现代大学英语 基础写作(课件) - 图文 下载本文

Paragraph coherence(连贯性)

?1.What?every sentences after the firstis connect to the one before it, to topic sentence, or to both?2.How?clear order (顺序)?correct pronouns?link words and expressions

Narrative paragraph

?1.What?describe an incident or a personal experience?2.How?it is complete (beginning-middle-end)?only important details?as little conversation as possible?link words and expressions

Conclude your own words

Indirect speech

Interesting paragraph

Interesting topic sentence

Interesting paragraph

Enough details

SurroundingsappearancesactionsAnd so on





the type of writing which tells a story: personal experience, imaginative fiction, historical narrative


2.Essential element

events arranged in a chosen ordertold by a narrator

purpose: toillustrate a point

to supportan idea

to explaina procedure(程序,步骤)to entertainthe reader