2020版高考英语二轮复习限时规范训练(十六)语言知识运用板块 - 练准度 下载本文

限时规范训练(十六) 语言知识运用板块——练准度




Growing up in the 1960s, I was taught from an early age to send a handwritten thank-you note expressing __1__ for kindness. My mother used to buy me a box of paper and __2__ me in the art and value of saying “thank you”. She __3__ to be right.

A study showed that it took less than 5 minutes to write the thank-you notes. Just 5 minutes to make __4__ person feel overjoyed! __5__, in our “instant” world, the idea of getting an actual pen and writing an actual note seems to never come to mind. We tend to do what is __6__ for us—a quick text or an email.

It's easy to use the __7__ of being busy, but even very busy and __8__ businessmen find time to __9__ thank-you notes. For example, when Douglas Conant became CEO of Campbell's, the company had __10__ half of its market value and morale (士气) was at an all-time low. He __11__ fixing that by doing some simple things that are probably not __12__ in any MBA class. For one thing, Conant wrote to every __13__. He gained their confidence and __14__, turned the company __15__.

In his ten years as CEO, Conant wrote over 30,000 notes to employees. It's __16__ not to ask how he did it. __17__, he had many other things to do __18__ writing a thank-you note. Conant made time for __19__ because he knew the impact (影响) each one would have. An expression of __20__ in this crazy world still makes a difference.

[语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。小时候,妈妈教“我”用手写的感谢便条来表达对善良的感激,并教“我”表达感谢的艺术和价值;研究表明,不到五分钟就能用手写好的感谢便条让他人感到快乐。

1.A.concern C.affection

B.sympathy D.appreciation

解析:根据本句中的“...a handwritten thank-you note expressing __1__ for kindness.”可知,此处指用手写的感谢便条表达对善良的感激(appreciation),故D项正确。A项意为“担心,关心”;B项意为“同情”;C项意为“喜爱”。

答案:D 2.A.consult C.answer

B.instruct D.impress

解析:根据本句“My mother used to buy me a box of paper...and value of saying

‘thank you’.”可知,“我”的妈妈过去常常给“我”买一箱纸,并教授(instruct)“我”表达感谢的艺术和价值,故B项正确。A项意为“咨询”;C项意为“回答”;D项意为“使留下深刻印象”。

答案:B 3.A.remained C.appeared

B.proved D.claimed


答案:B 4.A.one C.each

B.any D.another


答案:D 5.A.Yet C.So

B.Therefore D.Otherwise

解析:根据本句中的“...seems to never come to mind.”并结合上文内容可知,尽管仅花费五分钟就能用手写好的感谢便条让他人感到快乐,但是(Yet),在我们这个“快捷的”世界里,人们似乎不愿意用这种方式表达谢意;据此可推知,此处前后表示转折关系,故A项正确。

答案:A 6.A.special C.convenient

B.necessary D.important

解析:根据本句中的“...a quick text or an email.”可推知,该处表示我们趋向于使用对我们来说方便的(convenient)方式——快速发送的短信或电子邮件,故C项正确。

答案:C 7.A.case C.example

B.excuse D.situation

解析:根据语境以及本句中的“...of being busy...”并结合常识可知,人们很容易以忙为借口(excuse),故B项正确。A项意为“事例”;C项意为“例子”;D项意为“情况”。

答案:B 8.A.humorous C.successful

B.optimistic D.experienced

解析:根据语境可知,人们很容易以忙为借口,但即使是再忙碌,成功的(successful) 商


答案:C 9.A.pen C.design

解析:参见上题解析。 答案:A 10.A.lost C.developed

B.gained D.damaged B.receive D.deliver

解析:根据本句中的“...morale was at an all-time low.”可知,士气空前低落;据此可推知,这家公司已经损失(lost)了一半的市值,故A项正确。

答案:A 11.A.gave up C.set about

B.kept up D.worried about

解析:根据本句中的“He __11__ fixing that by doing some simple things...”并结合语境可推知,他开始做 (set about) 一些简单的事情来解决这一问题,故C项正确。A项意为“放弃”;B项意为“跟上”;D项意为“担心”。


12.A.permitted C.checked

B.taught D.tested

解析:根据语境可推知,他所做的简单的事情很可能没有在任何MBA课堂上被教 (taught)过,故B项正确。A项意为“允许”;C项意为“检查”;D项意为“测试”。

答案:B 13.A.market C.company

B.businessman D.employee

解析:根据下文中的“He gained their confidence...”和“...Conant wrote over 30,000 notes to employees.”可推知,Conant给每个员工(employee)写了便条,得到了他们的信任,故D项正确。


14.A.personally C.naturally

B.frankly D.occasionally


答案:C 15.A.up
