中考英语语法综合练习(附答案) 下载本文


第一章 冠词 ............................................. 1 第二章 名 词 ............................................ 2 第三章 代 词 ............................................ 7 第四章 数 词 ........................................... 10 第五章 形容词和副词 .................................... 13 第六章 动词 ............................................ 16 第七章 介 词 ........................................... 20 第八章 时 态 ........................................... 22 第九章 被动语态 ........................................ 26 第十章 宾语从句 ........................................ 29 第十一章 状语从句 ...................................... 32 第十二章 定语从句 ...................................... 35 第十三章 倒 装 ......................................... 37 第十四章 主谓一致 ...................................... 41 第十五章 反意疑问句 .................................... 44 第十六章 句子的种类 .................................... 46 第十七章 句子成分与结构 ................................. 52

第一章 冠词

( ) 1. I read ______story. It is ______interesting story. A. a, an B. a, a C. the, the D. /, an ( ) 2. Britain is __ European country and China is ___ Asian country. A. an, an B. a, a C. a, an D. an, a ( ) 3. ______China is _____ old country with _____ long history. A. The, an, a B. The, a, a C. /, an, the D. /, an, a ( ) 4. _____elephant is bigger than ______ horse.

A. /, / B. an, a C. An, a D. /, the ( ) 5. We always have ______rice for ______lunch. A. /, / B. the, / C. /, a D. the, the ( ) 6. It took me ______ hour and _____ half to finish ______ work. A. a, a, a B. an, a, a C. an, a, the D. an, a, /

( ) 7. ______ doctor told me to take ______ medicine three times ______day and stay in _____bed, then I would be better soon.

A. /, a, a, the B. A, the, the, / C. The, the, a, / D. A, /, a, / ( ) 8. There is ____ picture on ____ wall. I like ____ picture very much. A. a, the, the B. a, the, a C. the, a, a D. a, an, the ( ) 9. January is ______first month of the year. A. a B. / C. an D. the ( ) 10. Shut _____door, please. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( ) 11. Einstein won _____ Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 12. What ____ fine day it is today! Let's go to the Summer Palace. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 13. I like music, but I don't like ____ music of that TV play. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 14. ____ girl over there is ____ English teacher. A. The, an B. A, / C. The, / D. A, a ( ) 15. It's ____ exciting way to shop on the Net. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 16. She was ___ founder of the Missionaries of Charity. A. a B. / C. an D. the ( ) 17. Xi'an is ___ old city with ___ long history, isn't it? A. a, an B. an, a C. the, the D. the, a ( ) 18. Nancy's sister is ____ English teacher, isn't she? A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 19. Chaffs is______ boy, but he can play the guitar very well. A. an eight-years old B. a eight-year-old

C. a eight-years-old D. an eight-year-old ( ) 20. We often have sports after class, and I like to play _____ basketball. A. a B. an C. the D. /

第 1 页 共 58 页

( ) 21.More college graduates would like to work in _______ west part of our country ______ next year. A. the, the B. /, / C. /, the D. the, / ( ) 22.We work five days ______ week. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 23.---In which class is ______ boy in white? ---He's in class 4. A. the B. a C. an D. / ( ) 24.---Where do you usually have ______ lunch?

---At home. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 25.He hit his sister in ______ face. A. the B. her C. / D. his ( ) 26.---Have you seen ______ book? I left it here this morning. ---Is it ______ Chinese book? I saw it. A. a, the B. the, the C. the, a D. a, a ( ) 27.There's ______―u‖ and ______―s‖ in ______word ―use‖. A. an, a, the B. a, an, / C. a, a, a D. a, an, the ( ) 28.---Did you see my grandmother?

---Oh, I saw ______old woman sitting on a chair by the lake. Maybe she is. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 29.---Do you see ______man withdog?---Oh, Yes,dog is yellow. A. the, a, The B. a, a, the C. a, a, A D. a, the, A ( ) 30.Who is ______better, Li Ping or Wang Dong? A. the B. a C. an D. /


1-5 ACDCA 16-20 DBBDD

6-10 CCADC

11-15 CACAB 26-30 DDBBD

21- 25 DAADA

第二章 名 词


( )1. They got much _____ from those new books. A. ideas

B. photos

C. news D. stories

( )2. I have two _______ and three bottles of _________ here. A. orange, orange C. oranges, orange

B. oranges, oranges D. orange, oranges

( )3. Every evening Mr. King takes a _________ to his home . A. 25 minutes‘ walk C. 25 minute walk

B. 25 minute‘s walk

D. 25 minutes walk

( )4. An old _______ wants to see you.

第 2 页 共 58 页

A. people B. person

C. the people D. the person ( )5. Help yourself to __________.

A. chickens and apples

B. chickens and apple

D. chicken and apples B. rooms‘ number D. rooms‘ numbers B. house

C. chicken and apple A. room‘s number

( )6. Oh, dear. I forgot the two _________.

C. room numbers

A. family C. home

( )7. She has been in Tianjin for ten years. Tianjin has become her second _________.

D. room B. Mary and Peter D. Mary‘s and Peter‘s

B. her uncle‘s D. aunt‘s

B. much experience D. a lot experience

( )8. ________ mothers couldn‘t go to the meeting, because they have gone to Shanghai .

A. Mary and Peter‘s C. Mary‘s and Peter A. her uncle C. her uncles

( )9. Li Lei has been to __________ many times this month.

( )10. He is a success as a leader but he hasn‘t ________ in teaching.

A. many experiences C. an experience A. Green‘s C. The Greens

( )11.______ are going to see a film.

B. The Green‘s D. The Green

B. Lucy and Lily‘s

( )12. Mrs. Green is ______mother.

A. Lucy‘s and Lily‘s C. Lucy and Lily A. thiefes C. thief

D. Lily‘s and Lucy

B. thieves

( )13. Ben saw forty______in a cave.

D. thiefs

B. boys

( )14. Dongdong is one of the Chinese in our school.

A. boy

C.boies D. boyes ( )15.This is theroom. A. children‘s B. childrens‘

C. children D. childrens

( )16. ---Is that ? ---Yes, it is.

A. a pair of glassB. two pair of glasses

C. a pair of glasses D. glasses

第 3 页 共 58 页

( )17. Hong Wei is making a card. She wants a of scissors. A. packet B. bottle

C. pair D. pairs

( )18. These bottles of are fresh.

A. milk B. milks

C. jams D. milkes

( )19. A friend of will come this evening. A. Denny‘s B. Denny

C. Dennys‘ D. Dennys ( )20. This is a big room. It‘s the .

A. twin‘s room B. twins room

C. twins‘ room D. twin rooms

( )21. There are three and seven in the picture.

A. deers; sheeps B. deers; sheep

C. deer;sheep D. deer; sheeps

( )22. Yesterday, Mrs. Smith gave us on how to deal with stress. A. an advice B. many advices

C. some advice D. a pair of advice

( )23. ---Would you like something to drink, girls? ---Yes, , please.

A. some oranges B. two boxes of chocolate

C. two boxes of coke D. two coke

( )24. Whatit is to go surfing in weather!

A. a great fun; such fine B. a great fun; such a fine

C. great fun; such fine D. great funs; such a fine

( )25. The theme park is about ride from the museum. You should start out right now. A. two hour B. two hour‘s

C. two hours‘ D. two hours

( )26. Look at the map. It‘s .

A. a map of American B. a map of America

C. an American map D. a map to America

( )27. ---What are those? --- .

A. They are knife.B. They are knives.

C. They are Peter‘s knife. D. They are knifes.

( )28. We are in modelgroup.

A. ships B. cars

C. plane D. shipes

( )29. ---Whose crayon is that? ---It‘s .

A. Mike B. Mike‘s C. for Mike‘s D. Mikes ( )30. We have on Saturday.

A. not lesson B. no lessons

第 4 页 共 58 页

C. school D. lesson

( )31. Last night, there was a food accident. The _______ were ill, but no _______ were lost. A. child, lives B. children, life

C. children, lives D. child, life

( )32. This is a photo of _________ when they were young. A. my father and mother B. my mother and father‘s C. my mothers‘ and fathers‘ D.my father‘s and my mother ( )33. The new student is in __________ , Grade Two.

A. Class Third B. Third Class C. Class Three D. Three class

( )34. Today is September 10th. It's __________ Day. Let‘s go and buy some flowers for our


A. Teachers B. Teachers‘

C. the Teachers‘ D. Teacher‘s

( )35. The market isn‘t far from here. It‘s only _________ bicycle ride. A.half an hours‘ B. half an hour‘s

C. half an hour D. an hour and a half

( )36. --- What would you like to drink, girls? --- _________, please.

A.Two cup of coffee B. Two cups of coffe C. Two cups of coffee D. Two cups of coffees

( )37. During Christmas, people get together and sing Christmas songs for _________. A. fun B. wishes

C. interest D. thanks

( )38. Some _________ are flying kites near the river. A. child B. boy

C. boys D. childs

( )39. After the exam, we‘ll have a ________ holiday. A. two weeks B. two-weeks

C. two weeks' D. two week's

( )40. They are those _________ bags. Please put them on the bus. A. visitor B. visitors

C. visitor‘s D. visitors‘

( )41.--- How many workers are there in your factory? --- There are two ___________. A. hundreds B. hundred

C. hundred of D. hundreds of

( )42. ---What do you think of the _______ the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven? --- It sounds really wonderful. A. subject B. music

C. book D. animal

( )43. There is not enough _________ in the corner for the fridge. A. place B. room

C. field D. ground

第 5 页 共 58 页

( )44. _________ comes from sheep and some people like eating it A. Wool B. Pork C. Mutton D. Milk ( )45. If you don‘t take more ________, you‘ll get fat. A. medicine B. lessons

C. photos D. exercise

( )46. My school is about twenty ________ walk from here.

A. minute B. minutes‘ C. minutes‘s D. minutes ( )47. Mum, I have _______ to tell you! A. a good news B. some good news

C. some news good D. many good news

( )48. Which is the ________ to the post office?

A. street B. way C. road D. address ( )49. I stayed at ________ last Sunday.

A. my uncles B. my uncles‘ C. my uncle‘s D. my uncle ( )50. Maths ________ not easy to learn.

A. are B. is C. am D. were


1.The ________(child)are talking to their teacher. 2.September l0th is ________(teacher)Day. 3.These are ________(girl)names. 4.They are ________(woman)teachers. 5.We have ________(banana). 6.They are from ________(Chinese). 7.This is ________(apple). 8.That________(boy)is Tom. 9.He has some________(water). 10.---Are you________(student).

---Yes, we are.

11.March 8th is _______(woman)Day. 12.These are _______(boy)names.

13.Two _______(apple tree)are near my home. 14.June lst is _______(child)Day.

15.There are a lot of_______(boy)students in our class. 16.Every _______(student)has a book. 17.Those shoes are _______ (Tom).

18.There are several_______ (knife)in the pencilbox. 19.Mrs. Brown has two____________(child). 20.I want to take some____________(photo)here.


第 6 页 共 58 页


1. C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.A16.C 17.C 18.A 19.A 20.C 21.C 22.C 23.C 24.C 25. C 26. B 27. B 28. C 29. B 30. B 31. C 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. C 39. C 40. D 41. B 42. B 43. B 44. C 45. D 46. B 47. B 48. B 49. C 50. B

2. 用所给名词的适当形式填空

1. children 2. Teachers‘ 3. girls‘ 4. women 5. bananas 6. China 7. an apple 8. boy 9. water 10. students 11. Women‘s 12. boys‘ 13. apple trees 14. Children‘s 15. boy 16. student 17. Tom‘s 18. knives 19. children 20. photos

第三章 代 词

( ) 1. The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than ________ in Shenyang.

A. that B. it C. this D. one ( ) 2. Mr. Green is our English teacher. _____comes from the USA. A. He B. She C. It D. They ( ) 3. My bike is broken. May I borrow________? A. you B. yourself C. yours D. your ( ) 4. Would you like some tea? Yes, just_________. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little bit ( ) 5. Would you like some tea or coffee? _________. Thanks, I‘ve had enough. A. Either B. Neither C. Some D. Both ( ) 6. I bought ___________ exercise books with __________ money. A. a few, a few B. a few, a little C. a little, a few D. a little, a little ( ) 7. I made the cake by ____________. Help __________, Tom.

A. ourselves, yourself B. myself, yourself C. myself, you D. me, him ( ) 8. Enjoy_____________, Mark and Mary. A. yourself B. myself C. yourselves D. themselves ( ) 9. _____________ house is this?It‘s mine. A. What B. Who C. Whose D. Whose ( ) 10. She is a student and ____________ name is Mary. A. she B. her C. hers D. his ( ) 11. She will go skating and I will do _________. A. such B. same C. the same as D. the same ( ) 12. __________ is he? He is a bus driver. A. Who B. Which C. That D. What ( ) 13. _____ hat is this? It‘s __________. A. Whose, me B. Who, mine

C. Whom, his D. Whose, mine

( ) 14. The population of China is larger than __________ of Japan. A. one B. it C. that D. those ( ) 15. Lily is more clever than _______ in his class.

第 7 页 共 58 页

A. anybody B. anyone else C. else anyone D. somebody else ( ) 16. _________ like music. A. Both of them B. Both of they C. The both girls D. Both them ( ) 17. Could you give me some ink? Sorry, I have__________ in my bottle. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little ( ) 18. He has ___________ to tell us.

A. something important B. important something C. anything useful D. useful nothing

( ) 19. Would you like ___________ coffee? Yes, I‘d like ______________. A. any, any B. some, some C. some, any D. any, some ( ) 20. _________ of the teachers are excellent in our school. A. Every B. Each C. Either D. All

( ) 21. Of the three foreigners, one is from London and ________ are from the USA. A. two others B. the other two C. another two D. the both ( ) 22. Which would you like, tea or coffee? I don‘t mind. _______ is OK. A. Either B. Neither C. Any D. Both ( ) 23. Help __________ to some chicken, boys and girls. A. you B. yours C. yourself D. yourselves ( ) 24. ---What do you usually have for breakfast? ---_____ milk and ______ eggs. A. Little, a little B. A few, few C. A little, a few D. A few, a little ( ) 25. Who taught ______ history last year? Nobody! He learned it _________. A. him, himself B. his, himself C. himself, himself D. his, him ( ) 26. There isn‘t _______ paper here. Will you go and get __________for me? A. any, any B. any, some C. much, many D.many, much

( ) 27. The farmer is busy because he has so _______ sheep to keep and so _________ work to


A. much, many B. many, much C. many, a lot D. a lot, much ( ) 28. On_______ sides of the river. There‘re many tall trees. A. every B. all C. both D. each ( ) 29. Whose photo is this? It‘s __________. A. me B. mine C. my D. myself

( ) 30. Who is playing the piano in the next room?_______ is Li Ping‘s brother. A. This B. That C. It D. He

( ) 31. The old man has two sons, but __________ of them lives with him. A. both B. none C. neither D. all

( ) 32. You have more apples than I, but _____ are bigger than_________. A. my, your B. my, yours C. mine, your D. mine, yours

( ) 33. There is ________ meat at home. Would you please go and buy______? A. some, a little B. a little, any C. little, some D. little, any ( ) 34. My parents are workers. _______ both work in the same factory. A. Them B. They C. He D. She

( ) 35. Can you come on Friday or Saturday? I‘m afraid _______ day is possible.

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A. either B. same C. any D. neither ( ) 36. He can‘t hear you, because there is _____ noise here. A. very much B. too much C. much too D. so many ( ) 37. All of us were invited, but _______ of us came. A. neither B. none C. both D. any ( ) 38. There isn‘t __________ water in the cup. A. any B. many C. some D. few ( ) 39. We have _________ sugar. Really?Let‘s go and buy some. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

( ) 40. There isn‘t ____________ milk in the fridge. You‘d better buy some. A. no B. any C. some D. a few ( ) 41. Help_____ to some meat, Mary. A. themselves B. ourselves C. yourself D. Himself

( ) 42. Though they had cleaned the door, there was still __________ water on it. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

( ) 43. The old man kept one black dog and two white__________. A. one B. ones C. those D. one?s

( ) 44. ______ of us has read the newspaper, so we know nothing about it. A. Some B. Both C. None D. All

( ) 45. He is not a kind-hearted man, and ________ people can get on well with him. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( ) 46. I‘m old enough to wash _______ clothes. You should wash ______, too. A. my, your B. mine, yours C. my, yours D. your, my ( ) 47. It‘s too hot. Give __________ a bottle of orange. A. mine B. he C. her D. our

( ) 48. When shall we meet again next week? ___ day is OK. A. Either B. Neither C. None D. Any

( ) 49. Which of the two books will you buy? I‘ll buy _____, so I can give one to Joe. A. either B. neither C. all D. both

( ) 50. The girls are crying. ________ can‘t find __________ mothers. A. She, her B. They, them C. They, their D. They, her


1-5 A A C C B 6-10 B B C C B 11-15 D D D C B16-20 A D A B D

21-25 B A D C A 26-30B B C B C31-35 C D C B D 36-40 B B A C B 41-45 C B B C A 46-50 C C D D C

第 9 页 共 58 页

第四章 数 词

( ) 1. Lincoln was born on ________. A. February 12th, 1809 B. 1809, February 12th

C. 1809, 12th February D. February 1809,12th

( ) 2. A _______ boy can sing the English song very well. A. ten-years-old B. ten years old C. ten-year-old D. ten year old ( ) 3. An hour later, _____ minister was sent to see the ―magic cloth‖ woven by those two men. A. two B. the second C. the two D. second ( ) 4. Abraham Lincoln was _______ President of the United States. A. 16 B. the 16 C. 16th D. the 16th ( ) 5. Do you think there is any room for us ________ ? A. two B. the two C. second D. the second ( ) 6. ---How many students are there in your class? ---________. A. Twenty nine B. Thirty and two C. Forty-five D. fifties ( ) 7. Which number is wrong? _______. A. Ninety B. Ninteen C. Ninth D. Nineteenth ( ) 8. The People‘s Liberation Army was founded _______. A. on August 1st, 1927 B. in 1927, 1 August

C. on 1st August , 1927 D. in August 1, 1927

( ) 9. The number 4,123 is read _______. A. four thousand one hundred and twenty-three

B. four thousand and one hundred twenty-three

C. four thousand and a hundred and twenty-three

D. four thousands a hundred and twenty-three

( ) 10. The old professor still works hard though he is _________. A. in his sixty B. in his sixties C. in sixties D. in the sixty ( ) 11. This classroom is ________ ours. A. three times big as B. as three times big as

C. three times as big as D. as big three times as

( ) 12. The basketball team of our school ranks ________ in the match. A. three B. third C. the three D. the third ( ) 13. Which is the car that he drives? It‘s ________. A. fifty two B. the fifty-two cars

C. the car fifty four D. the fifty-fourth car

( ) 14. Which of the following is wrong? ________. A. He is a fifteen-year-old boy B. He is at the age of 15 C. He is a boy of 15 D. He is fifteen year old ( ) 15. Our school is not very big. There are only ________ students.

A. nine hundreds of B. nine hundred C. nine hundreds D. nine hundred of

( ) 16. ---How many new words are there in ________ lesson? ---There are only _________.

第 10 页 共 58 页

A. five; fifth B. fifth; five C. the fifth; the five D. the fifth; five

( ) 17. ________of the students go to school by car. A. Two three B. Two third C. Second thirds D. Two thirds ( ) 18. There was no bus in that small town. We had a ________. A. ten miles walk B. ten-mile walk

C. ten mile‘s walk D. tenth mile walk

( ) 19. Today is the first day and ________. A. Tuesday is fourth B. Thursday is the fourth

C. second is Tuesday D. a second is Thursday

( ) 20. Which room do you live in? ________. A. 201 Room B. Room 201

C. Room 201st D. 201‘s Room

( ) 21. How many magazines do you have? I have ________. A. two B. both C. twice ( ) 22. Three hundred thousand one hundred and seventy means ________. A. 3,170 B. 3,117 C. 300,170 ( ) 23. On May ________, ________ people traveled round the country. A. the first, millions B. the first, millions of

C. first, the millionth D. first, millions

( ) 24. ________ of them are dining at school. A. Twelve B. Twelfth C. The twelve ( ) 25. It‘s 7:17 is read ________. A. seven and seventeen B. seven seven

C. seven one seven D. seven seventeen

( ) 26. Four ________ two is two. A. plus B. minus C. times ( ) 27. Three ________ five is eight. A. plus B. minus C. times ( ) 28. Three ________ seven is twenty-one. A. plus B. minus C. times ( ) 29. Forty-two ________ seven is six. A. plus B. minus C. times ( ) 30. There are ________ days in a year. A. three hundred sixty and five B. three hundred and sixty-five C. three hundreds and sixty-five D. three hundred sixty-five ( ) 31. There are ________ students in that school. A. two thousand eight-six B. two thousand eighty-six C. two thousand and eighty-six D. two thousands and eighty-six ( ) 32. It took me ________ to get there. A. two hours and a half B. two hours and half C. two hour and a half D. two hour and half ( ) 33. September is _________ month of the year. A. the nineth B. the ninth C. nineth

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D. the second D. 30,170 D. The 12th D. divided by D. divided by D. divided by D. divided by D. ninth

( ) 34. Please pass me _______ book on the left. A. third B. three C. the third D. the three ( ) 35. ________ boyis very tall . A. The twelve B. The twelveth

C. The twelfeth D. The twelfth

( ) 36. We have known each other for ________. A. a year and half B. a year with half

C. a year and a half D. a year with a half

( ) 37. ---What year is it? ---It‘s ________. A. nineteen hundreds and ninety-seven B. nineteen and ninety-seven C. nineteen ninety and seven D. nineteen ninety-seven ( ) 38. ---What‘s the date today? ---It‘s _________. A. Tuesday B. June Fourth C. June the four D. June the fourth ( ) 39. The train from Shanghai will arrive ________. A. in quarter past six B. in a quarter past six

C. at quarter past six D. at a quarter past six

( ) 40. My friend was born on _________. A. three of July, 1979 B. the third of July,1979 C. 1979, July the third D. 1979, the third of July ( ) 41. ________ is less than ________. A. Onethird; twothirds B. Onethird; twothird C. Firstthree; firstthrees D. Onethird; onethree ( ) 42. Which lesson did you learn yesterday? ________. A. Lesson Seven B. Lesson seventh

C. The seven Lesson D. Lesson seven

( ) 43. ―What‘s the date today?‖ ―It‘s _______.‖ A. fourth May B. the fourth May C. May four D. May the fourth ( ) 44. 334 is read ________. A. three hundreds and thirty four B. three hundreds thirty four C. three hundred and thirty fourth D. three hundred and thirty-four ( ) 45. In February, there are only _________ days. A. twenty nine B. twenty-nineth C. twenty-nine D. twenty eight ( ) 46. There will be a comedy on TV at ________ this evening. A. seven past thirty B. half past seven C. seven the thirty D. thirty to seven ( ) 47. It took me ________ to find out the key to the drawer. A. one and half hours B. one and a half hours

C. one and a half hour D. one and half hour

( ) 48. I‘m so tired after ________ walk. A. three hours B. three hours‘ C. three hour‘s D. three hour ( ) 49. There are ________ stars in the sky. A. million of B. millions of C. the million D. a million of ( ) 50. The street is ________ wide.

第 12 页 共 58 页

1. A 11. C 20. B 29. D 38. D 47. B

A. two meters B. two meter

参考答案 5. A 6. C 15. B 16. D 24. A 25. D 33. B 34. C 42. A 43. D

C. the two meter D. a two meter

2. C 12. D 21. A 30. B 39. D 48. B 3. B 13. D 22. C 31. C 40. B 49. B 4. D 14. D 23. B 32. A 41. A 50. A

7. B 17. D 26. B 35. D 44. D 8. A 18. B 27. A 36. C 45. C 9. A 10. B 19. B 28. C 37. D 46. B

第五章 形容词和副词

( )1. –If you don‘t like the red coat, how about the green one?

–OK, but do you have _______ size in green? This one is a bit small for me. A. a big B. a bigger C. the big D. the bigger ( )2. –Mum, I think I‘m _______ to get back to school.

–Not really, my dear. You‘d better stay at home for another day or two. A. so well B. so good C. well enough D. good enough ( )3. –What delicious cakes! –They would taste _______ with butter.

A. good B. better C. bad D. worse ( )4. –Mr. Zhou , of all the students in our group, who lives _______ ?

–I think Li Lei does. A. far B. farther C. farthest D. the farther

( )5. With a history of more than 1,400 years, ZhaoZhou Bridge is the _______ stone arch

bridge in the world . A. old B. older C. oldest D. elder

( )6. Bob never does him homework _______ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes.

A. so careful as B. as carefully as C. carefully as D. as careful as ( )7. A: How can I speak English _______ you?

B: You‘d better speak more, I think.

A. as good as B. more than C. as well as D. as much as ( )8. Your English is good. I‘ll try my best to speak it as _______you do.

A. clearly as B. clear as C. clearer than D. more clearly ( )9. –Is your mother badly ill?

–No, _______ , only a little cold.

A. serious anything B. serious nothing C. nothing serious D. anything serious

( )10. I‘m not sure if I‘m going to Tim‘s party; I may go to the concert _______ .

A. only B. instead C. early D. late

( )11. Although they are brothers, they are the _______ opposite of one another.

A. very B. just C. few D. little

( )12. The new Bright Restaurant is _______ than the old one. Moore and more people

like to eat there.

第 13 页 共 58 页

A. good B. better C. bad D. worse ( )13. Wang Ping does _______ in physics that I missed the first class.

A. badly B. Most badly C. worse D. worst ( )14. I got up so _______ this morning that I missed the first class.

A. early B. late C. quietly D. neatly ( )15. –Do you enjoy traveling by plane?

–No. It‘s _______ expensive.

A. much more B. more much C. too much D. much too ( )16. I‘m afraid the headmaster is _______ busy to meet the visitors.

A. too much B. much too C. so much D. much too ( )17. How beautifully she sings! I‘ve never heard _______ .

A. the better voice B. a good voice C. the best voice D. a better voice

( )18. You do well in your lessons. I‘m _______ you will pass the exam.

A. sure B. afraid C. sad D. sorry ( )19. –Who is _______ in your class?


A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest ( )20. –What do you think of the football match?

–Wonderful! The Chinese football team has never played _______ . A. better B. best C. worse D. worst

( )21. The population of China is _____ than _____ of any other country in the world.

A. larger , the one B. more , that C. larger , that D. more , the one ( )22. There is much wine here, but _______ people want to drink it.

A. many B. a little C. few D. a few

( )23. People speak ______ of the film Not One Less. It is really necessary for every

child to go to school.

A. loud B. loudly C. high D. highly

( )24. She always finishes her homework on time. She ______ leaves it for tomorrow.

A. always B. never C. usually D. sometimes ( )25. The football match was _______, so the boys were _______ about it.

A. excited , exciting B. exciting, excited C. excited , excited D. exciting , exciting ( )26. Playing table tennis isn‘t difficult. You can learn it _______.

A. easy B. easily C. quick D. hardly ( )27. We Chinese always put our family name _______.

A. last B. nearly C. first D. in the middle ( )28. This kind of T-shirt look _______ and sells _______ in the market.

A. nice, good B. well , well C. nice , well D. good , nice ( )29. The light in the room wasn‘t _______ for me to read.

A. brightly enough B. enough brightly C. enough bright D. bright enough

( )30. –Look, this digital camera is really cheap! It‘s only five hundred yuan.

–The _______ , the better. I‘m short _______ money, you know.

第 14 页 共 58 页

A. cheaper , of B. cheap, for C. expensive , of D. more expensive , for ( )31. Which subject do you like _______ , math, Chinese or English?

A. better B. best C. well D. very much ( )32. _______ little water is not enough for _______ many people.

A. Such , so B. So , so C. Such , such D. So , such ( )33. English is spoken by _______ people.

A. a lot B. much many C. a large number of D. a great deal of ( )34. –Isn‘t that Mary?

–Yes, she always has a(an) _______ smile on her face. A. alone B. kindly C. own D. friendly ( )35. –Do you prefer music to drawing?

–No. I like drawing _______. A. well B. most C. better D. best

( )36. Since China has been a member of the WTO, English is ______ useful than before.

A. more B. most C. much D. very ( )37. Can you speak a little louder? I can _______ hear you.

A. hard B. really C. hardly D. clearly ( )38. China has a _______ population and long history.

A. many B. large C. much D. big ( )39. Do you have _______ to say?

A. important anything B. anything important C. important something D. something important ( )40. Which is _______ , English or Chinese?

A. interesting B. interestinger C. more interesting D. most interesting


1—5 B C B C C 6—10 B C A C B 11—15 A B D B D 16—20 B D A D A 21—25 C C D B B 26—30 B C C D A 31—35 B B C D C 36—40 A C B B C

第 15 页 共 58 页

第六章 动词

1、系动词和助动词的用法 ( ) 1. The fish very delicious. A. smells B. tastes C. looks D. sounds ( ) 2. What Mrs. White said sounds____. A. friendly B. wonderfully C. pleasantly D. nicely ( ) 3. The poor girl ____ blind at the age of four. A. turned B. goes C. became D. went ( ) 4. When she was a child she____ . A. grew patience B. was alive C. ran wild D. came true ( ) 5. Her voice____ as if she has a cold. A. sounds B. listens C. hears D. seems ( ) 6. This skirt___ as if it is made of cotton. A. is B. looks C. feels D. seems ( ) 7. She looks ___ she hadn‘t had a good meal for a week. A. that B. as if C. when D. so far ( ) 8. It ____that he was late for the bus. A. looks B. turns C. gets D. seems ( ) 9. These oranges taste_____. A. to be good B. to be well C. well D. good ( ) 10. ---Do you like the skirt? ---Yes, it ____ very soft. A. feels B. felt C. is feeling D. is felt ( ) 11. The moment Mr.Green went to bed, he____ asleep. A. kept B. got C. fell D. fall ( ) 12. When I went home yesterday, it was ____ dark. A. going B. getting C. running D. coming ( ) 13. His plan ____ to be a perfect one. A. proved B. was proved C. is proving D. proving ( ) 14. The flowers in the garden ____ sweet. A. sound B. taste C. become D. smell ( ) 15. He____ like hisfather in character. A. looks B. seems C. is D. feels ( ) 16. It____ another fine day tomorrow. A. seems B. promises C. appears D. looks ( ) 17. She ____ much younger than she really is. A. appears B. grows C. becomes D. turns ( ) 18. You____ very pale. Do you feel sick? A. looked B. look C. looking D. are looked ( ) 19. His wish to become a policeman has ____true. A. turned B. realized C. come D. grown ( ) 20. Her father ____a pilot. A. turned B. grew C. has turned D. has become

第 16 页 共 58 页

( ) 21. Penny and I _______in Canada now.

A. lives B. living C. are living D. lived ( ) 22. Su Hai is _____to Canada.

A. come B. coming C. comes D. came ( ) 23. Did you ______a good trip?

A. have B. has C. had D. having ( ) 24.I‘ll _____you the rooms in my house.

A. showing B. to show C.show D. shows ( ) 25.You can ______your hands in the bathroom. A. washes B. washed C. wash D. washing


( ) 1.John___ come to see us tonight, but he isn‘t very sure yet.

A. may B. can C. has to D. must ( ) 2. They ___ do well in the exam. A. can be able to B. be able to C. can able to D. are able to ( ) 3. ---May I take this book out? ---No, you___. A. can‘t B. may not C. needn‘t D. aren‘t ( ) 4. You___ go and see a doctor at once because you‘ve got a fever. A. can B. must C. dare D. would ( ) 5.---Can you speak Japanese? ---No, I____. A. mustn‘t B. can‘t C. needn‘t D. may not ( ) 6. ---He___ be in the classroom, I think.

---No, he ___ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago. A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; can‘t D. may; mustn‘t ( ) 7. ---Shall I get one more cake for you, Dad? ---Thanks, but you___, I‘ve had enough. A. may not B. must not C. can‘t D. needn‘t

( ) 8. Even the top students in our class can‘t work out this problem, so itbe very difficult. A. may B. must C. can D. need ( ) 9. He isn‘t at school. I think he ___ be ill. A. can B. shall C. must D. has to ( ) 10. ___ I take this one? A. May B. Will C. Are D. Do ( ) 11. The children___ play football on the road. A. can‘t B. can C. mustn‘t D. must ( ) 12. You ___ be late for school again next time. A. mustn‘t B. needn‘t C. don‘t have to D. don‘t need to ( ) 13. ---Must I do my homework at once? ---No, you___. A. needn‘t B. mustn‘t C. can‘t D. may not ( ) 14. His arm is all right. He___ go and see the doctor.

第 17 页 共 58 页

A. has not to B. don‘t have to C. haven‘t to ( ) 15. He had to give up the plan, ___ he? A. did B. didn‘t C. does ( ) 16. They had to walk here, ___ they? A. mustn‘t B. did C. didn‘t ( ) 17. He had better stay here, ___ he? A. didn‘t B. don‘t C. hadn‘t ( ) 18. You‘d better___late next time. A. not to be B. not be C. won‘t be ( ) 19. You‘d better ___ your hair ___ once a month. A. had; cut B. had; cutted C. have; cut ( ) 20. You___ ask that man over there. Maybe he knows the way. A. had better not to B. had not better C. had better ( ) 21. ---Shall we go and visit the History Museum next Sunday? ---. A. Here you are B. Sorry, I can‘t C. Yes, please ( ) 22. ---Why don‘t you ask Mike to go with us? ---Thanks, ___. A. I will B. I won‘t C. I can ( ) 23. ---___ I take the newspaper away? ---No, you mustn‘t. You____read it only here. A. Must; can B. May; can C. Need; must ( ) 24. Excuse me,___ you please pass me that cup? A. do B. should C. would ( ) 25. ___ you like to have another try? A. Could B. Will C. Would ( ) 26. ---Would you like to go boating with us? ---Yes, ___. A. I‘d like B. I want C. I‘d like to ( ) 27. You___ worry about your son. He will get well soon. A. needn‘t B. can‘t C. mustn‘t ( ) 28. The poor man needs our help, ___ he? A. need B. doesn‘t C. does ( ) 29. ---Must we do our homework now? ---No, you___. You may have a rest first. A. mustn‘t B. needn‘t C. may not ( ) 30.Can you speak Japanese?No,I_____

A. mustn‘t B. can‘t C. needn‘t


( ) 1.Where is my passport? I remember______it here.

You did not left it here.Remember_____it with you all the time.

A.to put; to take B.putting; to take C.to put;taking ( ) 2. The tourists enjoy________ on the beach.

第 18 页 共 58 页

D. doesn‘t have to D. doesn‘t D. hadn‘t D. isn‘t D. don‘t be D. have; cutted D. had better not D. Let me try D. I may D. Must; must D. must D. Do D. I do D. have to D. needn‘t D. can‘t D.putting;taking D.may not A. lie B. lies C. lying D. lay ( ) 3.Would you like _________to the theatre with me?

A. to go B.going C. go D. be going ( ) 4. They find it _________with animals.

A. interesting to play B.interested to play C. interesting playing D.interested playing

( ) 5. Would you mind_____quiet for a moment? I‘m trying_____a form.

A.keeping;to fill out B. keeping;fill out C. to keep; to fill out D.to keep;fill out

( ) 6.Grandma said that she had a lot of trouble________your handwriting.

A.to read B.to see C. reading D.in seeing ( ) 7.The thief took away the woman‘s wallet without____ anything. A.saying B.say C. said D. to say

( ) 8.Please stop ____, boys, I have something important to ____ you.

A.saying; talk B.telling; say C. talking; speak D. talking; tell

( ) 9. What about ____ double quantities of everything today? We have hardly time to go____ next week. A.buying;to shop B.buy;shopping C.buying;shopping D.to buy;shopping ( ) 10.After ____ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.

A. being applied B.applied C. applying D. apply ( ) 11. ---Why were you so late for work today?

---____ to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffic.

A.Driving B. Drives C. Drive D. Drove ( ) 12.How can you keep the machine ____when you are away?

A.run B.to run C.running D.being run

( ) 13.It was impolite of him ____without ____goodbye.

A. to leave; saying B.leaving; to say C.to leave; to say D.leaving; saying ( ) 14. ---Why was Fred so sad? ---He isn‘t used ____ alone. A.be B. to be C.to being D.having been ( ) 15.After finishing his homework he went on______a letter to his parents.

A.write B.writing C.to write D.wrote



1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. A 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. D 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. C 2、情态动词的用法

1. A 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. C 21. B22. A 23. B 24. C 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. B 3、动词不定式、动名词和分词的用法

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.C 15. C

第 19 页 共 58 页

第七章 介 词


( ) 1. It‘s time ______ supper. A. at

B. in C. on D. for

( ) 2. It‘s no time ______ school. It‘s time ______ go back home. A. to, for B. to, to C. for, to D. for, for ( ) 3. Mr. Brown comes ______ America. A. at

B. from C. in D. to

( ) 4. What‘s this _____ English?

A. in B. at C. on D. under ( ) 5. Sometimes I go to school _____ foot.

A. by B. in C. on D. With ( ) 6. Count _____ one _____ ten.

A. from, by B. from, to C. to, to D. at, to ( ) 7.My sister is looking ____ her new shoes now.

A. at B. after C. for D. to ( ) 8. It‘s cold outside. Please _____ your warm clothes.

A. put in B. take off C. put on D. put up ( ) 9. The classroom is quite different _____ that one. A. of B. from C. with

D. like

( ) 10. ---Do many children in our class often skate ________ winter? ---Yes, they usually have fun _______ winter. A. in, in

B. on, on C. at, at

D. for, in

( ) 11. ---Does the autumn start _________ August?

---Sometimes it does. But usually it starts _______ September. A. in, in B. on, on C. at, at

D. for, in

( ) 12. I usually play table tennis ________ school. A. after

B. when

C. by

D. for

( )13. ---I like summer. Is it cool ______ autumn?

---What _______ summer? Oh, it is too hot.

A. in, about on B. on, about on C. in, about in D. in, about ( ) 14. ---Do you listen to the radio _______ a long time? ---No, I often listen to it ______________ twenty minutes. A. for, to B. for, for C. to, for D.in, about ( ) 15. When is May Day? It‘s _______ the first of May.

第 20 页 共 58 页

A. on B. in C. at D. for

( ) 16. They will move to the new school ______ next Monday. A. on

B. in C. / D.for

( ) 17. Write the numbers ______ 10 ______ 30 on the blackboard. A. from, in

B. between, and C. behind, and D. from, for

( ) 18. The waterway is wide enough for many ships to pass______. A. above B. across

C. cross

D. through

( ) 19. ---What‘s the matter ____ you?

---There is something wrong _____ my head.

A. about; with B. for; about C. with; with D. about; on ( ) 20. ____ a book ____ his hand, Mr. Zhao walked into the classroom.

A. By; in

B. With; on C. By; on D. With; in

( ) 21. Don‘t laugh _____ him. He will shout ____ you.

A. on; to

B. at; at C. for; to

D. at; for

( ) 22. He arrived _____ Guangzhou ____ noon.

A. in; in

B. to; at C. in; at D. at; in

( ) 23. I haven‘t heard ____ my sister ____ last Sunday.

A. of; for B. to; in C. from; since

D. about; on

( ) 24. My sister is good _____ English because she is interested _____ it.

A. in; in

B. at; at

C. at; in D. in; at

( ) 25. They work _____ a small farm _____ a river.

A. on; by

B. at; on

C. by; on

D. in; in

( ) 26. Some animals sleep _____ the day and wake up _____ night.

A. in; by

B. in; at

C. at; in

D. by; by

( ) 27. Don‘t tell anybody ____ it. Keep it ____ you and me.

A. about; in B. about; between

C. of; in D. of; with

( ) 28. ---When will Mr. Black come to Beijing? ---____ September 5th.

A. On

B. To

C. At

D. In

( ) 29. ____ the help of satellites, we can know what the weather will be like in the next few

days. A. Under

B. With

C. Using

D. By

( ) 30. It‘s very nice ____ you to give me the chance.

A. of

B. for

C. to

D. at

2. 根据句意,填上适当的介词。

第 21 页 共 58 页

1. Don‘t forget to wash hands ____________ meals. 2. Please turn __________ Page 20.

3. Now the students go to school ___________Monday _______ Friday. 4. There is a big market ____ the end of the road.

5. ---Is your brother in, Kate? ---Yes, he is ________ home. 6. My mother is waiting _____ the bus ______ the bus stop. 7. He‘ll give us a talk _________ the history of our party. 8. Mrs. Green will hold the class instead ______ Mr. Zhang. 9. China is one ______ the biggest countries ______ the world.

10. Mike came to China ________ March, 1993. He has been in China _____ 13 years. 11. What‘s the Great Wall made ____?

12. I prefer fruit ____ beef. Miss Zhou agrees ______ me. 13. It‘s very kind _____ you to carry the box ______ me. 14. The students ____ old clothes will go to the farm. 15. Don‘t read ______ the sun. It‘s bad ________ your eyes. 16. I always get _______ well with my classmates. 17. I saw your name _________ today‘s newspaper. 18.Look, the birds are singing ______ the tree. 19. Shanghai lies ________ the east of China.

20. The naughty boy got into his bedroom ____ the window.



1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.C 20.D 21.B 22.C 23.C 24.C 25.A 26.B 27.B 28.A 29.B 30.A 二、根据句意,填上适当的介词。

1~10:before, to, from…to, at, at, for…at, on, of , of…in, in,…for 11~20:of, to…with, of…for, in, in…for, along, in, in, in, through

第八章时 态

( ) 1. – Where is the morning paper?– I ________ for you at once. A. get

B. am getting

C. to get

D. will get

( ) 2. ________ a concert next Saturday?

A. There will be B. Will there be ( ) 3. If they come, we ________ a meeting.

A. have

B. will have

C. had

D. would have

C. There can be D. There are

( ) 4. If it ________ tomorrow, we'll go roller-skating.

第 22 页 共 58 页

A. isn't rain B. won't rain C. doesn't rain D. doesn't fine

( ) 5. Tomorrow he ________ a kite in the open air first, and then ______ boating in the park.

A. will fly; will go C. is going to fly; will goes

B. will fly; goes

D. flies; will go

( ) 6. There ________ a birthday party this Sunday.

A. shall be

B. will be

C. shall going to be D. will going to be

( ) 7. They ________ an English evening next Sunday.

A. are having B. are going to have C. will having ( ) 8. Sorry, I can't open the door, for I the key to it.

A. lost

B. lose

C. had lost

D. have lost D. is going to have

( ) 9. — It's good to see you again, Agnes.

— This has been our first chance to visit since from Iran. A. you return B. you returned

C. you have returned D. returning

( ) 10. — Did you expect Frank to come to the party?— No, but I had hoped . A. him coming B. him to come

C. that he comes D. that he would come

( ) 11. — Bob must be very wealthy.— Yes, he more in one day than I do in a week. A. has been earned B. had earned

C. earns

D. has earned

( )12. — Come on in, Peter, I want show you something.

— Oh, how nice of you! I you to bring me a gift. A. didn't think, were going C. never think, are going

B. hadn't thought, were going

D. never thought, were going

( ) 13.I first met Lisa three years ago. She ___ at a radio shop at the time. A. has worked

B. was working

C. had been working

D. had worked

( ) 14. The reporter said that the UFO ___ east to west when he saw it. A. was traveling B. traveled

C. had been traveling D. was to travel

( ) 15. ― What ' s the matter, Ali? You look sad. ‖

― Oh, nothing much. As a matter of fact, I ___ of my friends back home. ‖

A. just thought B. have just been thinking C. was just thinking D. have just thought ( ) 16. When Li Ming hurried home, he found that his mother ____already____to hospital. A. has; been sent B. had; sent

C. has; sent

D. had; been sent

( )17. She _____her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband ____home. A has left; comes B. had left; would come

C had left; came D left; had come

( )18. Zhao Lan ______already ______in this school for two years. A. was ; studying B. will ; study

C. has ; studied D. are ; studying

( ) 19. Harry Potter is a very nice film .I_______ it twice. A. will see

B. have seen

C. saw


第 23 页 共 58 页

( ) 20. The house belongs to my aunt but she_____here any more . A.hasn't lived

B.didn't live

C.hadn't lived D.doesn't live

( ) 21. Your job _______ open for your return . ---Thanks . A.will be kept B.will keep

C.had kept

D.had been kept

( ) 22.The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous . She ______ before . A.hasn't flown B.didn't fly

C.hadn't flown

D.wasn't flying

( ) 23.---Mr Gorden asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon . Don't forget it !

---OK. I ______ .

A. won't

B. don't

C. will

D. do

( )24. Mrs. Wu told me that her sister___________.

A. left about two hours before B. would leave about two hours before C. has left about two hours ago D. had left about two hours before ( )25. When I reached home, my parents __________their supper.

A.are having C.have had

B.have already had D. had already had

( )26. She __________in this school ________the past ten years.

A.was teaching, since C.would teach, for

B. had been teaching, since D. has been teaching, for

( )27. --- I ______ so busily recently that I ______ no time to help you with your math. --- That's OK. I can manage it by myself. A. have been working; have C. am working; will have

B. have worked; had D. had been working; had had

( )28. Remember to send me a photo of us next time you ______ to me. A. are writing C. has written

B. will write D. write

( )29 .--- I beg your pardon, but I didn't quite catch you. --- Oh, I ______ myself. A. am talking to C. have talked to

B. talked about D. was talking to

( )30. I ______ ping-pong quite well, but I haven't had time to play since the New Year. A. will play C. played

B. have played D. play

( )31. I first met Tom 10 years ago. He ______ in a radio factory at that time. A. had worked C. was working

B. has worked D. has been working

( )32. --- What ______ when I phoned you?

第 24 页 共 58 页

--- I ______ my work, and I wanted to go out. A. have you done; finished C. did you do; had just finished

B. were you doing; have finished D. were you doing; had just finished

( )33. They won't buy new clothes because they ______ money to buy a new house. A.save B.are saving

C.have saved

D.were saving

( )34. The traffic in our city is already good and it ______ even better. A.gets B.got

C.has got

D.is getting

( )35. I used to drink a lot of tea but these days I ______ coffee. A. prefer B. preferred

C. had preferred

D. am preferring

( )36. The vegetables didn't taste very good. They ______ too long. A. had been cooked B. were cooked C. have cooked D. cooked ( )37. --- Remember the first time we met, Jim? --- Of course I do. You ______ in the library. A. were reading

B. had read

C. have read

D. read

( )38. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I ______ the cloth ______ well. A. have told; washes C. was told; washed

B. have been told; washes D. have been told; is washed

( )39. Jim talked for about half an hour yesterday. Never ______ him talk so much.

A. I heard

B. did I hear

C. I had heard D. had I heard

( )40. He ___ articles for our wall-newspaper these three years, and he ____ about forty articles. A. has been writing; has written C. is writing; has been writing

B. has been writing; wrote D. has written; has written

( )41. When he was alive, the old scientist used to say that knowledge ______ from practice and

he gained his experience by doing a lot of practical work. A. was coming

B. had come

C. comes

D. would come

( )42.--- How are you planning to travel to Shanghai? --- I ______ yet, but I ______ taking a train.

A. didn't decide; am considering B. haven't decided; consider C. haven't decided; am considering D. hadn't decided; have considered ( )43. --- Excuse me, sir. Would you do me a favour? --- Of course. What is it?

--- I ______ if you could take me to the station. A. would wonder

B. did wonder

C. was wondering D. had wondered

( )44. --- Got your driving license?

--- No. I ______ too busy to have enough practice, so I didn't take the driving test last

第 25 页 共 58 页

week. I'm going to next week.

A. was

B. have been C. am

D. had been

( )45. With the development of science, more new technology ______ to the field of IT. A. has introduced C. is introduced

B. is being introduced D. was introduced

( )46. --- Who's the man over there? --- It's Jack.

--- Oh? ______ in Italy. A. I think he's C. I thought he was

B. I've thought he's been D. I'd thought he'd been

( )47. --- I dropped in at your house at about ten last night, but you weren't in. --- I ______ regular exercises at the club. A. did

B. was doing

C. had done

D. have been doing

( )48. --- Each of the students, working hard at their lessons, ______ the book.

--- So have I.

A. is reading

B. has read

C. reading

D. reads

( )49. --- I'm sorry, but there's no smoking on this flight. --- Oh, I ______ that. Sorry, I won't again. A. don't know

B. didn't know D. haven't known

C. won't know

( )50. I thought Jim would say something about his school report, but he ______ it. A. doesn't mention C. didn't mention

B. hadn't mentioned

D. hasn't mentioned


1-5 DBBCA 6-10 BBABD 11-15 CDBAC 16-20 DCCBD 21-25 AAADD 26-30 DADDD 31-35 CDBDA 36-40 AABDA 41-45 CCCDB 46-50 CBBBC


1. 把下列主动句变成被动句。

1. People speak English in many countries.

2. We built this bridge last year.

3. The tiger in the zoo frightened the little girl.

4. You must not take these magazines out of the reading-room.

第 26 页 共 58 页

5. We shall discuss the problem at tomorrow's meeting.

6. Has anybody fed the birds?

7. People will never forget the accident.

8. Someone must have turned on the light without your notice.

9. Someone must take care of the children when we go out.

10. They won't hold the meeting until next Friday.

2. 单项选择题

( )1. The People's Republic of China ___ on October 1, 1949. A. found B. was founded C. is founded D. was found ( )2. English ____ in Canada. A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken ( )3. This English song___ by the girls after class. A. often sings B. often sang

C. is often sang D. isoften sung

( )4. This kind of car ___ in Japan. A. makes B. made C. is making D. is made ( )5. New computers ___ all over the world. A. is used B. are using C. are used D. have used ( )6. Our room must ___ clean. A. keep B. be kept C. to be kept D. to keep ( )7. ---I'd like to buy that coat. ---I'm sorry. ___. A. It sold B. It's selling

C. It's been sold D. It had been sold

( )8. A new house ___ at the corner of the road. A. is building B. is being built

C. been built D. be building

( )9. The key ___ on the table when I leave. A. was left B. will be left C. is left D. has been left ( )10. Doctors ___ in every part of the world. A. need B. are needing C. are needed D. will need ( )11. His new book___ next month. A.will be published B. is publishing C. is being published D. has been published ( )12. Japanese ___ in every country. A. is not spoken B. are spoken

C. is speaking D. is not speaking

第 27 页 共 58 页

( )13. These papers___yet. A. have not written B. have not been written C. has not written D. has not been written ( )14. The sports meet ___ be held until next week. A. didn't B. won't C. isn't ( )15. ---My shoes are worn out. ---____________. A. Can't they be mended? B. Let me have a look at it. C. How much do they cost? D. Can't they mended? ( )16. ___ the watch been repaired yet? I badly need it. A. Does B. Has C. Is D. Are ( )17.___ these desks be needed? A. Will B. Are C. Has D. Do ( )18. Why ___ to talk about it yesterday? A. didn't a meeting hold B. wasn't a meeting held C. wasn't held a meeting D. a meeting wasn't held ( )19. Who was the book___? A. write B. wrote C. written ( )20. Where ___ these boxes A. was B. were C. is ( )21. The flowers___often. A. must be water B. must be watered

C. must watered D. must water

( )22. The books may___ for two weeks. A. be kept B. be borrowed C. keep ( )23. The broken bike____ here by Mr Smith. A. can mend B. can mended

C. can be mend D. can be mended

( )24. The old bridge in my hometown___ next month. A.is going to be rebuilt B. will rebuilt C. are going to be rebuilt D. are going to rebuilt ( )25. The play ___ at the theatre next Sunday. A. is going to be shown B. will shown

C. will show D. is shown

( )26. The old stone bridge ___ next week. A.is going to be rebuilt B. will be rebuild C. are going to be rebuilt D. will rebuild ( )27. Now these magazines___ in the library for a long time. A. have kept B. are keeping

C. have been keeping D. have been kept

( )28. The pot ___ for ___ hot water. A. used; keeping B. was used; keeping C. is used; to keep D. are used; keep ( )29. Tea ___ in the south of China.

第 28 页 共 58 页

D. doesn't

D. written by D. am

D. borrow

A. grows B. is grown C. were grown D. will grow ( )30. The bridges___ two years ago. A. is built B. built C. were built D. was built



1. English is spoken by people in many countries. 2. This bridge was built by us last year.

3. The little girl was frightened by the tiger in the zoo.

4. These magazines must not be taken out of the reading-room by you. 5. The problem will be discussed by us at tomorrow‘s meeting. 6. Has the birds been fed by anybody?

7. The accident will never be forgotten by people.

8. The light must have been turned on by someone without your notice. 9. The children must be taken care of by someone when we go out.

10. The meeting won‘t be held until next Friday by them.

2. 单项选择题

1—5 BDDDC 21—25 BADAA

6—10 BCBBC 11—15 AABBA 16--20BABDB 26—30 ADBBC


1. 单项选择题

( ) 1. It's so dark. I can't find out _______ it's a boy _______ a girl.

A. if, and B. that, and C. either, or ( ) 2. Could you tell me if he _______ to Shanghai? A. has gone B. had gone C. went ( ) 3. He told me _______ she would catch the early bus. A. which B. whether C. why ( ) 4. Mrs. Green asked me _______ I would go with her. A. what B. which C. why ( ) 5. I don't know _______ the coat _______ cheap enough. A. if, is B. where,were C. that ,was ( ) 6. Call you tell me why _______ yesterday? A. you didn't come B. did you not come C. didn't you come ( ) 7. He said that they _______ Yunnan.

A. have been to B. had gone to C. have gone to ( ) 8. Jack isn't sure _______ students there are in his class. A. how many B. what C. which ( ) 9. Can you tell me _______ yesterday? A. what they do B. what they did

C. what do they do D. what did they do ( ) 10. I want to know _______ his homework yesterday evening.

第 29 页 共 58 页

D. whether, or D. go D. that D. that D. if, were D. you don't come D. has gone to D. whether

A. if he finished B. whether he had finished

C. had she finished D. has she finished ( ) 11. Do you know what _______ this time yesterday? A. they are doing B. are they doing

C. they were doing D. were they doing ( ) 12. Excuse me, can you tell me _______ ? A. why was the train late B. why the train was late C. why is the train late D. why the train is late ( ) 13. Do you know where _______ ? Someone is looking for him. A. he is B. he was C. is he D. was he ( ) 14. He wanted to know how long _______ in hospital.

A. she is staying B. she had stayed C. did she stay D. she stay ( ) 15. My brother said he ______________ his friend the next day. A. wasgoingto meet B. meets

C. will meet D. met ( ) 16. He told me that he _______ to London the next day. A. would go B. go C. went D. has gone ( ) 17. He said that light _______ much faster than sound.

A. traveled B. will travel C. travels D. is traveling ( ) 18. Our teacher said that the moon _______ around the earth. A. turn B. turned C. has turned D. turns ( ) 19. He said that April _______ the _______ month of a year. A. is, third B. is, fourth C. was, fourth D. was, third ( ) 20. Do you know _______ ?

A. is it whose pen B. whose pen is it C. whose pen it is D. it is whose pen ( ) 21. Can you tell me _______ ?

A. who are you B. who you are C. you are who D. who you be ( ) 22. Do you know _______ of the three? A. which book she likes best B. which best book does she like

C. that which book she likes best D. which book she best likes () 23. I hear _______ the teacher will come back from the UK soon. A. which B. that C. when D. whether ( ) 24. Can you tell me _______ language she speaks? A. which B. what C. that D. whether ( ) 25. Can you tell us _______ you grow cotton in your country? A. that B. whether C. which D. whose ( ) 26. I don't understand _______ you said. A. when B. that C. where D. what ( ) 27. Do you know _______ made him angry last time? A. when B. that C. where D. what ( ) 28. Can you tell me _______ the meeting will begin? A. what B. whether C. when D. where ( ) 29. _______ surprised me most was _______ he didn't go to school yesterday. A. What, how B. What, that C. That, that D. Whom, that

第 30 页 共 58 页

( ) 30. I wondered _______ they had been to America. A. if B. what C. who D. that ( ) 31. You will feel hungry _______ you don't have breakfast. A. what B. why C. if D. how ( ) 32. Do you know _______ Jack left so early? A. what B. why C. until D. though ( ) 33. You must do _______ I told you. A. after B. before C. where D. as ( ) 34. I am sure _______ you said is true. A. what B. that C. which D. who ( ) 35. It has not been decided _______ they will leave. A. why B. when C. which D. what ( ) 36. Go back _______ you come from. A. until B. where C. when D. that ( ) 37. Do you know _______ she will go to the cinema with us?

A. if B. where C. who D. which ( ) 38. The children said _______ they _______ themselves very much. A. if, enjoy B. why,enjoyed C. where,enjoy D. that, enjoyed ( ) 39. I don't think _______ I _______ out the problem. A. if, can work B. how, will work

C. that, can work D. when, will work ( ) 40. She is afraid _______ he _______ cold at night. A. that, will catch B. that, catches

C. whether, will catch D. is, catches ( ) 41. We are sure _______ he _______ to speak English well.

A. that, learned B. that, has learned C. if, learned D. if, has learned ( ) 42. The boy asked _______ I _______ any noise from outside. A. when, heard B. why, had learned

C. whether, had heard D. what, heard ( ) 43. Who can tell us _______about over there? A. what they talk B. what do they talk

C. what are they talking D. what they are talking ( ) 44. We couldn't find out _______ , so we asked a policeman. A. whose bike it was B. whose bike was it

C. whose it was bike D. whose was it bike ( ) 45. Do you know _______ take to get to the hospital? A. which way must we B. which must we way

C. which way we must D. which we must way ( ) 46. Tom asked _______ to school late. A. who did often come B. who often came C. why had she left D. why she had left ( ) 47. I don't remember _______ the boy by himself.

A. why did she leave B. why she left C. why had she left D. why she had left

第 31 页 共 58 页

( ) 48. Have you forgotten _______ when he died? A. how old he was B. how old was he

C. what did he say D. what he did say ( ) 49. Nobody knows _______ to visit our school. A. when will he come B. when does he come

C. when he will come D. when he does come ( ) 50. Please tell us _______ to the Science Museum. A. how can we reach B. how we can reach

C. how can we get D. how we can get


1--5DADCA 6--10ABABA 11--15CBABA 16--20ACDBC 21--25BABAB 26--30DDCBA 31--35CBDAB 36--40BADCA 41--45BCDAC 46--50 BBACD


( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

) 1.I‘ll let you know ____ he comes back. A. before B. because C. as soon as D. although ) 2. She will sing a song ____ she is asked. A. if B. unless C. for D. since ) 3. We will work ____ we are needed. A. whenever B. because C. since D. wherever ) 4. Read it aloud _____ the class can hear you. A. so that B. if C. when D. although ) 5._____ you go, don't forget your people. A. Whenever B. However C. Wherever D. Whichever ) 6. It is about ten years _____ I met you last. A. since B. for C. when D. as ) 7. They will never succeed, _____ hard they try. A. because B. however C. when D. since ) 8. _____ still half drunk, he made his way home. A. When B. Because C. Though D. As ) 9. _____ she was very tired, she went on working. A. As B. Although C. Even D. In spite of ) 10. _____ he was busy, he tried his best to help you. A. Although B. When C. Since D. For ) 11. I learned a little Russian _____ I was at middle school. A. though B. although C. as if D. when ) 12. _____ we got to the station, the train had left already. A. If B. Unless C. Since D. When ) 13. _____ the rain stops, we' 11 set off for the station. A. Before B. Unless C. As soon as D. Though

第 32 页 共 58 页

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

( (

) 14. She was _____ tired _____ she could not move an inch. A. so, that B. such, that C. very, that D. so, as ) 15. We didn‘t go home _____ we finished the work. A. since B. until C. because D. though ) 16. I'll stay here _____ everyone else comes back. A. even if B. as though C. because D. until ) 17. Although it's raining, _____ are still working in the field. A. they B. but they C. and they D. so they ) 18. Speak to him slowly _____ he may understand you better. A. since B. so that C. for D. because ) 19. You'll miss the train ______ you hurry up. A. unless B. as C. if D. until

) 20. When you read the book, you' d better make a mark _____ you have any questions. A. at which B. at where C. the place D. where ) 21. We'd better hurry ______ it is getting dark. A. and B. but C. as D. unless ) 22. I didn' t manage to do it _____ you had explained how. A. until B. unless C. when D. before ) 23._____ he comes, we won't be able to go. A. Without B. Unless C. Except D. Even ) 24. I hurried _____ I wouldn't be late for class. A. since B. so that C. as if D. unless ) 25. _____ I catch a cold, I have pain in my back. A. Every time B. Though C. Even D. Where ) 26. Pay more attention to your composition _____ there are mistakes. A. when B. where C. though D. however ) 27. Bring it nearer _____ I may see it better. A. although B. even though C. so that D. since ) 28. You may arrive in Beijing early _____ you mind taking the night train. A. that B. though C. unless D. if

) 29. Helen listened carefully _____ she might discover exactly what she needed. A. in that B. in order that C. in case D. even though ) 30. More people will eat out in restaurants _____ they do today. A. than B. when C. while D. as

) 31._____ hard she tries, she can hardly avoid making mistakes in her homework. A. Much B. However C. As D. Although ) 32. _____ the home may be poor, all the people like their homes. A. Though B. Through C. But D. When ) 33. The child was __ immediately after supper. A. enough tired to go to bed B. too tired to go to bed C. so tired that he went to bed D. very tired, he went to bed ) 34. The history of nursing __ the history of man. A. as old as B. is old than C. that is as old as D. is as old as

) 35. _____ born in Chicago, the author was famous for his stories about New York.

第 33 页 共 58 页

A. Since B. Once C. When D. Although

( ) 36._____ we stood at the top of the building, the people below were hardly visible.

A. As B. Although C. Unless D. In spite of ( ) 37. Scarcely was George Washington in his teens _____ his father died.

A. than B. as C. while D. when ( ) 38. _____ David goes, he is welcome.

A. Whichever B. However C. Wherever D. Whatever ( ) 39. The house stood _____ there had been a rock.

A. which B. at which C. when D. where ( ) 40. _____ it is small, the pen is a most useful tool.

A. Because B. Even though C. Even D. As

( ) 41. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _____ tractors in 1988 as the year before.

A. as twice many B. as many twice C. twice as many D. twice many as ( ) 42. The piano in the other shop will be _____, but _____.

A. cheaper; not as better B. more cheap; not as better C. cheaper; not as good D. more cheap; not as good ( ) 43. John plays football _____, if not better than, David.

A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as ( ) 44. Although he is considered a great writer,

A. his works are not widely read B. but his works are not widely read C. however his works are not widely read D. still his works are not widely read ( ) 45. ___ the day went on, the weather got worse.

A. With B. Since C. While D. As ( ) 46.—What was the party like?

—Wonderful. It' s years _____ I enjoyed myself so much.

A. after B. when C. before D. since

( ) 47. She didn‘t take off her dark glasses _____ I realized she was a famous film star.

A. that B. until C. when D. then ( ) 48. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _____ great it is.

A. what B. how C. however D. whatever

( ) 49. After the war, a new school building was put up _____ there had once been a theatre.

A. that B. where C. which D. when ( ) 50._____, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

A. However late is he B. However he is late C. However is he late D. However late he is


1-5 CADAC 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 DDCAB 16-20 DABAD 21-25 CABBA 26-30 BCCBD 31-35 BACDD 36-40 ADCDD 41-45 CCBAD 46-50 DBCBD

第 34 页 共 58 页


1. 单项选择题

( ) 1. ---Who is the man _______ was talking to our English teacher? ---Oh! It‘s Mr. Baker, our maths teacher. A. he A. who

B. that

C. whom D. which

D. where D. whom

( ) 2. I hate the people ________ don‘t help others when they are in trouble.

B. which C. they

( ) 3. The foreigner _________ visited our school is from Canada. A. which B. when C. who

( ) 4. George Mallory was an English school teacher _______ loved climbing. A. who B. whom C. he D. which ( ) 5. This is the place _____I have ever visited.

A. there B. when C. where D. which ( ) 6. Nobody knows the reason ______ she didn‘t come to the meeting. A. that B. which C. why D. when ( ) 7. The moon is a world ______ there is no life. A. that B. which C. where D. why ( ) 8. He has forgotten the day _______ he arrived. A. when B. where C. that D. which ( ) 9. He still remembers the days ______ he spent with your family. A. when B. where C. that D. on which ( ) 10. Mr. White, ______ car had been stolen, came to the policeman. A. who B. that C. whose D. which

( ) 11. He got to the village _______ his family once lived before liberation. A. that B. which C. when D. where ( ) 12. This is the house _______ I want to buy. A. in which B. that C. whose D. where

( ) 13. This is the house _______ our beloved Premier Zhou once lived and worked. A. which B. that C. when D. where ( ) 14. He didn‘t tell me the place _______ he was born. A. that B. which C. when D. where

( ) 15. He lived in a small village, ______ was a long way from the railway station. A. that B. which C. where D. when

( ) 16. I work in a business ________ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance. A. how B. which C. where D. that

( ) 17. Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, _______, of course, made the others envy him.

A. who B. that C. what D. which

( ) 18. American women usually identify their best friend as someone ________ they can talkfrequently.

A. who B. as C. about which D. with whom

第 35 页 共 58 页

( ) 19. The film brought the hours back to me ________ I was taken good care of in that far-away village.

A. until B. that C. when D. where

( ) 20. The famous scientist grew up________ he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai. A. when B. whenever C. where D. wherever

( ) 21. A story goes ________ Elizabeth I of England liked nothing more than being surroundedby clever and qualified noblemen at court.

A. when B. where C. what D. that

( ) 22. The Parkers bought a new house but ________ will need a lot of work before they canmove in.

A. they B. it C. one D. which ( ) 23. Is this factory ______ you worked at? A. the one B. which C. that D. where ( ) 24. Is this the factory _______ you worked? A. where B. which C. that D. the one ( ) 25. ---Does the teacher know everybody _______ planted the trees? ---Yes, he does.

A. which B. whose C. where D. who

( ) 26. The letter _______ I received from him yesterday is very important. A. who B. where C. what D. that ( ) 27. ---Where is the scientist ________ gave us the talk yesterday? ---He has gone back to Qinghua University.

A. whom B. who C. whose D. which ( ) 28. I hate people _______ talk much but do little.

A. whose B. whom C. which D. who ( ) 29. Do you know a boy ______ sister is a nurse in a hospital? A. who B. that C. whom D. whose

( ) 30. Is there a shop near here______ we can buy vegetables and fruits? A. which B. when C. who D. where

二、填入适当的关系代词或关系副词完成下列句子。 1. The boys________ are playing football are from Class One.

2. Those ______ want to go to the museum must be at the school gate at 7 tomorrow. 3. Mr Liu is the person ________ you talked about on the bus. 4. The professor ________ you are waiting for has come. 5. Football is a game _______is liked by most boys.

6. He likes to read books ________ are written by foreign writers. 7. This is the pen _______ he bought yesterday.

8. We‘ll go to hear the famous singer _______ we have often talked. 9. Where is the man _________ I saw this morning? 10. The season_________ comes after spring is summer.

11. I visited a scientist ________ name is known all over the country. 12. He has a friend ______ father is a doctor.

13. I once lived in the house _____ roof has fallen in.

14. I still remember the day _____ I first came to this school. 15. The time _______ we got together finally arrived.

第 36 页 共 58 页

16. Shanghai is the city ______ I was born.

17. The house ______ I lived ten years ago has been pulled down. 18. Please tell me the reason ______ you missed the plane. 19. The reason ____ he was punished is unknown to us. 20. All the people ______are present burst into tears.

21. There are about seven million people taking part in the election, most of _______ arewell educated.

22. He succeeded in the competition, _____ made his parents very happy. 23. The school ______ he once studied is very famous.

24. Tomorrow I‘ll bring here the magazine _______ you asked. 25. This is the boy ________I played tennis with yesterday.


1. 单项填空

1-5 BACAD 6-10 CCACC 11-15 DBDDB 16-20 CDDCC 21-25 DBAAD 26-30 DBDDD

2. 填入适当的关系代词或关系副词完成下列句子 1. who 2. who 3. whom 4. whom 5. which 6. which 7. which 8. about whom 9. whom 10. which 11. whose 12. whose 13. whose 14. when 15. when 16. where 17. where 18. why 19. why 20. that 21. whom 22. which 23. where 24. that 25. whom


( ) 1. Look,________.

A. here the bus comes C. here comes the bus A. there she is

B. here is the bus coning D. here the bus is coming

D. here it is

( ) 2. —Where is Kate? —Look,_______, she is at the school gate.

B. there is she C. here you are

B. In did come the teacher.

D. In came the teacher.

C. he rushed

D.he did rush

( ) 3. Which of the following sentences is correct?

A. In the teacher came. C. In did the teacher come. A. did he rush A. As he is poor C. Poor as he is

( ) 4. Out _____, with a stick in his hand.

B. rushed he

( ) 5. _______, he is honest.

B. Poor is he D. Poor as is he

B. Child as he is D.Child as is he

( ) 6. ________, he knows a lot of things.

A. A child as he is C. A child as is he

第 37 页 共 58 页

( ) 7. _____, you can‘t lift yourself up.

A. Even you‘re strong C. How strong you are A. he drives

B. Strong as you are

D. In spite you‘re strong

( ) 8. So carelessly ________that he almost killed himself.

B. he drove B. came; that

C. does he drive D. did he drive C. comes; that D. came; what

D. did you learn

( ) 9. Early in the day ____the news _____the enemy were gone.

A. come; that A. you can learn

( ) 10. Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages_____ them well.

B. can you learn C. you learned

( ) 11. Only after liberation _____ to be treated as human beings.

A. did they begin B. they had begun C. they did begin D. had they begun

( ) 12. Not only ____ to stay at home, but he was also forbidden to see his friends.

A. he was forcing C. was he forcing A. can John go C. could John go

B. he was forced

D. was he forced

( ) 13. Not until his father was out of prison____ to school.

B. John can go D. John could go

C. have I

D. shall I

( ) 14. Never before _____ seen such a stupid man.

A. am I B. was I ( ) 15. Rarely ____such a silly thing.

A. have I heard of C. am I heard of A. he cared

B. I have heard of D. had I heard of

( ) 16. Little _____ about his own health though he was very ill.

B. did he care C. does he care D. he cares

B. was the match over; were they D. the match was over; were they

( ) 17. Only when _____ in the afternoon____ able to leave.

A. the match was over; they were C. was the match over; they were A. had I sat; than C. had I sat; then A. she had fallen

( ) 18. Hardly ____ down ____ he stepped in.

B. I had sat; when D. had I sat; when

D. had she fell

( ) 19. No sooner _____asleep than she heard a knock at the door.

B. had she fallen C. she had fell

( ) 20. She did not see Smith. ________.

A. Neither did I B. Nor didn‘t I C. Neither I did D. So didn‘t I ( ) 21. In front of the farmhouse ______.

A. lay a peasant boy C. a peasant lay

B. laid a peasant boy D. did a peasant boy lie

第 38 页 共 58 页

( ) 22. —You ought to have given them some advice.

—_____, but who cared what I said ? A. So ought you A. It was so. A. is he fit

B. So I ought B. So was it. B. he is fit

C. So did you D. So I did C. So it was. C. he fit

D. So it did D. fit be

( ) 23. —It was hot yesterday. —_____. ( ) 24. No longer _____ to be monitor of the class. ( ) 25. —You like football very much. —________.

A. So do I C. I do too A. you can

B. So I do

D.It is the same with me B. can you

C. you will

D. will you

( ) 26. Only by practicing a few hours every day___ be able to master the language. ( ) 27. Hardly _____ the bus stop ___ the bus arrived.

A. we had got to; when C. had we got to; than A. he is coming C. comes he

B. we had got to; then D. had we got to; when

( ) 28. —Where is your brother? —There ______.

B. he comes

D.does he come

B. If you did come

D.Hadyou come

( ) 29. _____ earlier you would have met him.

A. If you came C. Did you come

( ) 30. Not only ____ polluted but ____crowded.

A. was the city; were the street C. was the city; the streets were A. So is Li Ming

B. the city was; were the street D. the city was; the streets were

B. So does Li Ming D. So it is with Li Ming

D. comes

( ) 31. She is a teacher and works at the college. _______.

C. So is it with Li Ming A. there is

( ) 32. Now ___ Tom‘s turn to recite the text.

B. is going

C. has come

( ) 33. Hearing the cat coming, off_____.

A. fled all the mice

B. away fled the mice

C. all the mice fled away A. Had he practiced

D. fleeing all the mice B. Did he practice D. Were he to practice B. two houses were D. are two houses

( ) 34. _______ speaking English every day, he would speak it well enough now.

C. Should he practice A. was two houses C. were two houses

( ) 35. Nearby _____ in which they had spent their summer vacation.

第 39 页 共 58 页

( ) 36. Not only a writer but also ______ here.

A. an actor was wanted C. an actor were wanted A. was I; could hardly

B. was an actor wanted D. were an actor wanted

B. was I felt; could hardly

( ) 37. So tired ____ after a whole day‘s heavy work that I ____ stand on my feet.

C. was I; couldn‘t hardly A. we are sure to C. that we can A. did we hear

D. I was; hardly couldn‘t B. can we D. that can we

B. we heard

( ) 38. Only in this way_____expect to get over so many difficulties.

( ) 39. After that we never saw her again, nor ________ from her.

C. has we heard A. didn‘t I realize

D.wehave heard

C. I didn‘t realize D. I realize B. nor do I care

( ) 40. Not until I began to work _____ how much time I had wasted.

B. did I realize

( ) 41. —Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother? —I don‘t know, _____.

A. nor don‘t I care C. I don‘t care neither

D. I don‘t care also

( ) 42. You can‘t imagine ______ when they received these nice Christmas presents.

A. how they were excited C. how excited were they

B. how excited they were D. they were how excited B. the villagers realized

D. didn‘t the villagers realize

C. he cares D. he cared B. So he has; so have you D. So has he; so you have

( ) 43. Not until all the fish died in the river _____ how serious the pollution was.

A. did the villagers realize C. the villagers did realized A. does he care

( ) 44. Little _____ about his own safety, though he was in great danger himself.

B. did he care

( ) 45. —David has made great progress recently. —_______, and _______.

A. So he has; so you have C. So has he; so have

—My God! ______. A. So did I

B. So I did D. So did you

B. sang she

C. So were you A. she sang

( ) 46. —It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night.

( ) 47. Not a single song ________ at yesterday‘s party.

C. did she sing people.

A. Only then

B. It is only then

D. she did sing

( ) 48. _____ the people have become masters of their own country can science really serve the

第 40 页 共 58 页

C. Only when A. it was

D. It is only when

D. was it

( ) 49. Not only _______ difficult to understand, but it was too long.

B. it made C. did it make

B. does the match start D. the match had started 11-20 31-40


( ) 50. Only when the rain stopped _____ again.

A. the match started C. did the match start 1-10 21-30 41-50





( ) 1. Miss Huang together with her friends ____ shopping every Sunday evening. A. go B. went C. going D. goes ( ) 2. The United Nations ____ in 1945. A. are set up B. were set up C. was set up D. is set up ( ) 3. The nations of Western Europe ____ worth learning from. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( ) 4. ---How many students are there in your class? --- ____ the students in our class ____ over fifty. A. The number of; is B. The number of; are C. A number of; is D. A number of; are ( ) 5. There ____ some foreign visitors taking a walk in the park. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( ) 6. Everyone except Tom and John ____ there when the meeting began. A. was B. were C. is D. are ( ) 7. Each of the students ____ a dictionary. A. have B. has C. is D. are ( ) 8. The bread and the butter ____ their main food. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( ) 9. The Greens ____ France since the spring of 1990. A. have been to B. have been in C. has been to D. had been in ( ) 10. ---How many teachers are there in your school? ---About 150. One third of them ____ men teachers. A. have B. has C. are D. is ( ) 11. When and where to go for the holiday ____ yet. A. have not been decided B. is not decided C. are not decided D. has not been decided ( ) 12. How time flies! Three years ____ really a short time. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( ) 13. ---Do you know ____ the population of Yunnan____ ?

第 41 页 共 58 页

--- Yes. It‘s about forty-three million. A. how many; is B. what; is C. how much; is D. what; are ( ) 14. Your trousers ____ dirty, you must have ____ washed. A. is, them B. are, it C. are, them D. is, it ( ) 15. Not only the student but also Mr. Smith ____ tired of having one examination. A. be B. are C. was D. were

( ) 16. My brother asked me ten questions. The first five were easy, but the rest ____ difficult. A. were B. are C. was D. is ( ) 17. The poor ____ happy; but the rich ____ sad. A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is ( ) 18. Gone with the wind ____ very great. A. have B. has C. are D. is ( ) 19. Each boy and each girl ____ hard. A. are working B. has worked C. is working D. have worked ( ) 20. Many a man ____ had that kind of experience.

A. have B. has C. is D. are ( ) 21. No food and no water ____ in the house. A. is B. has C. are D. have ( ) 22. John and his uncle ____ going hiking tomorrow. A. be B. am C. is D. are ( ) 23. When ____ the United Nations founded? A. is B. was C. are D. were ( ) 24. Either my friends or I ____ going to the library on Monday. A. is B. be C. am D. are ( ) 25. ---Why did you choose English instead of Japanese? --- Because Japanese ____ as popular as English. A. isn‘t B. aren‘t C. has been D. have been ( ) 26. Only one and a half oranges ____ on the plate. A. is B. are C. be D. was ( ) 27. Nowadays more and more the young ____ fond of pop music. A. are B. is C. were D. was ( ) 28. To save time ____ to lengthen life. A. are B. was C. were D. is

( ) 29. There ____ a football match and two table tennis matches between Class Eight next week. A. will have B. has C. is going to be D. are gone to be ( ) 30. The Chinese ____ peace but they aren‘t afraid of war. A. love B. loves C. loved D. loving ( ) 31. ---There ____ no orange juice in the fridge. Could you get some for me, Dick? --- All right, Mum. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( ) 32. How time flies! Ten years ____ passed. A. have B. are C. is D. has

( ) 33. Chinese sports stars Yao Ming and Liu Xiang ____ Good will Ambassadors for Shanghai. A. have been named B. have named

第 42 页 共 58 页

B. has been named D. has named ( ) 34. Nothing ____ difficult in the world, ____ it? A. are, are B. is, isn‘t C. are, aren‘t D. is, is ( ) 35. On the east of the river ____ three buildings. A. lies B. stands C. stand D. are standing ( ) 36. Xiao Dong is one of the best students in his class who ____ by their teacher. A. praises B. is praised C. praise D. are praised ( ) 37. Swimming in the pool with the children ____ very interesting. A. has B. have C. is D. are ( ) 38. On every piece of the paper ____ pictures of some horses. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( ) 39. No news ____ good news. A. am B. are C. is D. be ( ) 40. John with his uncle ____ going hiking tomorrow. A. be B. am C. is D. are ( ) 41. Jimmy‘s family ____ a large one. The whole family ____ watching TV. A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is ( ) 42. In our city ____ of the people ____ to Han Nationality. A. three fifths, belong B. three fifth; belong C. three fifths; belongs D. three fifth; belongs ( ) 43. More than one idea ____ put up with at the class meeting. A. have B. has C. has been D. have been ( ) 44. Whether you will learn English well or not ____ your hard work. A. depend on B. depend C. depends D. depends on ( ) 45. With the help of people the number of pandas ____ more and more. A. is getting B. are getting C. got D. hasn‘t got ( ) 46. ____ that pair of new ____ Tony‘s? A. Are; shoes B. Is; shoes C. Are; shoes D. Is; shoe ( ) 47. ____ politics difficult for you to learn. A. Are B. Do C. Does D. Is ( ) 48. Half of the apple ____ bad. A. are B. is C. were D. has

( ) 49. Neither Wei Hua nor his brother ____ a few cities in the south since they were 20 years

old. A. will visit B. has visited C. have visited D. visited ( ) 50. Look! There ____ playing with the children on Dongfeng Square. A. are a number of deer B. is a number of deer C. are a number of deers D. is a number of deers ( ) 51. ____ she or you going to Beijing next month? A. Was B. Is C. Were D. Are ( ) 52. Ten kilometers ____ way. A. are quite long B. are quite a long

C. is quite a long D. is a quite long ( ) 53. What the students need ____ good books.

第 43 页 共 58 页

A. is B. are C. have D. has ( ) 54. The singer and dancer ____ yet. A. don‘t come B. didn‘t come C. haven‘t come D. hasn‘t come ( ) 55. One million dollars ____ a lot of money for everyone. A. are B. mean C. equal D. is


6-10 A B B B C 21-25 A D B C A 36-40 D C A C C 51-55 B C B D D

1-5 D C B A B 16-20 A B D B B 31-35 A A A B C 46-50 B D B B A

11-15 D A B C C 26-30 A A D C A 41-45 C A D D A


( ) 1. You'd rather watch TV this evening, ______?

A. isn't it B. hadn't you C. wouldn't you D. won't you ( ) 2. I suppose you're not going today, ______?

A. are you B. do you C. don't you D. aren't you ( ) 3. I wish to shake hands with you, ______?

A. shall B. may I C. do I D. will I ( ) 4. Three hours ought to be enough time, ______?

A. oughtn't three hours B. didn't they C. shouldn't it D. shouldn't three hours ( ) 5. They have to study a lot, ______?

A. don't they B. haven't they C. did they D. hadn't they ( ) 6. When the car crashed, your brother escaped being hurt, ______ ?

A. didn't he B. did he C. did it D. didn't it ( ) 7. I'm busy, ______?

A. am I B. isn't I C. aren't I D. am not I ( ) 8. I don't think you judged your ability objectively when you applied for it, ______ you?

A. do B. did C. don't D. didn't ( ) 9. That's the sort of the book you want, ______?

A. is it B. isn't that C. is that D. isn't it ( ) 10. All these dictionaries are a great help to you, ______?

A. are they B. aren't they C. are all these dictionaries D. aren't all these dictionaries ( ) 11. The movie that we saw last week was quite interesting, ______?

A. wasn't it B. was it C. didn't we D. weren't we ( ) 12. He should have finished writing letters, _____?

A. hasn't he B. has he C. shouldn't he D. didn't you ( ) 13. You would take a trip to America, ______?

A. would you B. wouldn't you C. did you D. didn't you

第 44 页 共 58 页

( ) 14. There appeared to be no better way, _______?

A. was there B. were there C. did there ( ) 15. You had some trouble finding where I live, ______?

A. didn't you B. hadn't you C. do I ( ) 16. He has his hair cut every month, ______?

A. has he B. hasn't he C. does he ( ) 17. Your friend needs to come earlier, ______?

A. does he B. doesn't he C. need he ( ) 18. The little boy dare not go to church, ______?

A. dare he B. daren't he C. does he ( ) 19. Susan would have worked abroad if she'd had the chance, ______?

A. has she B. hadn't she C. would she ( ) 20. Everyone's having a good time, ______?

A. is he B. isn't everyone C. does he ( ) 21. Any one can join the club, ______?

A. can any one B. can't any one C. can't they ( ) 22. Tell me how to operate the electronic computer, ______?

A. will you B. shan't you C. do you ( ) 23. Magaret scarcely comes to visit you on Christmas Day, ______?

A. doesn't she B. does she C. do you ( ) 24. Let's listen to the radio program that the teacher mentioned, ______?

A. do we B. don't we C. shall we ( ) 25. You don‘t think you're funny, ______?

A. didn't you B. are you C. don't you ( ) 26. Janet used to take part in labor in that village, ______?

A. used she B. did she C. didn't she ( ) 27. What beautiful weather, ______?

A. is it B. isn't it C. won't it ( ) 28. He ought to go to Shanghai by plane, ______?

A. should he B. shouldn't he C. would he ( ) 29. We never dared to ask him a question, ______?

A. did we B. didn't we C. dared we ( ) 30. Nobody will believe how difficult his work has been ______?

A. will he B. won't nobody C. will they ( ) 31. You must have made the mistake, ______?

A. mustn't you B. haven't you C. didn't you ( ) 32. Learning how to repair computers takes a long time, ______?

A. isn't it B. aren't they C. doesn't it ( ) 33. Jack has coffee with breakfast, ______?

A. hasn't Jack B. hasn't he C. doesn't Jack ( ) 34. They must have stayed at hotel last night, ______?

A. mustn't they B. haven't they C. didn't they ( ) 35. There isn't anything wrong with the radio, ______?

A. is there B. is it C. does it

第 45 页 共 58 页

D. didn't there D. don't I D. doesn't he D. needn't he D. doesn't he D. wouldn't she D. aren't they D. can they D. don't you D. don't you D. shan't we D. do you D. should she D. doesn't it D. wouldn't he D. daren't we D. won't they D. hadn't you D. don't they D. doesn't he D. hadn't they D. does there

( ) 36. You must be hungry, ______?

A. must you B. mustn't you C. aren't you ( ) 37. Let's do the exercises by ourselves, ______?

A. shall we B. shan't we C. will you ( ) 38. Her daughter had the carpets and curtains cleaned, ______?

A. had she B. hadn't she C. didn't she D. didn't her daughter ( ) 39. The teacher had a talk with you, ______?

A. has you B. hadn't she C. did she ( ) 40. Something will have to be done about the air pollution, ______? A. won't it B. will it C. has it


1—5 CABCA 6—10 ACBDB 11—15 ACBDA 21—25 CABCD 26—30 CBBAC 31—35 BCDCA

D. are you D. will we

D. didn't she D. does it

16—20 DBADD 36—40 CACDA

第十六章 句子的种类



1. He does well in Maths. (改为否定句)

2. Nancy drew some pictures yesterday. (改为否定句)

3. The policeman caught the thief. (改为否定句)

4. I like autumn. (改为否定句)

5. The children have classes today. (改为否定句)

6. I like collecting stamps and singing. (改为否定句)

7. He did his homework in the classroom. (改为否定句)

8. Tom jumps as far as Mike. (改为否定句)

9. The boy can jump higher than the girl. (改为否定句)

10. Liu Tao needs some pencils. (改为否定句)



( ) 1. —Excuse me______ is the nearest bookshop ?

第 46 页 共 58 页

—Go down the street and turn left at the second corner? A. how B. what C. where D. who ( ) 2. — ______ is a ticker for the film Hacker He? —About forty yuan .

A. How old B. How many C. How much D. How often ( ) 3. —______ are you going? — I‘m going to the library. A. Who B. Which C. What D. Where ( ) 4. is it from Beijing to Shanghai?

A. How much B. How soon C. How long D. How far ( ) 5. ______? It‘s eight.

A. What day is it today B. What‘s five and three

C. How old are you D. What‘s your telephone number

( ) 6. —______? —I‘ve got a headache and a cough.

A. What‘s the matter with you B. What‘s wrong with it

C. Can I help you D. How are you

( ) 7. —______ tea did you have?

A. How many B. How much C. How soon D. Which ( ) 8. —______ shall we meet in the park? — What about half past eight?

A. What B. When C. Where D. Which

( ) 9. — ______ does your school have sports meetings? — Twice a year. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How many times ( ) 10. — ______? —The one behind the tree. A. Whose girl is she B. Who‘s that girl C. Which girl is your sister D. Where‘s the girl 二、就划线部分提问

1.He often has lunch in the factory.

he often lunch? 2.They will come back in a month. will they come back? 3.He hurt his leg last Sunday. hehis leg? 4.I got up at six this morning.

you up this morning? 5.They were drawing a horse when I came in.

第 47 页 共 58 页

they when I came in? 6.I didn‘t go to school because I had a bad cold. you go to school? 7.He‘d better take the No. 3 bus. bus he better take? 8.He‘s feeling well. he feeling? 9.The girl in a red coat is my sister. is your sister? 10.He comes to China once a year.

he to China?



( )1. _________ the man and you‘ll find his house.

A. Follow

B. Following

C. To follow

D. Followed

( )2.________ when you cross the road.

A.Taking care B.Take care

C.To take care

D.Takes care ( )3.________ in bed. It‘s bad for your eyes.

A. Not to readB. Don‘t read C. Don‘t to readD. Not read

( )4.________ your child. We‘ll look after him.

A. Not to worry about3 i5 v% {$ z1 z! \\B. Don‘t worry about( E3 J! M; @\j C. Not worry forD. Don‘t worry with6 d: ?8 ( )5. Don‘t waste your money on silly things — _________ it.

A. Save

B. To save

C. Saving

D. Having saved

( )6. To keep fresh, _________ the eggs in the fridge.

A. put A. Come

B. putting B. Coming

C. to put C. To come

D. to be putting D. To be coming

( )7. Don‘t sit there watching. _________ and help me!

第 48 页 共 58 页

( )8. The TV is too loud. Please________.

A. turn it downB. to turn it down C. turn down it D. to turn down it

( )9. in the street because it is dangerous.

A. Not play

B. Don‘t play

C. Not to play

D. Play not

( )10. when you do your homework.

A. Be careful B. Don‘t be careful C. Are careful 二、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. It‘s an important meeting. __________(not, be )late. 2. ____________ (not, make) noise! Your mother is sleeping.

3. ____________(not, speak) with your mouth full of food and _________ (be) polite. 4. ____________( not, talk) and ____________ (read) aloud. 5. ____________(not, leave) your homework for tomorrow, Larry. 6. ____________(look) out! A car is coming.

7. ____________(give) us two hours and we will finish the work. 8. ____________(not, let) the baby cry. 9. (wear ) more clothes or you will catch a cold. 10. Let‘s ___________(not, say) anything about it.



( ) 1. _________clever girl she is! A. What a B. What C. How a D. How ( ) 2. __________interesting story it is! A. What an B. What a C. How an D. How ( ) 3. _______ lovely children they are! A. What B. What a C. How a D. How ( ) 4. ____________flowers they are! A. What beautiful B. What a beautiful C. How beautiful D. How a beautiful ( ) 5. ___________ it is today! A. How cold B. What cold C. How a cold D. What a cold ( ) 6. _______bad the weather is! A. How B. What C. What a D. How a ( ) 7. _____good news it is ! A. How B. What a C. How a D. What ( ) 8. ______the sunshine is!

第 49 页 共 58 页

D. Carefully