无线传感网络课程设计 下载本文

case HAL_ADC_RESOLUTION_10: resbits = HAL_ADC_DEC_128; break;

case HAL_ADC_RESOLUTION_12: resbits = HAL_ADC_DEC_256; break;

case HAL_ADC_RESOLUTION_14: default:

resbits = HAL_ADC_DEC_512; break; }

/* read ADCL,ADCH to clear EOC */ tmp = ADCL; tmp = ADCH; /* Setup Sample */ adctemp = ADCCON3; adctemp &= ~(HAL_ADC_CHN_BITS | HAL_ADC_REF_BITS);

adctemp |= channel | resbits | HAL_ADC_REF_VOLT;/* writing to this register starts the extra conversion */ ADCCON3 = adctemp;

/* Wait for the conversion to be done */ while (!(ADCCON1 & HAL_ADC_EOC)); /* Disable channel after done conversion */ ADCCFG &= (adcChannel ^ 0xFF); /* Read the result */

reading = (int16) (ADCL);

reading |= (int16) (ADCH << 8); /* Treat small negative as 0 */ if (reading < 0) reading = 0;

switch (resolution) {

case HAL_ADC_RESOLUTION_8: reading >>= 8; break;

case HAL_ADC_RESOLUTION_10: reading >>= 6; break;

case HAL_ADC_RESOLUTION_12: reading >>= 4; break;

case HAL_ADC_RESOLUTION_14: default:


break; } #else

// unused arguments (void) channel; (void) resolution; #endif

return ((uint16)reading); }




1. 实验内容


2.学习 MPX5010 气压传感器从而掌握气压传感器的原理 3.掌握“ 传感器节点板” 模块的原理和使用方法。 2.实验步骤

同“实验二十四 光照传感器实验 实验步骤第一步至第四步”

第五步:获取和查看大气气压传感器数据用 USB 线连接上 PC 机跟网关,打开“ \\软件工具及驱动\\无线龙 ZigBee 演示软件 V1.11”目录下“无线龙 ZigBee 演示软件 V1.11.exe”软件。通过设备管理器查看对应设备的串口号是多少,如图所示为 COM3。在监控软件中选择“ COM 端口” COM3,波特率: 38400,点击“打开串口”。在 RSS 曲线部分中的下拉选择框中选择节点压力(如下图),鼠标左键单击选中要查看的节点模块。点击“开始”按钮,就可开始显示节点空气压力的曲线了(注:这时“开始”

按钮将变为“关闭”按钮)。为了使显示曲线效果明显,可以通过电扇吹气方式来达到明显效果。点击“关闭”按钮,则曲线停止,但曲线不会消失,这时“关闭”按钮将变为“开始”按钮,这时在点击“开始”按钮会弹出一格对话框,选择“是”则不清空曲线,继续在图上画曲线。选择“否”则清空曲线,再 在图上画曲线。 点击“保存”按钮,可将曲线图以 RSS 格式的数据保存在电脑上,点击“载入”按钮,可以载入保存了曲线数据的 RSS 文件,将曲线显示在曲线图上。 3.实验代码与分析

传感器采集的函数在 void SampleApp_MessageMSGCB( afIncomingMSGPacket_t *pkt )中

if((RfRx.RXDATA.HeadCom[1] == 'P') && (RfRx.RXDATA.HeadCom[2] == 'R'))//压力传感器 {

if(SensorNum == 5)//压力传感器板 {

memcpy(RfTx.TxBuf, RfRx.RxBuf, 14); temp = ReadSensorAdc(0);

RfTx.TXDATA.DataBuf[0] = temp/100 + 0x30;

temp = temp0;

RfTx.TXDATA.DataBuf[1] = temp/10 + 0x30; RfTx.TXDATA.DataBuf[2] = temp + 0x30; RfHaveTxDara = 1; } }

//调用子函数 ReadSensorAdc 完成读取

//---------------------------------------------------------- //Read Sensor ADC value //读取 AD 值 //输入:通道名

//返回: 8 位 AD 值

//---------------------------------------------------------- INT8U ReadSensorAdc(INT8U channel) {

INT8U temp;

temp = HalAdcReadSen(channel,HAL_ADC_RESOLUTION_8); return temp; }

通过 ADC 读取大气压力传感器值:

temp = HalAdcReadSen(channel,HAL_ADC_RESOLUTION_8);/读取空气压力传感器值 channel ??气体压力传感器对应的 AD 通道


ADC 采 集 子 函 数 在 在 “Components\\hal\\target\\CC2530EB ” 目 录 下 的 “ hal_adc.c”文件


******************** * @fn HalAdcRead *

* @brief Read the ADC based on given channel and resolution *

* @param channel - channel where ADC will be read * @param resolution - the resolution of the value *

* @return 16 bit value of the ADC in offset binary format.

* Note that the ADC is \



uint16 HalAdcRead (uint8 channel, uint8 resolution) int16 reading = 0;

#if (HAL_ADC == TRUE) uint8 i, resbits;

uint8 adctemp; volatile uint8 tmp; uint8 adcChannel = 1; /*

* If Analog input channel is AIN0..AIN7, make sure corresponing P0 I/O pin is enabled. The code

* does NOT disable the pin at the end of this function. I think it is better to leave the pin * enabled because the results will be more accurate. Because of the inherent capacitance on the

* pin, it takes time for the voltage on the pin to charge up to its steady-state level. If

* HalAdcRead() has to turn on the pin for every conversion, the results may show a lower voltage

* than actuality because the pin did not have time to fully charge. */

if (channel < 8) {

for (i=0; i < channel; i++) {

adcChannel <<= 1; } }

/* Enable channel */

ADCCFG |= adcChannel;

/* Convert resolution to decimation rate */ switch (resolution) {

case HAL_ADC_RESOLUTION_8: resbits = HAL_ADC_DEC_064; break;

case HAL_ADC_RESOLUTION_10: resbits = HAL_ADC_DEC_128; break;

case HAL_ADC_RESOLUTION_12: resbits = HAL_ADC_DEC_256; break;

case HAL_ADC_RESOLUTION_14: default:

resbits = HAL_ADC_DEC_512; break; }

/* read ADCL,ADCH to clear EOC */ tmp = ADCL; tmp = ADCH; /* Setup Sample */