外研版八年级英语下册全册教案教学设计精编版 下载本文

e.g. Jane invited me to go fishing last week. 简上周邀请我去钓鱼了。 Step 9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. Let the Ss complete the sentences with the words in the box and then check with each other.

Step 10 Read and predict which words the speaker is likely to stress. 1. Ss read and predict which words the speaker is likely to stress. 2. Now listen and check if it is right.

3. Work in pairs. Read the conversations aloud. --Have you ever wanted to travel around the world? --Yes, I have. I’ve always wanted to travel around the world. --Have you ever visited New York? --No, I haven’t. I’ve never visited the US. --Have you ever entered a competition?

--No, I haven’t. I haven’t entered any competitions. Step 11 Ask and answer.

Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about yourself. -Have you ever visited…? -Yes, I have. /No, I haven’t. I’ve… Step 12 Grammar 现在完成时

现在完成时定义:强调过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。 例如:

Betty went to the park yesterday. (强调去公园的动作发生在昨天)

Betty has been to the park before. (强调不仅去过公园,而且了解公园的状况) 现在完成时的谓语结构: have/has + 动词的过去分词 例如:

I’ve always wanted to go on a dream holiday. 句中的谓语结构为:have wanted Lingling has visited the US.

句中的谓语结构为:has visited Step 13 Exercises 1. 写出过去分词。 2. 选出最佳选项。 Step 14 中考链接

让同学们直击中考,把握重难点。 Step 15 Homework


◆ 教学反思 略。

Module 2 Experiences

Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids.

◆ 教材分析

本模块以个人经历为话题,主要谈论与旅游相关的经历,分设三个课时进行学习。本节课是这个模块中的第二课时,是一节读写课型的新授课。作为模块的第课,它为第二、三单元不仅提供了话题和语境,同时也为学生们后来的学习扫清语言和文化的障碍。本单元的阅读内容讲述的是美国小孩迈克.罗宾逊和妹妹随父亲在不同国家生活,所获得的生活见闻和收获的事情。内容与学生们的实际生活息息相关,激发了学生的学习兴趣,语言实践活动也比较好开展。本单元的重点是在语境中理解现在完成时的含义,并熟练掌握用现在完成时表达询问他人经历和向他人介绍自己的经历。难点是在特定语境下理解现在完成时的含义并能正确运用这一时态,使语法知识的学习融入生活实践,培养用语言做事的能力。 ◆ 教学目标 【知识目标】 Key vocabulary—move, send, Germany, France, tower, ancient, king, queen,

Arabic, way, mix, miss, count

Key structures—count down, so far, in many ways,

have been to, find it hard to do sth.


To get information about the Pyramids. To master the present perfect tense. 【情感目标】


教学重难点 ◆◆ 【教学重点】 1. To learn some expressions in the passage. 2. To learn the present perfect tense. 【教学难点】

1. To get information from the article.

2. To write a composition by using the present perfect tense. 课前准备 ◆◆ PPT课件、录音机、课堂练习 ◆ 教学过程 Step 1 Revision Answer the questions according to the pictures, and let Ss know about experiences. Step 2 Consolidate new words

Look and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible. Step 3 Pre-reading

1. Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs.

1).Which interesting places in China have you visited? 2).Have you ever seen the Great Wall? 3).Have you ever visited another country? 2. Look and say what you can see in the picture. Step 4 Listening

Look at the two questions, then listen to the tape and answer the questions. Step 5 Reading

Read the passage and answer the six questions. 1. How long have the Robinsons been in Egypt? 2. Why do they live in Cairo?

3. What have they seen and done in Egypt?

4. What do Mike and Clare find difficult about Arabic? 5. Who do they miss in the US?

6. Are they looking forward to going home? Answers: 1. Two years.

2. Because Peter’s company sent him to work and his family went with him. 3. They have seen the Pyramids, travelled on a boat on the Nile River, and visited the

palaces and towers of ancient king and queens.