 其他医用设备 整个设备,切成片或拆开 The whole device, cut into pieces or disassembled