历年单招单选题考点汇总 下载本文


2.The suit doesn’t seem to ________ you.(2005)

A. fit on B. fit for C. be fit D. fit 答案为D,考查fit用法。Fit on“试穿,装上”,be fit for“适合于,胜任”,fit作为及物动词,意为“适合,合身”。

3.The word is familiar to me,but I can’t _______ which unit it is in.(2006) A. remind B. remain C. recall D. return 本题考查动词的词意辨析。remind意为“提醒、使想起”,remain意为“依然、保持”,recall意为“回想起”,return意为“归还”。由题意“这个单词我很熟悉,但我想不起来是在哪一单元里。”知本题答案为C。

4.The weather our lives in lots of ways.(2008) A.affects B.effects C.causes D.courses


5.A good friend should joys and sorrows.(2008) A.satisfy B.share C.fill D.cover

考查动词的辨析。satisfy使满意,share分享,fill填充,cover覆盖。故答案为B。 6.He so many dollars on the junk food.(2008)

A.spent B.took C.paid D.cost

考查动词辨析,spend some money(time)on(doing)sth,it takes sb some money(time)to do sth.sb pays some money for sth.sth costs some money.故答案为A。

7 If you want to lose weight, please ______ our keeping-fit club.(2010) A take part in B join in C join D attend

答案为C, take part in =join in + activities“参加某种活动”;join+ organization “加入某个组织,成为某个组织的一员”;attend + meeting “参加会议”。

8 I?m sorry to have __________ you with so many questions on such an occasion.(2010) A involved B impressed C bothered D interfered 考查动词辨析。Involve意为“涉及,包含”;impress意为“给...留下印象”;bother意为“麻烦,打扰”;interfere作为及物动词意为“冲突,介入”,作为不及物动词意为“干涉,妨碍,打扰”。由题意及语法知答案为C。

9 You should ________yourself to the new environment.(2010) A suit B match C fit D adapt

考查动词辨析,suit多指“合乎要求、 口味、性格、情况”; match 指“大小、色调、形状、性质等相配或相称”; fit 多指“大小适合”, 引伸为“吻合”; adapt 指“修改或改变以适应新条件”。结合题意知答案为D。

10. The old photo on your desk _____ me of that Australian professor.(2011)


A. informed (通知) B. reminded C. mentioned (提到)D. memorized(记住) 答案为B。考查短语remind sb of sb/sth(使某人回想起或意识到某人、或某事物)。 11. The novelist _____ lots of funny characters in his works.(2011)

A. created B. invented C. recovered D. discovered


12.Cheaters in the exam_________ their honesty and act like a thief .(2004) A. give in B. give off C. give out D. give away 考查短语辨析,give in“屈服”;give off“发出(光、声音等),散发出(气味)”;give out“分发,用尽”;give away“放弃,泄露”。由题意知答案为D。 13.Taking some exercises every day will ______ your health.(2004) A. make up B. take up C. build up D. put up

考查短语辨析,make up“弥补,组成,化妆”;take up“占据”;build up“增进,加强”;put up“搭起,建造”。由题意知答案为C。

14.They searched for the ball for a while, but eventually ____ and went home.(2005) A. gave in B. gave up C. gave off D. gave away 考查短语辨析,give in“屈服,让步”,give up“放弃,交出”,give off“发出(光,声音等),散发出(气味)”,give away“泄露”。由题意知答案为B。 15.The suit doesn’t seem to ________ you.(2005)

A. fit on B. fit for C. be fit D. fit 答案为D,考查fit用法。Fit on“试穿,装上”,be fit for“适合于,胜任”,fit作为及物动词,意为“适合,合身”。

16.Suzhou is ______ the Oriental Venice.(2006)

A. known for B. known as C. famous for D. famous to 本题考查短语辨析,known for“以?而出名”,known as“被认为是,作为?而出名”,famous for“以?著称”。由题意“苏州被称作东方的威尼斯。”知本题答案应为B。 17.This sort of work ______ skill,patience and cooperation.(2006) A. calls for B. calls on C. calls in D. calls at 本题考查短语辨析,call for“需要,要求”,call on“拜访(某人),号召”,call in“召集”,call at“拜访、访问(某地)”。由题意“这种工作需要技巧,耐心和合作。”知本题答案为A。

18.What you say does not ______ what you do.(2006) A. agree on B. agree to C. agree about D. agree with

本题考查短语辨析,agree (with sb) about / on sth意为“同意;(与某人)意见一致”, agree (to sth) 意为“同意;愿意;答应(某事物)”,agree with (sth) 意为“与(某事物)相一致;相


符合;相吻合”。由题意“你所说的与你所做的不一致。”知本题答案为D。 19.His careless driving ______ the traffic accident.(2006)

A. resulted in B. resulted by C. resulted from D. resulted to 本题考查短语辨析, result in“ 引起、 导致、 产生”,侧重于结果,即in后面接导致的结果;result from “起因于、 由……产生、 是……的结果”,更侧重于强调起因,即from后面接事情的起因;result to不是固定搭配。由题意“他的粗心驾驶导致了那场交通事故的发生。”知本题答案为A。

20.She ______ Shanghai many times.(2006)

A. has gone to B. has been to C. has been in D. was in

本题考查现在完成时,答案为B。注意have(has) gone to sp(现已去了某地)与have(has) been to sp(已去过某地)用法的区分。

21.Sorry,I can’t go out with you. I have a lot of important things to ______. A. extend to B. attend to C. tend to D. pretend to 答案为B,考查动词短语辨析。extend to“给与、延伸到”,attend to“注意、照料、致力于”,tend to“趋向,易于,注意”,pretend to“假装”。(2006) 22. As we joined the big crowds, I got _____ from my friends.(2007) A. missed B. lost C. separated D. spared

本题考查动词短语。get lost 意为“迷路”,get separated意为“分离”。本题题意是:当我们加入到拥挤的人群时,我和我的朋友们走散了。故本题的答案为C。 23. Never _____ till tomorrow what may be done today.(2007) A. put off B. put out C. put on D. put up

本题考查动词短语辨析,put off “推迟”,put out “熄灭”,put on “穿上”、“上演”,put up “举起”,“建造”。本题题意是:永远都不要把今天能做的事推迟到明天来做。故答案为A。

24. I wonder who will _____ as secretary of our club next year.(2007) A. take up B. take on C. take in D.take over

考查动词短语的辨析,take up意为占据、拿起,take on 意为承担、呈现,take in 意为吸纳、接受,take over意为接任、接管。由题意判断答案为D。

25. To ______ the expense, every dollar should be spent carefully.(2007) A. cut down b. turn down C. put down D. slow down

本题考查动词短语辨析,cut down意为削减、砍倒,turn down意为调低,put down意为记下、放下,slow down意为减速。由题意“为了减少开支,每一美元都应小心花费 。 ”可判断答案为A。

26.Trains stop here in order to ______ passengers.(2007) A. get off B. pick up C. pull up D. bring up

本题考查短语辨析,get off意为下车,后不加宾语,pick up意为捡起、收拾、用车接,pull up意为拔起、阻止,bring up意为提出、教育。由题意“火车在这儿停下来以便接乘客”知本题应选B。


27.During the Spring Festival,he his uncle’s.(2008)

A.called for B.called at C.called up D.called on

考查短语辨析。Call for需要,提倡;call at拜访(某地);call up 召集,打电话;call on 拜访(某人)。故答案为B,意为拜访他的舅舅家。 28. Martin Luther King ____ equality all his life.(2009)

A. worked with B. worked for C. worked out D. worked on 本题考察短语辨析,worked with意为“与···共事,对···有效”。worked for 意为“为···工作”。worked out 意为“算出来”。worked on 意为“从事于”。本题答案为B 29. It?s not good to hide your anger, so you should find a way to _____.(2009)

A. let it out B. let out it C. let it in D. let in it 本题答案为A。考查短语辨析及人称代词做宾语的位置,let out 意为“放出,泄露”,let in 意为“让······进入”。

30. Our discussion group ____five girls and four boys.(2009)

A. is made of B. are made from C. is made up of D. are made up from

本题考查短语辨析, be made of 意为“由······制成”,制成品中可以看出原材料,be made from也意为“由······制成”,但制成品中看不出原材料,be made up of意为“由······组成(构成)”,强调由部分组成整体,可用于人或物,be made up from无此用法。答案为C。 31. The 2012 Olympic Games will _____ in London.(2009) A.take over

B.take place

C.take part

D.take hold

本题答案为B, take place意为“发生,从事”,take over意为“接收,接管”,take part意为“参与,参加”,take hold意为“抓住,扛着“。 32. The polluted river _____ a terrible smell.(2009)

A. gives off B. gives away C. gives up D. gives in

本题考查短语辨析,give off 意为“发出(光,声音,气味等)”,give away意为“分发,泄露”,give up意为“放弃”,give in意为“屈服,让步”。故答案为A。 33. The polluted river _____ a terrible smell.(2009)

A. gives off B. gives away C. gives up D. gives in

本题考查短语辨析,give off 意为“发出(光,声音,气味等)”,give away意为“分发,泄露”,give up意为“放弃”,give in意为“屈服,让步”。故答案为A。

34、 I?ll ________ at the school gate at about 9 o?clock. Please wait for me there.(2010)