八年级英语 unit 3 topic 2测试题-仁爱版 下载本文

八年级英语 Unit 3 Topic 2测试题-仁爱版


第 一 部 分 第 二 部 分 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ 总分 题号 得分 第一部分:听力 (15分)


( ) 1. A. Yes, I am. ( ) 2. A. Thanks. ( ) 3. A. Too noisy. ( ) 4. A. Violin.

B. My friend. B. Yes, I do. B. Too quiet.

C. He is a good singer. C. No, I don’t play it well. C. I don’t play it well. C. At the concert. C. I can play the piano.

C. Listens to music. C. The shop gate. C. Folk music. C. Rock music.

C. Well, he doesn’t mind it.

B. Classical music.

( ) 5. A. I can play soccer. ( ) 6. A. Music.

B. I can perform ballet.

B. Free.


( ) 7. A. Their school gate. ( ) 8. A. Pop music. ( ) 9. A. Violin music.

B. The Music Hall. B. Classical music. B. Classical music.

( ) 10. A. He likes it very much. People Our monitor Tom 13 Maria I B. He don’t like it at all.

Hobby Ⅲ.听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。(5分)

11 music 12 music basketball 14 stories 15. stories 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 第二部分:笔试 (85分)


( ) 1. Their story ____ so interesting and exciting.

A. hears

B. looks

C. sounds

D. smells

( ) 2. — Jane, can you play ____ baseball?

— No, I can’t. But I can play ____ violin. A. the; the

B. /; the

C. /; /

D. the; /

( ) 3. China is famous ____ the Great Wall. Many foreigners visit it first of all.

A. as B. for

C. with ( ) 4. Our school ____ a basketball team last year.

A. set up

B. setted

C. sets up

( ) 5. — Could you ____ your dictionary ____ me?

— Of course, here you are. A. borrow; for B. lend; to

C. lend; for

( ) 6. — I’m going to the concert.

— _____ exciting! A. How

B. What a

C. What

( ) 7. ____ weather! It’s always raining!

A. What a bad B. How a bad C. What bad ( ) 8. Class was over, but some students continued ____ in the classroom. A. study

B. studied C. studies

( ) 9. There ____ a school meeting this afternoon.

A. is going to have B. is going to be C. are going to be

D. will have

( ) 10. — I’m sorry, I can’t go to the concert. I must take English lessons.

— ____

A. What shame!

B. What a pity! C. What a nice concert!

D. You’re so nice!


从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。 A: Hello, Li Hua! What are you going to do this evening? B: 11 A: How exciting! 12

B: Many famous singers, such as Liu Dehua, Na Ying, Chen Hong. A: Is it The Same Song Comes Into Dabieshan? B: Yes, you’re right. And it sounds great! A: 13 B: At the People’s Square. A: 14 What time does it start?

B: 15 Why not go with me? A: I’d like to, but I have a lot of work to do.

B: What a pity!

D. of D. built

D. borrow; from

D. How a D. How bad D. studying

A. Who is going to sing at the concert? B. Where are they going to give the concert? C. At 7:00 p.m. D. Thank you. E. I’m going to the concert. F. I can play the drums. G. Oh, wonderful!

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Ⅲ.完形填空。(10分)

Once a rich woman invited Martin Brown, a famous singer to sing for her friends. But she 16 him to have dinner with them. She told him to eat 17 the servants(仆人).

After the meal Martin stood up and said to the servants, “Now, my good friends, I 18 for you.” He sang several songs and the servants 19 quite pleased.

Then the rich woman asked 20 to come to the sitting-room. “We are waiting for your songs. 21 you ready?” the woman asked.

“I am 22 ,” Martin said. “I have sung already(已经). I usually sing 23 in one evening, and I can’t sing 24 .”

And with a polite(礼貌) “ 25 ”, he left the rich woman’s house. ( ) 16. A. doesn’t invite ( ) 17. A. with ( ) 18. A. sang ( ) 19. A. was ( ) 21. A. Were ( ) 22. A. sad ( ) 23. A. one ( ) 24. A. one

B. don’t invite B. for

B. shall sing B. were B. Is B. two B. two

B. the friend B. sorry

C. didn’t invite C. at C. are C. Are

C. sing

D. haven’t invite D. in D. was singing D. will be D. the singer D. Be D. glad D. twice D. twice D. Good day

( ) 20. A. the servant C. the woman C. pleased C. once C. once

( ) 25. A. Good night B. Good morning C. Good afternoon



Avril(艾薇儿) Lavigne is an excellent teenage(十几岁的)singer. She made a great success because of her musical talent(天才,天赋).

She wrote her songs by herself, played the guitar and had a wide range of voice(音域). When she was only 17 years old, she began to sing her own rock-and-roll(摇滚乐) music. She is a talent in the musical world. People in many different countries like her songs very much.

Avril Lavigne isn’t a quiet girl. She is a true wild, active and crazy girl. She started showing her

voice and character at around age 2. “I’m just coming out and I’m going to be myself. I write what I feel. I never worry about what others think,” Avril said.

Her music can reach girls’ and boys’ hearts and even some adults, too. “I can’t wait to be out there; I want to rock the world! I want people to know what music is real and honest(坦率的)—it comes from my heart. I am just being true to myself.” 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。

( ) 26. Avril became a singer when she was 27 years old. ( ) 27. She asked a famous writer to write songs for her. ( ) 28. Only Canadian people like her songs very much. ( ) 29. She wants to sing and rock all over the world. ( ) 30. Avril is a quiet and lovely girl.


Do you know what punk rock music is? I love punk rock music so much. Now let me introduce punk rock music to you. Punk rock music started in the late 1960s in U.K. Punk rock music is a way to express the singer’s thought and anger with society.

The earliest punk rock bands that formed in the early 1970s were Ramon’s, Black Flag. Then in the late 1970s, more new punk rock bands were formed such as The Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Damned, Iggy Pop. Their songs were formed by some simple notes and their methods of singing were loud and they sang with anger.

Why did punk rock music develop that fast? Because the people in that time needed some ways to express themselves. There are lots of punk rock bands nowadays, such as Distillers, The Cure, Green Day. The biggest difference between the old and newer bands is their clothing. The old punk rock bands did not really focus on their clothing, but the newer punk rock bands do focus on their clothing when they are out for functions. ( ) 31. What’s the meaning of “punk”?



C.古典音乐 B. In the 1962s. D. In the 1980s. B. Folk music D. Pop music B. Red Flag.


( ) 32. When did the punk rock music start?

A. In the late 1960s. C. In the 1970s.

( ) 33. ____ is a way to express the singer’s thought and anger with society.

A. Punk rock music C. Jazz A. Beatles.

( ) 34. What were the earliest punk rock bands that formed in the early 1970s?

C. Blue Flag. punk rock bands?

D. Ramon’s, Black Flag.

( ) 35. Which punk rock bands do focus on their clothing, the old punk rock bands or the newer