2016高考完形说题 下载本文


个旧一中高二备课组 谭倩

一. 考纲分析

完形填空全面考查学生的语言知识、阅读理解能力和总体语言水平。解题过程要求考生根据文章的整体内容,区分结构的层次和内容的逻辑关系,对语篇中的缺失信息进行猜测、推断、验证的过程。具有以下特点1. 题材广泛,涉及日常生活、文史知识、科技小品、政治、经济、人物、社会、故事等各个方面。2. 全国卷完形填空词数通常为250个左右,选材以记叙文为主,夹叙夹议,设空20个,首句不设题;3. 考查以语境为主,语法极少。考点层次可分为四类:单词层次,词组层次,句子层次与语篇层次,突出语篇的理解,突出文化背景,设题以情景意义选择为主 。4.干扰性强,重细微辨析。选项设计严密,一般说来,四个选项的词性相同或属于同等或对等范畴,干扰项填入后在语法上并不存在错误。5. 实词为主,虚词为辅。

二. 2016年全国卷III的命题特点。

III卷的完形是一篇夹叙夹议(叙多于议)的励志故事。故事叙说作者想当学校足球队明星,从一心实现夙愿到脚踏实地务实本分做人的心路历程。故事中,作者的队友Miller King,虽然在一次事故中失掉右臂,但他的平和、谦逊、坚毅的人品使作者深受教育,在他的影响下作者的心灵逐渐变得强大,人更加务实。 这篇文章难度适中,设空合理,前置性设空和后置性设空分布较为均匀,空与空之间疏密搭配合理。选项构成仍是以实词为主,名词6个,动词6个,形容词4个,副词2个,另有2个虚词,连词1个,代词1个。

三. 真题解析

When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team. That meant 41 Miller King, who was the best 42 at our school.

Football season started in September and all summer long I worked out. I carried my football everywhere for 43.

Just before September, Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm. I went to see him after he come back from 44 .He looked very 45 ,but he didn`t cry.

That season, I 46 all of Miller`s records while he 47 the home games from the bench. We went 10-1and I was named most valuable player, 48 I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Miller`s 49 .

One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller 50 going over a fence—which wasn`t 51 to climb if you had both arms. I`m sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept 52 from. But even that challenge he accepted. I 53 him move slowly over the fence. When we were finally 54 on the other side, he said to me,“You know, I didn`t tell you this during the season, but you did 55 .Thank you for filling in for 56 .” His words freed me from my bad 57 .I thought to myself, how even without an arm he was more of a leader. Damaged but not defeated, he was 58 ahead of me. I was right to have 59 him. From that day on,I grew 60 and a little more real.

41. A. cheering for B. beating out C. relying on D. staying with 42. A. coach B.student C. teacher D. player 43. A. practice B. show C. comfort D. pleasure 44. A. school B.vacation C. hospital D. training

45. A. pale B.calm C. relaxed D. Ashamed 46. A. held B.broke C. set D. tried 47. A. reported B. judged C. organized D. watched 48. A. and B.then C. but D. thus 49. A. decision B. mistake C. accident D. sacrifice 50. A. stuck B.hurt C. tired D. lost 51. A. steady B.hard C. fun D. fit 52. A. praise B.advice C. assistance D. apology

53. A. let B.helped C. had D. noticed 54. A. dropped B.ready C. trapped D. safe

55. A. fine B.wrong C. quickly D. normally 56. A. us B.yourself C. me D. them 57. A. memories B.ideas C. attitudes D. dreams 58. A. still B. also C. yet D. just 59. A. challenged B.cured C. invited D. admired 60. A. healthier B.bigger C. cleverer D. cooler

41. 答案为B。首段首句When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team. 讲到当作者13岁的时候,他唯一的目的是变成足球队明星。那意味着要打败原来的明星Miller King,根据意思选择B选项。此题按照“逐个代入法”就可以解题。A. cheering for为…欢呼,喝彩;给…加油B. beating out击败,搞清;敲平;使筋疲力尽 C. relying on 依赖,依靠D. staying with同…住在一起;把…坚持下去;与…并驾齐驱。 42. 答案为D。That meant 41 Miller King, who was the best 42 at our school.第41题讲到那意味着要打败Miller King,后面是who引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰Miller King,前面讲到足球队话题,那么这里应该表示他是学校最好的运动员,选择D选项。A. coach 教练 B. student 学生 C. teacher老师 D. player运动员,比赛者;游戏者。

43. 答案为A。Football season started in September and all summer long I worked out.I carried my football everywhere for 43.第43题前面说足球赛季是九月份开始,整个夏天作者都在努力训练。后面应该是说作者随身带着足球以方便练习,这样最合适上下文语境,选择A选项。A. practice实践;练习 B. show 显示;说明;演出;展出 C.comfort安慰;舒适D. pleasure快乐;希望

44. 答案为C。前面讲到在九月份之前Miller 遭遇了车祸失去了右手,由此可判断出他从医院回来后作者去看他。选择C选项。我在面授课和网络课上经常强调,完形填空文章字字

珠玑,没有设空的句子是上下文推断的关键线索,做题务必要高度关注。A. school 学校B. vacation假期 C. hospital医院D. training训练。

45. 答案为A。前一句讲到他从医院回来,He looked very 45 ,but he didn`t cry.此题but是重要线索,but后说他没有哭,很坚强,按照but逻辑关系相反的判断方法,前面应该是比较消极负面的,选项当中能够描述从医院回来不好脸色的只有A选项,看起来脸色苍白。此题按照感情色彩判断法解题。A.pale苍白的;无力的;暗淡的 B. calm静的,平静的;沉着的 C.relaxed放松的D. ashamed惭愧的,感到难为情的。

46. 答案为B。这段话当中讲到作者表现出色,被评为最有价值运动员。按照这个线索判断可知,那个赛季作者打破了Miller的所有记录最能体现上下文情节衔接。A. held持有;拥有;保存;拘留;约束或控制B. broke 打破,打碎 C. set放,摆,放置D. tried尝试。 47. 答案为D。That season, I 46 all of Miller`s records while he 47 the home games from the bench. 那个赛季,当Miller坐在场边的运动员休息区观看主场比赛的时候,作者打破了他的所有记录。46题和47题互相提示解题线索,可以把选项代回空格位置仔细对比。A. reported 报道B. judged 判断 C. organized组织D. watched观察,看。

48. 答案为C。I was named most valuable player, 48 I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Miller`s 49 .48题前面讲到我被评为最有价值运动员,感情色彩为正,后面说我经常做噩梦,在梦中我被责怪,感情色彩为负。前后感情色彩相反,选择表示转折关系的but。A. and 和,而且 B. then 然后 C. but但是 D. thus因此。 49. 答案为C。be to blame for sth 对某事应负责任 ; 应该受到责备,此处说作者经常做噩梦,在梦中作者要为Miller 的事故负责任。A.decision决定 B. mistake错误C. accident 事故D.sacrifice牺牲。

50. 答案为A。One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller 50 going over a fence一天下午,作者穿过运动场回家,看到Miller 在通过栅栏时被卡住了。这道题A选项很多同学不懂单词意思导致出错。A. stuck 被卡住的;不能动的B. hurt 手上的C. tired 累的 ;D. lost迷失的。

51. 答案为B。which wasn`t 51 to climb if you had both arms 这句话修饰前面的栅栏,如果有双手的话要想攀爬过去应该是不困难的,但是Miller只有一只手遇到了困难。按照上下文意思就可以判断出答案。A. steady稳定的;不变的;沉着的 B.hard 艰难的,硬的,努力的 C. fun乐趣,有趣的D. fit适合的。

52. 答案为C。I`m sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept 52 from. But even that challenge he accepted. 作者确信Miller是最不希望接受我的帮助的,但后面他接受了,选择C选项。A. praise 赞美B. advice 建议 C. assistance帮助D.apology道歉。

53. 答案为B。I 53 him move slowly over the fence. 我帮助他慢慢通过栅栏,此处B选项helped和52题的C选项assistance同现复现。A.let让 B. helped帮助C. had有,使D. noticed注意。

54. 答案为D。When we were finally 54 on the other side, 我帮助Miller慢慢移动,最终我们安全到达另一边。A. dropped掉,落下B. ready 准备好的 C. trapped陷入困境的;收集的;受到限制的 D. safe安全的。 55. 答案为A。he said to me,“You know, I didn`t tell you this during the season, but you did 55 .Thank you for filling in for 56 .” Miller说“我在赛季期间没有告诉你,但是你表现真的很优秀,感谢你代替我。”but后面两句话感情色彩内部一致,为正方向。选A选项。A. fine 好的 B. wrong错误的 C. quickly快速地 D. normally正常地,

56. 答案为C。Thank you for filling in for 56 .感谢你代替我,这是Miller说的真诚的话。A.us B. yourself C. me D. them。

57. 答案为D。His words freed me from my bad 57 .他的话把我从噩梦中解脱出来,心结终于解开。D选项的dreams和48题后面的dreams同现复现。A. memories 记忆B.ideas 想法 C. attitudes态度 D. dreams梦,梦想。

58. 答案为A。Damaged but not defeated, he was 58 ahead of me. 虽然他身体受到了损害,但精神上没有被打败,身残志坚,他依然走在我前面。A.still依然B. also 也 C. yet 还,但是 D. just 仅仅,刚刚。

59. 答案为D。I was right to have 59 him. Miller的言行举止给了作者极大的震撼,作者感到敬佩Miller是正确的。A.challenged 挑战B. cured 治愈 C. invited 邀请D. admired羡慕,钦佩。

60. 答案为B。From that day on,I grew 60 and a little more real. 作者从这次谈话中受到了很大的触动,变得更加成熟和真实。A. healthier 更加健康的B.bigger 更大的 C. cleverer 更聪明的 D. cooler更凉快的。

四. 解题技巧 (结合2016年真题解说)

1. 注意上下文语境(context) 词汇复现、逻辑关系 2. 掌握习惯搭配(phrases & idioms) 3. 运用词义辨析 (comparison) 4. 了解常识背景(common sense) 5. 运用语法分析(grammar analysis) 小结: (一)、研究首尾——找主题 (二)、上下联系——寻信息 (三)、左顾右盼——找搭配 (四)、思前想后——觅逻辑 (五)、语境分析——辨词义 (六)、集中精力——破难题 (七)、回读检查——补漏洞 五.如何提高能力技巧


(二)、打好语法基础 (固定搭配)


