初一期中考试英语听力原文 下载本文



一、听力 20分

第一部分 听对话回答问题。


1. M: Hi, Mary. What a nice football! Do you often play it?

W: Yes, I often play it after school. But I want to play basketball with my classmates this afternoon. 2. M: Hi, Amy. Let’s watch TV now.

W: No, I don’t want to watch TV. I want to listen to music.

3. M: Look! Sandy is swimming so well. W:Yes, She is a member of the Swimming Club. 4. M: Can you tell me something about your best friend?

W: Yes. Her name is Wang Hong. She is a tall and thin girl. Her hair is short. 5. M: Does Kitty like dancing?

W: No, she doesn’t. She likes singing very much. I like reading best. 6. M: DO you walk to school every day, Joan?

W: No, my school isn’t near here. I always take a bus. 7. M: Millie, are you good at Maths?

W: No, I don’t like Maths. I like Chinese very much, and my Chinese is very good. But I’m not good at English.

8. M: Is this bag yours, Ann? W: No, my school isn’t near here. I always take a bus. 9. M: Is Mary playing volleyball in the playground now?

W: Yes, she is. She plays volleyball from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. every Tuesday. 10. M: Sue, you should study now. You’d better not watch TV.

W: Ok, Dad. But Monkey King is very interesting. I like watching it. 第二部分 听对话和短文答题。

你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟,每小题你仍有5秒钟的答题时间。 听一段对话, 回答11-12小题。

W: Can you tell me something about your new school life, Andy? M: Yes, of course.

W: How do you usually go to school?

M:I usually walk to school, but sometimes I go to school by bike. W: What are your favourite lessons? M: English and Chinese.

W: Do you have any good friends at school?

M: Yes. Simon and Tom are my best friends. Simon is good at football, but Tom is good at basketball. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 Mr White and Mrs White live at Duke House Road in London.

Every morning, Mr White goes to work and the children go to school. Their father takes them to school every day. Mrs White doesn’t work. She stays at home. IN the morning, she does a lot of housework. She often cleans the house after breakfast. In the afternoon, she sometimes goes to see her friends. Sometimes she goes shopping. At about half past four, the children usually come home after school. They have their dinner at six fifteen. After

that, they play games, or go out for a walk, or watch TV. 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。

Jimmy is a black and white dog. We all like him. He is a member of my family. Jimmy is one oand a half years old. He usually gets up about 7:00 a.m. At about 7:30 a.m., he has his first meal. He often has some milk for breakfast. At about 9:0, he goes out to meet his friend, a brown dog. He comes back at about 12:00 and sleeps for three hours. At about 3:30 p.m., I walk him in the park. At about 6:00 p.m., Jimmy has his second meal. At 7:00 p.m., Jimmy and I sit on the sofa and watch TV. Then he sleeps.


命题人:温彩霞 审题人:李汇 联系电话:15190332880


1-5 AABBA 6-10 BBBCB 11-15 BA ABC 16-20 BAABA 二、单词辨音(5分):

21-25 BADAC 26-30 BBCDB 三、单项选择(15分)

31-35 BCCBD 36-40 DAABB 41-45 BCCCD 四、完型填空(5分)

46-50 ACBBC 51-55 BBCDA 五、阅读理解(10分)

56-60 DCADB 61-65 AABDD 六、词汇 (10分)

1. master 2. geography 3. player 4. reasons 5. weekends 6. heroes 7. luck 8. us 9. libraries 10. Parents’ 七、动词填空(10分)

1. has 2. come 3. carry 4. to do 5. to look 6. isn’t 7. flies 8. drawing 9. to buy 10. riding 八、句型转换(6分)

1. doesn’t 2. do 3. takes 4. a 5. bus 6. Does 7. go 8. doesn’t 9. How 10. long 11. What 12. like 九、完成句子(9分) 1. new member 2. play; in his free 3. What else 4. to get ready

5. borrows; from; at weekends 6. is open from; to 十、书面表达(5分) Dear Simon,

Thank you for your email. Let me tell you about my school. I study at No. 1 Middle School. Our school is big and modern. It takes me half an hour to get to school by bus every day. I’m never late for school. My classroom is on the ground/first floor. We usually do morning exercises first. The lessons start at 8. My classmates are all very nice. We chat with each other in our free time. I always have a good time at school. Welcome to my school.

Yours, Li Hua