2018暑期八升九英语练习(语法) - 图文 下载本文


具体时刻,也可以是一段时间。 7、Why用来询问原因,答语要用because (因为)

8、 ①How many 用来询问数量,其答语为数词。 How many 后面接可数名词 --- How much is your pen? - --It is ten yuan.

③how often用来问频率(多久一次) ---How often do you play football ? ---Twice a week.


How many people are there in your family?

②How much water do you have? How much 用来询问数量,其后接不可数名词

另外how much 还可以用来询问价钱? ---why are you late ?

---Because I get up late this morning.


1. My father is a worker. _______ is your father ? 2.The woman is a teacher. ________ is the teacher?

3. The girl is sixteen years old. ______ ______ is the girl?

4. I am thirty. ______ ______ ______ ______?

5. It's twelve.

________ _______is it ? 6.It's Sunday today. _______ _______ is it today ? 7. It is September 10th today. _______ ________ is it today?

8.They have supper at six in the evening.

9.He works in the library. ________ _______ he______ ? 10.He is under the tree. _______ _______ he ?

11.The boy under the tree is his friend. _________ is his friend ? 12. The red coat is mine. ________ is your coat? 13.My coat is red. _______ ________ is your coat ? 14.There are seven days in a week. ④how soon询问未来的时间,常用于一般将来时。其答语通常为“in+一段时间” -----how soon will you come back ? ------In a week .

⑤how tall 问身高 how high 问建筑物的高 how long 问物体长度 how wide问多宽 how old问年龄

_______ ______ days ______ _____ in a week?

15.There is some tea in the cup. ______ _______ tea _______ _______ In the cup?

16. I paid five yuan for the book. _______ _______ _______ you ______ for the book?

17.It's eight kilometers from Jiaji to Tayang.

_____ _____ is it from Jiaji to Tayang? 18.It's about 100meters away from here. ______ ______ is it from here.

19 Our English teacher has taught at this school for about fifteen years. ______ ______ ______ your English teacher______ at this school ?

20. They have waited for you since two hours ago. _______ ______ _______ they _______ For you?

21.They will work out the problem in ten minutes. ______ ______will they work out the problem?

22. You must take this medicine three times a day. _______ _______ _______ you take this medicine?

23. The students water the flowers every day. _______ _______ _______ the students water the flowers?

24. I can't go with you because I have to look after my brother. _______ _______ you go with us? 25. I am fine

_______________________? 26. My father is fine. ________________ ?

27. It will be snowy tomorrow. ______ will the weather______ tomorrow?

28. The girls play basketball every day. _____ _____ the girls _____ every day? 29. The child draws a picture every day. ______ ______ the child______ every day?

30. The girls played basketball yesterday.

15. 宾语从句:充当宾语的句子

对宾语从句应注意以下三要素: 1. 引导词 2. 语序 3. 时态 1. 引导词


eg. He says (that) the boy is a little weak in Chinese.

2)疑问词引导特殊疑问句意义的宾从 eg. ①.Do you know who will give us a talk?

②.I don’t know whose book that is. ③.Could you please tell which gate we have to go to?

④.I wonder when he will come back. 注意:此类宾从的主语与主句的主语(或宾语)相同时,可替换为“疑问词 + to do”

eg. ①.I haven’t decided where I will go

______ ______ the girls _____ yesterday? 31. The child drew a picture just now. ______ ______ the child______ just now? 32. The girls are playing basketball now ______ are the girls______ now?

33. I am having breakfast at the moment. _______ _______ you________ at the moment?

34. The girls are going to play basketball tomorrow afternoon.

______ ______ the girls______ ______ _______ tomorrow afternoon?

35. The child will draw a picture tonight ______ ______ the child______ tonight? 36.The girls will play basketball next Sunday. _______ _______ the girl play basketball? 37. I have already had breakfast

_______ _______ you already_______ ? 38. The child has just drawn a picture _______ _______ just_______ a picture ?

=I haven’t decided where to go ②.He asked me what I bought = He asked me what to buy. 类似短语:how to do _____what to say_____

what to do _____where to go____


eg. ①.“Do you like this book?” she asked me.

=She asked me ___ I liked this book. ②.“Have you visited the Great Wall?” Could you tell me?

=Could you tell me _____ you have visited the Great Wall? 注意以下几点:

ⅰ.区别if当作“是否”,还是“如果” eg. I don’t know if he ______ (come)if it

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______(rain) tomorrow.

ⅱ.用whether不用if的几种情况 1)后接不定式

eg. I can’t decide whether to go to Beijing. B. where have you gone C. where you have been D. where have you been

( )3.Do you still remember ____ ?

2)与or / or not连用

eg. I want to know whether you will go to the park or not. 3)在句首时

eg. Whether this is true or not, I can’t say. 4)whether还可以引导让步状语从句,意为“不管,无论”

eg. Whether it rains or not, we are going to the park tomorrow.


eg. 1)I don’t (A) know whether (B) will he (C) come (D) tomorrow. _____________ 2)He asks (A) me when (B) will you (C) come back (D). _____________ 3)Could you tell (A) how many players (B) are there (C) in (D) a football team? _____________ 3.时态 主句 宾语从句 一般现在时 一切时态 过去范畴的某一时态一般过去时 (一般过去时;过去进行时;过去完成时;过去将来时) ?shegoestoschooleveryday.eg.1)Shesays(that)??shehasbeenillforfivedays.??shewillcometomorrow.

?shewenttoschooleveryday.2)Shesaid(that)??shehadbeenillforfivedays.??shewouldcomethenextday.但当宾语从句是指客观事实、普遍真理、自然现象时,则只能用一般现在时。 eg. She said (that) the sun rises in the east.

练 习

( )1.Alice wanted to know ____ her grandma liked the dog.

A. that B. if C. which D. what ( )2.Can you tell us ____ ? A. where have you gone

A. that he said B. what he said C. did he say that D. what did he say

( )4.The weather here changes very often and we can’t tell ____ it will be like tomorrow.

A. that B. how C. what D. whether

( )5.—What did the scientist say?

---He said he wondered if ____into space by spaceship one day.

A. he had to fly B. he could fly C. can he fly D. could he fly ( )6.Do you know_____ from Wuhan to Xi’an ?

A. how far it is B. how far is it C. how long it is D. how long is it ( )7.Could you tell me ____? A. where do you live

B. who you are waiting for C. who were you waiting for D. where you live in

( )8.—Is the lake there beautiful? -– This photo will show you ____. A. how does it look like B. what does it look like C. how it looks like D. what it looks like

( )9. I don’t know ____ bought the present for me. Is it Jack?

A. which B. who C. whose D. what ( )10.Could you show us ____ a bike ? A. how to mend B. what to buy C. where to go D. how many to buy ( )11.I don’t know ____ Jane was late for school this morning.

A. who B. what C. whom D. why ( )12.—Do you remember ____ he came? --Yes, I do. He came by car.

A. that B. if C. how D. when


( )13.Mike said he ___ a cold for a few days.

A. has caught B. had caught C. has had D. had had

( )14.I don’t know if he ____ here. If he ____, I’ll tell you.

A. will come, comes B. comes, will come C. comes , comes D. will come, will come that(作主语、宾语). 2.关系副词when,

where, why.


eg. The trees (that) we have planted grow well.

2.关系代词作宾语时,可放在介词后。 但当关系代词是that时,则不( )15.Could you tell me ____ best? A. which one you like B. which one do you like C. do you like which one D. you like which one

( )16.The teacher told the children that the earth ____ around the sun. A. moves B. moved C. had moved D. was moving ( )17.Nobody knows which factory _____.

A. does he work B. he works C. does he work in D. he works in

( )18.He said that no one knew ___ with him.

A. what is the matter B. what was the matter C. what the matter is D. what the matter was

( )19.I’m interested in _____ or not he is coming.

A. whether B. if C. when D. why ( )20.I’m sorry that I ____ you were here.

A. didn’t know B. don’t know C. won’t know D. can’t know



一、引导词(关系词):位于从句与先行词之间,起连接作用,同时在从句中充当一定的成分。先行词分两类:1.关系代词who(作主语), whom(作宾语), whose(作定语), which(作主语、宾语), 能放在介词后。eg. This is the house in which Lu Xun once lived

= This is the house which Lu Xun once lived in.

=This is the house that Lu Xun once lived in

二、如何选用引导词:一般情况引导词的选用是受先行词决定的——先行词是人时用that , who , whom , whose; 先行词是物时用that , which; 先行词是时间、地点时用when , where.

eg. 1)The boy who / that is standing under the tree is Jim. 站在树下的那个男孩时Jim.

2)Do you know the girl whose mother is a driver? 你认识那个妈妈是司机的女孩吗?

3)Have you been to the factory where your father works? 你去过你爸爸工作的工厂吗?

但注意区别who / that (指人);which / that (指物)


a. 先行词是one , ones , anyone , those 时。

b. there be句型中修饰名词时。 c. 先行词后有一个较长的定语。 eg.1)Anyone who hasn’t handed in his home- work should stay after school. 没交作业的任何人放学后都要留下。 2)There is a girl who wants to see you at the school gate. 校门口有位想见你的女孩。

3)Did you see the man in the park

yesterday afternoon who wore a red shirt? 昨天下午在公园你见过那个穿红衬衫的