2021版高考英语(译林版)一轮复习基础考点聚焦课后达标检测:选修6 Unit 4 Helping people around the wo 下载本文

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[学生用书P371(单独成册)] Ⅰ 阅读理解


(2020·江淮十校联考) I was waiting for my train and on the subway station’s floor was a man just sitting there. I looked around and nobody stopped so I just went my way. After a few steps, I turned and asked him whether he needed help. He told me his house was one station further and he would only need to take the train there. So I reached for his hand to help him stand up.

He wanted to take the stairs but I feared that he would hurt himself since he seemed too weak to walk, so I asked him to take the elevator. Even though my mind was trying to turn the danger lights on, I put the thought that I should not go alone with a drunken man out of my mind and accompanied him on the elevator.

We arrived on the platform with no incidents. The man’s knees seemed to soften, so I asked him to rest on a bench. While sitting there, he thanked me, telling me that I saved him. No, I said, I really did nothing; he saved himself as he walked on his own feet.

At the next station, we said our goodbyes. Before I knew it, he left 100 dollars and dashed out of the train. There was no way to give him back his money. I wanted to leave it on the seat, but a young woman who thought it belonged to me ran after me and gave me the note.

My initial reaction to getting that money was of shame and I even felt offended. Then I thought he just wanted to thank me, the best way he knew how. Now, my question is—what act of kindness shall I do with these 100 dollars?

【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者在地铁站台看到有个醉汉坐在地上,于是把对方搀扶起来并陪他坐上地铁,临下车的时候对方塞给作者一百美元,作者准备用这笔钱继续帮助别人。

1.Why was the man sitting on the subway station’s floor? A.Because he wanted to go home. B.Because he was seriously ill. C.Because he was drunk.

D.Because he was waiting for the train.

C 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句中的“I put the thought...with a drunken man”可知,这个人坐在地铁站的地上是因为喝醉了,故选C。

2.Seeing the money left by the man, the author first felt ________. A.ashamed C.delighted

B.grateful D.frustrated

A 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句中的“My initial reaction...was of shame”可知,作者看到这笔钱最初的反应是感到羞愧,故选A。

3.How will the author possibly deal with the money? A.Give it back.

B.Buy something favorable. C.Leave it on the seat. D.Give it to people in need.

D 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Now, my question is...do with these 100 dollars?”可推知,作者下一步要用这笔钱去帮助他人,故选D。



A simple project to help a family in need stopped Luke Mickelson in his tracks. In 2012, he and his family were inspired to build and donate a bunk bed, one bed on top of the other, after learning there were local children who slept on the floor. Shocked to discover how widespread this need was in his community, Mickelson founded Sleep in Heavenly Peace, a nonprofit that builds and delivers beds to children in need.

Born and raised in Idaho, Mickelson, now 41, had a thriving career. He coached his kids’ sports teams and fished in the nearby river. But when he met children who were sleeping on the floor, his peaceful life changed course.

Using safety guidelines and his daughter’s bunk bed as a model, Mickelson started buying wood and supplies to build beds with his own money. He recruited friends and family members to help around the holidays. As the word spread, interest and involvement from his and other communities flooded—along with Mickelson’s bunk bed output. “That first project, we built 11 bunk beds in my garage,” he said. “The next year, we did 15. Then it doubled every year. In 2017, we built 612 bunk beds.”

With the motto “No kid sleeps on the floor in our town”, the nonprofit and its more than 65 branches have built and delivered more than 1,500 free beds to children across America. But along with the rapid growth, Mickelson was faced with a tough choice: advancing his career or his

nonprofit. He chose the latter and went from making “great money to zero money”. He’s never looked back. “I found that the need I have isn’t financial,” he said. “The need I have is seeing the joy on kids’ faces, knowing that I can make a difference.”

【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。Mickelson为了让自己社区的无床可睡的孩子们能够有床睡觉,成立了一个公益组织“Sleep in Heavenly Peace”。

4.Why did Mickelson set up Sleep in Heavenly Peace? A.To help the poor children. B.To make a big fortune. C.To inspire his community. D.To get more donations.

A 解析:细节理解题。根据文章的第一段,尤其是最后一句中的“Mickelson founded Sleep in Heavenly Peace, a nonprofit that builds and delivers beds to children in need”可知,Mickelson创建这个非营利组织是为了帮助贫困儿童。

5.What do we know about Luke Mickelson? A.He had his own fish farm.

B.He changed his career from time to time. C.He used to sleep on the floor when he was a kid. D.He originally had a relaxing and pleasant life.

D 解析:推理判断题。根据文章的第二段,尤其是最后一句“But when he met children who were sleeping on the floor, his peaceful life changed course.”可推知,Mickelson一开始过着轻松、舒适的生活。

6.How did other people react to Mickelson’s project? A.They showed little interest in it. B.They were supportive and involved in it.

C.They were doubtful about the safety of the bunk bed. D.They volunteered to buy beds with their own money.

B 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“He recruited friends and family members to help around the holidays. As the word spread, interest and involvement from his and other communities flooded”可知,Mickelson的朋友和其他家庭成员都来帮忙,随着消息的传播,更多人参与进来。由此可知,人们对Mickelson创建的这个组织非常支持,并且积极参与。

7.What is Mickelson’s attitude to the nonprofit?

A.Ambiguous. C.Cautious.

B.Defensive. D.Positive.

D 解析:观点态度题。根据文章最后一段,尤其是“The need I have...make a difference.”可知,Mickelson想要看到孩子们脸上的喜悦,他知道他在做一些有影响的事。由此可推知,他对这个组织持积极的态度。

Ⅱ 完形填空

(2020·广东高三六校联考) Dear teenage boy at the skate park,

You’re probably about 15 years old, so I don’t expect you to be very __1__ to want a little girl on your skate ramp(坡道) for that matter.

What you don’t know is that my daughter has been wanting to skateboard for months. I actually had to __2__ her that skateboarding wasn’t __3__ for boys. So when we walked up to the skate park and saw that it was full of teenage boys who were smoking and __4__, she immediately wanted to __5__ and go home. I __6__ wanted to go too because I didn’t want to have to put on my mom __7__ and exchange words with you. I also didn’t want my daughter to feel like she had to be __8__ of anyone.

So when she said,“Mom, it’s full of __9__ boys.” I calmly said,“So what? They don’t __10__ the skate park.” She then went down the ramp in spite of you and your friends __11__ past her.

She only had two or three runs before you __12__ her and said “Hey, excuse me...” I immediately prepared to deliver my “She’s __13__ to use this park just as much as you guys” __14__ when I heard you say,“Your __15__ are wrong. Can I help you?”

You spent almost an hour with my daughter showing her how to __16__, and you held her hand and helped her get up when she fell down.

I know you live nearby and I am proud that you are part of my __17__, and I want to thank you for being __18__ to my daughter. Finally she left the skate park with a sense of __19__ and with the confidence that she can do __20__, because of you.

Jeanean Thomas, Cambridge

【解题导语】 作者带女儿去滑板公园学习滑滑板,公园里都是抽烟、说脏话的男孩子,女儿想要回家;作者鼓励女儿,女儿滑了几圈后一个男孩主动提出帮助女儿学习滑滑板,最后女儿带着自豪和自信离开了公园。作者因此特地给男孩写了这封感谢信。

1.A.loyal B.naughty