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利用完成的表格,让学生学会描述朋友的情绪等相关信息,进行口头表达“…(人名)is…(表情).。 教学目标

1、能正确听说读写单词sad, happy, angry, tired,scared,并能


2、会唱动作歌曲the action song,能听懂、理解、学说cry, smile, stamp feet, go to sleep,并做出正确的动作。

3、能听懂录音中的小对话,说出感觉,并能根据感觉画出面部表情。 4、能在卡片游戏中用The tired/… mouse/…, please. Here you are. Sorry.进行交流。

5、能听懂理解,并学说故事“The birthday present”。


7、能区分he, she,并能用男孩名与女孩名替换he, she。 8、能通过人物面部表情写出相应的描述性句子。

9、能用How are you feeling today I’m ….表达今天感觉。

Unit 9 Food教材内容分析 1、Listen and point.

利用实物或图片,创设情景,听懂、会说、会读、会写新的食物单词pizza, popcorn, chicken, apple, ice cream, banana, spaghetti, fish, hamburger, cheese, hot chocolate, orange juice, cola, milk。并通过听,指认图片来检测是否掌握了食物单词。可以在学习新单词的同时,引导学生在情景中学会使用句型:Do you like apples/… Yes, I do. /No, I don’ do you likeI like….

2、Close your books. How many words can you remember 进一步巩固食物单词:pizza, popcorn, chicken, apple, ice cream, banana, spaghetti, fish, hamburger, cheese, hot chocolate, orange juice, cola, milk,并通过记忆游戏来检验学生是否掌握了食物类单词。 3、Complete the puzzle.


4、Mime the action story.

通过动作及图片或简笔画,,理解、学说 “Go to a drinks machine. Put your hand in your pocket. Take out three coins. Put the coins in the machine. Press the button. Take out the can. Open it. Wipe your face. Drink.”。并能根据指令,做出正确的动作。 5、Listen and fill in the numbers. 巩固动作指令,给相应的图片标号。 6、Listen and say the chant.

通过创设情境学唱歌谣,并能运用句型Do you like… Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. I love …进行简单的交流。 7、Listen and draw the children’s mouths.

进一步巩固句型Do you like apples/… Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. I love ice cream/ …,能在情境中进行交流和对话,并能根据录音中的对话,作出相应的判断,画出哭脸和笑脸。 8、A story --- Bad luck for Pat.


能用 “A …(食物), please.”Here you are.,“Can I have a…(食物), pleaseHere you are.“Have some…(食物).Thank you.”在情境中进行交流和对话,并进行简单的角色表演。 2、

Ask three friends what they like.

通过小调查活动,巩固并灵活运用句型Do you like… Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.互相询问和回答喜欢或不喜欢的食物,并通过表格和笑哭脸的形式记录下来。 10、Write about yourself.

通过创设情境,能听说认读并灵活运用句型“I like …, …and….I don’t like…,…or….My favourite food is…and my favourite drink is….”谈论自己对于食物的喜好。能在认读Alice的短文基础上仿写一篇介绍自己喜好的短文。 11、Listen and fill in the numbers.

运用所学食物单词,听懂理解、学说句型“ What’s your favorite food My favorite food is ….”并在情境中进行交流,同时利用图片或简笔画介绍几种新食物chicken and rice,fish and chips,beans and toast,再通过录音,找出每个孩子最喜欢的食物,在相应的图片旁填出序号。 12、Let’s learn.

利用图片创设情境,听、说、读、写几种中国食物单词rice, noodles,

steamed,bread, porridge, dumpling, pork, beef, chicken。

13、Let’s read and act.


---Do you like Chinese food, Peter ---Yes, very much. ---What’s your favorite ---Jiaozi, er … and Kaoya. ---What about noodles

---No, I don’t like noodles, but I like Baozai very much. 14、Let’s work in pairs.

通过运用句型“Do you like apples/… Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.”,“ What’s your favorite food My favorite food is …”,“What do you like I like …”进行交际,并在书上画出喜欢和不喜欢的食物。然后两人一组针对以上食物互相询问和回答,并完成表格。 教学目标

1、能正确听说认读单词pizza, popcorn, chicken, apple, ice cream, banana, spaghetti, fish, hamburger, cheese, hot chocolate, orange juice, cola, milk, rice, noodles, steamed bread, porridge, dumpling, pork, beef,,并能指出对应的图片。 2、能正确听说读写单词pizza, popcorn, chicken, apple, ice cream, banana, fish, hamburger, cheese, orange, juice, cola, milk, rice, noodles, pork, beef。

3、能用句子…(人名)likes …(食物).描述某人喜欢的食物。 4、能完成有关学生的喜好的逻辑练习。

5、能听懂理解、学说go to a drinks machine. Put your hand in your out three coins. Put the coins in the machine. Press the button. Take out the can. Open it. Wipe your face. Drink. 并