SAP Schema CN28基本阐述
Line Func. Par1 Par2 Par3 Par4 D Text
000010 BLOCK BEG * Payroll schema: CHINA
000020 COM Payroll schema: China Standard 000030 COPY XIN0 Initialization of payroll 000040 COPY CNBD Edit basic data (China) 000050 IF SPRN Special run? 000060 RFRSH IT Delete IT
000070 ENDIF to: Special run?
000080 COPY XLR0 Import last payroll result
000090 COPY CNT0 Gross remuneration (time management) 000100 COPY CNAP Import payments/deductions 000110 COPY CNAL Monthly factoring and storage 000120 COPY CNNG Net pay calculation China
000130 COPY XNA0 Cumulation of net amount/payment amount 000140 COPY XRR0 Retroactive accounting
000150 COPY XNN0 Net payments/deductions and transfer 000160 COPY CNEN Final processing 000170 BLOCK END * Payroll schema CHINA
BLOCK函数允许你构造一个工资核算过程日志。在开始和结束标记点中把工资函数按语义顺序聚集在一起,且他们出现在日志中的一个普通节点。BLOCK函数可以被嵌套,在一个子模式中,一个结束块必须对应一个开 语法
函数参数1 参数2 参数3 参数4
参数1 BEG 开始一个语义块
END 结束一个语义块
参数2 目前无该参数
参数3 目前无该参数
参数4 目前无该参数 示例
COM Function
COPY Function
调用 sub Schema。
Func. Par1 Par2 Par3 Par4 D Text
COM Initialization INTERNATIONAL 注释:工资发放核算初始化 BLOCK BEG Initialization of Payroll 块开始
PGM ABR Program type for payroll 工资发放的程序类型 UPD YES Update database (YES/NO) 更新数据库(是/否)
OPT INFT Read used infotypes only 只使用信息类型的读取 OPT TIME Import all time infotypes 输入全部的时间信息类型 CHECK ABR * Check against PA 03 * 核查PA03(生产机去掉 *) BLOCK END Initialization of Payroll 块结束 描述
重要的信息/事件(开关),有关工资核算的进一步过程,工资运行开始在这个子模式中指定。 处理
5、指定检查控制记录PA 03(payroll area)
PGM Function
如果一个Schema不包含PGM函数,程序缺省一个发薪程序。如果一个schema包含多个PGM函数,那么最后一个是有效的。 语法
ABR 工资核算 AUS 评估
MIX 工资/评估
SP 特殊运行,这个特殊的仅仅适用于西班牙和奥地利国家的版本 TRN 遗留数据传输
如果你想去创建一个工资的模式PGM (参数1)ABR
其中比工资核算程序中的“测试运行(无更新)”优先级低。 语法 参数1
NO 不更新数据库 YES 更新数据库
参数4 示例
如果你想去测试一个工资核素且结果不被更新到数据库UPD (参数1)NO
OPT Function
你可以使用OPT函数去为工资导入信息类型 语法 参数1:
BSI 已过时
COPL 集成成本计划
DEC 小时工资>2位数
ENQ 不再使用
INFT 必需的信息类型(导入仅仅是schema所需的主数据信息类型) NRC 无回溯核算
TIME 读时间信息类型
必需入口:参数1 注意
CHECK Function
1) 按照schema类型检查规定的时间-pa03(payroll area)
2) 执行一个整体的检查 语法
ABR Payroll AUS Evaluation BDE BDE
This parameter initiates the following checks:
o Has the payroll area been released for payroll?
If not, the payroll area is excluded from the selection, i.e. employees assigned to the payroll area are not selected.
o Are there already results for the employee in the payroll future? If yes, payroll is not run for this personnel number.
This parameter initiates the following checks:
o Is the last period accounted evaluated?
If not, the evaluation run is cancelled. This is intended to prevent a period which has already been evaluated from being evaluated again.
Currently no effects on payroll 注意
如果在生产系统, check ABR 必须使用,检查pa03(payroll area)相关数据。
CNBD sub-Schema
Func. Par1 Par2 Par3 Par4 D Text
COM Basic data China BLOCK BEG Edit basic data
ENAME Determine name of EE (infotype 0001) WPBP Read work center/basic pay data P0014 CN14 GEN NOAB Split WPBP and set APZNR for p0014 DATES read date specifications IF SPRN IF off-cycle run ELSE Not off-cycle run P0532 Read 5 SI
P0530 Read PHF data
P0533 Read service fee data ENDIF END IF
P0531 Read tax data
GON Continue if data complete BLOCK END Edit basic data 描述
该子模式读取工资计算所需的全部基础数据(主数据),基础数据接着被打印到工资日志(如果program option=ON) 处理
该子模式由以下主要步骤组成: 1. 读取员工姓名(P0001-ENAME)
2. 从以下信息类型中读有关工作中心和基本工资数据
a) 人事事件P0000,
b) c) d) e)
组织分配P0001 计划工作时间P0007 基本工资P0008 成本分配P0027
3. 为P0014分割WPBP和设置APZNR
4. 读取0041各日期数据
5. 检查所需的所有主数据(532,530,533)可以被工资驱动的,否则程序被取消
6. 在工资日志中打印上述基本数据
ENAME Function
WPBP Function
Import Work Center and Basic Pay Data
Function WPBP transfers master data on the work center and basic pay for the payroll period to internal table WPBP. The basic pay wage types are stored in the internal table IT.
This data usually remains the same for the entire period. However, in certain cases different data may exist for different partial periods. If this is the case, the entries are identified in internal tables WPBP and IT by means of split indicators.
Par2 Different pay-scale type No check.
All entered values are valid.
Par3 Rel. time unit
X WPBP for each time unit
Par4 Subtype of the infotype 0008 No check.
All entered values are valid.
For comparison calculations, the alternative pay scale type can be used to override the pay scale type from infotype 0008, (Basic Pay). This parameter setting is used to convert the collective agreement for the metal industry of June 01, 1994. If you specify a pay scale type which has not been maintained correctly in the indirect valuation tables, the personnel number is rejected during indirect valuation.
If you set a third parameter for the function, WPBP is split in greater detail, in other words, if the time unit for the pay scale does not correspond to the time unit for the payroll area.
If you do not set the fourth parameter, the function WPBP is started for the subtype 0 of the infotype Basic Pay (0008). You can specify a different subtype from this in the fourth parameter for simulation purposes. You can, for example, calculate a fictitious salary for an employee depending on a possible change to the pay scale structure.
Notes on parameter four:
o You may not use subtypes with time constraint 3, because here there is a chance of several overlapping records existing. If the subtype does not exist, the results table IT remains empty for this employee.
An employee belongs to a payroll area for which payroll is run on a monthly basis and his basic pay data states that he or she receives a weekly wage. When parameter 3 is set, a WPBP split is created for each week. 语法
0000 0001 0007 0008 0027 输出 WPBP IT
组织的分配 计划工作时间 基本工资 成本分配
like pc205 APZNR BEGDA ENDDA MASSN MASSG STAT1 STAT2 STAT3 AKTIVJN BUKRS WERKS BTRTL KOSTL PERSG PERSK ABART PLANS GSBER VDSK1 ANSVH ORGEH STELL ZTERF SCHKZ EMPCT APZNR BEGDA ENDDA MASSN MASSG STAT1 STAT2 STAT3 AKTIVJN BUKRS PERSA BTRTL KOSTL PERSG PERSK ABRAR PLANS GSBER VDSK1 ANSVH ORGEH STELL PT_ZTERF SCHKN EMPCT RAW DATS DATS CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR NUMC CHAR CHAR CHAR NUMC NUMC NUMC CHAR DEC 1 0 PC205 assignment 8 0 Start Date 8 0 End Date 2 0 Action Type 2 0 Reason for Action 1 0 Employment Status 1 0 Special Payment Status 1 0 Indicator: Active 4 0 Company Code 4 0 Personnel Area 4 0 Personnel Subarea 10 0 Cost Center 1 0 Employee Group 2 0 Employee Subgroup Employee subgroup 1 0 grouping for personnel calculation rule 8 0 Position 4 0 Business Area 14 0 Organizational Key 2 0 Work Contract 8 0 Organizational Unit 8 0 Job 1 0 Employee Time Management Status Employment percentage PC205 分配 开始日期 终止日期 操作类型 操作原因 雇佣状态 特殊支付状态 标志 : 活动 公司代码 人事范围 人事子范围 成本中心 员工组 员工子组 对于人员计算规则的雇员子组分组 职位 业务范围 组织码 工作合同 组织单位 作业 雇员时间管理状态 工作日程表规则 就业百分比 1 0 Customer-Specific Status 客户特定状态 8 0 Work Schedule Rule 5 2 KSOLL ASOLL SSOLL KDIVI ADIVI SDIVI DIVGV BSGRD TRFAR TRFGB TRFGR TRFST KOSTVJN DYSCH ARBST WKWDY FISTL GEBER FKBER KTSOL ATSOL SSOLL KDIVI ADIVI SDIVI DIVGV BSGRD TRFAR TRFGB TRFGR TRFST KOSTVJN DYSCH STDTG WARST FISTL BP_GEBER FKBER DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR DEC DEC CHAR CHAR CHAR 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 Targeted work measured 用日历天数度量in calendar days in workdays Planned working time in hours Individual divisor for calendar days Individual divisor for workdays Individual divisor for working hours Hours worked per payroll period 的目标工作 的目标工作 以时数表示的计划工作时间 日历天数的单个除数 工作日的个别除数 工作时数的单个除数 每个工资核算期的工作小时数 工时效用水平 工资等级类型 工资区域 工资等级组 工资等级水平 标志 : 成本分配 创建动态工作日程表 日工作小时数 每周工作天数 基金中心 基金 功能范围 同意 Targeted work measured 用工作天数度量5 2 Capacity utilization level 2 0 Pay scale type 2 0 Pay Scale Area 8 0 Pay Scale Group 2 0 Pay Scale Level 1 0 1 0 Indicator: Cost distribution Create Daily Work Schedule Dynamically 5 2 Daily Working Hours 4 2 Weekly Workdays 16 0 Funds Center 10 0 Fund 16 0 Functional Area 20 0 Grant GRANT_NBR GM_GRANT_NBR CHAR
IT&RT Structure like pc207
Employee subgroup ABART LGART APZNR CNTR1 ABRAR LGART APZNR CNTRN CHAR CHAR RAW RAW 1 0 grouping for personnel calculation rule 4 0 Wage Type 1 0 PC205 assignment 1 0 National assignment indicator 对于人员计算规则的雇员子组分组 工资项 PC205 分配 国家分配标志 CNTR2 CNTR3 ALZNR C1ZNR BTZNR ABZNR V0TYP V0ZNR ZEINH BETPE ANZHL BETRG RTE_CURR CNTRN CNTRN ALZNR C1ZNO BTZNO ABZNO V0TYP V0ZNR PT_ZEINH BETPE PRANZ MAXBT WAERS RAW RAW RAW RAW RAW RAW CHAR RAW CHAR CURR DEC CURR CUKY CUKY 1 0 1 0 1 0 National assignment indicator National assignment indicator Assignment for alternative payment 国家分配标志 国家分配标志 对选择性支付的分配 成本核算指针 银行转移分配 缺勤分配 变量分配类型 时间/度量单位 工资核算:每单元数额 HR 薪资发放: 编号 HR 工资发放:数额 货币代码 货币代码 2 0 Pointer to cost accounting 1 0 Transfer assignment 1 0 Absence assignment 1 0 Variable assignment type 3 0 Time/Measurement Unit 15 2 Payroll: Amount per unit 15 2 HR payroll: Number 15 2 HR Payroll: Amount 5 0 Currency Key 5 0 Currency Key 1 0 Variable assignment number 变量分配号 AMT_CURR WAERS APER Structure
LikePC2APER,工资发放帐目中表 APER 的结构:
ABKRS PERMO DATMO JUPER PAPER BEGDA ENDDA PBEGD PENDD CALCD INPTY INPID INOCR INOCC IABKR IAPER IBEGD IENDD ABKRS PERMO DATMO JUPER PC2PAPER BEGDA ENDDA BEGDA ENDDA CALCD PAYTY PAYID PAY_OCRSN PAY_OCCAT ABKRS PC2PAPER BEGDA ENDDA CHAR 2 0 工资范围 NUMC 2 0 期间参数 NUMC 2 0 日期修改标志 CHAR DATS DATS DATS DATS CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR DATS DATS 4 0 法人 0 0 工资核算表 APER 的子结构 8 0 开始日期 8 0 终止日期 8 0 开始日期 8 0 终止日期 1 0 工资发放已对标识期间运行 1 0 工资核算类型 1 0 工资核算标识 4 0 非周期工资核算的原因 2 0 非周期原因的种类 2 0 工资范围 0 0 工资核算表 APER 的子结构 8 0 开始日期 8 0 终止日期 PAYTY PAYID OCRSN OCCAT BONDT CHKDT RRDAT SEQNR WAERS OOSDATE BRACKET PAYTY PAYID PAY_OCRSN PAY_OCCAT BONDT CHKDT RRDAT CDSEQ WAERS PAY_OOSDATE PAY_BRACKET CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR DATS DATS DATS CUKY DATS 1 0 工资核算类型 1 0 工资核算标识 4 0 非周期工资核算的原因 2 0 非周期原因的种类 8 0 非周期工资发放付款日期 8 0 支付日期/核查日期 8 0 自从上一次工资核算运行后最早的主数据更改 5 0 货币代码 1 0 顺序外检查标识符 8 0 创建序列外支票(工资控制记录帐户) NUMC 5 0 序列号 OUTOFSEQ PAY_OUTOFSEQ CHAR NUMC 5 0 一个时期和它的补充的括弧
P0014 Function
CN14 Rule
ELIMI A Operation
OT 表头wpbp标示清空(为0)IT-APZNR
SSS 1-3 split indicators with the assignment: * All indicators will be removed
R Employee subgroup grouping Table: T503 for pers.calc.rule
A Work center period WPBP 1 1st national split /SI) SV 2 2nd national split (Tax) XST
3 3rd national split (not used)
T Alternative payment ALP K Cost accounting C1 U Bank transfer BT
X Variable assignment V0 Operation SETIN Y Absence assignment Z Time unit
The wage type in the current work field is then placed in an output table (e.g. OT) without split indicators by means of an operation, e.g. Operation ADDWT.
* ........ *
FORM opelimi. DO 4 TIMES
VARYING char FROM op-lgart(1) NEXT op-lgart+1(1). IF char EQ space. EXIT. ENDIF.
CASE char. \g).
WHEN '*'. ot-apznr = 0. ot-cntr1 = 0. ot-cntr2 = 0. ot-cntr3 = 0. ot-btznr = 0. ot-c1znr = 0. ot-alznr = 0. ot-abznr = 0. ot-v0typ = space.
ot-v0znr = 0. ot-abart = '*'. ot-zeinh = space. ot-abznr = 0.
WHEN 'U'. ot-btznr = 0. \ WHEN 'K'. ot-c1znr = 0. WHEN 'A'. ot-apznr = 0. WHEN '1'. ot-cntr1 = 0. WHEN '2'. ot-cntr2 = 0. WHEN '3'. ot-cntr3 = 0. WHEN 'R'. ot-abart = '*'. WHEN 'T'. ot-alznr = 0.
WHEN 'X'. ot-v0znr = 0.ot-v0typ = space. WHEN 'Z'. ot-zeinh = space. WHEN 'Y'. ot-abznr = 0. ENDCASE. ENDDO.
WPBPC Operation
DATES Function
信息类型: 0008 基本工资 0041 日期说明 0080 孕期保护/探亲假
P0532 Function
P0530 Function
P0533 Function
P0531 Function
GON Function
Function GON checks whether all the master data has been imported. 其中p007是必须的。
XLRO sub-Schema
Func. Par1 Par2 Par3 Par4 D Text
BLOCK BEG Import last payroll result COM Import last payroll result IMPRT L Import last result
PORT X006 P06 NOAB Transfer relevant data to LRT SETCU Prepare CRT (old results) BLOCK END Import last payroll result 处理
1. 生成ORT,OCRT,OTRT(临时)
2. 生成LRT(后续其他sub-Schema需要处理) 3. 生成CRT,TCRT
IMPORT Function
非回算月:读取的是最新一条For_period 回算月:最后一个For_period
PORT Function
X006 Rule
标准Rule 语法
X006 Einspielen relevanter Lohnarten nach LRT *
VWTCL 06 处理类 *
ERROR 取消处理 0 1
LRTST Y Stat-LRT=Y > Cont. ADDWTL* LRT 最后的 RT 说明
Processing Class 06
在LRT中输入来自原工资核算帐户的工资类型 ,值为 0 工资类型未被转移
1 工资类型取自先前的工资发放 2 工资类型取自同一年
/315 根据 SP-PI 的平均工资 /325 根据 SP-UI 的平均工资 /335 根据 SP-MI 的平均工资 /345 根据 SP-II 的平均工资 /355 根据 SP-II 的平均工资
/365 根据 SP-PHF 的平均工资 /561 要求
/565 结转给下一月 /A41 计税基数流出 /A42 税率基数流出
/A43 由 EE 流出的税收工资 /A44 由 EE 流出的应税奖金 /A45 由 RE 流出的税收工资 /A46 由 ER 流出的应税奖金 /A47 税金额-SOI 外流 /A49 应征税的奖金外流 /A94 应征税的 SOI 外流 /A96 应税年终奖流出
VWTCL Operation
Set Processing Class Value
ERROR Operation
ADDWT Operation
LRTST Operation
处理ORT ,LRTST Y,判断ORT的数据是不是跟当前核算期间数据处于同一年.如是,继续处理,否则跳过
SETCU Function
CNTO sub-Schema
功能 Par1 Par2 Par3 Par4 D 文本
COM General processing of time data China
COM *************************************** BLOCK BEG Processing of time data
CHKPC * Has personal calendar been generated? GENPS Generate personal work schedule PWS GENPS S** * Generate PWS with shift substitutions PARTT Partial period parameter
IF X064 Perform shift change compensation PITAB D DPS Initialize table DPS
P2003 S** DPS Insert shift substitution in PWS
ELSE Do not perform shift change compensation P2003 S** Import shift substitutions into PWS ENDIF End shift change compensation
PARTT PSP * Partial month param.with substs in DIVI BLOCK BEG Create valuation bases
PIT X010 P01 Create valuation bases (addition) PIT CN13 P01 Create valuation bases (division) BLOCK END
MOD CNM0 GEN Determine China specific modifiers MOD XMOD GEN Determine payroll modifiers RAB Import absences
IF PDC Is PDC active in period? IMPRT B2 Import cluster B2
PRINT NP ZL Print table of time wage types DAYPR TC00 PDC Day processing of time data ELSE PDC not active in period
DAYPR TC00 Day processing of time data s ENDIF Endif PDC
COPY XCOM Process shift change compensation data COPY XT01 * Weekly overtime analysis PAB Edit absence data
PRINT NP PART Print partial period parameter
P2010 X930 GEN NOAB Edit employee remuneration information PALP X012 GEN Valuation bases for different payments PIT XALP NOAB Higher val. basis + extra pay + premium
ZLIT AMS Place summarized ZL entries in IT P0416 Valuation of quota compensation PIT X015 GEN Valuation of time wage types PIT X009 GEN NOAB Remove val. bases with ALP split COPY XIW0 Incentive wages IF SPRN IF off-cycle run ELSE Else
PIT CNSR Evaluate sick leave deduction rate PIT CNSL Calculate Sick leave deduction ENDIF Endif
PIT CN20 P03 Gross and RT storage for time wage types BLOCK END Processing of time data 描述
PARTT Function
CN20 Rule
Gross and RT storage for time wage types
差异码 CL T 操作操作操作操作操作操作 *
-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ D VWTCL 03 * ERROR 0 ADDWT *
Processing Class 3
累积并保存计时工资类型>CYCL.D023 0 不作变更地转移
1 对应人员计算规则和 AC1 标志的雇员子组分组的 RT 存储, 累计 2 具有人员计算规则的雇员子组分组和 A 分割的 RT 存储 3 仅对小时工资的 RT 存储, 累计
4 对人员计算规则和仅对小时工资 A 分割的带有雇员子组分组的 RT 存储 5 RT 存储, 累计, 加班时数的累计
6 对于人员计算规则具有雇员子组分组的 RT 存储, 累计 9 加班小时的负 RT 存储, 计算, 累积
ADDCU Operation
CNAP sub-Schema
功能 Par1 Par2 Par3 Par4 D 文本
COM Import further paym./deducs. China. BLOCK BEG Process additional payments/deductions P0014 CN11 GEN NOAB Import recurring payments/deductions P0015 CN11 GEN NOAB Import additional payments
P0579 * Import addtnl pymnts (3rd prty systems) P0267 CN17 GEN NOAB Import additional off-cycle payments COPY XBE1 Benefits first call
BLOCK END Process additional payments/deductions 描述
Import payments/deductions 处理0014,0015,非周期相关数据
P0014 Function
Function P0014遍历P0014,将WageType Code,Desc,WPBP Wplit写入 IT表头。 如图,在Rule执行之前Function P0014完成以下任务
CN11 Rule
CN11 Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments for CN *
VWTCL 76 处理类 *
VAKEYPAYTY Payroll Type *
PRINT 打印表输入
GCY CN12 用准确的工资类型 A 1
VAKEYPAYTY Payroll Type * A
GCY CN12 用准确的工资类型
Processing Class 76
1. 工资类型用于特殊的运行(例如奖金)
2. 工资类型用于专门的&常规工资支付运行
VakeyPAYTY Operaion
判断Structure pc2aper字段值
GCY Operation
CN12 Rule
CN12 Recurring payments/deductions and supplementary payments *
VAKEYZEINH Time unit in v.key ***
VWTCL 47 处理类 *
VWTCL 10 处理类 *
OPIND 操作标志
ELIMI A 消除时间期标识 WPBPC 对所有的 WPBP 0
OPIND 操作标志
GCY CN16 用准确的工资类型 Q
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 ADDWTE * RT 结果表 ADDWT&MY10 VAR 变量表
CN16 Rule
差异码 CL T 操作操作操作操作操作操作 *
-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ D VWTCL 70 *
1 D NUM?12
Processing Class 70
70 处理特殊工资相关的工资项并构成计税基数
1 股票期权收入 (将其划分到相应月
CM03 奖金 M020 月薪金
M02A 月薪金 (美元) M02D 按百分比扣除 M02X 税前月工资(USA) M200 轮班奖金 M210 夜班补贴
M220 按百分比的奖金 M230 直接奖金 MSOI 认股权收入
2 遣散费收入
3010 离职补偿金 MBSP 遣散费 (新)
AMT Operation
P0014处理时将薪资项遍历在IT表头中,需要使用其他方式对ART赋值 AMT= BETRG 集合
It only makes sense to fill this field using the
functions P0009, P0011, P0014, P0015, P0021, P0057, P0267, P2010, and PALP.
NUM Operation
P0014处理时在IT表头中不填充ART.故需要再次处理 NUM= ANZHL 设置
It only makes sense to fill this field using the functions P0009, P0011, P0014, P0015, P0057, P0267, P2010, and PALP.
Processing Class 47
特殊信息类型处理 0014/0015 -->CYCL.X011 A 非特殊的处理
Q 尽管没有达到界限, 强制转移
Processing Class 10
标记月因子的工资类型 -->CYCL.XVAL 0 没有扣除
1 按因子减少 /801 2 按因子减少 /802 3 按因子减少 /803 4 按因子减少 /804 5 按因子减少 /805 6 按因子减少 /806 7 按因子减少 /807 8 按因子减少 /808 9 按因子减少 /809
A 按因子减少 /801, 舍入 005
OPIND Operation
薪资项目的正负号 配置点
SPRO >人事管理>人员管理>工资核算数据>经常性支付和扣减>核查工资类型目录>检查工资项特征.
WPBPC Operation
If the specification is ' ', the wage type is stored in table OT for each WPBP period in which the validity interval fits.
This parameter is only allowed if processing was accessed using functions P0014 or P0015.
如图,将WPBP Split有重叠时间的全部赋值,待后续处理
WPALL Operation
P0015 Function
P267 Function
P0267 CN17 GEN NOAB Import additional off-cycle payments 处理非周期
CNAL sub-Schema
Monthly factoring and storage
功能 Par1 Par2 Par3 Par4 D 文本
COM Monthly factoring and storage CHINA BLOCK BEG Partial period factoring and storage GEN/8 16 Create wage types /801 to /816 in IT PIT XPPF NOAB Determine monthly factors
PIT XCM0 P31 Monthly lump sums for cost accounting PIT CNCO P68 NOAB Cumulate contract salary for PHF/SI base PIT XVAL P10 Valuate pay elements
ACTIO XCH0 A Hourly rates for cost accounting AVERA Calculation of averages PIT X023 P20 NOAB Gross input and storage PIT CNED NOAB * Calculate education due COPY XBE2 Benefits second call PIT X024 P41 NOAB Gross input and storage
PIT X025 P04 NOAB Gross cumulation, cost distribution ACTIO CNM1 Monthly wages and salaries
BLOCK END Partial period factoring and storage 描述
Monthly factoring and storage 处理
1. 生成折算因子 /801 - /816. 2. 根据折算因子计算薪资项的值
3. 存储某些薪资项(0008,0014,0015…)到RT,并生成累计工资项(/101,/103)在IT表中
GEN/8 16Function
IT表中生成/801 -- /816.填充WPbp-Lplit-period.默认100000
PIT Function
IT 与 OT表数据读取以及写入.主要处理逻辑放在Parameter 1的Rule进行
XPPF Ermittlung von Teilmonatsfaktoren *
/801 部分期间因子 1
PPPAR R 工作中心无效/PP? *
GCY XPP0 用准确的工资类型 R
/802 部分期间因子 2
PPPAR R 工作中心无效/PP?
GCY XPP0 用准确的工资类型 R
ADDWT * OT 输出表 /814 部分期间因子 14 RTE=TSAX** 设置 RTE*KGENAU 乘法 RTE/TSDIVI 除法
ADDWT * OT 输出表 /815 部分期间因子 15 RTE=TSAP** 设置 RTE+TSAX** 加法 RTE*KGENAU 乘法 RTE/TSDIVI 除法
ADDWT * OT 输出表 /816 部分期间因子 16 RTE=TSAU** 设置 RTE*KGENAU 乘法 RTE/TSDIVI 除法
ADDWT * OT 输出表
PPPAR Operation
PPPAR: Provide Partial Period Parameters
Operation PPPAR is a decision operation. It writes IDs to the variable key when partial period factors are calculated.
You can specify an ID for a situation to be checked. If the situation
arises, the system writes the appropriate ID to the variable key. If the situation does not arise, the system writes the value '*'.
There are two different periods with operation PPPAR:
o Payroll periods according to table T549Q
o Partial periods of a (split) payroll result
The various IDs for the situation to be checked refer to, as a rule, either the payroll periods or the partial periods.
These periods only differ if it is possible in your system to subdivide a payroll result, with subperiodic splits (for example change in legal person), into several partial periods. If such
subperiodic splits are not tolerated in your system, the two periods match.
OOOOO PPPAR Operation name
V ID of situation to be checked E The operation places an E in the variable key if one of the following cases occurs:
- Entry in the current payroll
period (change of employment status inactive to employment status active).
- Change in legal person on the first day of the partial period being considered.
- On the first day of the partial period being considered, an action starts that, acc. to table T530, divides the payroll result. A The operation places an A in the variable key if one of the following cases occurs: - EE leaves in the current payroll
period (change in employment status from active to inactive).
Note: This does not apply if the entry occurs on the first day of the period. - Change in legal person on the first day of the following partial period. - On the first day of the following partial period, an action begins that, acc. to table T530, divides the payroll result. S For WPBP splits in the current partial period.
U For unpaid absence within the periode.
B For paid absence within the period. period.
R For inactive work relationship during the entire partial period (the
employment status is either inactive or left in the entire partial period.
N EE leaves in the following payroll period.
F EE leave on the first day of the following payroll period.
C The operation places a C in the variable key if one of the following cases occurs:
- EE starts on the first day of the current partial period
- Change in legal period on the first day of the current payroll
period according to table T549Q D Change in employment status in the infotype Basic Pay (0008) on the first day of the payroll period.
G Change in employment statis in the infotype Basic Pay (0008) within the payroll period.
H Change in weekly working hours
in infotype Planned working time (0007) on the first day of the payroll period. I Change in weekly working hours in the infotype Planned working time (0007) within the payroll period.
J Change in legal person on the first
day of the following payroll period. L Change in legal person within the current payroll period.
M Change in employee group or EE subgroup within the partial period. P If the time unit of the
payroll area is not the same as the time unit of the pay scale type and the pay scale area (table T510F). Example: payroll is weekly, but pay scale type is monthly.
See personnelcalculation rule XPPP. 8 If there are at least two records of the Basic Pay infotype (0008)
in the partial period being considered.
With the following specification, in contrast to the specifications mentioned until now, the operand is not placed as ID in the variable key:
K Places the employment status from infotype 0000 on the first day of the
following payroll period in the variable key.
1. An employee leaves on 01.10.2003.
In the payroll period January 2003 (1.1.-1.31) operation PPPAR A places the following IDs in the variable key:
- If the leaving action does not create a split payroll result, the operation returns an A for the payroll period.
- If the leaving action creates a split payroll result, the operation returns an A in both partial periods.
2. An employee has a change in legal person on am 1/10/2003.
The operation PPPAR E places the following IDs in the variable key:
- In the first partial period (2.1.-2.9.): *
- In the second partial period (2.10.-2.28.): E
3. An employee leaves on 2.4.2003.
In the payroll period in January 2003 (1.1.-1.31.) the
specifications PPPAR N and PPPAR F result in the following different results:
- PPPAR N places N in the variable key, since an employee leaves in the following payroll period.
- PPPAR F places * in the variable key, since there no employee leaves on the first day of the following payroll period.
For unpaid absence within the periode.
期间有Unpaid absence,待解决在哪一段处理unpaid absence.
For WPBP splits in the currentpartial period. 期间段有wpbp-split标示。
The operation places an E in the variable key if one of the following cases occurs:
- Entry in the current payroll
period (change of employment status inactive to employment status active).
- Change in legal person on the first day of the partial period being considered.
- On the first day of the partial period being considered, an action starts that, acc. to table T530, divides the payroll result.
The operation places an A in the variable key if one of the following cases occurs: - EE leaves in the current payroll
period (change in employment status from active to inactive).
Note: This does not apply if the entry occurs on the first day of the period. - Change in legal person on the first day of the following partial period. - On the first day of the following partial period, an action begins that, acc. to table T530, divides the payroll result.
XPP0 Rule
XPP0 Ermittlung von Teilmonatsfaktoren (Teilregel) *
/801 部分期间因子 1
PPPAR U PP中的无支付缺勤? *
PPPAR S 在PP中的B.工资变更? *
PPPAR E 月中的输入? *
PPPAR A 在月内终止 ? *
GCY XPPP 用准确的工资类型 A
GCY XPP1 用准确的工资类型 E
GCY XPP1 用准确的工资类型 S
GCY XPP1 用准确的工资类型 U
GCY XPP1 用准确的工资类型 /802 部分期间因子 2 RTE=GASOLL 设置 RTE-GAAU** 减法 RTE-GAAP** 减法 RTE?0 比较 *
RTE=0 设置
ADDWT * OT 输出表 >
ADDWT * OT 输出表
XPP1 Rule
XPP1 Ermittlung von Teilmonatsfaktoren (Teilregel) *
/801 部分期间因子 1
RTE=TSSOLL 设置 //工作小时数
RTE-TSAU** 减法 //SAUxx : Unpaid absence measured in working hours
RTE*KGENAU 乘法 //T_511K:常量10000 RTE/TSDIVI 除法 //整个周期工作小时数 ADDWT * OT 输出表
XCM0 Rule
Monthly lump sums for cost accounting *
VWTCL 31 处理类 *
ERROR 取消处理 0
ADDWT * OT 输出表 1
VWTCL 31 处理类 *
ERROR 取消处理 0
ADDWT * OT 输出表 1
ADDWT * OT 输出表 ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /801 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组 RTE= /810 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /840 OT 输出表
FILLF A 填充数量/编号/比率 RTE= /814 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /844 OT 输出表 2
ADDWT * OT 输出表
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /801 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组 RTE= /810 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /840 OT 输出表
FILLF A 填充数量/编号/比率 RTE= /815 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /845 OT 输出表 3
ADDWT * OT 输出表 ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /815 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /845 OT 输出表
FILLF A 填充数量/编号/比率 RTE= /816 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /846 OT 输出表 2
VWTCL 31 处理类 *
ERROR 取消处理 0
ADDWT * OT 输出表 1
ADDWT * OT 输出表 ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /801 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率
AMT/KGENAU 产品组 RTE= /810 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /840 OT 输出表
FILLF A 填充数量/编号/比率 RTE= /814 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /844 OT 输出表 2
ADDWT * OT 输出表 ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /801 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组 RTE= /810 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /840 OT 输出表
FILLF A 填充数量/编号/比率 RTE= /815 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /845 OT 输出表 3
ADDWT * OT 输出表 ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /815 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /845 OT 输出表
FILLF A 填充数量/编号/比率 RTE= /816 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0
ADDWT /846 OT 输出表 3
VWTCL 31 处理类 *
ERROR 取消处理 0
ADDWT * OT 输出表 1
ADDWT * OT 输出表 ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /801 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组 RTE= /810 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /840 OT 输出表
FILLF A 填充数量/编号/比率 RTE= /814 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /844 OT 输出表 2
ADDWT * OT 输出表 ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /801 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组 RTE= /810 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /840 OT 输出表
FILLF A 填充数量/编号/比率 RTE= /815 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /845 OT 输出表
ADDWT * OT 输出表 ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /815 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /845 OT 输出表
FILLF A 填充数量/编号/比率 RTE= /816 设置
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT /846 OT 输出表
Processing Class 31
分配月总计到成本分摊 -->CYCL.XCM0 0 工资类型并不引致成本中心借方/贷方变化 1 计算付薪的公共假日 2 计算付薪的不工作总计
3 计算付薪不工作和付薪缺勤时间
IT CNCO P68 NOAB Cumulate contract salary for PHF/SI base
行差异码 CL T 操作操作操作操作操作操作 *
-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ 000010 D VWTCL 68 000020 * ADDWT * 000030 1 D WPALL?LAST 000040 1 N ADDWT *
000050 1 Y ADDWT * ADDWT /390
Processing Class 68
68 累计到合同工资> CYCL.CNCO
1 累计到合同工资 /390
1000 固定工资(斗山项目案例) M020 月薪金
XVAL Bewertung Lohn- u. Gehaltsbestandteilen mit Teilmonatsfaktoren *
VWTCL 10 处理类 *
ERROR 取消处理 0
ADDWT * OT 输出表 1
VWTCL 10 处理类 *
ERROR 取消处理 0
ADDWT * OT 输出表 1
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /801 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 2
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /802 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 3
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /803 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 4
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /804 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 5
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /805 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 6
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /806 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 7
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /807 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 8
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /808 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 9
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /809 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 A
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /801 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ROUND 005 数值舍入到下一个 ADDWT * OT 输出表 2
VWTCL 10 处理类 *
ERROR 取消处理 0
ADDWT * OT 输出表 1
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /801 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 2
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /802 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 3
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /803 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 4
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /804 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 5
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /805 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 6
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /806 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识
MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 7
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /807 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 8
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /808 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 9
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /809 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 A
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /801 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ROUND 005 数值舍入到下一个 ADDWT * OT 输出表 3 ****
VWTCL 10 处理类
ERROR 取消处理 0
ADDWT * OT 输出表 1
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /801 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 2
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /802 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 3
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /803 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 4
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /804 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 5
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /805 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 6
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /806 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 7
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /807 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 8
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /808 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 9
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /809 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 A
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识
RTE= /801 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ROUND 005 数值舍入到下一个 ADDWT * OT 输出表 4
VWTCL 10 处理类 *
ERROR 取消处理 0
ADDWT * OT 输出表 1
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /801 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 2
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /802 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 3
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /803 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 4
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识
RTE= /804 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 5
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /805 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 6
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /806 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 7
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /807 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 8
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /808 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 9
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识
RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /809 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 A
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /801 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ROUND 005 数值舍入到下一个 ADDWT * OT 输出表 9
VWTCL 10 处理类 *
ERROR 取消处理 0
ADDWT * OT 输出表 1
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /801 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 2
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识 RESET RA 设置时间期间标识 RTE= /802 设置
RESET * 设置时间期间标识 MULTI RAA 多重数量/编号/比率 AMT/KGENAU 产品组
ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT 输出表 3
ELIMI * 消除时间期标识