2019-2020学年山东省威海市文登区高二上学期期末考试英语试题 (Word版) 听力 下载本文

Text 6

M: There are hundreds of career options out there. How can I make a choice?

W: Well, before you can make a career choice, I think you have to learn about yourself. For example, you should know your values, interests, skills and your personality. M: How can I decide which occupation is appropriate for me?

W: You can use self-assessment tools or career test. You can find free tests online. Or, you can simply ask a career counselor for help. M: And then, what's the next step?

W: After that. you can look at the job description, educational requirements, job outlook, advancement opportunities, earnings and those kinds of things. M: There's a lot to do! W: Surely there is. Text 7

M: Hello, Julia. What are you reading about in the newspaper?

W: Hello! I was exhausted from studying, so I decided to read the newspaper to relax. Unfortunately, the news is so depressing. There has been another murder in the city center. I'm scared stiff about going to the city center at night.

M: There must have been some good news in the newspaper.

W: Well, there was one good piece of news. You remember the local girl who was dying of a rare blood disease?

M: Yes. Her parents were raising money to have her treated in the United States. W: Well, they've got the money and she's going tomorrow for treatment. M: I'm so happy for the family! Text 8

M: Good afternoon, madam. How can I help you?

W: Well, I am a bit out of shape. I'm thinking about getting some exercises to keep fit. M: Oh, that's good news for us. W: So what do you provide?

M: First of all. we'll design a custom-made work out plan according to your habits. W: What else?

M: Since everyone is different, your personal trainer will find you suitable exercise equipment and teach you all the techniques to help you achieve your fitness level and goal. W: Sounds pretty good. What about the charge?

高二英语试题 第13页(共 10 页)

M: That depends. We offer membership for one month, half a year and one year. W: Maybe one month. Just have a try first. M: Wise decision. You'll find it's totally worth it. Text 9

M: Hello, John Adams speaking.

W: Good morning, Mr Adams. I saw your advertisement in the newspaper for a hostess and I wondered if you could give me a few more details about the job.

M: Yes, certainly. Perhaps I should make it clear from the start that it is a part time job. We would need you from ten in the morning until two in the afternoon, roughly. W: Yes, yes. I didn't realize that, actually. M: Are you still interested?

W: Well, I am interested, but it would depend to some extent on what the salary is. M: We're offering about £75 a week. Have you had any experience in catering? W: I have been doing work rather similar to the kind of work described in the ad. M: Yes, so your duties will be to prepare and serve food just at lunchtimes. W: I see. I'm sure to be able to manage that.

M: That sounds right. Perhaps you could come down for an interview sometime? W: When would be suitable for you?

M: What about next Wednesday at about 2: 30 in the afternoon? W: I think that would be fine. Thanks very much. Text 10

Mark is a leader in an American company. He can work while sitting in a comfortable chair if he wants. However, he prefers to stand most of the day while he is working. \

In recent years, more and more American people have chosen to stand while they are working. There are many reasons. For example, standing makes people pay more attention to their work: standing stops them from feeling sleepy; standing while working makes them feel as if they are leaders.

According to many reports, sitting for many hours a day is very bad for health. According to one report, people who sit more than six hours a day are at least 18% more likely to die earlier than those who sit less than three hours a day. The study was done on 123, 000 adults and it studied them for over 14 years.

Standing while working seems to provide people with a new, good way to live healthily. At

高二英语试题 第14页(共 10 页)

the same time, some professors suggest that people also move around, rather than just stand while they work.

高二英语试题 第15页(共 10 页)