(共19套)山东济南中考英语复习课本知识点练习汇总 下载本文





Ⅰ. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空或根据汉语提示完成单词。 1.What are (they) names?

2.The (child) are in their (parent) room. 3.Thank you for (call) (I) at 6769-7843. 4.We need to ask (they) for help.

5.What about (help) Tom with (he) English?

6.There's too much homework today. Let (they) (not play) tennis after school. 7.It's (relax) for me (watch) (sport) games on TV.

8.Going swimming (sound) (bore), not (interesting) at all. 9.One of these (字典) is (she).

10.The twins aren't in the (相同的) (class). They're in different (class).

11.I don't like the colors (紫色) and (棕色). 12.His (女儿的) name is Mary.

13.Here are some nice (照片) of my family. 14.Look, his room is so (整洁) now.

15.The (学生的) (飞机模型) are (到处;处处). We need to put them away.

16.There are two (图书馆) in our school. Students can borrow books from Monday to Friday.

17.Look, there's a (钟表) and two (收音机) on the (桌子). 18.Lesson One is much (容易) than Lesson Two. 19.Science is even (困难的) than Chinese for me.

20.Tom has (箱) of books at home. He likes (读书) very much. Ⅱ. 改写句子

1.Are the pens in your pencil box?(作否定回答) ,.

2.The baseball is under the bed. (改为否定句) The baseball the bed.

3.My eraser is .(就句子画线部分提问) your eraser?

4.Bruce and I know Bob's phone number. (改为否定句) Bruce and I Bob's phone number.

5.His books are here and there. (改写句子,句意不变) His books . Ⅲ. 完成句子

1.下课后咱们打网球吧。 tennis .

2.你的同班同学认为数学简单吗? Does your math is ?

3.我只在电视上看篮球比赛。 I basketball games TV.

4.丁宁打乒乓球,但是她不打网球。 Ding Ning ping-pong, she tennis. 5.我和我姐姐在同一所学校。 My sister and I .


Ⅰ. 1. their 2. children; parents' 3. calling; me 4.them 5. helping; his 6. them; not play 7.relaxing; to watch; sports

8.sounds; boring; interesting 9. dictionaries; hers 10.same; class; classes 11. purple; brown

12.daughter's 13. photos 14. tidy 15.students'; model planes; everywhere

16.libraries 17. clock; radios; table 18. easier 19.more difficult 20. boxes; reading/to read

Ⅱ. 1. No; they aren't 2. isn't under 3. Where is 4.don't know 5. are everywhere Ⅲ. 1. Let's play; after class 2.classmate think; easy 3.only watch; on

4.plays; but; doesn't play 5.are in the same school



Ⅰ. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空或根据汉语提示完成单词。 1.If you keep on (eat) like this, you'll be much (fat).

2.There's a (woman) shoe store around here. They sell good shoes. 3.The shoes in this store are on (sell). Let's go and buy some. 4.How about (eat) some (西红柿)? I think they're good for (健康).

5.If you have good (eat) (习惯), it's easy for your (健康). 6.They're (sell) the (裤子) at very good (价格). 7.David needs (buy) a (双) of (短裤) for (运动).

8.If you want to keep (健康). We must eat (健康) food and eat (好).

9.—Have you (完成) (make) the dumplings? —Yes. You can enjoy them soon.

10.He likes (汉堡) for lunch and (草莓) for dessert. 11.I like (蔬菜) and I also like (蔬菜) salad. 12.—How many (月) are there in a year? — (12).

13.My (mother) birthday is on (九月) (二号). It's her (40) birthday. We'll have a party for her. 14.—When is the (艺术节)? —It's in (介词) (十一月).

15.The kids are even (忙碌的). They're (忙碌的) (get) ready for the (测验;考试).

16. (Tom) (最喜爱的) (科目) are (地理) and (历史) at school.

17.Tony has (科学) on (周三) and (周四).

18.Generally, there are two (学期) in a year. 19.Our apartment is on the (12) floor.

20.It's two and a half (小时) drive from my home to the airport. Ⅱ. 改写句子

1.My father doesn't like playing tennis. (改为肯定句) My father playing tennis.

2.I play football on Friday afternoon. (改为否定句) I football on Friday afternoon.

3.Tim has a gold watch. (改为一般疑问句) Tim a gold watch?

4.Here are some old bikes under the tree. (改为单数形式) Here old under the tree.

5.My favorite subject is .(就句子画线部分提问) your subject?

6.He likes art .(就句子画线部分提问) he like art?

7.Mike has P.E..(就句子画线部分提问) Mike have P.E. ?

8.He likes some subjects. (改为一般疑问句) like subjects?

9.These socks are .(就句子画线部分提问) are these socks?

10.likes apples and bananas. (就句子画线部分提问) apples and bananas? Ⅲ. 完成句子

1.我们每天上数学课。 We every day.

2.你最喜爱的动物是什么? your animal?

3.我们在星期一、星期三和星期五上英语课。 We have English on , and Friday. 4.我喜欢和我的小狗Nike玩。 I like to my little dog Nike.

5.我什么学科都不喜欢, 只喜欢历史。 I any subjects. I only like .


Ⅰ. 1. eating; fatter 2. women's 3. sale

4.eating; tomatoes; health 5. eating; habits; health 6.selling; trousers; prices 7.to buy; pair; shorts; sports

8.healthy; healthy; well 9. finished; making 10.hamburgers; strawberries

11.vegetables; vegetable 12. months; Twelve