大学英语精读(第三版)unit6 - 10教(学)案 - 图文 下载本文

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大学英语IV 课程教案

授课时间 授课方式 (请打√) 第 15-16 周 理论课□√ 讨论课□ 实验课□ 习题课□ 其他□ 课次 课时 安排 3 6 授课题目(教学章、节或主题):Unit Six ( Reading and Writing course) Section A:Sam Adams, Industrial Engineer 上一课次 教学内容提要 Review Unit 5 and lead-in of Text A- Sam Adams, Industrial Engineer 本课次教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 教学目标: 1. To understand the term of “industrial engineering” and talk about “work efficiency”; 2. To understand the main idea and the humorous narration. 3. To understand the structure and writing strategy: 4. To master key words and phrases 5. To conduct a series of listening and speaking tasks 教学要求: 1.要求学生掌握本单元的中心思想和文章结构,学会在写作中恰当使用从属连接词。 2.掌握新单词、句型的使用方法;加强相关听说训练:Health。 3. 掌握阅读技巧:快速寻找中心大意。 教学建议: 1.在教学过程中启发学生开展关于“工作和学习效率”的探讨,帮助和鼓励学生发现学习过程中的存在的“效率问题”,改变自主学习、自我探究的学习方式,掌握必要的学习效率,培养大学校园中处理学习和生活之间关系的能力和效率。 2.提供最新的资料背景知识,如industrial engineering; efficiency; background music等。 教学重点及难点: 1. Some useful words and expressions; 2. Text analysis and comprehension; 3. Reading skill: How to read a text. 4. Listening and Speaking: learn to people talk about health; listening training on Diets, Culture Shock, the Flu and An Appointment; . 5.Writng and Translating: Guided writing: Shortening the sentences by using subordinate conjunctions 6.本单元自主学习内容:Reading Tasks:Reading comprehension for main ideas a. Learning how to read a text. b. Do some scanning. c. Do comprehensive exercises of Reading Activities d. Do exercises in Intensive Reading Exercise Book –Unit 6 学习.参考

. . . . 教 学 基 本 内 容 与 教 学 设 计(含时间分配) 方法及手段 学习.参考

. . . . The first two periods: 1. Introductory Remarks on “Industrial Engineering”(10’) 2. Background information (15’) 3. Discussion(25’) 1)Topic for discussion a. Do you consider yourself an efficient person? b. Do you think it a good habit for a person to arrange everything in order in his daily life? Why or why not? c. Who does best in your family to keep your house clean and tidy? Say something in detail about it. 2) Discuss: “My Suggestions on Improving English Learning Efficiency” 3) Listening and answer some questions. 4. While-reading---Text comprehension 1) New words preview (10’) 2) Reading comprehension questions about the text.(15’) 3) Text comprehension A: Sam gives a report on his findings and his suggestions with a problem-solution path to improve the production. Mr. Hobbs thanks Sam and gives him some rewards. [Note]: Ss are required to find out problem-solutions in their global readings. B: Structure—Main Ideas of Text Divisions Part I (Line 1-12) When a boy, Sam was the “efficient expert” for the family. Part II (Line 13-20) When a graduate, Sam was asked to work as a “consultant” in a shirt factory. Part III (Line 21-38) Sam was greatly surprised by the degree of disorder. Part IV (Line 39-56) Sam put forward some suggestions for the improvement of production and was rewarded by the boss. Questioning (PPT) Group work &discussion (video-watch & discuss) Audio-lingual Audio-lingual (audio) Task-based Task- based Communicative approach Task-based Communicative approac Questioning (PPT) Group work &discussion (video-watch & discuss) Audio-lingual Audio-lingual (audio) Task-based Task- based The second two periods: 1. Review the new words and do presentation(3-5’) Check the vocabulary on page 131-133. 2. Review the structure of Text A (10-15’) 3. Explain the major writing method of text A(10-15’) 4. Sentence structure practice (5-8’) 5. langauge points explanation (25’) 6. Cloze and writing practice (20’) 学习.参考

. . . . The third two periods: 1. Reading Skills: How to read for main ideas (15’) 2. A quiz to test unit six- Text A (45’) 4. Students learn section B by themselves. (25-30’) 5. Do a listening test. (20’) Lecture Lecture Testing Individual work Multimedia 作业和思考题: 1. Review words and sentence structures. 2. Guided writing on page 151-154. Write a paragraph of about 120 words stating “My Suggestions on Improving English Learning Efficiency”. 3. Preview unit seven 4. Prepare for discussing topic. (1) Ask students to search for information about working and learning efficency on the internet or library and do presentation (2) Talk about English learning efficiency and do presentation. . 课后小结: 做为大一新生的最后两单元大学英语课,引导学生改进学习方法,培养自主的学习效率。结合单元主题“问题-办法-效率”,让学生了解大学英语学习可遵循的提高学习效率的有效办法,明确自己的学习、生活之间处理的效率问题,恰当使用必要的学习计划和解决问题的有效办法,提高学习效率,改进学习方法。
