城市简介及招商项目(中英文) 下载本文

strengthen the development of harbors, transfer trade as well as oil and natural gas industries. The project of Beiji 300,000-ton Crude Oil Transfer Dock Base which scheduled to be strategic storage, transfer base in eastern China and the important rear base of East Sea oilfield mainly conducts the business of oil storage and transfer, Two 300,000-ton berths for loading and unloading the crude oil ships ranged from 100,000 to 300,000-ton in transmission and storage are scheduled to be built. Two 100,000-ton berths for

30,000-100,000-ton oil ships will be built to transport the storage oil. Beiji Islands stands in the southeast coast of Zhejiang Province, and is about 40 km away from the southeast coast of Ou River estuary of Wenzhou. It consists of Beiji, Xiaao Island, Guanlao'ye Mountain and so on. Since its geography advantage, it can be the first choice of building the strategic oil-storing base in our country. It has good harbor construction conditions with the average water depth around it being over 20 m . Also the 300,000-ton tanker can enter the deck directly. Beiji Islands located in the southwest coastline which enjoys good wave sheltering condition to build big deepwater berths. After reclamation of the tideland, it can cover 2 sq. km land area. Under the condition of less population, and quite a distance from the mainland (37 km from Ruian City), huge-sized oil tank field can be built here. The Program of Beiji 300,000-ton Crude Oil Transfer Dock Base of Wenzhou and its feasibility study have been finished. The information such as the water depth survey, the geological prospecting, hydrology

survey and so on have been collected while the preparatory work includeing the feasibility study has been undertaken. 5. Construction Scale and Target:

A 300,000-ton crude oil transfer dock berth will be constructed in the primary phase, with a short-term handling capacity of 20 million ton. The preliminary investment is about 1 billion yuan. 6. Cooperation Form and Content:

Joint venture and cooperation. The Chinese partners invest in cash ,land and coast utilization rights way while foreign partners with foreign currency.

7. Conditions Provided by the Project Sponsor:

The government will complete the tideland reclamation and construction of the collecting and distributing transport road and facilities. They will also afford the right to utilize the sea area and land. 8. Sponsor Unit: Wenzhou Port and Shipping Administration Bureau Persons to Contact: Zhuang Xiao rong Chen Cun Tel: 0086-577-86051986 86061940 Fax: 0086-577-86061931 Postcode: 325000

Add: D Building, East District of Zhanqian, Wenzhou, Zhejiang E-mail: wzghgh@126.com





随着经济的快速发展,瑞安城市重心东移,原104国道的功能已遂步转变为城市的市政道路,近年交通量剧增。为减轻过境车辆对城市的交通压力,实施104国道畅通,促进瑞安城市跨江发展和省级经济开发区南北连片发展,建设飞云江三桥项目十分必要。项目“四自工程”已经省政府浙政发[2000]130文件批准,是省重点工程,属2003年以来瑞安市政府A 类重点工程。 项目于2003年4月开工,目前完成投资7.1亿元。




六、项目合作方式:独资或合资。引进资金,出让经营权。 七、项目方可提供的合作条件:相关全部资料


联系单位:瑞安市飞云江三桥工程指挥部 联 系 人:陈琪璋

电 话:0086-577-65822811

传 真:0086-577-65822810

邮 编:325200

地 址:瑞安市建设银行大楼附属楼三楼


1. Project No: 02

2. Name: The First Phase Project of Feiyunjiang River Third Bridge of Rui'an City

3. Location: Rui'an City