smart. 州的资深参议员乔 ? 罗杰斯,此人3?????The appointment meant Josh 是全美曝光率最高的名人之一。 参wouldn't get home until after Christmas. 议员罗杰斯是民主党人,现在是她的He was not, however, unhappy. He was 第三个任期,对于国会山的一切她了meeting Jo Rogers, the senior senator for 如指掌,尽管如此,她还是尽力维持Connecticut, and one of the best-known 住了在她的支持者心中作为一位华faces in the US. Senator Rogers was a 盛顿局外人的信誉。 她支持堕胎,Democrat in her third term of office, who 反对腐败,支持减少二氧化碳排量,knew Capitol Hill inside out but who had 反对死刑,可以说是大西洋的这一边nevertheless managed to keep her 能找到的最完美的进步自由派人士。 credibility with her voters as a Washington 脱口秀主持人们称呼她“诚实的参议outsider. She was pro-abortion, 员乔”,几年前《时代周刊》提名她anti-corruption, pro-low carbon emissions 参加年度女性的角逐。 明年就是选and anti-capital punishment, as fine a 举年了,有消息称她将参加民主党内progressive liberal as you could find this 总统提名的竞选。 罗杰斯在华盛顿side of the Atlantic. Talk show hosts called 见过乔希,她觉得乔希很有才干,于her Honest Senator Jo, and a couple of 是就邀他共进晚餐。 years ago, Time magazine had her in the 乔希打了个冷战,他打开手里的running for Woman of the Year. It was 纸条核对了一下地址。 之前他没来election time in the following year, and 过乔安妮餐厅,但对于它的鼎鼎大名the word was she was going to run for the 却早有耳闻,倒不是因为这里的饭菜Democratic nomination. Rogers had met 有多美味,其实这里的菜品屡遭恶Josh in DC, thought him highly 评,也不是因为这里的爵士管弦乐队competent, and had invited him to dinner. 有一位知名电影导演客串吹小号,而4?????Josh shivered as he checked the 是因为这里汇集了有头有脸的宾客,address on the slip of paper in his hand. 可以说是星光璀璨,他们中有政客、He'd never been to Joanne's, but knew it 外交家、电影明星、载入名人堂的体by reputation, not because of its food, 育明星、记者、作家、摇滚明星、诺which had often been maligned, or its jazz 贝尔奖得主等等——总之,这里的orchestra, which had a guest slot for a 每一位客人都是这座权力之城里的well-known movie director who played 一个人物。 trumpet, but because of the stellar quality 餐厅里面人头攒动。 乔希走进of its sophisticated guests: politicians, 来时前台的领班一直盯着他看。 diplomats, movie actors, hall-of-fame “您需要帮忙吗?”
athletes, journalists, writers, rock stars and 乔希回答说:“是的,我有一Nobel Prize winners—in short, anyone 个……” who was anyone in this city of power “对不起,先生……”看见有两brokers. 位客人走了进来,领班打断了他的5?????Inside, the restaurant was heaving 话。 “晚上好,巴考尔小姐,晚上with people. The head waiter at the front 好,汉克斯先生。”接着他打了个响desk looked at Josh as he came in. 指招呼服务生带他们入座。 6?????\ “好吧,先生,请问您预定座位7?????Josh replied, \ 了吗?”领班耸了耸肩,说道,“您8?????\也看见了,我们没有空余的座位。” interrupted as two guests arrived. \ “我今天晚上要在这儿和一位
evening Miss Bacall, good evening Mr 名叫罗杰斯的女士会面。” Hanks,\summon 领班把乔希从头到脚打量了一another waiter to show them to their 番,然后说“请问您怎么称呼?” table. 乔希向他报了姓名,虽然领班好9?????\不容易才忍住没撇嘴,但他还是鼓了\鼓鼻翼,显示出了他的不屑以及自然shrugged his shoulders. \而然的优越感。 spare tables whatsoever, as you can see.\ “让我想想。”领班说道。 “哦,10????\对了,我们的确为一位罗杰斯女士预tonight.\ 留了一张桌子,可是她马上就到11????The head waiter looked at Josh up 吗?” and down, and asked, \ 乔希过去也有过被人怀疑的经name?\ 历,但他没有被吓到。 12????Josh told him, and although the “我肯定她很快就到。 能烦请waiter refrained from curling his lip, he 你带我去她的座位吗?”乔希说。 managed to show both disdain and “那这边走,先生。” 领班把effortless superiority with a simple flaring 乔希领到餐厅靠里处,指了指一张桌of his nostrils. 子。
13????\ “谢谢,请给我来一杯马丁尼,”\乔希说。 可那位领班还没等他说完Rogers, but will she be arriving soon?\ 就迫不及待地要回到纽约上层社会14????Josh had encountered this doubtful 那令人陶醉的纷乱中去,至少在他看treatment before but was not intimidated. 来,那里的每一个人都在召唤着他,15????\希望得到他的注意。 you please show me to her table?\ 这张桌子离卫生间很近,还紧挨16????\着一扇半开的窗户,好像从五大湖刮waiter led Josh through the restaurant to 来的刺骨寒风正好沿着哈得孙峡谷a table at the back, and pointed. 吹进来,在这儿结束了它的旅程。 17????\突然间,餐厅安静了片刻,紧接Martini, please?\着又响起了一阵热烈的窃窃语声。 waiter was impatient to go back into the “罗杰斯参议员!”领班喊道,heady swirl of New York society, everyone “能在乔安妮再次见到您真是太荣clamoring, or so it appeared to him, for his 幸了!” attention. “晚上好,阿尔贝托。 我要和18????The table was close to the 一位年青人吃饭,他叫莱斯特。” bathroom and right by a half-opened 领班慌得直眨眼,还咽了咽口window, apparently positioned where an 水。 icy breeze from the Great Lakes, passing “好的,参议员,您这边走。” down the Hudson Valley, would end its 当罗杰斯参议员穿过拥挤的餐厅时,journey. 不断有人回过头来,他们认出了她,19????Suddenly there was a moment's 并默默地跟她打招呼。 在一个不分silence in the restaurant, only for the noise 阶级的社会里,罗杰斯可以说是离美to resume as intense whispering. 国的统治阶级最近的人了。 阿尔贝20????\托在周围转了一阵子,然后走过去和waiter. \一位同事说了几句话。
at Joanne's again!\
21????\Alberto. I'm dining with a young man, name of Lester.\ 22????The head waiter blinked, and swallowed hard.
through the crowded room, heads turned as the diners recognized her and greeted her with silent applause. In a classless society, Rogers was the closest thing to aristocracy that America had. Alberto hovered for a moment, then went to speak to a colleague.
24????\said Rogers. \then I'd like to talk to you about a business proposition.\
25????Alberto returned, bent half double in almost laughable humility.
26????%uncomfortable, I was wondering if ...\
27????Senator Rogers waited and then said quietly, \
28????\view of everyone.\you, he might have said. \comfortable, and ...\
29????Alberto paused. Senator Rogers looked around.
But you brought my friend here, and I guess this is where we'll stay. We'll have my usual, please.\ 31????After two hours, Rogers and Josh got up to leave. There was a further flurry of attention by the staff, including an offer by Alberto to waive payment of the bill, which Rogers refused. As they were putting on their coats, Rogers said, \you, Alberto. Oh, have I introduced you to my companion, Josh Lester?\
optimism flashed across Alberto's face. 33????\weakly.
“很高兴又见到你,乔希,”罗杰斯说。 “我们先吃点东西,然后我要跟你谈谈一份商业提案的事。”
“不知道您愿不愿意换张好点儿的桌子,到餐厅中央去,这样您就能看到餐厅里的每一个人了。” 这样餐厅里的每一个人都可以看见您啦,他本是想这么说的。 “那样您会觉得舒服得多,而且……”
阿尔贝托停了下来。 罗杰斯参议员看了看四周。
“我同意,这儿不是屋子里最好的座位,但既然你把我的朋友带到了这儿,我想我们就呆在这里好了,上我平时点的菜吧。” 两个小时后,罗杰斯和乔希起身准备离开,这又引起店员们的一阵骚动,个个都主动来献殷勤,其中就包括阿尔贝托,他提出来要给他俩免单,但被罗杰斯拒绝了。 他俩披上外套,罗杰斯说,“阿尔贝托,谢谢你。 噢,我给你介绍我的同事乔希 ? 莱斯特了
“乔希 ? 莱斯特。 他是我刚刚招收的的副经理了,将负责募集捐款。 如果明年我们把那位共和党人赶出白宫的话,你现在看到的就是我的白宫办公厅主任。” “非常高兴见到您,莱斯特先生,非常荣幸,真的。 我衷心希望很快能在乔安妮餐厅再次见到二位。” 参议员看了看阿尔贝托。
“不会了,我觉得没有这种可能了。”罗杰斯参议员回答道。 中。 雪已经停了。
in the middle of the restaurant, so you have a better 吗?”
30????\竞选班子成员。 他马上就要成为我竞选团队
32????A look of panic, followed by one of desperate 罗杰斯和乔希一起走进寒风凛冽的夜色
34????\recruit to my election campaign. He's going to be my new deputy campaign manager, in charge of raising donations. And if we get that Republican out of the White House next year, you've just met my Chief of Staff.\
35????\Lester, a real privilege, I'm sure. I do hope we'll see you both again in Joanne's very soon,\ 36????The Senator looked at Alberto.
37????\Senator Rogers.
38????Rogers and Josh stepped out together into the cold night air. It had stopped snowing.
Can bad luck be explained?
1?????Toast always lands butter side down. It always rains on bank holidays. You never win the lottery, but other
people you know seem to ... Do you ever get the impression that you were born unlucky? Even the most rational person can be convinced at times that there is a force out there making mishaps occur at the worst possible time. We all like to
believe that Murphy's Law is true (\go wrong, it will\
2?????Part of the explanation for bad luck is mathematical, but part is psychological. Indeed there is a very close connection between people's perception of bad luck and interesting coincidences.
3?????For example, take the belief that \like buses ...!) This popular notion would be unlikely to stand the scrutiny of any scientific study, but it must have some basis in experience, otherwise the phrase would never have arisen in the first place. What might be the rational explanation? 4?????The first question is \ 5?????Some things are only marginally bad, for example the train arriving five minutes late. Some are extremely bad, such as failing an exam or being sacked.
???????每次吐司掉到地上总是抹了黄油的那一面贴地。 每逢公假日必定下雨。 你买彩票从来没中过大奖,但是你认识的人里似乎有人…… 你有没有觉得自己生来就是个倒霉蛋? 即使是最理智的人有时候也会对此深信不疑,认为冥冥之中有一种力量让他们在最糟糕的时期里灾祸连连。 我们都愿意相信墨菲定律是对的(“该出错的,终将出错”)。 ???????人之所以走背运,部分是概率的问题,部分是心理上的问题。 的确,人们对背运的感知和一些有意思的巧合之间有着紧密的联系。 ???????就拿“坏事成三”这种想法来说吧(就像等公交车一样,要么不来,要么一下来三辆!)。 这种流传甚广的观念可能根本经不起科学的检验,但是它必定有一些现实的依据,不然的话也不会有这么个说法了。 那么,什么样的解释才是合理的呢?
???????有些事情只是稍稍有点不好,比如火车要晚点五分钟。 有些事情则是糟糕透顶,比如考试不及格,或是被炒鱿鱼了。 所以我们更应该把事情的好坏看成是一个程度