牛津小学英语六年级第二单元词汇语法解析 下载本文


Unit 2 Readi?ng

Word box

1. almos?t adv. 几乎

We almos?t go to the park every? day. 我们几乎每?天上公园。

He almos?t cried? when he was late for schoo?l. 他上学迟到?时几乎要哭?了。


2. never? adv. 从不

和助动词之?后,行为动?My frien?d never? goes out at night?. 我的朋友晚?上从不外出?。

My frien?d Winni?e never? gets angry?. 我的朋友温?妮从不生气?。

反义词:alway?s 总是—never? 从不

He is never? late for schoo?l. He is alway?s on time. 他上学从不?迟到,总是很准时?。

3. other? pron. 另外人(或物),其他(或物)

Kitty? is alway?s kind to other?s. 基蒂总是对?他人很友好?。

My cousi?n Ken alway?s talks? to other?s in class?. 我的表弟肯?总是在课上?与别人说话?。

adj. 其他的,另外的

I have some other? frien?d. 我还有其他?一些朋友。

I have been to some other? place?s. 我已去过其?他一些地方?。 兼类词

other?既作代词,又作形容词? She alway?s helps? other?s.(代词)

She alway?s helps? other? peopl?e.(形容词)

注意:代词可以指?代名词,如:other?s = other? peopl词?的,如:other? peopl?e,other? frien?d,other?

4. each other? 互相

Alice? and Kitty? alway?s help each other?.

e;形容词是用place?s 来修饰名?? 爱丽丝和基?蒂总是互相?帮助。

Don’t talk to each other? now. 现在不要互?相说话。

Langu?age focus?

1. But she doesn?’t talk at all. 但是他什么?也不说。

(1)but 转折连词,“但是,可是”的意思

(2)not… at all 用于否定句?,表示“一点也不,完全不”;Not at all. 是“不用谢。”是一种礼貌?用语。

e.g. Thank? you for your help.—Not at all.