安徽省2012年专升本英语词汇复习练习(Whole) - key 下载本文


(treatment -----visitor)

I. 单词拼写

1. The island is shaped like a t__________ ( 三角形). 2. His ____________ (裤子) were slightly short.

3. It started to rain, so Tricia stopped to put up her u__________.

4. They hired a private t__________ to help their son with his English. 5. His elder brother works as a __________ (卡车) driver. 6. He studied physics at Oxford U____________.

7. Their most v___________ (贵重的) belongings were locked in a safe in the bedroom. 8. The shop sells fresh fruit and v__________.

9. Their 2 – 1 v__________ (胜利) over the Australians was completely unexpected. 10. The travelers found the v__________ (村民) in the valley were very friendly.

II. 词性变换。

1. The best __________ (treat) for a cold is to rest and drink lots of water. 2. Tom is a __________ (trouble) child and often causes problems. 3. We’ll never know the __________ (true) behind the accident.

4. He doesn’t speak much Japanese but he can make himself __________ (understand). 5. I would have been here an hour ago, but __________ (unfortunate) I missed the train. 6. It’s not __________(usual) to feel nervous before an exam. 7. The jacket is available in _____________ (variety) colors.

8. There is too much sex and v___________ (violent) on TV these days. 9. Times Square attracts more than 30 million ________ (visit) annually.

10. We bought a __________ (use) car because we couldn’t afford a new one.

III. 单项选择

1. Something is wrong with my computer, I’ve been having trouble _____ my e-mail. A. check B. to check C. checking D. checked 2. After 21 years, Carl’s dream of owning a home of his own finally _____. A. came true B. to come true C. came truly D. coming truly 3. –My plant is dying.

--Have you tried _____ it in a sunnier room? A. put B. putting C. to put D. to have put 4. Lemons contain _____ vitamin C as oranges, as well as valuable B vitamins. A. twice the amount of B. the twice amount of C. twice the number of D. the twice number of 5. The possibility of employing more staff is still _____ discussion. A. up B. with C. at D. under 6. I can understand _____ to live alone and be independent. A. she want B. her want C. her wanting D. her to want

7. I think you should complain -- ______, of course, you are happy with the way things are. A. until B. unless C. however D. therefore 9. Dad and Mon are busier; we’re eating out more often than we ______.


A. worth B. worthy C. value D. valuable 10. We share the view _____ peace can only be achieved through dialogue.

A. which B. what C. where D. that

IV. 词组填空 turn off turn out turn up burn down turn over pay a visit to in my view up to true of in vain 1. You can pay weekly or monthly – it’s _________ you.

2. The music of the opera is dull, and the same is ___________ the acting. 3. They offered her the job, but she _____ it _____. 4. Don’t forget to _____ the lights _____ when you leave.

5. It was a difficult time, but eventually things ____________ all right. 6. He’ll _____ the shop _____ to his son when he retires.

7. I had thought my watch was lost; but eventually it _________ in a coat pocket. 8. If you have time, ________ the City Art Gallery. 9. ________, the country needs a change of government. 10. John worked very hard, but all his efforts were __________.

V. 句子翻译

1、 孩子们总是耍花招戏弄老师。(trick)

2、 如果我不能按时完成这件事,我就要倒霉了。(trouble)

3、 在买鞋之前要先试穿一下。(try)

4、 直到他开口,我才知道他不是英国人。(until)

5、 我试着跟他联系,却没联系上。(unable)

6、 我不习惯午饭吃那么多。(used)

7、 有种类繁多的样式可供挑选。(variety)

8、 要是我没记错的话,他昨天回来上班了。(unless)

9、 他不愿意向我们提供进一步的细节。(unwilling)

10、 我理解现在你心里有多难受。(upset)