1.12.1 依据正确的签办检查外观、功能 1.12.2 用红色箭头贴纸标识所有缺陷
1.12.3 每件样品记录一个最严重的次点并界定其严重或轻微 1.12.4 缺陷严重程度依下所述界定:
Defects and defectives - A defect is any non-conformance of the unit of product with the specified requirements. A defective is a unit of product which contains one or more defects. Failure to meet requirements with respect to quality characteristics are usually described in terms of defects or defectives.
Critical – A critical defect is on that judgment and experience indicate is likely to:
a. Result in hazardous or unsafe conditions for individuals using, maintaining, or depending upon
the products; or
b. Prevent performance of the tactical function of a major end item. A critical defective is a unit of
product that contains one or more critical defects.
Major – A major defect is one, other than critical, that is likely to result in failure, or to reduce materially the usability of the unit of product for its intended purpose, A major defective is a unit of product that contains one or more major defects.
Minor – A minor defect is one that is not likely to reduce materially the usability of the unit of product for its intended purpose, or is a departure from established standards having little bearing on the effective use or operation of the unit of product. A minor defective is a unit of product that contains one or more defects.
1.12.5 1.12.6
对布的检查,使用4分 / 10 分计点检验标准界定缺陷。
1.13.1 如果客户无特别规定,用特殊检验第三抽样水平 (S-3)。 1.13.2 检查拉链,扣环及扣等的功能,每一个样办开/合10次。 1.13.3 记录无功能或不顺畅操作的件数
1.14.1 依照规格,检查样品条形码数字的正确性 1.14.2 尽可能用读码器在工厂检查条形码
- 气味,異味(如,漂白剂。清浩剂等) - 湿气,湿度条件 - 霉菌
1.16.1 按如下抽板并填写样板卡
- 船头板:每一批货一个完好状态的样板。 -缺陷板:代表多数缺陷的典型缺陷板
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- 实验室测试样板,依据说明(指示).
1.16.2 如不能抽板,则注明原因 1.17
1.17.1 验货结束后,即时在验货所在的地方详细编写检验报告。
1.17.2 验货结束后,向厂方负责代表展示所有发现的差異, 展示包括产品缺陷, 色度缺陷, 生
产情况, 備注等等在内。
1.17.3 展示手写报告给工厂代表并取得他们的签名确认。 1.17.4 若工厂代表拒绝签名,注明原因。
1.17.5 若检验未能进行(生产数量不符规定或其他原因),请打电话回公司报告部门主管,以
1.17.6 其它事项的报告
- 天气情况
- 检查环境,在台上还是卡通箱上检查,灯光等
- 包装情况 (卡通箱损坏,潮湿,在复查中胶袋上的重新封口的痕迹等)
1.18.1 验货结束后,带回一套完整的规格和参考办 1.18.2 带回完整的报告,附件和样办给部门领导 1.18.3 在提交报告给部门领导时详细说检验报告
2 服装的缺点列表
梳织衣服 Defect description
name 布疵(断纱) 布疵(缺纱) 布疵(粗纱) 布疵(大肚纱) 布疵(棉结) 布疵(染色横布疵(染色竖布疵(密路) 布疵(稀路) 布疵(厚档) 布疵(薄档) 破洞 布烂 死皱痕 死折痕
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x
Weaving faults-(Broken yarn) Weaving faults-(Missed yarn) Weaving faults-(Coarse yarn) Weaving faults-(Slub) Weaving faults-(Neps)
Weaving faults-(Colour dye bars) Weaving faults-(Colour stripes) Weaving faults-(Thick place) Weaving faults-(Thin place) Weaving faults-(Thick bar) Weaving faults-(Thin bar) Holes Fabric torn
Permanent creases lines in fabric
Permanent fold lines in fabric
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Stain Oil spots Oil stain Water spots Water stain Rust stain Pen mark Pencil mark Chalk mark Glue stain Glue mark
Untrimmed thread ends Loose thread
Dust fibers attached on fabric surface Loose fibers attached on fabric surface
Colour shade variation Colour off tone Glaze
Poor ironing Creases mark Wrinkle mark Fold mark
Unmatched checks Unmatched stripes
Sewn in wrong fabric direction Sewn in wrong fabric side Washing mark
Uneven washing effect Burned Scorched
Over pressed(seam impressions) Stretched shape due to pressing Distorted shape due to pressing Bubbles due to improper fusing 线步疵点
Broken stitches Skipped stitches Run-off stitching Uneven stitching Irregular stitching Wavy stitching
Insecured back stitching
Work Instruction for Inspection of Garments 17
污渍 油点 油渍 水点 水渍 锈渍 钢笔痕 铅笔痕 粉笔痕 胶水渍 胶水痕 线头未剪清 松缝线
Chinese name 色差 褪色
起镜(反光) 熨烫不良 皱痕 起皱 折痕 不对格 不对条 布纹用错 布正反面用错 洗水痕 洗水不良 烫毛过渡 焦痕 熨烫过度
熨烫不良(伸长) 熨烫变形
断线 跳线 线落坑 线迹不匀 线迹不规则 线步起波浪 回针不良
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Major Minor x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
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Loose stitch tension Uneven stitch tension Uneven stitch density Missed stitching Missed bar tack
Unmatched join stitching Missed sewing operation Needle chewing
线缝疵点 Open seam Puckered seam Pleated seam Twisted seam Puckering Frayed edges Folded seam
Seams folded opposite to specify direction Unaligned seam Unmatched seam Uneven pleats length Uneven darts width Misplaced bar tacks Uneven seam length
Uneven collar points Mis-shaped collar points Unbalanced collar Overlapping collar Bubble in collar fall Bubble in collar stand Uneven collar end 门襟
Uneven placket width Incorrect placket width Uneven placket length Visible under placket 纽扣及钮门 Missed button Broken button
Insecured button stitching Wrong button
Omitted button hole
Work Instruction for Inspection of Garments 17
车缝线松 线迹张力不匀 线迹密度不匀 漏车缝 欠打枣 驳线不良 漏车缝工序 针痕
开缝 缝起皱 缝打折 扭缝 起皱 散口 车缝折叠 缝折向错误 车缝不对称 车缝不相配 折长度不对称 摺宽不对称 错打枣位置 缝长不对称
领尖不对称 领尖形不良 领型不对称 领位重叠 上级领起泡 下级领起泡 下级领尖不对称
门襟宽不对称 门襟宽不对 门襟长不对称 露底襟
欠钮 烂钮
纽扣车缝不牢 错钮 欠钮门
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
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