最新仁爱版英语八年级下册Unit5-6知识点归纳 下载本文

3. make sb. do sth.让某人做某事 make sb.+形容词/名词 让某人怎样

calm down 冷静下来 listen to me 听我说 I can’t hear you. 4. How long/How often/How soon 的区别

How long 多久 (表示一段时间) 用for回答

How often 多久一次(表频率)用once/twice/three times a day等回答 How soon 多久(只用于将来时) 用in来回答。

5. be sorry about sth./be sorry to do sth./ be sorry of doing sth./be sorry that+句子 对…感到抱歉

去医院 go to the hospital see a doctor 看医生 住院 in hospital 在医院工作 in the hospital

6. be afraid to do sth./ be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 be afraid that+句子 Don’t be afraid! 不要害怕! Be brave! 勇敢点!

7. follow the doctor’s advice 听从医生的建议 advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 8. 身体好起来 get /feel well (形容词)

9. I hope so.我希望如此。 hope (not)to do sth. 希望(不)做某事I hope that+句子 hope 希望 wishes 祝福/祝愿 19.worry about/be worried about 担心

1. give a/the speech 做演讲 speak in public 在公共场合下演讲 2. instead of doing sth. 代替做某事 take the place of 代替 3. have to do sth. 不得不做某事

4. take good care of oneself 好好照顾某人自己=look after oneself= care for sb.照顾(某人)

5. Thanks a lot!=Thank you very much. 非常感谢! 形容词:thankful 充满感激的=grateful


1. be happy for sb./be happy about sth./be happy to do sth. 2. 感到好很多 feel much better 康复 get well 影响我们的心情 affect our feelings

3. for example,+句子=such as +名词/动名词=like+名词/动名词 例如 4. get along well with sb. 与…相处融洽

5. stay in a good/bad mood 处于一种好/坏心情 =stay in good/bad spirits

6. be good/bad for…对…有好处/坏处 be good at doing sth. 擅长做某事 be good to sb. 对…很好

give sb.a surprise 给某人一个惊喜 surprised/ surprising 7. put on 上演 put up 举手/张贴 put them away 把…收好 8. just as 正如

9. prepare for sth. 为某事做准备 prepare sth. for sb. 为某人准备某事be ready for sth./be ready to do sth. 为某事做准备 prepare to do sth. 10. 别担心!Don’t worry! 别害怕!Don’t be afraid!


别紧张!Take it easy!/Don’t be nervous! 冷静!Calm down! 放松自己!Relax yourself! 一切都会好起来的!It’ll be all right! 19.幸福happiness 悲伤 sadness

20.在回家路上 on the way home on the way to school 在上学路上 21.躺在路上 lie on the road lie-lying

22.生病住院 ill in hospital 卧病在床 ill in bed 23.look for 寻找 find-found 找到

Section C

1. hang in the sky 在天上悬挂

2. 在中秋节 on Mid-autumn Festival 3. 与某人在一起 get together with sb. 4. fill with tears 充满泪水

5. at night 在晚上 同义:in the evening

6. too…to…太…而不能 too+形容词+to +动词原形 7. 入睡 fall asleep sleepy 困倦的 8. hope to do sth. 希望做某事 9. some day=one day 某一天

10. 有悲伤的情绪 have sad thoughts 11. 阳光明媚 The sun shines brightly.

12. 让我感到平静 make me feel calm(形容词) 13. 给我更多的能量 give me more energy

14. Wearing red often makes me active. (动词作主语+ing) 15. 让我笑/哭/生气/焦虑/伤心/紧张/开心/兴奋/休闲

make melaugh/ cry /angry /worried/sad/nervous/happy/excited/relaxed SectionD

1. around us 在我们身边

2. It’s important for us to do sth. 对我们来说做某事是重要的。 3. learn to do sth. 学着去做某事 learn from sb. 4. 照顾我们自己 take good care of ourselves

5. remember to do sth. 记得去做某事 remember doing sth. 记得曾经做过某事 反义词: forget 忘记

6. 吃健康的食物 eat healthy food 7. 睡得好 sleep well

8. get help from sb. 从某人那里得到帮助 9. 仔细考虑 think it over

10. 作一个重要的决定 make an important decision 11. 幸福感a sense of happine

Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling

Topic 1 I have some exciting news to tell you


1 go on 继续 go on a spring field trip 继续去春游


go on a visit / trip to …=have a visit /trip to …

2 decide on 致力于 decide to do sth 决定做某事 make a decision 决定

3 My pleasure. = It’s a / my pleasure. 我很乐意

4 Have a good trip. 玩得愉快 Have a good / wonderful time. 5 see the sunrise 看日出

6 raise money 筹集钱 make money 赚钱 save money节省钱

7 book / order sth for sb 为某人预定、、、 8 pay for 付、、、的钱

10 plan to do sth 计划做某事

11 work out 解决 work it / them out 12 the cost of 、、、 、、、的花费 the price of 、、、的价格 13 come up with 提出,想出

14 look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事

15 hear from …= get / receive a letter from 收到、、、来信 … 16 in the day / daytime 在白天

at night 在晚上 in the evening 在晚上 17 place of interest 有趣的地方


Section A知识点

1、I have some exciting news to tell you!

to tell you 是动词不定式作后置定语,修饰名词news. 和news间是动宾关系。如果该动词是vi,则不要漏掉后面的尾巴—介词。 如:I have nothing to talk about. 考题链接:

If people keep cutting down the forest, they will have nowhere ____. A. to live B. to live in C. to go D. to go to

2、For our spring field trip, we’re going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai. ① go on a visit to “去….参观/旅行”

类似的搭配:go on a trip 去旅行 go on a picnic 去野餐 ② a three-day visit to Mount Tai “去泰山三日游”

three-day 是个复合形容词,由“基数词+连字符+名词单数”形式构成。可位于名词前作定语。

如: a 13-year-old boy 一个13岁的男孩 an 18-kilometer river 一条18公里长的河 考题链接:

1、 --Why not ask Zhao Yu to play soccer with us?

--He has ____ grandmother. He has to stay at home to care for her. A. an eighteen-year-old B. a eighty-year-old


C. an eighty-years-old D.an eighty-year-old

2、-From this year on, we begin to enjoy a ____ National Day each year . --Sounds great!

A. Seven day’s B. seven days C. seven-days D. seven-day 3、Let’s find out some information about the cost. ①find out “查明,发现,弄清(情况)” 【辨析】find out,find,look for

1) find out 多指调查询问,研究后“搞清楚,弄明白” 2) find 强调找的结果

如:I can’t find my shoes. 3) look for 指寻找,强调动作 如: I’m looking for my wallet. 考题链接:

①--Could you tell me some information about the 9th China(Beijing) International Garden Expo?

--I’m sorry I know little about it. Let’s ___ some information on the Internet. A. pay for B. put on C. find out D. decide on

②The students didn’t find much______ about the topic on the wensite.(2013上海)

A. report B. article C. information D. story

4、Bring your information tomorrow and we’ll decide on the best travel on your field trip.

①decide on/upon 决定,选定

decide to do sth “决定做某事”=make a decision to do sth 否定形式:decide not to do sth 决定(不)做某事 ②the best way to do…… “做….的做好方式” 这里的to do 作定语修饰the way

如:The best way to raise money is to sell newspapers. 考题链接:

Miss Wang asked us to ______ ________(决定)the place to go. Section B知识点

5、Kangkang is booking train tickets to Mount Tai. 此处book为动词,“订票,预约”

book a room for sb/sth=order a room for sb/sth 考题链接:

--What about going to see the sunrise in Mount Tai. --Sounds exciting! I’ll ______ a room at once. A. buy B. book C. sell D. decide

6、May I have your name and telephone number, please?

May I have….“可以…吗?”是一种委婉表达请求的交际用语。 如:May I have a book, please? 可以给我拿本书吗? 7、A standard room with two single beds costs ¥100 and a room with one single bed costs ¥80.

with two single beds 中的with “带有”反义词是without