大学英语精读(第三版)unit6 - 10教(学)案 - 图文 下载本文

. . . . The first two periods: 1. Lead-in and Introductory Remarks(5’) 2. Warm-up activity---discussion and presentation (30’) 1. Do you know something about Venus ? 2. What dose our planet look like3? 3. Do you agree the opinion “the Earth`s resources are limitless? 3. Background information (15’) 4. While-reading---New Words and useful expressions (45’) Questioning (PPT) Group work &discussion (video-watch & discuss) Audio-lingual Presentation Audio-lingual (audio) Task-based Communicative approach Task-based Communicative approach Questioning (PPT) Presentation Group work &discussion (video-watch & discuss) Audio-lingual Audio-lingual (audio) Task- based Lecture Lecture Testing Individual work Multimedia The second two periods: 1. While-reading---Text comprehension (50’) 1) Main Ideas: (Summary Writing) Just as we have said at the beginning of this lesson, Art Buchwald has meant this article to appear as a piece of science fiction or to be an amusing nonsense story just for light reading. But in fact it is a very serious article, about a grave subject – nan`s total indifference to his environment. It is written from the point of view of the Venusians (hypothetical inhabitants of the planet Venus) who are exploring the possibility of life on the Earth. The author sketches a horrible picture of what life could probably be like on the Earth in the future unless we begin to take better care of our environment. 2) Part Division of the Text (10’) The text consists of three parts, Part I (lines 1-10) The satellite landed on Earth has been sending back signals and photographs. Part II (lines 11-39) Venusian scientists have come to the conclusion that Earth is unfit for them to live. Part III (lines 40-47) The Venusian scientists are determined to proceed with the exploration of the planet Earth. 3) Global understanding of the text: (20’) 2. While-reading--- Detailed study of the text 1) language points explanation and structure practice (20’) 2) Explain the major writing method of text A(10’) 3) Check the answer to the vocabulary on page 31-34 (15’) The third two periods: 1. Continue to do exercise of section A 1) Review the structure of section A (10’) 2) Cloze and writing practice (20’) 3) Reading Skills--- (10’) using word part clues for word meaning; 4) Check Students whether they learn section B by themselves or not. .(30’) 5) 学习Do a listening test. (15’) .参考 . . . . 作业和思考题: 1. Recite all new words and useful expressions in Unit 9 (including reading passage). 2. Finish the exercises after class. 3. Retell the story according to the text. 4. Reading the following poem; My Heart Leaps Up 我怦然心动 My heart leaps up when I behold 每当看到天上的彩虹, A rainbow in the sky. 我都会怦然心动。 So was it when my life began; 生命开始时是这样, So is it now I am a man; 现在成人了是这样, So be it when I shall grow old, 但愿人老了还是这样, Or let me die! 不然就让我死亡! The Child is father of the man; 儿童是成人之父, And I could wish my days to be 我希望我的一天又一天 Bound each to each by natural piety. 能由天然的虔诚紧相连。 ----William Wordsworth(1770-1850) 5. Write a short fiction. Considering the following connectives in the writing. For one thing for another also finally 6. Preview the next unit 课后小结: The aim of this lesson is to make students grasp the key language points and understand the importance coherence.


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大学英语I 课程教案

授课时间 授课方式 (请打√) 第 19 周 理论课□√ 讨论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 其他□ 课次 课时 安排 3 6 授课题目(教学章、节或主题):Unit 10( Reading and Writing course) Going Home 上一课次 教学内容提要 A summary of Unit 9 and some related exercises 本课次教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 教学目的: 1. to let students learn some important new words & expressions and grammatical structures in the text; 2. to make students understand the passage and master one of the reading skills: reading for full understanding; 3. to learn to retell and make theme-related discussion; 4. to review some basic writing skills learned in the book: using connectives, reducing clauses to phrases or words, combining two simple sentences by turning one of them into a subordinate clause, avoiding redundancy, subordinating conjunctions, ellipsis. 教学要求: 1.要求学生掌握本单元的中心思想和文章结构。 2.掌握新单词、句型的使用方法;加强相关听说训练。 3.了解写作技巧:通过侧面描写来刻画人物,通过细节描写来烘托气氛、深化主题。 教学建议: 1.在教学过程中引导学生如何正确对待和帮助有过失的人。 2.提供最新的资料背景知识,如视频,新闻报道等。 教学重点及难点: 1. Some useful words, expressions grammatical structures ; 2.Text analysis and comprehension; 3. Reading skill: reading for full understanding; 4. Listening and Speaking: Unit 10 identifying the main information and giving invitation; 5.Writng and Translating:using the writing skills that are learned in the book; . 学习.参考 . . . . 教 学 基 本 内 容 与 教 学 设 计(含时间分配) 方法及手段 学习.参考