北京理工大学博士研究生入学考试英语试题附答案和详解 下载本文

two to three million doses. But there is no guarantee that vaccines which protect against annual human flu strains will also work against H5N1.

The consequences hardly bear thinking about. Earlier this year, in a dress rehearsal in the East Midlands codenamed, Operation Arctic Circle, officials quickly concluded that mass mortuaries would be needed to bury the dead. But no one knows whether, in the event of a pandemic, any of these measures will prove effective. John Avizienius, senior scientific officer at the RSPCA and a member of Defra's avian influenza stakeholder group,said: “All you can do is plan for the worst case scenario.”

The fear is that wild geese moving from western China to Siberia may have spread the virus to several species of ducks and gulls that briefly visit British shores on their annual migration north. These ducks, many of which may not show signs of illness, may be passing on the virus to poultry on British farms.

In the hope that they are not, Defra and the Wildfowl and Wetland announced last week that they would be conducting tests on 11,000 wild birds—three times the normal level. “The risk of avian influenza spreading from eastern Russia to the UK via migrating birds is still low,” said Defra's chief vet, Debby Reynolds. “However, we have said all along that we must remain on the look out.”

16.What does the “scenario” in Paragraph 2 mean to Turkey?

A.Turkey will be exposed to the nationwide aggression of the deadly virus as the most severely attacked country on these shores.

B.Turkey must kill billions of chicken and other kinds of poultry. C.Turkey has to be responsible for the arrival of H5N1 on these shores. D.All the veterinary experts in Turkey will soon swing into action.

17. What is, according to Neil Ferguson, the possible risk of bird flu if one gets infected? A.Anyone's infection will trigger pandemic though it is probably one in ten thousand. B.Each time a person gets infected with the virus will cause an enormous pandemic bird flu. C.The person infected with the virus will do great harm to people around him. D.It is impossible that the virus infection of a certain persons will cause a national bird virus spreading.

18.The change of alert colors from amber to red implies that__. A.all poultry workers must leave their working places as soon as possible

B.the officials in the Department of Health must call for much more of international assistance

C.the most serious situation of bird flu has appeared

D.the change of the color functions greatly as the weather reports do

19.What are the steps taken by the Department of Health of UK with the risk of the virus spreading to human population?

A.The Department of Health required Civil Contingency Secretariat to publish documents for the pandemic preparedness.

B.The Department of Health required the UK national committee to co-work with hospital trusts and local authorities.

C.The Department of Health required Civil Contingency Secretariat to make a pandemic plan as soon as possible.

D.The Department of Health requires every hospital to store Tamiflu, the precious flu vaccine.

20.British government's fear of the wild geese from western China to Siberia is due to ______.

A.the domestic ducks and gulls infected by the imported geese to Britain B.the poultry on British farms has been infected by the immigrated wild geese C.the migration of the wild geese every winter D.British shores infected by the geese virus

Part Ⅱ Translation (40 points)

Section A Directions: Translate the following short paragraphs into Chinese. (20 points) 21.

Everyone has something they are ashamed of, afraid of or that they feel guilty about.Each of us, in our own way, has devised a neat little method of handling our dark side. We may know how to hide it. Few of us know how to heal it. When we refuse to admit what we have done in the past, we block our path to the future. No matter how terrible we think we are, how bad we believe we have been, how low we think we have fallen, we can clean our minds and begin again.


We expend so much energy trying to fix who we are, we rarely get to know our selves. If we

realized how precious the gift of life is, we would not waste a moment trying to improve it. If we really understood how precious we are to the gift of life, we would not waste time trying to fix ourselves.


We cannot draw to us more than we believe we are worth. Everything that happens to us and every choice we make is a reflection of what we believe about who we are. Our inspiration comes from our self-acceptance. Our motivation comes from our self-reliance. When we accept ourselves and rely on ourselves, we feel good about ourselves. When you feel good about something, you believe in it. When you believe in it, it will work for you !


It is of little consequence what your past has been. What matters to you and for you is right now. It is not your concern what others may be saying or doing. When you are taking care of yourself, you have very little time to pay attention to others. People can love you or hate you, ignore you or dote on your every word. No matter what anyone else may think or do or say, it has very little impact on who you really are. It is only in your mind that you build or destroy the esteem for your “self”. Self-esteem begins and ends with you, the self. When you have it, you have it and no one can take it away from you.

Section B

Directions:Translate the following paragraph into English.(20 points)


Part Ⅲ Writing (20 points)

Directions: You are to write a composition of no less than 250 words and do your composition neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. Your composition should be based on the following


What Should Human Do to Preserve the Nature?


Part I Reading Comprehension

Passage One


【解析】本题的四个选项中,只有B项为正确答案。这可从文中第一段的第二句“…literacy animators view their role as assisting in the self-liberating development of people…”推知,即literacy animators认为他们的职责是帮助人们自我解放。A选项是literacy animators帮助的对象所追求的事情;C选项中is committed to意为“致力于,献身于”,C选项的意思是他们致力于把文盲边缘化,与文章意思相反;D项的意思文章没有提及。


【解析】本题的四个选项中,只有A项为正确答案。这可从文中第二段的最后一句话推知。本句的结构是:literacy educators(主语)+consider(谓语)+whether(从句引导词)+the instruction(从句主语)+conflicts(从句谓语)…,or fosters(从句谓语)illiteracies in learners’ first or home languages or dialects and in their orality?可见fosters 的主语是instruction“教育、指导”,另外fosters sb.in sth.意为“促进某人在什么方面的发展”,在这里意为“教育是否有利于文盲的本族语或方言的发展”。



