城市简介及招商项目(中英文) 下载本文

The return of the investment will be in 10 years. 6. Cooperation Form and Content: Joint venture or sole proprietorship.

7. Conditions Provided by the Project Sponsor:

We will give assistance in going through the relevant formalities concerning the exploration of the scenic spot and the land and provide relevant favorable policies. The blueprint of tourism exploration and the coastal tourism of Yueqing City will also be provided. 8. Sponsor Unit: Yueqing Scenic Tourism Management Bureau Person to Contact : Liang Qiang Tel: 0086-577-27812785 Fax: 0086-577-27812789 Postcode: 325600

Add: Building 6, No. 168, Ningkang Rod, Yueqing City


二、项目名称:永嘉楠江饭店 三、项目所属地区:永嘉县


上塘镇是永嘉县政治、经济、文化中心,由原来的老上塘镇、峙口乡、罗东乡的六个行政村、黄田镇的三个行政村四部分组成。全镇下辖83个行政村、12个居委会,人口10.69万人,国土面积157平方公里。近年来,随着上塘镇经济和社会事业的发展,人口的不断增加,以及楠溪江旅游事业的开发,县城的接待能力十分有限。现仅有永嘉宾馆和钱塘世纪大酒店,床位不到500间,缺少融吃、住、娱于一体的高档饭店。建设四星级标准的楠江饭店已十分必要。 目前项目进展情况为规划布局和前期准备阶段。土地已征为国有,地产已经评估,约71万元左右/亩,准备通过招拍挂出让。





七、项目方可提供的合作条件:提供相关服务。 八、项目联系方式:


联 系 人:王贵 潘统才

电 话:0086-577-67222939 67223572

传 真:0086-577-67229118

邮 编:325100

1. Project No: 05

2. Name: Yongjia Nanjiang Hotel 3. Location: Yongjia County

4. Background and Construction Condition:

Shangtang Town is the political, economic, and cultural center of Yongjia County, and it consists of the original Shangtang Town, Shikou Town, six administrative villages of Luodong Town, and three administrative villages of Huangtian Town. It controls 83

administrative villages and 12 neighborhood committees with a population of 106.9 thousand and a ground area of 157 sq. km. These years, due to the economic and social development of Shangtang Town, the growth of population, and the expansion of Nan Xi-jiang tourism, the capacity of receiving guests in the town seems too small. The existing Yongjia Hotel and Qiantang Century Hotel have less than 500 beds. As there is no high level hotels integrating eating, living and entertaining, guests have to be arranged to Wenzhou or Oubei Town. It is vital to build Four-star Nanjia Restaurant.

The preparation and the primary work of the project are undergoing. The land has been requisitioned as the state-owned and the land property that has been evaluated to be about 710 thousand yuan per mu will be transferred through bidding. 5. Construction Scale and Target:

Nanjiang Hotel is located near Guangchang Road of Shangtang Town, Yongjia County. It has convenient transportation with Yongjia Square near its east, the highest level residential area - Da Zirang Kaiyuan Residential Area of Shangtang in its south, Qian Road of Shangtang County in its north and Yongxing Road of the county in its east. Covering the ground area of 30 mu, it is a four-star hotel integrating eating, living, transporting, shopping and entertaining. With the quiet, beautiful environment and rows of trees, it is a heaven of peace in the crowded, noisy city. The construction of the hotel covers 200 rooms

including the president suite, luxurious suites, rooms with big beds, and single rooms, which can be used for business talks and holding large-scale meetings.

The total investment is estimated to be 160 million yuan. 6. Cooperation Form and Content:

Sole proprietorship; the utilization right of the state-owned land will be transferred through public bid.

7. Conditions Provided by the Project Sponsor: The relevant services will be offered.

8. Sponsor Unit: Tourist Administration Bureau of Nang Xi-jiang Scenic Spot

Persons to Contact: Wang Gui Pan Tongcai Tel: 0086-577-67222939 67223572 Fax: 0086-577-67229118 Postcode: 325100