C: a column(柱壮物)of cells in the root apical meristem D: responsible for the absorption of water and minerals E: the central column of cells in the rootcap. 正确答案是E
3. The region of cell division in a growing root:
A: is responsible for most of the increase in length of the root. B: contains the apical meristem and nearby cells. C: contains most of the cells that are differentiating. D: contains root hairs.
E: is sharply delimited from the adjacent region. 正确答案是B
4. Root hairs arise from cells of the: A: vascular cylinder. (维管柱) B: pericycle.(中柱鞘) C: cortex D: epidermis. E: endodermis. 正确答案是D
5. In what root tissue are Casparian strips located? A: cortex B: epidermis
C: xylem and phloem D: xylem only E: phloem only 正确答案是A
6. Lateral roots arise in the: A: xylem B: epidermis. C: pericycle D: root hairs E: rootcap. 正确答案是C
7. In roots, phloem most commonly occurs: cork 正确答案是C
9. Which of the following statements about aerial roots is FALSE? A: They are adventitious (不定的)roots B: Some serve as prop(支持)roots.
C: They are produced from below ground structures.
D: If in contact with the soil they absorb water and minerals.
E: Red mangrove(红树林) and ivy(常春藤)produce aerial(气生的)roots 正确答案是C
10. Fleshy roots have an abundance of: A: xylem. B: phloem
C: parenchyma.
D: pericycle.(中柱鞘) E: endodermis 正确答案是C
Root and Plant Mineral Nutrition Part B
1. A short, upright(垂直的), subterranean(地下的)stem covered by fleshy leaf bases is a ___. A: corm(球茎, 球根) B: bulb(鳞茎)
C: rhizome(根茎, 根状茎) D: stolon (匍匐茎) 正确答案是B
2. Roots that arise from leaves are termed ___. A: rhizomes (根茎, 根状茎) B: leaf roots
C: adventitious roots D: stolons (匍匐茎) 正确答案是C
3. Mucigel (粘胶质)formed by the root cap functions in ___. A: lubrication(润滑) B: water absorption C: protection
D: lubrication, water absorption and protection 正确答案是D
4. The region(s) of the root in which root hairs form is (are) the ___. A: region of maturation B: region of cell division C: region of elongation
D: regions of maturation, cell division and elongation 正确答案是A
5. The Casparian strip is associated with the ___. A: pericycle B: cambium C: endodermis D: cortex
6. Branch or lateral roots form from the ___. A: division of the cambium B: pericyle
C: parenchyma of the cortex
D: specialized region of the endodermis 正确答案是B
7. A dicot(双子叶植物)root is characterized by the ___.
A: cambium forming xylem toward the central part of the root and phloem toward the outside B: cambium forming phloem toward the central part of the root and xylem toward the outside
C: location of discrete(不连续的, 离散的) vascular strands near the epidermis of the root D: random scattering(散射) of vascular strands throughout the root 正确答案是A
8. Roots that contain large amounts of aerenchyma are associated with ___. A: desert conditions
B: stagnant(停滞的)water C: deep lakes
D: alpine(高山的)regions 正确答案是B
9. Which term is least related to the others? A: epiphytes(附生植物, 真菌) B: epiphylls(叶附生植物) C: parasites(寄生虫) D: saprophytes(腐生物) 正确答案是D
10. The macronutrient(大量营养素)that regulates the osmotic(渗透的)pressure of guard cells is ___.
A: nitrogen(氮) B: sulfur (硫) C: potassium(钾) D: magnesium (镁) 正确答案是C
11. Which is a root?
A: Irish(爱尔兰的)potato B: rhizome(根茎, 根状茎) C: sweet potato
D: russet(黄褐色的, 赤褐色的)potato 正确答案是C
12. Iron is considered a macronutrient(常量营养元素)because it is needed for the synthesis of chlorophyll. A: True B: False
13. The topsoil(表层土)of most fertile(肥沃的), soils has a pH near 7.0. A: True B: False
14. The tissue between the epidermis and the central vascular cylinder of the root is the cortex. A: True B: False
15. Mycorrhizae function in absorption and are associated with roots. A: True B: False
Root and Plant Mineral Nutrition Part C
1. Monocotyledonous plants (单子叶植物)generally have taproot(主根, 直根) systems with one or more primary and secondary roots. A: True B: False
2. The root hair zone develops in the region of elongation. A: True B: False
3. The enlarged root of the mainroot plant is specifically adapted for the storage of starch and other carbohydrates.(碳水化合物, 醣类) A: True B: False
4. Lily bulbs are pulled deep into the soil by the action of contractile(会缩的, 有收缩性的)roots. A: True B: False
5. In the root cap, amyloplasts(造粉体)function as gravity(重力)sensors(传感器)to keep the root growing downward. A: True B: False
6. Roots that develop from a stem, leaf, or other plant part are called A: root hairs
B: adventitious roots. C: taproots(主根)
D: fibrous roots. (须根) 正确答案是B
7. In which region of the root is the apical meristem found? A: region of elongation B: region of maturation C: region of cell division D: root cap 正确答案是C
8. Which of the following statements about root hairs is NOT true?
A: They are tubular(管状的) extensions(延长, 扩充), of epidermal cells. B: They develop into secondary roots.
C: They greatly increase the root's absorptive surface D: All of the above. 正确答案是B
9. What is the name given to the band of suberin(软木脂) surrounding the cells of the