陕旅版 五年级英语(下册)总复习提纲 下载本文

五、some exercises:(练习) 1、____the weather like today, Mom? A、What’s B、How’s C、how’s 2、Oh, look! It’s_____ now. A、rains B、raining C、rain 3、See you, Mom____Dad! A、but B、or C、and 4、Take your umbrella____ you. A、on B、with C、in 找出错误,更正: 1、What do bird do? ( )改为( ) 2、Summer is cold. ( )改为( ) 3、So we feel happy, to! ( )改为( ) 4、So we feel happily, too! ( )改为( ) 连词成句: 1、know Do you?

? 2、blue The sky is.

. 3、better But I like winter. . 4、in spring Which months are?

? 5、we So happy feel to , ! 根据要求完成各题:

1、_____(what’s)the weather like today? 2.It’s_______(cloud). 3.It’s_______(rain) now.

4.Take______ (you) umbrella with you. 改错:

1.How’s the weather like today?

修改:___________________________________? 2.--What’s the weather like today? --It’s sun.


翻译:商南今天的天气怎么样?试着用两种方式写出来。 1. ? ?



假日 旅行 享受 名胜 故宫博物院 长城

西湖 五一国际劳动节 大的;巨大的 all 精彩的 慢的


1.travel 2.享受旅途

3.Place of interest 4.the Palace Museum 5.the Great Wall 6.the West Lake


1.Where will you go on your holidays? 2.How will you go?

3.What are you going to do this evening? 4.May Day is coming.

5.You can visit many places of interest there. 6.What is the Palace Museum like? 7.I will injoy my visit there. 8.What will you do this summer? 9.I will travel to Hangzhou. 10.Why not go by plane? 11.Have a good time. 12.Welcome to Xi’an! 13.Where are you from? 14.Where will you go next? 15.Thank you.

16.Where will you go next week?

四、重要语法呈现: 1.Why not do ....?

Eg:Why not go out to play? 为什么不出去玩呢?

2.will + 动词原形 将要干某事;打算干某事 Eg: She will travel to Hongkong. Will she travel to Hongkong? Yes, she will/ No, she won’t.

3.am/is/are going to + 动词原形 将要干某事;打算干某事。 Eg: I am going to buy a pen. She is going to go shopping.

五、some exercises:(练习)

1.A: Where will you go on your holidays? B: I will go to __________(长城) A: How will you go? B: By ______(自行车)

A: Where will you go on your holidays? B: I will go to __________(故宫) A: How will you go? B: By ______(公共汽车)

A: Where will you go on your holidays? B: I will go to __________(西湖) A: How will you go? B: By ______(飞机)

2.You’d better = You’d better go home.(否定句) He tell me to read a book.(改错)