significant→ meaningful career→ profession arise→ rise need→ require assist→ help
(1) jumps/ jumped (2) respond (3) career (4) required (5)arise
(6) assisted (7) affected (8) deserted (9) serious (11) scolded (12) significant (13) physiological 2. recover English meaning Chinese meaning
recover your lost date recover my strength recover their losses recover his lost money get back (sth. lost) 寻回,取回,恢 复
recover from injuries
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recover from the journey recover from a broken bone recover from the stress of overwork become well; regain a former position xx;复元;恢 复
recover from a leg injury
recover from two goals down to draw 3-3 recover from mental illness recover from the war become well; regain a former position xx;复元;恢 复 3. Adjectives Nouns personal
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person technological technology natural nature national nation medical medicine emotional emotion social society intellectual intellect critical critic magical magic occasional occasion
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hysterical hysteria / hysteric essential essence trivial trivia traditional tradition psychological psychology
(1) technological, technology (2) essence, essential (3) personal, person (4) hysterical, hysteria (5) traditional, tradition (XXXIII) Task 3: (1) the→ d (2) a→ f (3) the→ e (4) the→ b
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