城市简介及招商项目(中英文) 下载本文

4. Background and Construction Condition:

With the rapid development of the economy, the center of Rui'an City transfers to the eastern part. The original No.104 State Highway has turned out to be a road in the city, and become very busy. Thus, it is of great significance to build Feiyunjiang River Third Bridge to relieve the traffic pressure on the city, to ensure the clear transportation of No.204 State Highway, and to promote the cross-river extension of Rui'an City and the development of the north and south connection of the provincial level economic development zone. According to document No.130 [2000] of the Zhejiang provincial government, the Feiyunjiang River Third Bridge and its connection project is approved as “four-self highway project”of Zhejiang Province and has been regarded as one of the A type key projects of Ru'ian Municipal Government since 2003.

The construction of the project started in April 2003 and now the investment has been 710 million yuan. 5. Construction Scale and Target:

With a total length of 18.1 km, including 11.6 km of the distance from the Feiyunjiang River Bridge (including the bridge) to the intersection of Dingtian Road on No.104 State Highway, the project is designed according to the class I highway standard. The roadbed is 33.5 m wide and the speed limit is 100 km/h. It links up in the south with the No.104 State Highway and No.56 Provincial Highway in Sunqiao

petrol station. The temporary connection line will be constructed according to the standard of second-class highway. It is 6.52 km in length with a roadbed width of 18m and a designed speed limit of 80 km/h.

The static investment is 902 million yuan. The investment recovery period: 9.3 years. Financial internal rate of return: 13.46%. The net present value: 1.789 billion yuan. 6. Cooperation Form and Content:

Sole proprietorship or joint venture. Importation of capital and transfer of management right.

7. Conditions Provided by the Project Sponsor: Offering the information relevant to the project.

8. Sponsor Unit: Project Headquarters of Feiyunjiang River Third Bridge

Person to Contact: Chen Qizhang Tel: 0086-577-65822811 Fax: 0086-577-65822810 Postcode: 325200

Add: 3rd Fl, the Auxiliary Building of the Bank of Construction, Ruian City

E-mail: qizhang8088@126.com


二、项目名称:瑞祥新区五星级宾馆 三、项目所属地区:瑞安市


瑞祥新区是以商业贸易、生活居住、对外交通为主要功能的生态型城市综合区,是瑞安城市中心区的有机组成部分,与安阳新区毗邻。瑞祥新区基础设施配套齐全,人口集聚量大。该项目位于瑞祥新区瑞枫大道以南,罗阳大道、文定路、文节路之间。原规划功能为会展中心。根据瑞政发[2006]118号文件精神,现规划功能调整为宾馆用地,土地出让采用招拍挂方式供地。该地块地处黄金地段,投资前景十分可观。 土地已征收为国有建设用地。





七、项目方可提供的合作条件:可参阅项目用地区位图。 八、项目联系方式:


联 系 人:木维

电 话:0086-577-65827916

传 真:0086-577-65827900

邮 编:325200

地 址:浙江省瑞安市安阳新区安阳大厦25楼

1. Project No: 03

2. Name: Five-star Hotel of Ruixiang New District 3. Location: Rui'an City

4. Background and Construction Condition:

Ruixiang New District is an urban ecological center combining business, living, and transportation. It is an important part of Ruian