〖精选15份试卷合集〗江苏省南京江北新区七校联考2019-2020年英语七上期中模拟试卷 下载本文

D. They cannot do things by themselves.

45. From the passage, we can learn that ___________. A. Chinese students can wear casual clothes in the school

B. at the end of the year, parents in China have to go to a meeting in the class C. students in the US don't have strict rules like Chinese students

D. American parents don't give their children money because their children can make money by themselves after school


Jobless people just held an Unemployment Olympics in New York. About 60 people took part in the first-ever games in a park.

Most of the Olympians have college or graduate degrees and they didn't expect to be out of work. They are aged from 23 to 61. They have been unemployed for an average of four months and most of them showed up alone. \am I going to bring?\asked Erika Garcia, an out-of-work lawyer. \Olympics are generally cheerful. The prizes are mostly the gift certificates (礼券) to local restaurants and bars. Goddard tried to get free medical insurance as prizes but was unable to do so.

The Unemployment Olympians laughed, but they were not really happy. They had moved into small apartments with friends and asked their parents for help. Three people said that they had cut back on groceries(食品杂货) and had actually lost weight. Some were thinking about leaving the city altogether. They are tired and bored, but on this last afternoon in March they were making light of their situation.

26-year-old Nick Goddard is the organizer of the Unemployment Olympics. He said, \Unemployment Olympics is trying to put a smile on everyone's face, and I think it worked out really well today. \seems like a fun event. I know that most people who have jobs don't realize, but the biggest problem is, you don't have anything to do. So this is a nice try from the usual. \

The unemployment rate in America is now about 8 percent, the highest since late 1983. 46. Those who took part in the Unemployment Olympics are mainly ___________. A. white-collar workers B. people in their twenties C. people without good education D. people who lost their jobs 47. What does the underlined part \A. studied. B. reduced.

C. stored.

D. improved.

48. From what Nick Goddard said in Paragraph 4, we can infer (推断) that the Unemployment Olympics aims to ___________.

A. help people find a new job B. lower the unemployment rate C. cheer up jobless people D. help people make some friends

第II卷 笔试部分


Anthony Hopkins is an actor. He won an Oscar in 1988 for The Silence of the Lambs. He and his wife live in London and they don't have any children. Every day, he gets up at about 6:30 a. m., and he puts on a T-shirt and goes running for about 2 miles in the park. He goes home for breakfast. He has an orange, some bread and a glass of milk. He never uses public transport, such as buses or subways, in London, and he walks for miles, to meetings, to the dentist's---everywhere.

In the morning, even when he is not making a film, he always does something. He usually spends at least 90 minutes learning the script(文本)for his next film. He uses a color pen to mark each line. It helps him to remember the words. He never reads a newspaper or listens to the radio because it's all bad news.

He usually has a sandwich for lunch. He eats very fast---he doesn't really enjoy any meals because he's always busy. The only time he rests during the day is at about 3:00 every afternoon, when he has a 15-minute sleep. 1. What is Anthony Hopkins?

2. According to the passage, how does Anthony probably go to the supermarket? 3. Why does Anthony use a color pen to mark each line?


1. Cambridge is a___________ [sm??l] city in England. 2. My father's job is at a police ___________['ste?∫n].

3. There are six ___________['sa??ns] labs and five puter rooms in this building. 4. Eat lots of fruit and____________['ved??t?blz].

九、完成句子。(共8分,每小题2分) 1. 我的姑妈挨着我爸爸。(next to) 2. 我们冰箱里还有蔬菜吗?(have got)

3. 在教室的前面有一个电脑。(there be, in the front of) 4. 我父母每个周末都要去买食物和饮料。(go shopping for)



1-8: CACA CACB 13-20: BACA DBBC 21-26: BAA AAA 27-36: DDBBD BBADC

37-38: BB 39-41 DAD 42-45: DABC 46-48: DBC 第二卷

三、听短文,写出相关信息。请将答案写在答题纸上。短文读两遍。 9. Bates 10. Park 11. Music 12. afternoon 七、阅读回答问题。 1. He is an actor. 2. On foot.

3. Because it helps him to remember the words. 八、根据音标填写单词。

1. small 2. station 3. science 4. vegetables. 九、完成句子。

1. My aunt is next to my dad.

2. Have we got vegetables in the fridge?

3. There is a puter in the front of the classroom.

4. My parents go shopping for food and drink every weekend.



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。




( ) 1. Mr. Green is our teacher. He loves _____very much.

A. them B. her C. him D. us

( ) 2. Tom good at sports.

A. are B. is C. am D. be

( ) 3. My grandpa is old he thinks he is young.

A. and B. or C. so D. but

( ) 4. I’m late class.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

( ) 5. Jenny’s English class is 8:30.

A .on B. at C. in D. of

( ) 6. ---What does he do?

---He works in a school. He is a ______

A. cook B. singer C. doctor D. teacher

( ) 7. ---Nice to meet you.

--- .

A. I’m Steve B. Hello

C. Nice to meet you, too. D. How do you do

( ) 8. --- are you from?

---I’m from Australia.

A. Where B. What C. Who D. Which

( ) 9. ---What’s your sister’s favorite ? ---She likes PE.

A. food B . subject C. sport D. colour

( ) 10. ---_____ do you like?


A.What color B. What class C. What subject D. What time

( ) 11. It is 7:30. Let’s _____to school.

A. go B. to go C. goes D. going

( ) 12. talk to your classmates in class.

A. No B. Not C. Don’t D. Doesn’t 二、完形填空。(共8分,每小题1分)

阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Xiao Lin has a good friend. 13 name is Lucy. She’s from the USA. She’s American. Xiao Lin and Lucy are both 12 years old. They go to school five days a 14 from Monday to Friday, they have seven 15 every day. Four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. They stay at home on Saturday and Sunday with their 16 . They often watch TV, 七年级英语试卷第1页(共6页) cook and clean their rooms. Lucy likes China and Chinese food. Her favourite food is rice cake. At school they 17 football after class. Xiao Lin and Lucy like 18 things. Now they are making a plane. They like flying planes on Saturday and Sunday. Lucy can 19 Chinese, Xiao Lin is not good at 20 , so Lucy often helps him with his English. They are good friends.

( ) 13. A. Her B. His C. Its D. My ( ) 14. A. season B. week C. year D. month ( ) 15. A. subjects B. matches C. classes D. games ( ) 16. A. teachers B. classmates C. friends D. parents ( ) 17. A. buy B. have C. make D. play