〖精选15份试卷合集〗江苏省南京江北新区七校联考2019-2020年英语七上期中模拟试卷 下载本文



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。




三、单选(共4分,每小题0. 5分) 13. —What's your brother's name?

—____________ name is Liu Ming. A. He's

B. His

C. Her

D. He

14. —Which one is the healthy drink?

—______________________. A. Water

B. Coke

C. Apple

D. Beer

15. They ___________ a history lesson on Tuesday.

A. do

B. go

C. have

D. has

16. —___________ bottles of milk can you put in the fridge?

—Maybe ten. A. How many

B. How

C. How much D. What

17. ___________ two pencils and a pen on the desk?

A. Is there B. Have there

C. Has there D. Are there

18. I get up early this morning, ____________ I get to school late.

A. and

B. but

C. so

D. because

19. Lingling is behind Tony, so Tony is ___________ Lingling.

A. across from B. in front of C. over D. next to 20. We like to play football ___________ Saturday afternoon.

A. in



My favourite club is the football club. I like it best because I'm interested in 21. (A. play B. playing) football and I want to be a famous football player in the future. Besides, I can make new 22. (A. friends B. friend) there and understand the true meaning of teamwork. In the club, we practice twice a week and we all work hard in our training. We often have football matches with other teams.

B. at

C. on

D. to


Is juice a healthy drink? Many people think it is, but scientists don't. They say it is not good 23. (A. to drink B. drink) too much juice. Why? That's because it has too 24. (A. much B. many) sugar and little fiber(纤维). They believe it is better to have some real fruit.


Bicycles are still very popular in Beijing. It is easy to go to school and go to work 25. (A. by B. with) bike. But now 26. (A. more and more B. fewer and fewer) people buy cars and it makes air dirty and causes air pollution. People can keep healthy by riding bicycles. I prefer riding a bicycle because it is cheap and it can also keep air clean and keep me fit.



Simon smiles and shakes(摇晃)his head. He doesn't often 27 or try hard in class. Talking is so much better. He wants to be heard, That evening, Simon starts to feel a bit sick. By bedtime, his throat(咽喉)feels really bad. He has cakes and hot chocolate to make his throat feel better, but he isn't sure it'll 28 .

The next 29 , when he opens his mouth to say, \When he gets to school, Mrs. Jacobs says \him, and he just nods(点头). When his friends start to ask him what TV shows he watches, he just can't say anything. By the time they start 30 , almost everyone is looking at him as if he's got a third eye.

Simon sits in class, bored(无聊的) 31 he can't talk to his classmates. He watches them talk to each other, but he can't even do that. You know what? It isn't that bad. He can really do his homework that night. It gives 32 more TV and game time because 33 is all finished.

The next day, his voice is 34 back, but he stays quiet(安静的) again. The third day, he can talk 35 , but he doesn't talk. He listens and puts up his 36 to speak.

What a difference that one day makes! 27. A. stand

B. sit

C. talk D. listen C. matter

D. time

D. game

D. work

28. A. protect B. care 29. A. evening B. morning

C. week

30. A. club B. class 31. A. so B. after 32. A. her 33. A. his dinner

C. school

C. but D. because

C. it

D. them

B. him

B. his work C. his game D. his washing

34. A. ing B. going C. turning D. giving

C. back

D. fine

35. A. along B. hard 36. A. ear B. head

C. hand D arm



The following is John's timetable. Please answer the questions according to the table. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 10:30~11:00am 2:00~4:00pm 12:00pm~6:00pm 10:30~11:30am 11:00am 10:00~12:00am 5:00~7:00pm Visit Uncle Peter in General Hospital Swimming class Part-time job(兼职) Appointment(约会)with Mr. Green Go to the airport to meet Sam Meet Dave to study for test Birthday party for Kate 37. John has a swimming class on ___________. A. Sunday

B. Tuesday

C. Wednesday

D. Thursday

38. John does his part-time job for ___________ hours a week. A. five B. six C. ten


Snake meat is popular in restaurants. Some people think eating snakes is good for their health. But these people don't know that snakes feed on mice and worms (虫子), so there are many parasites(寄生虫) in snakes' bodies. They may be bad for our health. And we're sorry to see a butcher's (屠夫的) knife is killing more snakes.

An English newspaper says, \Shenzhen, sometimes people serve 10 tons of snakes on dinner tables in a day. \

If we continue to eat snakes, there will be a vicious circle(恶性循环 ). If people eat more snakes, snakes are being fewer and fewer. But mice are being more and more, and there will be few crops.

This will make more people hungry. Who wants to see such a bad thing happen? So people must stop eating snakes. To protect snakes is to protect ourselves. 39. The writer thinks ___________.

A. eating snake meat is helpful to our health B. eating snake meat isn't bad for our health C. eating snake meat is expensive

D. eating snake meat may be bad for our health 40. A butcher kills snakes to ___________.

A. get snake meat and make money

D. eleven

B. have fun and let people eat C. eat meat and build him up

D. protect people and show they are sorry

41. Why does the writer say \?

A. Because snake meat is good for our health.

B. Because we can use snake skin to make beautiful shoes, bags and clothes. C. Because eating snake meat is very popular now.

D. Because if snakes are being fewer and fewer, there will be few crops.


Now I'm studying in the US, I find there are some differences between schools in the US and in China.

One big difference is the clothes students wear at school and how they look. In my country, all the students should wear uniforms when they go to school. Boys aren't allowed to have long hair. Girls aren't allowed to have long or colored nails(指甲). But American students always wear casual clothes(便装)and jewelries(首饰). A British student tells me that students in England can also dress casually in the school.

Another difference is about the rules for parents. When we begin a new year in my school, our parents have to go to a meeting in our class. If they don't go to that meeting, their children won't have a grade or a report card(成绩单) from school. However, in the US, there aren't such strict rules above (以上).

In the US, many students work after school, but students can't go to work in my school because they can't find a job if they're under 18. I think American students' part-time jobs help them make money. More importantly, taking part-time jobs helps them bee more independent. They're able to do things by themselves in their own way, without asking other people for help. 42. What are girl students allowed(允许) to do in the writer's country? A. To have long nails. B. To have colored nails. C. To wear their own clothes. D. To have long hair.

43. What are rules for parents in the writer's school in the beginning of a new year? A. They have to go to a meeting in the class.

B. They have to write a report card for their children. C. They have to send their children to the school.

D. They have to send their children's report card to the school. 44. What is true about the students in the US? A. They can design(设计) their own uniforms. B. They can take part-time jobs.

C. They cannot move around in the school.