山东省淄博市部分学校2018届高三第二次模拟考试英语 下载本文

tracked him online.By 9:00 a.m.,my eyes were fixed on a dot on a screen that represented my father and his progress.He was making steady progress on the bike trail until all of,a sudden I saw his dot stop moving.I assumed this was a technical fault.After all,Camp Monroe Was not known for its Wi-Fi.Actually a gust of wind had caused a huge tent to blow into him,knocking him to the roadside.

At the hospital,he discovered he had four broken bones.While still recovering from his accident,he was dealt a second blow.He was diagnosed(诊断)with cancer and,although still weak from his injuries,had to suffer from accelerated radiation and surgery.His athletic future was looking more and more bare.

However,as he got better,he started to train again.Soon he was running weekly,bounding out of the house with a look of determination that both impressed and worried us.Much to our surprise,he just kept getting stronger.His desire to return to something he loved was greater than his expectation.Last summer,exactly three years after his accident,my father completed the Iron—Man once again.This time,he dashed across the finish line,his fist punching the air in celebration.

Now,I believe in the power of determination to beat the odds,regardless of the circumstance.Today,because of my dad,I believe in setting my own rules,and not letting others command what I can or cannot do.And I believe that life is just like that little dot;it can be gone in a second,so we must make every moment count.

24.What prevented Dad from moving on during the match? A.An accident. B.The flat tire. C.The technical fault. D.Terrible road conditions.

25.How did the author feel about Dad’s future match while in hospital? A.Expected. B.Doubtful. C.Cautious. 26.Why did Dad enter the Iron—Man once again? A.He liked to show off.

B.He was anxious to win the prize. C.He did what he was fond of. D.He wanted to challenge to his family. 27.What can be learned from Dad? A.Let masters decide our lives. B.Failure is the mother of success.



C.Bad beginning makes a bad ending. D.Remain true to the original dream.


In the United States,a company is working on a project that could change the way we think about public transportation.Its planned system would move people around in steel tubes.Those passengers would be traveling at speeds of up to 1,200 kilometers per hour.

The futuristic steel tube transportation system is called Hyper1oop.Workers plan to test the system next year in a specially built community called Quay Valley.The town will be powered entirely by energy from the sun.

The Hyperloop transport system is the idea of businessman Elon Musk.Dirk Ahlborn is head of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies.He says his company has taken Mr.Musk’s idea and is developing a system that will be safe,environmentally friendly and fast.

“It’s 100 percent solar powered…we’re not going to get up to 760 miles per hour,but we believe we can actually break the records that are existing right now.”

This means that a four-hour drive from Los Angeles,California to Las Vegas,Nevada,could someday take only 30 minutes by Hyperloop.The system involves a series of capsules that float inside a long tube.These containers would not need to travel along a pathway or track.The system has been designed to operate above or below ground.

“Inside the tube you create a low pressure environment very similar to an airplane that’s at high altitudes.So now the capsule travelling inside the tube doesn’t come up against as much resistance,and therefore can travel really fast with very little energy.”

Dick Ahlborn and his company will use an eight—kilometer track in Quay Valley to find the best way to set up passenger traffic and repair capsules.A larger system will cost an estimated six to $10 billion to build.If Mr.Ahlborn and his company succeed,we may one day see these very fast Hyperloop capsules speeding through tubes around the world. 28.Which of the following is True of Hyperloop? A.It will travel along a pathway or track.

B.It will use more energy than current trains. C.There is a high pressure inside the tube of it. D.A series of experiments on it will be carried on. 29.We may learn from the text that

A.Dirk is worried about the speed of Hyperloop


B.Hyperloop has been built in the United States C.Hyperloop will be powered by energy from the sun D.Hyperloop has reached to 760 miles per hour

30.What does the underlined word“containers”in Paragraph 5 refer to? A.Systems. B.Capsules. 31.What is the best title for the text? A.Hyperloop Is Closer To Reality

C.Tubes. D.Airplanes.

B.Hyperloop Will Test At Quay Valley C.Elon Musk’s Idea Is Under Discussion D.Hyperloop Travels Around The World


The word“diary”comes from the Latin word“diarium”,which means“daily allowance”.It refers to a book for disconnected writings by date and is used for business notes,planning activities,keeping track of scheduled appointments,or documenting what has already happened.

In America,from the 1940s through the 1980s,a diary was thought of mostly as a way to privately express one’s deepest thoughts while keeping marks about the day.In those times,and even continuing on today,writing in a diary was like writing to a special friend.Many times,movies would show a teenage girl beginning to write in her diary while she said aloud,“Dear diary,…”What followed was a brief statement of the day,usually filled with emotion.

Those private reflections may have historical significance long after the author’s death.A diary kept by a young German Jewish girl by the name of Anne Frank provides us with invaluable lessons about history,for she documented her experiences while she hid from the Nazis during their occupation of the Netherlands in the World War II.Her diary became one of the world’s most widely read books and is the basis for many films.

Semuel Pepys,who lived during the 17th Century,is the earliest diary-keeper that is famous today.His diary is also an important documentation of history,for it gives personal insight into London’s Great Plague and the Great Fire.Pepys took diary writing from the realm of business to the individual.His diary is being published on the Internet,and it's interesting to note that there has been a new entry every day since January of 2003.It will continue over the course of several years to come.Reading his diary is fascinating,and it makes his life all the more real to us.

Today’s electronic version of the diary,the web log,or“blog”has once again stretched the diary to be much more than a personal account of the day’s events.There are blogs to document recipes,traveling,


movies,independent news,product announcements,photos,and anything else that needs to be recorded over time.Search engines like Technorati.com have been created to keep track of the more than 112 million blogs that are currently public.In its newest replacement,the diary has become more popular than ever.

32.Generally what is a diary used for? A.Taking business notes. B.Planning activities. C.Keeping daily happenings. D.Confirming the appointments.

33.Which of the following can replace the underlined word“realm”in the fourth paragraph? A.Kingdom.

B.Field. C.Department.


34.Why does the author mention Anne Frank’s diary in the third paragraph? A.To let us know the popularity of her diary. B.To show us the invaluable lessons about the history.

C.To present her dramatic and interesting experience during the War. D.To emphasis the importance of keeping diaries for historical purposes. 35.What can we know about the blog?

A.It has been more widely accepted by the public. B.Technorati is the only search engine created for it. C.The diary remains the same form but still popular. D.Nothing but the individual daily events can be recorded. 第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Today,there are thousands of national parks all over the world. 36 In that year,the United States government gave a large piece of land to the state of California.They ask the state to create a special park to protect the mountains and forest in the area.The trees in this area are called sequoias. 37 They are the tallest living things in the world and are not found anywhere else on Earth.

Conservationists in other countries saw what happened in California and soon began to do the same.Today Europe has over 350 national parks.The first one in France,Vanoise National Park,was created in 1963 because the government wanted to stop a plan to build a large tourist project there.The idea of creating a national park was first discussed in the 1940s,but people couldn’t agree on what size to make the park. 38 Ecologists worked with the government to finally agree on a plan that protected the ·8·