(共19套)山东济南中考英语复习课本知识点练习汇总 下载本文

3.另一方面, 我们都需要健康食物。 , we all need healthy food.


Mr. Zhang always English as much as possible. 5.昆明是个终年天气宜人的城市。

Kunming is a city that has pleasant weather . 6.到目前为止,迈克已经唱了五首歌。 Mike five songs .


Mrs. Green the letter from her daughter . 8.两年前我就买了这块手表。

I this watch two years ago. I this watch since two years ago. 9.他2012年搬到了法国。 He to France in 2012.

He in France for about five years. 10.一周前我借了这本书。 I this book a week ago. I this book a week ago. I this book a week.


Ⅰ. 1. unbelievable 2. peaceful 3. unusual

4.inventions 5. sale 6. maker 7. scarfs/scarves 8.memories 9. especially 10. checking 11. truthful 12.softer 13. toy 14. cents 15. led 16. finding 17.Japanese 18. social 19. quarters 20. Germans Ⅱ. 1~5 CBCBB

Ⅲ. 1. has gone to America 2. Have; ever seen 3.On the other hand

4.encourages us to speak 5. all year round 6.has sung; so far 7. hasn't received; yet 8.bought; have had 9. moved; has been

10.borrowed; have kept; since; have kept; for



Ⅰ. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空或根据汉语提示完成单词。 1.The car ran at a (速度) of 50 kilometers per hour.

2.They're (tie) the dog to the tree. Just in case that it bites others. 3.Please choose (wise) how you spend your life and with whom you spend it.

4.There is a wallet (lie) on the ground. Please find the owner of it. 5.—Everyone is born with the (能力) (learn). —That's for sure.

6.One of the (秘密) of learning English is (memorize) words. 7.The teacher asked us to make up a (谈话;对话) by (use) what we have learned today. 8.Please (注意) your (发音). If you do, you will do better in (发音) these words next time.

9.The scientist is really (知识渊博的). He has much (知识) on (物理).

10.In your article, you made lots of mistakes in (语法).

11.Though human beings have (发现) so many (秘密) of the universe, still there's a long way to go.

12.One of the (句子) in the passage is wrong. You need to find it out.

13.Be (积极的;活跃的) in class and try to take part in all kinds of activities (积极地;活跃地) after class. You'll improve yourself a lot.

14.My daughter is (欣赏;仰慕) the beautiful moon outside. She can always find the beauty of the nature.

15.The people here gave us a (温暖) welcome. I could feel the (温暖) of them. 16.The old man has been (死) for several months. You can't find him any more. 17.Many things were (偷) from the store last night. How could that happen? 18.I have (放置) the table in the room. You can put these things on it. 19.The news has (传播) to other countries. Everybody will know it soon. 20.Don't do that again or you'll be (惩罚). Ⅱ. 选择填空

1.—The Dragon Boat races are so exciting, but our boat is still behind. —Don't worry. I am sure our team will win! A.if B.that C.whether D.why

2.My cousin Mary was born a singing voice. A.from B.in C.with D.at

3.Amy has no pens . She needs to buy some. A.to write B.writing

C.to write with D.writing with

4.The program China'sGotTalent gave the child a chance to show his special . A.ability B.show C.education D.mind

5.He often takes a dictionary and the new words in it. A.look for B.look up C.look into D.look out Ⅲ. 完成句子

1.我通过记忆句型来练习英语。 I practice English .

2.她有能力做好这项工作吗? Does she do the work well? 3.很遗憾,我无法准确发音。

I'm very sorry that I can't my . 4.你经常在语法方面出错吗? Do you often grammar?

5.好的学习者懂得学习英语的最佳方法。 Good know to learn English.


Ⅰ. 1. speed 2. tying 3. wisely 4. lying 5.ability; to learn 6. secrets; to memorize 7.conversation; using

8.pay attention to; pronunciation; pronouncing 9.knowledgeable; knowledge; physics 10.grammar 11. discovered; secrets

12.sentences 13. active; actively 14. admiring 15.warm; warmth 16. dead 17. stolen 18. laid 19.spread 20. punished Ⅱ. 1~5 BCCAB

Ⅲ. 1. by memorizing sentence patterns 2.have the ability to

3.get; pronunciation right 4.make mistakes in

5.learners; the best way



Ⅰ. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空或根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词 1.The sun rises in the e .

2.My grandparents live near the supermarket. It's very c for them to go shopping there.

3.My uncle doesn't like doing exercise. Hes goes to the gym. 4.It's (polite) to spit in public.

5.The boy never gets up early. He (急促;冲;奔) to school every day. 6.I have no sense of (方向). I'm always afraid to go somewhere alone. 7.If you can't give me a (正确的) answer, I'll ask someone else to do it.

8.You'd better not ask (直接的) questions. Please be (有礼貌). Asking questions (有礼貌) helps you communicate with others. 9.—What's your e-mail (地址)? —It's Tom123@126. com.

10.Everyone kept (沉默) when they heard the news.

11.I hope to travel to some (欧洲) countries some day.

12.I hear Tom has an important (面试;采访) today. He'll be (面试;采访) by the manager.

13.He's a man full of (幽默). He's a very (幽默) person.

14.We are (骄傲) of what you've done for our class. You're our (骄傲).

15.Many parents were (缺席) because of the heavy rain.

16.In (总的;普遍的), you shouldn't talk that way (在公共场所). 17.I think I know (确切地;恰恰) what you're going to tell us. 18.What a big (蚂蚁) it is! How scary!

19.He (要求) us to keep it a secret just now.

20.He (介绍) himself to us. He made a very simple (介绍) to us. Ⅱ. 选择填空

1.The boy was badly ill, so he was from school yesterday. A.far B.different C.absent D.free 2.—What did Max just say to you? —He asked me .

A.if I would like to go skating B.when did I buy this CD

C.where I will spend the weekend D.that I had a good time

3.If you behave , others will think you are . A.polite; polite B.polite; politely

C.politely; polite D.politely; politely

4.—Many students don't know how to their trouble and feel nervous. —I think they should ask the teacher for help. A.play with B.deal with C.talk with D.come up with

5.—I can't stand swimming in cold rivers in winter.

—But it's for your health. You know I often swim in rivers in different seasons. A.helpful B.harmful C.painful D.careful Ⅲ. 完成句子

1.你能告诉我他是什么时候离开的吗? Can you tell me ?

2.他们正在讨论怎么避免被边缘化的问题。 They are discussing being left out.

3.我们想去令人兴奋的地方旅行,我们不在乎要走多远。 We would like to an exciting place, and we don't mind we have to go.


He didn't know before he became a volunteer. 5.随着时间的流逝,好的友谊可能会消失。

As time , good friendship may be disappear. 6.过去你在周末上课吗?

have classes at the weekend?