2016年上海奉贤区初三英语二模卷(附听力文稿、答案) 下载本文

57. A creative egg cooker can cook eggs ________without a saucepan. (easy)

58. Don't get too ________ if you see men walking around with the skirts in Edinburgh. (surprise)

59. Goku, the character in Japanese film, may not be as _______ as the monkey we see on the traditional version(版本)of the classic Journey to the West 《西游记》. (power) 60. How about _______ the matter again after school is over? (discussion)

61. Have you ever made a wish that all your troubles will _______ soon? (appear)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67题,每空格限填

一词。68题注意大小写): (共14分)

62. Everyone tries his best to achieve a higher score in Grade Nine. (改为一般疑问句) _______ everyone ________ his best to achieve a higher score in Grade Nine? 63. The naughty boy broke his grandma's vase by mistake. (对划线部分提问) _______ vase _______ the naughty boy break by mistake?

64. Please tell us when we should attend the meeting. (改为简单句) Please tell us _______ ________ attend the meeting.

65. Frozen 《冰雪奇缘》is really an attractive movie. (改为感叹句) ________ _______ attractive movie Frozen is!

66. It rained heavily this morning. Most of the students couldn't go to school on time. (保持句意基本不变) It rained so heavily that most of the students _______ _______ go to school on time this morning. 67. In this estate, we must keep the noise under 50 dbs (分贝). (改成被动语态) The noise must _______ _______ under 50 dbs in this estate.

68. hasn't, Wendy, heard from, for, her close friend, a month (连词成句)


Part 3 Reading and Writing

(第三部分 读写)

VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共50分)

A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 12分)

Touch is one of the most important of our five senses. It is one of the first senses we develop. One of the most commonly accepted forms of touch among people is also one of the first experiences we have in the world---A hug!

There is no better way to understand the importance of hugs than to lose them. For those who have experienced the loss of hugs, you will know how important they are to share.

A recent research has shown that when people hug, the brain releases the chemical which increases our willingness to trust and reduces fear. It has also shown that hugs are great for your heart.

In 1995, a pair of newly born twins was being cared for in hospital. While one of the twins seemed quite healthy, her sister was not. After trying different medical treatments, the nurse on duty, Gayle Kasparian, placed the twins in bed together. The twins immediately snuggled ( 依偎 ) up to each other. As one placed her arm around the other, the weak baby became better gradually. How great the power of a hug is!

The need for hugs doesn’t disappear as we grow older, though it seems we are less willing to give them. Research on people of all ages has proven that a hug is necessary for physical and emotional health. Without hugs we can become sad. A hug provides safety and gentleness. A hug provides us with social contact, a sense of health and a feeling of importance and belonging. 69. The writer believes that __________.

A) touch is the most important sense B) hug is one of human's five senses C) touch is the first developed sense D) hug is one of the forms of touch

70. In the sentence \they are to share. \they\ refers to __________. A) touches B) people C) hugs D) experiences 71.A recent research has shown that __________. A) hugs can release a kind of chemical B) hug is good for people’s heart C) hug increases people’s fear D) hug reduces the feeling of trust 72. The story of the twins tells us ___________. A) twins should be placed in bed together B) the power of a hug is great C) twins should be looked after together D) medical treatments are important 73. A hug provides all the following except __________. A) a sense of social contact B) a sense of health C) a sense of belonging D) a sense of power 74. The best title of the passage can be __________. A) The great importance of Hugs B) The different ways of Hugs C) The traditional cultures of Hugs D) The interesting stories of Hugs

B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12分)

World Post Day is celebrated on October 9. This day is the date when the first postal union, the Universal Postal Union (UPU,万国邮联),was started in 1874 in Bern, Switzerland.

Post is one of the oldest way of 75 . The postal service is part of people's daily life all over the world. People send or 76 letters and parcels through the postal service.

Did you know that China was one of the first countries to have a postal service? Experts disagree about the date, but it is likely that there was a system during the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC).

77 , some experts think that there may have been a postal system before then. In the Zhou Dynasty (1122-256 BC), Confucius(孔子) (551-479BC) said: \of deeds travels faster than the mail.\

Experts believe that the Chinese Postal Service has been in use for the longest amount of time in the world

Many students collect stamps for a 78 . This, according to UPU, helps young people to learn about the world.

\ 79 way to learn about a country is probably through stamp collecting,\

Through stamp collecting you can 80 in time to hundreds of years ago or go into outer space. You can meet famous people, or learn about places and animals from around the world.


World Post Day is celebrated in many ways. Postal service in many countries use this day to have stamp exhibitions and use special stamps.

75. A) travelling B) communicating C) living D) working 76. A) receive B) borrow C) accept D) deliver

77. A) In addition B) In fact C) In other words D) In this way 78. A) habit B) harvest C) hobby D) holiday 79. A) quickest B) slowest C) safest D) funniest 80. A) go over B) go out C) go on D) go back

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

Today, it is a big problem for young graduates to get good jobs. It is said that there are thousands of different kinds of jobs in the world. Choosing the right one is not that easy.

\end up in a job, but they are not suitable for it. Sometimes a \ 81 \play a more important part than a \

Here are a few steps to help you think about jobs which you might enjoy after school or university. First it is important to r 82 what kind of person you are, which special qualities make you outstanding and w 83

you are interested in. There is a different between an interest and a skill. If you like art and enjoy

looking at pictures, that is an interest. But if you can draw a horse that looks like a horse not a big dog, that is a skill. Then ask y 84 a question,\ 85 areas---skills with people, skills with information and skills with things, which are your best skills?\ 86 examining your skills, the next step is research. To find about as many different kinds of jobs as p 87 , go to the library and read books, magazines and newspapers for information. Ask your friends what they think of the work they do. Finally, trust your own ideas and your own thinking! It is your own life, just find the job you really enjoy doing.

D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题) (第88题1分;第89—92题每小题 2分;第93题3分): (共12分)

During summer vacations, I would volunteer at the vet's, so I'd seen a lot of dogs. Minnie was by far the funniest-looking dog I'd ever seen. Thin curly hair barely covered her sausage-shaped body. Her big eyes always looked surprised. And her tail looked like a rat's.

She was brought to the vet to be put to sleep because her owners didn’t want her anymore. But I thought Minnie had a sweet personality. \putting her to sleep, the vet gave her the chance to be adopted(收养)by someone else. I advertised Minnie in the local paper: \

When a young man called, I warned him that Minnie was strange looking. The boy on the phone told me that his grandfather’s 16-year-old dog had just died. They wanted Minnie no matter what it looked like. I gave Minnie a good bath. Then we waited for them to arrive.

At last, an old car drove up in front of the vet's. Two kids ran to the door. They took Minnie to their grandfather, who was waiting in the car. I hurried behind them to see his reaction to Minnie.

The grandfather carried Minnie in his arms and touched her soft hair. She licked( 舔 )his face. It was love at first lick. \She’s perfect!\

I was thankful that Minnie had found the good home that she deserved.

That’s when I saw that the grandfather’s eyes were a milky white color---he was blind.

Answer the questions

88. Minnie was a good-looking dog, wasn't she?

________________________________________________________________________. 89. Why did Minnie's owners bring her to the vet?

________________________________________________________________________. 90. How did the vet deal with Minnie?

_________________________________________________________________________. 91. What did Grandfather do to Minnie?


92. Did the writer think Minnie would be loved by the new owner? Which sentence in the passage supports your answer?

__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. 93. What can you learn from the story? If you had a chance to adopt Minnie, what would you do ? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________.

VII. Writing (作文): (共20分)

94. Please complete the topic \your topic. (请补全题目并以此为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)。

提示: 生活中总有一些令人难忘的东西,或是一个给你帮助的人;或是一个意义非凡的日子或是一


(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。) ..........................