牛津译林版八年级下英语动词练习卷(unit1-2)(包含答案) 下载本文


7. They moved into another villa three blocks away last month. 8. has changed a lot/greatly over the ten years. /have taken place in our country over the ten years. /have been great changes in our country over the ten years9.take action to improve the situation.


1. I'm very busy at____________(现在) because I have a lot of homework to do. 2. The old and strange woman came to our town last year. We know nothing about her ______ (过去).

3. I've__________(刚才) heard the news and I have no time to tell you about it. 4. Travelling by ____________ (长途汽车) is not as comfortable as in a train. 5. My food isn't here any more. Have you___________ (看见) it anywhere?

6. It's snowing again! Don't you think there is___________ (much) snow this winter than last year?

7. People live a quite different life at different___________(time).

8. Who do you think can tell the_____________ (different) between the two pictures? 三、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空:

1. I'm sorry I___________ (keep)you waiting for such a long time. 2. Sam feels sick. He_____________(eat)anything since this morning.

3. Shanghai___________(be) a small town hundreds of years ago. It___________ (become) a

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large city now.

4. —Where are my sports shoes, mum? I can't find them everywhere. —I_____________(throw)them away.

5. The boy is very naughty. He_____________(break) two pieces of glass so far 6. It is very dark in the room. They _____________(turn)off the lights.

7. Betty ___________just____________here. She__________ here five minutes ago. Max_______________in ten minutes. (arrive)

8.--___________you____________ the library book yet? --Oh,I'm sorry, but I____________it tomorrow afternoon. (return)

9. My mother isn't at home. She_____________(go) to Beijing. So my father should take care of my old grandma.

10. The travelers______________ (call) the police about the accident, have they? 四、完成下列句子:


Wuxi__________________________over the years. We can_________________________. 2. 同学们正在讨论北京过去几年的变化。

The students____________________________________________in the past few years. 3. 由于天气恶劣,我们不得不打的去那儿。

We had to go there_____________________________________the bad weather. 4. 过去从无锡坐火车去北京常要花上十个多小时。

It___________________________________________________to Beijing from Wuxi.

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5. 珍妮过去总是晚饭后看电视,但是现在她习惯于散步。

Jenny____________________________________,but now she___________________. 6. 你最好快点,他们已经等了你很长时间。

You’d better hurry.They __________________________________________________. 7. 骑共享单车环游整个城市既便捷又快速。

It’s_________________________________________the whole city on the shared bikes. 8. 我已经把我所有的秘密都跟你分享。

I _________________________________________________________with you. present seen

past more



times differences

动词填空 have kept

hasn’t eaten have turned

was;has become

have thrown

has broken has arrived;arrived;will arrive has gone

haven’t called

have returned; will return 完成句子

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1. has changed a lot; choose different forms/kinds of transport to go outside 2. are discussing the changes in Beijing 3. by taxi because of

4. used to take over ten hours to take a train 5. used to watch TV after dinner;is used to walking 6. have waited for you for a long time 7. easy and fast to travel 8. have shared all my secrets

71. Shanghai is a (举世闻名的) city in China. 72. I would love to go (到国外) this year, perhaps to the south of France. 73. Many people has already (意识) the importance of protecting the fresh water. 74. The car is moving at a (速度) of eighty kilometres per hour. 75.He often uses his computer for (接收) e-mails.

76. They couldn’t stop

(laugh) when they watched the funny show.

(die) for a long time .

(possible) if you put your heart into it .” (south )end of the city . (busy) yesterday.

77.It’s said that the old man has been 78.As the saying goes, “Nothing is

79.Alice and her family live at the

80. Mr. Black went to New York on B. 短文缺词填空,每空一词(每空 1 分,共 10 分)

71-75.world-famous, abroad, realized, speed, receiving 76-80.laughing, dead, impossible, southern, business

61. Please show your (护照)before you go into the office, ladies and gentlemen. 62. There are _____________ (几个) lakes, hills and a large lawn in Central Park. 63. Of the three characters in the cartoon, Shrek is the___________(not beautiful), I think. 64. The music is so _____________(good, wonderful) that we all like it very much.

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