定稿江苏省学业水平测试英语学科模拟试卷(二) 下载本文

A: In about an hour. Can you call back later? B: OK, I?ll do that. A: Or can I take a message?

B: That would be great. Could you tell him that Jennifer Andrews called to ask about the new product. I?m in the office all day if he could call me back. A: Can I take your number, please? B: Yes, it?s 55543578. A. Jennifer Andrews B. 10:00 C. to ask about the new product D. Adam Wood E. Apr. 25 TELEPHONE MESSAGE

FROM: 71 TO: 72 DATE: 73 TIME: 74 MESSAGE: 75

VII. 书面表达,按照通知的要求填写合适的信息:(共1题;满分5分)

Jenny took a sick leave yesterday. She is writing a memo to Mary Tong at Human Resources. Please put the sentences in order to help her complete the memo.

Jenny昨天请了病假。她正在给人力资源部的Mary 写备忘录。请把下列信息填入备忘录。 Mary Tong, Human Resources Sick leave certificate I attach the doctor?s note. 22 May, 2016 I was sick yesterday, so I couldn?t come to work. Memo TO: 76______________ From: Jenny Deng, Sales Date: 77______________ Subject: 78______________ Message: 79______________ In order to receive sick pay, I need to send in my doctor?s note. 80______________ Please confirm that the cost of the medicine is covered by the company health scheme. Thank you. Jenny Deng