《欧文》知识点笔记(全十章) 下载本文

十七、What are the characteristics of French classicism? (How does French classicism differ from the other classicism?) 答:

1、 In the French classical literature, man was viewed (认为) as a social being consciously (有意识的) and willingly (自动的) subject (主体) to discipline (纪律)。社会自然人

2、Rationalism (理性主义) was believed to be able to discover the best principles (原则) of human conduct (行为) and the universal (通用的) principles of natural laws. Here Descartes provided (提供的) the philosophical foundation for the French neoclassicism.(新古典主义) 3、French classicism was fond of using (善于使用) classical forms, classical themes (思想) and values (价值观念)。 第六章

1、Enlightenment名词解释 简答:启蒙运动

Enlightement was an intellectual (知识分子) movement originating in France, which attracted (吸引) widespread (普遍的) support (支持) among the ruling (统治阶级) and intellectural classes of Europe and North America in the second half of the 18th century. It characterizes the efforts (作用) by certain European writers to use critical reason (批评推理) to free minds from prejudice (偏见), unexamined authority (权威) and oppression (压迫) by Church or State (国家政权)。 Therefore the Enlightenment is sometimes called the Age of Reason (理智的年代)。

(Why do we say the 17th century provides the intellectual origin for the Enlightement?)

2、启蒙运动的先行者:John Locke and Isaac Newton

3、 Newton‘s theory of gravitation (万有引力理论) further demonstrated (进一步证实) to the world that the universe is governed (控制) by laws that could be understood by the human mind.(可以为人所知)

4、The major force of the Enlightenment was the French philosophes, such as Montesquieu, Voltaire (伏尔泰) and Rousseau (卢梭)。 Diederot, who edited the famous Encyclopédie (百科全书)。 5、Diederot —→ Encyclopédie (百科全书)。

6、Montesquieu—→ was the first of the great French men of letters associated with the Enlightenment (第一个加入到启蒙运动的法国人) —→ Persian Letters (波斯人的信札) —→ The spirit of the Laws (论法的精神)

7、It is an investigation (研究) of the environmental and social relationships that lie behind the laws of civilized society. 8、The definition of law by Montesquieu.

9、“must be adapted to each people” 是Montesquieu 在 The Spirit of the Laws 中提到

10、 The theory of the separation of powers (三权分立理论) was put forward by Montesquieu in his work The Spirit of the Laws. He believed that the legislative (立法), executive (行政) and judicial (司法) powers must be confided (托付) to different individuals, acting independently. (独立的行为)

11、The theory of the separation of powers was accepted by the U.S. Constitution.


12、Voltaire (伏尔泰) —→ His works are an outstanding embodiment (杰出的体现) of the principles (原则性的) of the French Enlightenment. —→ Letters Anglaise (Letters philosophiques) 哲学信件 —→ Candide (名字)