Differences between summarizing
essayThe main ideas
storyThe main action
In logical order(逻辑顺序)In chronological order(事情发展顺序)
Summary--Use narrationtodescribe a person?1.focus onthe main character?2.briefly describethe main character
?3.desbrie an incidentto display the character and personality
?4.concludewith a remark about the implies
Paragraph Writing
a number of sentences----develop an idea2.Structure
topic sentence& supporting details
a singlepoint
a discussiblepoint
don’tbe too narrow(狭窄)or toobroad(宽泛)
Paragraph unity(一致性)
sentences that explain or support the general statement?2.How
begin with a discussablepoint and express it in a topic sentence
stickand provethis singlepoint ,not only repeat itlink words