(完整)最新苏教译林版英语四年级下册单词默写版 - 百度文库 ر

Unit1 4B Unit1 4B school subject Welcome back to... see timetable Chinese maths art PE music science fun go to playground lesson Monday afternoon [sku:l] [si:] ['lesn] ѧУ γ ӭص γ̱ʱ ģΣ ѧΣ Σ Σ ֣Σ ѧΣ Ȥ ȥ ٳ һ Unit2 4B Unit2 4B after school go What day is it today? Wednesday match today What a pity! Saturday All right. Sunday Tuesday Thursday Friday get up when every day ѧ ȥ ڼ ź õġ ڶ ʲôʱ ÿ Unit3 4B Unit3 4B usually go to school in the morning have lunch in the afternoon play football go home homework have dinner watch TV go to bed in the evening at night ͨ ѧ 緹 ؼ ͥҵ ˯ ҹ Unit4 4B Unit4 4B drawing park draw Good ideal! flower them easy boat river difficult try hill lake again ԰ ⣡ ǣǣ ׵ģ򵥵 С ӣ ѵģѵ Сɽɽ һΣһ