什么是叙事疗法 下载本文







Narrative listening - an exercise


1. Participants will divide into groups of three or four and have a round in which every time one participant is a

'teller' and the others witnesses. 3、4个人一组,围成一圈。每次选一个人做“讲述者”,其他人做见证人。

2. Teller - Tell in turn, of an experience (short story or anecdote) from younger age, from which you draw:

strength, empowerment and/or inspiration. An experience from your: roots, family of origin and/or culture. The experience could relate to values, beliefs, symbols or rituals that are important for you. Please tell the experience in detail.讲述者:按顺序讲述一段小时候的经历(小故事或者轶事),从这段经历中你活的了:力量、胆魄/或鼓舞。讲述一段关于以下内容的经历:你的根基,原生家庭和/或文化。请尽量详细讲述这些经历。

3. Witnesses (each witness separately) - While the person is telling his experience write down words and

sentences that resonate for you (don't write verbatim all the experience) in the language of the teller. Words, sentences or metaphors that seam central, meaningful and touch you. 见证人(独立做):在讲述者讲述他的经历的时候,写下那些让你产生共鸣的词语或者句子(不要写逐字记录)。记录那些在你看来特别关键,特别有意义,能打动你的词语、句子或比喻。

4. After the first round ends a second round will take place. In the second round all reflectors will read to each

'teller' their words and sentences they wrote down. 完成前面一轮练习,就进入下一轮练习。在第二个环节中,所有的回应者把自己记录下来的句子读给讲述者听。

5. After ending both rounds we will try to relate to the following questions in the big group.两个环节都结束之

后,我们可以提问以下问题。 ? How did you feel?你们感觉如何?



? How was the experience of telling?讲述的感觉如何?

? How was the experience of listening to the witnesses?见证人倾听的感受如何?

? How was the experience of listening to the 'teller' with these specific guidelines in mind?用这种特殊的


? How is this way of listening in comparison to other ways of therapeutic listening? For the 'teller' and

listener?这种倾听和别的治疗性倾听有什么不同?对讲述者而言有什么不同?对倾听者而言呢? ? What did you learn from the multiple reflections? 通过大家的反思你学到什么?



Basic ideas and principles of narrative work and the Narrative Practices evolving from them

叙事工作的基本理念和原则 以及在此基础上形成的叙事实践

Meaning and Intentionality 意义与意愿

? Human beings are meaning making creatures. 人类是创造意义的动物。

? Human beings are intentional creatures, not only and not mainly controlled by needs, desires and impulses.


? In order to make meaning of events people create stories.为了赋予事件意义,人们讲故事 ? Every given situation can be multi storied. 每个特定的情境都可以有多种不同的故事。

? In the multitude of events a person experiences in life and the multitude of meanings one can ascribe to

each experience there are many potential narratives, some being preferred ones.一个人生活中所经历的各种事件,以及人们可能赋予每个经历的各种意义中存在很多潜在的故事,其中有些故事更受欢迎。 ? From the above we can conclude that a person has choice (self agency) as to what meaning to ascribe to

situations he experiences, what experiences or meanings he focuses on, and into what narratives he weaves the different experiences and meanings. 通过以上内容可以得出结论:人对赋予自己的经历何种意义、关注哪些经历或意义、用哪些故事来编织各种经历和意义是有选择的(有自我主动性)。

? Victor Frankel wrote about his experience of meaning making and choice even in face of severe Trauma. 维


Practices 实践

? Scaffolding possibilities through unpacking and deconstruction通过开显和解构支持来访者发现


? Scaffolding choice (forking, evaluating) 支持来访者做选择(一分为二,评估)


Scaffolding meaning (支持意义)

Language and listening语言与倾听

? One of central ways we create meaning is through language.我们创造意义的主要途径之一是语言



? The language we use crafts and creates reality. 'Not history taking, rather history making'. 我们所使用的语


? Listening as central to the language process. (Tom Anderson). What we listen to and how we listen is

transformative of us and others.倾听在语言过程中居于核心地位(汤姆·安德森)听什么、怎么听对我们和别人都有转变作用。

? Whose language are we privileging? The client is the expert and we are interested in hearing the local

knowledge. 谁的语言更重要?来访者是专家,我们对倾听他们自己的知识很感兴趣。


? Experience close language. (listening, not imposing professional and social discourses, being

culturally sensitive, giving voice)贴近体验的语言(倾听,不要强加专家的话和社会公认的话,对文化要敏感,让人有说话的机会)

? Externalizing conversation. (seeing people as separate from problems, personal agency, allowing

more choice) 外化对话。(把人和问题分开看,关注个人的主动性,允许更多的选择) ? Focus on what works, (unique outcomes, the absent but implicit, stalled initiatives, double

listening). 关注有用的东西(例外发现,虚位涵存,被压制的本愿,二重倾听法) ? Preference for therapist being from a similar language and culture of the people we work with

(family centre). 优先选择和来访者的语言和文化接近的治疗师(家庭中心)

Social construction社会建构

? As we saw above 'reality' in general and identity in particular are formed through language which is a social

phenomena. Each culture and community have a different 'language'如上所述一般而言“现实”是通过语言建构的,具体而言身份也是通过语言建构的,是一种社会现象。每种文化和社区都有独特的“语言” ? Meaning and identity are a social and cultural project and not only an individual one. 意义和身份是社会和


? Seeing the focus at the individual level is only comparatively new. In most traditional societies people see

their identity as social and relational and not centred on the self. Co-constructed. 从个体的角度来看这个问题相对比较新。在多数传统社会里面,人们将身份视为社会和关系的产物,核心不在自我。共同建构。


? Re-membering conversation 回塑对话 ? Virtual leagues 虚拟团队



? Outsider witness groups 外部见证团队

? Working with families and communities 与家庭和社区合作


? Problems acquire their power from internalized norms, cultural and social discourses and social criteria. 问


? The power of modern science and its ramifications. (generalizations, developmental continuums). 现代科


? Problems and hierarchy tend to depower instead of empower the people we work with – the people we

work with are the experts of their lives. 问题和等级往往会让我们的来访者更加无力而不是有力量——他们才是他们生活的专家

Practices 实践

? The people we work with are the experts of the experiences they have gone through. 我们的来


? Searching for people's skills and knowledges of life.寻找来访者的生活技能和知识

? Not seeing people through social norms such as psychological categories. Rather seeing them

through non-pathological eyes.不通过心理分类标准之类的社会成见去看人,而是以非病理化的眼光看人

? A de-centred but influential stance of therapist. Not to save or give advice rather to be like an

anthropologist looking for the self agency of people we work with. 治疗师不是中心,但有影响力。不是去拯救来访者,不给来访者提建议,而是像文化人类学家那样去寻找来访者的主观能动性

? Situating problems in social discourses. 把问题放到社会话语背景中来看。



Maps of Narrative Practice1: Why might we use them?



To quote Michael White: 引用麦克·怀特的话:

有时候在教学中会有学生问我在治疗实践中为什么必须要用地图。我回答:“完全不是必须的”,但是??在治疗对话中我们总会以某些指导思想为参照,只是这些指导思想往往会因为我们过于接受而不被注意,这种图习焉不察的结果就是我们无法对这些思想依据进行反思和批判。我认为这是很危险的,因为有可能给我们带来限制,让我们不加批评地重复我们所熟悉的治疗实践,忽视这些实践可能给来访者的生活带来的影响。 1. For guidance on our journeys with people who consult us about the predicaments and problems of their


2. To assist us in finding our way to destinations that could not have been specified ahead of the journey, via

routes that could not have been predetermined.为了帮助我们找到前进的目标,尽管路线不一定那么明确 3. As a reference for accountability: to render more transparent the therapeutic process that Michael White

has developed. 作为一种知情同意的参照。怀特提出的这种治疗过程是透明的,借助这些地图可以更能保证这种透明度。

4. Therapeutic conversations are not ordered, and I make no effort to determine my response to people’s

expressions ahead of these expressions. 治疗性对话不是机械的,在来访者表达自己之前,我不预先确定我会如何反应。

5. A map gives a structure that can guide practice. Interestingly, it is rigorous practice and repetition of this

non-linear structure that enables spontaneity – the expressions of life that seem most spontaneous to us are



those that we have had the most practice in.地图可以提供一种结构,用来指导实践。有趣的是,这是一种严谨的实践,这种非线性的结构的重复可以保证自发性——我们最富有自发性的生活表达是通过我们练习最多的方式表现的(熟能生巧)。

Narrative therapy flow chart叙事疗法流程

State of story of interviewee 来访者 Actions of the interviewer咨




Problem Saturated Story问题故事 Care-full, 仔细充分、respectful and double listening尊重、倾听 Questions expressing interest and curiosity通过提问表达兴趣和好Detailed story and new perspectives讲述更详细的故事,新视奇 Externalizing Conversations外化对话Externalized Problem外化问题 Unique Outcomes例外 Relative influence questions相互影响Statement of Position Map立场地图 thickening the UO,丰富例外 Re-authoring conversations, 改写对话 Alternative and preferred story可选故Remembering map回塑地图 Weaving the UO into a ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Guidelines to support a 'not knowing' stance


? Use the language of the interviewee. It is the first step of not projecting on the interviewee our

understandings. 使用来访者的语言。这是我们避免把自己的观点强加给来访者的第一步。

? Unpacking – when the interviewee mentions a concept ('it frustrates me', 'it inspires me', 'I'm depressed'

etc.) express your interest in what exactly does he mean. Don't assume you understand him. 拆解——当来访者提及一个概念(“这让我很受挫折”,“这让我很受鼓舞”,“我很抑郁”等),要对他们这些概念的含义表示兴趣。不要假定自己理解他们的意思。

? If people seem surprised or offended that we don't seem to understand them, one can add a sentence

saying: from our experience different people have given us different versions of what depression means to them'. 如果来访者因为我们似乎不理解他们而感到很奇怪或者愤怒,咨询师可以说一句:根据我们的经验不同人对抑郁的含义理解不一样。

? Thinking of oneself as an anthropologist helps sticking to this stance. It keeps our curiosity for the specific

and unique experiences and context of the interviewee alive. 把自己想象为一位人类学家有助于坚持这种立场。这对我们保持对来访者生活体验具体独特感受的兴趣有包住。

? Slowing down - when you sense a crack or gap in the story he is telling you, don't fill it in from you own

knowledge or experience, ask about it.慢一点——当你感到来访者讲述的故事有不连贯的地方,不要根据你自己的经验和知识来补充,询问来访者。

? Concretesizing – ask for a concrete example for what he is telling you. You can ask for a 'video clip' of what

he means. 具体化——来访者跟你讲什么事要问具体的例子。你可以请他提供一段录像,来说明他的意思。

? Always ask ourselves if we are in the others shoes. 不断问自己是否我们能够设身处地。

? Check frequently with the interviewee whether we are understanding him correctly. We do this in a way that



expresses our knowledge that many times we misunderstand and we invite them to edit and correct us. 不断询问来访者我们是否正确理解来访者。这么做的时候我们要表达自己有时候会误会别人,并请他们修正我们。

? One has to remember that any question is also a kind of statement. 必须记得任何的提问同时也是陈述。



Interviewing from a 'not knowing' stance


1. Get into groups of three, one as a teller, one as an interviewer and the third as a listener and interviewer of

the interviewer. 三个人一组,一个人扮演讲述者,一个人扮演咨询师,第三个扮演倾听者和咨询师的咨询师。

2. Guidelines for the Teller - Please describe a situation in which:讲述者——请描述一个这样的场景

? You felt uncomfortable. 你觉得心里不舒服。 ? Some difficulty occurred. 发生了一些麻烦事儿。

? Some negative or frustrating feeling aroused. 出现消极或者受挫的感受。

? You experienced difficulty in communication or a social interaction.你感到交流有困难,或者交


(Please don't choose a major difficulty请不要选太大的问题)

3. Guidelines for Interviewer - Interview the teller from a 'not knowing' stance. Try to use experience close

language (the language of the teller). Try also to slow down the telling of the story in order to find in it:咨询师——从“无知者”的立场和来访者谈话。尽量使用贴近来访者体验的语言(来访者的语言)。也尽量让来访者讲述地慢一些,以发现以下内容:

? Additional particulars. 更多细节

? Understand the cracks or missing parts in the story.理解故事中的纰漏

? Help bring out other colours, shades and or notes (as in music).(就像音乐中一样)找到别的


Try to be aware of the 'voices' that attempt to move you from the 'not knowing' stance, (you can write these voices down). Some of those voices could be: criticism, doubt, judgement, pathology and/or diagnostic terms.




4. Guidelines for third person - After ending the interview question the interviewer about the different voices

that came up for her during the interview using the following questions:第三个人——询问完咨询师在咨询中心中出现哪些声音之后,询问以下问题:

? What were the voices that tried to move you from the not knowing stance?让你偏离无知者立


? What did those voices tell you about how you need to think or do?那些声音让你心里怎么想,


? How did they try to convince you of their stance?那些声音如何让你相信它们的立场?

? Other questions in this vein can be asked.也可以按照这个思路问其他的问题



Short guidelines for

Outsider Witness group / Reflecting Team 外部见证团/反思团队的简要指南

During the interview pay attention to preferred developments or meaningful moments (not problem saturated) in the words of the interviewee that caught your attention, touched you or resonated for you and write them down. 在倾听访谈的过程中注意来访者的哪些表达在你看来是有意义的,是进步。把那些打动你的表达方式记录下来。

When the interview will turn to the OWG or RT, have a conversation between yourselves (or be interviewed by the interviewer), according to the following questions轮到询问外部见证团或者反思团队的时候,你们彼此之间(或者咨询师询问)提问以下问题:

1. The expression表达

? What part of the conversation spoke to you the most? 对话中的什么内容你印象最深刻? ? What stood out for you in what you heard?你有没有听到什么让你特别在意的内容?

? As you listened, which expressions caught your attention or captured your imagination?你在倾听的时候


? Which expressions touched or moved you, or struck a chord? 哪个表达给你带来触动或者感动,或者


What particular expressions or body language captured this? When in the session were they talking about this? 那些表达或者身体语言抓住了这一点?在咨询中他们是在什么时候讨论这一点的?

2. The image 意象

? What did the story suggest to you about what might be important / precious to the person being




? What did the story suggest to you about what the person being interviewed stands for in life?这个故事


? What image did this evoke for you?这个故事让你心中出现什么景象?

3. Resonance 共鸣

? How and why did you connect to that part? 你为什么会关注那个部分,你是如何关注的? ? What did this strike a chord with in you?这触动了你内心中的哪根弦? ? Why might you have been drawn to this? 为什么你会被这一点吸引呢?

? What is it in your own life that meant that you were touched or moved by what you heard?

Please bring a specific example from your own life. 在你的生活中有什么经历表示你受到你所听到的内容的感动或者触动?请讲一个自己生活中的具体例子。

4. Transport 变化

? What’s it like to revisit that here? 在这里再次谈到这件事你感觉如何?

? Where have you been moved or taken to in your thinking as a result of what you have heard? 你听到的


? How are you seeing things a bit differently now? 现在你看事情有什么不一样?

? What difference does it make to be able to see it that way?以这种新的方式看问题,会有什么不同? ? Did it have you reflecting on other conversations that you’ve had in your work/life? 这有没有让你对生


? What is more possible in your own work/life after reflecting on what you have heard here?对在此听到


5. Open question to teller给讲述者提问开放性问题

End with an opening and curious question to the interviewee about the part of the conversation that resonated with you, which you will leave 'in the air'.最后提问来访者一个开放性的,表达好奇的问题 ,问问对话过程中给自己触动的部分是如何发生的。

Example (The numbers are according to the points mentioned above)举例(序号根据上面所列各点):

1. When Leah spoke of her coping with her adolescent daughter, she said she uses a lot of self-restraint,

and does not allow her anger to explode.当Leah谈到如何和青春期的女儿相处的时候,她说自己很




2. This suggested to me that Leah cherished open and warm relationships. The image that was evoked

for me was a young child cuddling a teddy bear. 这在我看来是因为Leah珍惜开放温暖的关系。我心中浮现的景象是一个小孩抱着玩具熊。

3. In my life too, my son annoys me very much. Yesterday he drove me crazy but when I thought of the

possible consequences I succeeded to recruit energy to overcome the anger. 在我的生活中也是,我的儿子让我很烦。昨天真是把我惹毛了,可是为了避免出现一些不好的后果,我终究压住了火气。 4. Listening to Leah's words strengthens my commitment to overcome the temptation to get angry at

the kids. 听了Leah的话,我更加坚信克制自己不和孩子发脾气时对的。

5. I'm curious to know how Leah succeeds to self-restraint her feelings of anger. 我很好奇,Leah是如何




How to Externalise the Problem linguistically: Some ideas about the linguistic descriptions of problems 如何用语言外化问题:关于描述问题的语言的思考

Externalizing the Problem exercise


(Statement of Position Map no. 1 立场地图 1)

? Get into couples. 两个人一组

? Think of something that is slightly problematic for you in your work or life (please don't bring 'the problem

of your life' as we can not take care of it). 想一件生活或工作中的一个小问题(不要把“人命关天”的大问题拿来谈,因为我们在这里无法处理)

? Let the interviewee describe the problematic situation to the interviewer and then the interviewer will ask

the interviewee questions according to the following general guidelines. Each category guidelines will be followed by a series of questions.让来访者给咨询师讲述问题的情况,然后咨询师根据以下指南提问。每一类问题都有一些后续的问题。

1. Naming the problem命名问题

a. Get a rich description of the problem充分描述问题

b. Get some history of the problem in the life of the interviewee.了解问题在来访者生活中的发展过



c. Negotiate a name to the problem.商量着给问题取一个名字。

? Is it OK to ask you questions about the background and particulars of this problematic situation?可


? Can you describe the problem and get into particulars?能否详细描述一下问题?

? What thoughts and feelings come together, before or after this problem?这个问题出现之前和之


? When did this problem start?这个问题是什么时候开始的?

? When and where does this problem appear more?在什么时候什么地方这个问题出现得比较


? Can you give this problem a name? or you mentioned A, B and C (potential descriptions/names of

the problem the interviewee explicitly mentioned in the interview) would one of them fit as a name for the problem.你可以给这个问题取个名字吗?或者刚才您提到的A,B或者C(在访谈中来访者所提到的问题名称)是否可以作为问题的名字呢?

2. Exploring the effects of the problem or relative influence questions. 探讨问题产生的影响或者有关影


a. Its effects in different realms of life. 问题对来访者生活各个方面的影响

b. Its purposes, hopes and dreams for the person's life.问题对来访者生活的导向、希望和梦想 c. The myriad techniques it uses to get its way.问题的种种伎俩

d. The voice, tone, and content that it finds most persuasive. 问题使用的语气语调和内容哪些最有


e. Who stands beside it – this is, what people and what forces are in league with it. 谁是支持问题的


? What effects does (name of problem) have on your daily life?(问题的名字)对你的日常生活有


? Does this (name of problem) effect your personal relationship? If so with who and how?(问题的


? What effect does this (name of problem) have on your work?这个(问题的名字)对你的工作有


? What other parts of your life has (name of problem) succeeded to influence?(问题的名字)对你


? What intentions does (name of problem) have for his life?(问题的名字)对他的生活有什么居


? What are some of the strategies (name of problem) uses to convince you to adhere to their




? Does (name of problem) tempt your or scare you to do what it (the problem) wants?(问题的名


? What are some of (name of problem) plans for you?(问题的名字)给你设定了什么计划? ? What kind of behaviours, thoughts and ideas does (name of problem) elicit in you?(问题的名字)


? What other Problems does (name of problem) use or recruit in order to get its way?

? What does (name of problem) tell you, or show you to convince you of its view of things?(问题的


? What people does (name of problem) use or recruit to strengthen or advance their goals? (问


? What does (name of problem) tell you about who you are? (问题 的名字)让你如何看自己? ? What attributes of your life or context does (name of problem) use in order to strengthen its

influence? (问题的名字)会利用你生活中的什么特点或者背景

? What examples does (name of problem) use in order to convince you of its intentions?(问题的名


3. Evaluating the effects of the problem – inviting the person to take a position in relation to the problem


? What do you think about the effects this (name of problem) is having on your life?你怎么看(问题


? How do you feel about this influence?你对这种影响有什么感觉?

? Is this a positive or negative development? Both or none?这种影响是积极的、消极的?既是积极


? Is this OK with you or not? Or maybe a bit of both? Can you be specific?你觉得这种影响是可以


? So what is your position vis-a-vee the problem's affects on you?所以你对问题对你的影响是一种


4. Justifying the evaluation – bridging from the problem and its effects to intentions, purposes, hopes,

dreams, values, principles, commitments and beliefs. 论证评估——在问题及其影响和愿望、目标、希望、梦想、价值、原则、决心和信念之间的关联

? Why is this OK or not?为什么这种影响是好的还是不好的?

? Why do you feel this way about this influence?你为什么会这么看这种影响呢?

? Could you tell me a story from your life that will help me understand this position you have taken

towards the problem?可否跟我讲一个你生活中的故事,帮我理解你为什么对问题采取这样




? What values, preference, goals, dreams or commitments is this preference connected to? 这种倾




Statement of Position map (SOP)立场地图说明


Negotiate a definition of the problem/difficulty or the sparkling moment that is:和来访者商定一个关于问题/困境或者闪光点的定义,要具备以下特征:

o Experience close.贴近来访者的体验 o Specific.具体

o Non structural and not diagnostic. 不是根据某种结构或者诊断标准

Mapping – Relative influence questions画图——关于相互影响的提问

o Map the Influence of The Problem on thoughts, feelings and actions.描摹问题对观念、感觉和行动的影

o Map the influence of The Problem on the following realms: home, work, school, friends, family,

relationships, goals, hopes, dreams etc. 描摹问题对以下方面的影响:家庭、工作、学校、朋友、家族、关系、目标、希望、梦想等的影响

o Historicize the problem in the present, when did it start, when does it have more and when less

influence? 探讨当前的问题的历史,它是什么时候开始的,什么时候影响较大而什么时候影响较小?

o Ask questions about the relationship of the problem with other problems.询问该问题和别的问题之间



Evaluate the influence of the problem/difficulty mentioned above. 评估前面所述问题/困境的影响

o Was this influence OK? 这种影响是可以接受的吗? o How do you feel about this influence?你觉得这种影响如何?



o What is your position vis a vee the problems influence?你对问题的这种影响是什么立场?

o Is this a positive or negative development? Both or none? 这是积极影响还是消极影响还?既积极又


o Is this the preferred way or not?这是你希望出现的还是不是?

Justification 论证 o Why is this OK or not? 为什么是可以接受的或不可接受的?

o Why do you feel this way about this influence?为什么你会这么看这种影响?

o Could you tell me a story from your life that will help me understand this position you have taken

towards the problem?可否请你跟我讲一个你生活中的故事帮助我理解你为何对问题采取这样一种立场?

o What values, preference, goals, dreams or commitments is this preference connected to?这种倾向性和




Metaphors in resisting the problem1


All metaphors that are taken up in the development of externalising conversations are borrowed from particular discourses that invoke specific understandings of life and identity. These discourses influence the actions people take to solve their problems, and they are shaping of life in a general sense as well.外化对话中所用的各种比喻都是从别的特定话语体系中借来的,意味着对生活和身份的特定理解。这些话语对人们采取什么行动去解决问题有影响,它们也会对生活有广泛的影响。

The diversity in these metaphors is very much due to the fact that most of them were coined by people who have sought therapy.这些比喻的多样性主要是因为绝大多数是来访者自己造出来的。 ? Walking out on the problem (from the concept of agency)走出问题(来自机构的概念)

? Going on a strike against the problem (from the idea of civil action)对问题罢工(来自民权行动的概念) ? Setting themselves apart from the problem (from the concepts of separation and individuation)和问题分开


? Defying the problem’s requirements (from the idea of resistance)拒绝问题的要求(来自反抗的概念) ? Disempowering the problem (from the idea of empowerment) 降低问题的力量(来自降低力量的概念) ? Educating the problem (from the concept of teaching) 教育问题(来自教育的概念)

? Recovering or reclaiming the territory of their life from the problem (from geographical conceptions of life)从


? Undermining the problem (from geographical conceptions of life)暗中破坏问题(来自对生活的地理学概


? Reducing the influence of the problem (from the concept of personal agency)降低问题的影响(来自个人主


? Coming out of the shadows cast by the problem (from the idea of light)从问题的阴影中出来(来字光的概




? Reducing the problem’s grip on their lives (from the psychological conception of life)减弱问题对他们生活的


? Taking their lives out of the hands of the problem (from puppetry) 把自己生活从问题的手中拿回来(来自


? Resigning from the problem’s service (from the concept of employment)从问题的的管理中辞职(来自雇佣


? Taming the problem (from the concept of training)驯化问题(来自训练的概念) ? Harnessing the problem (from the equine world)束缚问题(来自驯马界)



White, M. (2007). Maps of narrative practice (chapter 1, Externalising conversations). New York, NY: W. W. Norton




Unique outcomes, exceptions, green islands, sparkling moments, stalled initiatives.独特发现,例外,绿岛,闪光的时刻,被压抑的动机

o Names describing experiences unexpected according to the problem saturated story.根据充满问题的故事


o Experiences the problem would not be happy about.问题不会喜欢的那些体验

Following are guidelines to help notice, listen, focus and point out UO.以下指南对注意到、听到、关注和指出独特发现有帮助。

? 假设每个充满问题的故事都有例外,尽管问题会试图遮掩这些例外。

? 一个独特发现可以是:计划、情绪、说法、性格、目标、梦想、信念、决心或者行动。需要特别注意的是尽管问题试图控制这些行动,行动的初衷并不一样。 ? 希望改变充满问题的故事,来寻求心理帮助本身就是一种独特发现。 ? 聆听和问题愿望不一致的表述。当你注意到的时候,停下,询问。

? 在例外发现和问题之间人们会更关注问题,会觉得例外很自然。帮助他们关注这些例外,承认这些例外。发现来访者做的或想的代表这个人的那些生活技能。




Relative influence questions on the time axis.在时间轴上相互影响的问题。

? Where there times the 'Arguments' did not take over?什么时候“吵架”没有完全控制? ? When was the last time your son went to school? 你儿子最后一次去学校是什么时候? ? Was there a night this week that your daughter did sleep?这一周中有没有一个晚上你女儿睡着觉了?

? Are there any times when the problem is a bit weaker? 有没有什么时候问题变得比较弱?

Relative influence questions on the realm axis.按照不同领域来问相互关系的问题

? Does 'Depression' have the same influence at home and in work? “抑郁”在家和在单位影响一样吗?

? Are there realms of your life where it has fewer effects?你的生活中有没有什么地方问题影响比较少?

? In what realms of your life does it have more influence and it which less? 在生活中哪些地方问题的影响多一些而别的方面影响少一些?

It could be worse 情况还可能更糟糕

? How have you succeeded to cause the situation not to be worse?你是如何没有让情况变得更糟的? ? How do you explain you not giving up and despairing? 为什么你没有放弃,完全绝望? ? Why did you not succumb to 'Depression'?为什么你没有向“抑郁”屈服?



The greater the problem the greater the hero问题越大英雄越勇

? How have you succeeded to survive in spite of the problems terrible effects? 问题那么厉害,你是如何活下来的?

? How in spite of the strong voices of criticism have you succeeded to do all that you have mentioned?批评的声音这么强,你还是做了你想做的,你是怎么做到的?

The absent but implicit 虚位函存

? What is the problem trying to erase? 这个问题想抹杀掉什么? ? What would 'Criticism' want you to forget? “批评”想让你忘记什么?

? What would you want to happen if not for the problem?如果不是因为问题,你想会发生什么? ? How do you know what happiness is?你是如何知道什么是幸福的?



Finding Unique Outcomes寻找独特的发现

o One participant will volunteer to be interviewed on a problem (not one that is too difficult).一个学员做

志愿者,就一个问题做咨询(不要太大的问题) o The group will split into two. 其他人分为两组

o One part of the group will interview according to the 'Statement of Position map' and 'Externalizing

Conversation map'. Each participant will have a go, using few externalizing questions and then pass to the next one.一组根据“立场地图”和“外化对话地图”来询问。每个成员都有机会提问,用几个外化对话问题来提问,轮流问。

o The other group will be a reflecting team. They should notice as many UO as possible and if needed use

the 'finding the UO guidelines'. They should use the interviewee's language as much as possible. 另一个组做反思团队。他们应尽可能多的发现例外发现,需要的时候根据“发现例外发现指南”。他们都要尽可能多利用来访者的语言。

o When the interview will be over this group will have a round in which everyone will point out as many

UO as possible that they noticed.咨询结束,这个组的人就轮流尽可能多得指出独特的发现。 o Finally, the facilitator will ask the interviewee about how it was to hear all the different UO.


o The whole group will get together to discuss the exercise.整个小组回到一起讨论整个练习。

o How was it to interview? 询问的过程感觉如何? o How was it to listen for UO? 倾听独特发现感觉如何? o How was it to hear the UO?听到独特发现感觉如何?



Personal Agency人的主体性

This is a sense of self that is associated with the perception that one is able to have some effect on the shape of one’s own life; a sense that one is able to intervene in one’s own life as an agent of what one gives value to and as an agent of one’s own intentions, and a sense that the world is at least minimally responsive to the fact of one’s own existence … The restoration and/or development of this sense of personal agency provides an antidote to the sort of highly disabling conclusions about one’s identity that feature perceptions that one is a passive recipient of life’s forces.1


… the experience of personal agency and the capacity for responsible action are founded upon a special form of social collaboration. This is a social collaboration that assists people to traverse the space between what is known and familiar to them, and what might be possible for them to know about their lives and identities.2


In contrast to internal state conceptions, intentional state conceptions of identity are distinguished by the notion of ‘personal agency’. This notion casts people as active mediators and negotiators of life’s meanings and predicaments, both individually and in collaboration with others. It also casts people as the originators of many of the preferred developments of their own lives: People are living out their lives according to intentions that they embrace in the pursuit of what they give value to in life; they are going about the business of actively shaping their existence in their effort to achieve sought-after goals.3

从内部状态的角度和从意向性的角度对身份认同的理解是不同的,其差异就在‘个人主体性’上。这个概念认为人是生活意义和困境的主动协调者和谈判者,从个人的角度和与别人合作的角度都是如此。这个概念还认为人是自己生活的很多期望的发展的发起者:人们的生活是根据他们对生活中自己在乎的东西的追求活出来的;他们在根据自己的目标积极塑造自己的生活。 NOTES:


White, M. (2005). Children, trauma and subordinate storyline development. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work,



Nos. 3&4. 2. 3.

White, M. (2007). Maps of narrative practice (p.269). New York, NY: W. W. Norton. White, M. (2007). Maps of narrative practice (p103). New York, NY: W. W. Norton.



The Narrative Metaphorcommitmentsprincipalsdreamshopesbeliefsvaluesgoalsintentions far recent present near farpastpastfuturefuture



Re-authoring Exercise改写练习

Developing the preferred story in relation to a problem


In groups of three, choose one person to be interviewed, one to be the interviewer and one to be a backup interviewer. 三个人一组,选一个做来访者,一个做咨询师,另一个做候补咨询师。 The backup interviewer will be available to discuss with the interviewer at any time, the direction of the interview and to assist in the construction of possible questions, but will not interrupt or direct the interview.候补咨询师随时为咨询师做参谋,和咨询师讨论咨询应该往什么方向走,帮助咨询师提出合适的问题,但是不去打断咨询,也不引导咨询。

You will have 30 mins for the interview, and are encouraged to stop and start as often as you like. 咨询持续30分钟,可以随时暂停和随时继续。

The person being interviewed is to think about a time when they didn’t let the “problem” ideas and beliefs of have such a loud voice. Try to think of a fairly recent time.来访者要去想一个最近发生的问题,影响比较大的问题。

? Tell me a bit about what happened, where were you, who was around and what did you do?请跟我讲讲发生了什么事,你在哪里,周围还有谁,你做了什么? ? Was it an easy thing to do or a hard thing to do?那么做对你来说是很容易还是不容易? ? What were the steps that you took to get yourself ready to do what you did?你是如何一步一步做好准备,实施你所做的事情的?

? What name might you give to what you did?你如何称呼你所做的事情?

? Are there others things that you’ve done recently that fit with the theme of what we’re talking about?有没有你最近做的别的事情也符合我们刚刚谈的主题? ? Would you be able to put a name to the theme that connects these events?这些事情是围绕一个什么主题?



? In taking this more recent action, what did you want to have happen – what were some of your intentions?你最近做这件事的时候是怎么想的——你的初衷是什么? ? Why was it important for you to act on these intentions? What does this tell me about what some of your values are in relation to this?为什么你会觉得按照这种想法去做事很重要?这可以告诉我关于这件事你的心中在乎的东西是什么? ? How does what you are saying fit with some of your hopes and dreams for your work/ life?你所说的和你对生活/工作的期望和梦想有什么关系? ? What do these hopes say about the ways of being in the world that are important to you, or things that you stand for in your life?这些希望表示你在生活中重视什么,或者你或者是为了什么? ? This commitment or principle that you’ve just described, are there other times in your life when it’s stood out to you that this is important?你刚刚说的这些你看重的东西,在你生活的别的方面有没有表现? ? Can you think of an early experience in your youth or childhood that would express the things you value about this current experience?可否想一件你小时候或年轻的时候的事情,也能反映你最近这次经历当中的价值观? ? What would I have seen you doing in the past that would have told me that the things that we’ve just been talking about were important to you back then?从你过去做的这件事中可以看到我们刚才讨论的事情反映了当时你就特别看重什么? ? What were some of the beliefs or understandings of the world that were important to you back then, and that were influencing your taking action?当时你有哪些信念或对世界的理解,会对你的行动产生影响? ? What’s it like to look at the recent event in light of this past event?从过去那件事上如何看最近这件事? ? If the values or intentions or commitments that you’ve been speaking about were to sustain you, how would they support your next steps? What might you be more able to do?如果你谈到的这些价值、愿望或决心一直支撑着你,那么将来你会怎么做呢?你更可能会采取什么行动?

? If you take some of these steps, how do you think others might respond?如果你采取这些步骤中的一些行动,你觉得别人会如何反应? ? What would you do if things didn’t go as planned, so that you are not turned back



from moving in the direction you wish to go?如果事情和预想的不一样,你会怎么做才能避免偏离自己期望的方向?





Please think of a person or figure that was meaningful for you as a child. By person we mean any meaningful figure for you: A family member, a friend, a teacher, a counsellor (In practice it can also be an historical figure, a fiction figure, a pet or doll etc.). 请回想一个对你童年有意义的人或者人物。这个人可以是任何人:家庭成员,朋友,老师,咨询师(实际上甚至可以是历史人物、虚拟的人物,一个宠物或者娃娃啥的)

An interviewer will ask the following questions about him/her/it. Remember the following points咨询师可以提问以下有关他/她/它的问题。请记住以下这些点: QUESTIONS 问题

? Can you tell me a bit about this person? The way he dressed, his posture, his smell? 可否告诉


? If you were seeing yourself through her/his eyes what would you be noticing about yourself

that you could appreciate?如果你从他/她/它的角度看你自己,你会看到哪些值得欣赏的的特点?

? Do you have some understanding of what it was about you that s/he appreciated, at that time

of your life, which others might have been oblivious to? 在你生命的那个阶段,你对他/她所欣赏而别人却视而不见的这些特点有什么理解?

? What did that figure see in you (traits, character, values, aspirations, hopes, dreams, moral

visions, commitments, etc.)?那个人从你身上看到了什么(特质、性格、价值、愿望、希望、梦想、道德理想、决心等)?

? How did he/she/it notice these in you? What where the external signs of these?他/她/它是如


? Why would that person/figure not be surprised by your achievements and successes in life?

What did they know about you then that prepared them for these developments?为什么那个人/物会觉得你在生活中能取得的这些成绩和成功并不奇怪?他们当时所了解的你的什么特点让他们如此?

? How did knowing that person/figure change your life or shaped it differently than it would have

been without knowing them?认识那个人/物给你的生活带来了什么改变?

? What effects did knowing that person and/or being invited by that person/figure into their life

have on your life? 认识那个人和/或被邀请到他们的生活中对你的生活有什么影响?



? What about this person did you appreciate? 你欣赏这个人的什么特点?

? When you think now about what you appreciated about this person what values or hopes or

commitments of yours does this appreciation fit with? 现在你想到你对这个人的欣赏之处,会让你觉得和你的什么价值观、希望或决心一致?

? Could you tell me about some of the ways that s/he invited you into her/his life, to join them in

what was important to them?可否跟我讲讲他/她/它是如何邀请你到他们的生活中,让你参与他们所在乎的事情的?

? What is your sense of the effects of the contact between you and that person/figure on his life?

What makes you think this? How did you see it in him/her?你怎么看你和那个人 的接触对他的生活有什么影响?是什么让你这么想的?你根据他/它的什么表现想到的?

? In what way was knowing you then a contribution to that person/figure life? 那么认识你以何


? How would it be for that person to know about your achievements, successes and advances?

What could it potentially contribute or add to his life? 那个人知道你的成绩、成功和进步会做何感想?那对他的生活可能会有什么好处?

? In what way has this relationship affected your life since?从那以后这段关系对你的生活有什


? Are there times when you have conversation (real or virtual) with that person/figure?有没有什


? Is there any time where they lend you some advice? Does their ‘voice’ help you any time?有没


? How was this conversation about your relationship with that person/figure for you?关于这段


? Have you learned new things about yourself, your values, dreams, and aspirations you care to

talk about?你有没有了解到你自己一些新特点,比如你在乎的价值观、梦想和渴望?

? In what ways do you think you can use or implement this relationship and/or new learnings

about yourself in the future? 你将来如何运用这种关系以及对你自己的新的了解?



Using writing in therapy


? Writing in a therapeutic interview. Asking permission to write while being transparent that we are only

writing what the words of the person. Explaining that we do it in order to be as close to her language as possible. Checking sometimes whether what we are writing is correct and especially with children asking them to dictate to us something we would like to underline.在治疗性访谈中写记录。写记录之前需要征得来访者的允许,并说明我们所记录的都是来访者的话。说明我们这么的目的是为了尽可能符合来访的原话。和来访者确认我们所记录的是否正确。特别是在和儿童谈话的时候,请他们告诉我们哪些内容需要划重点。

? Using a white board with flow charts or other graphic methods especially for people who are more visual

().运用白板或别的方法来画出谈话的过程,特别是在来访者是比较视觉倾向的人(Walter Bera and Art Fisher)

? Letters to the person we are interviewing. 给来访者写信。

? Writing letters collaboratively with the client to official institutes. Insurance companies, social security,

courts etc..和来访者一起写信给官方机构。保险公司、社会安全机构、法庭等?? ? Writing psychological reports in collaboration with the client. 和来访者一起合作写心理报告 ? Corresponding between meetings via internet.通过网络联系 ? Getting clients to write letters one to the other. 让来访者互相写信

? Creating archives of people dealing with similar problems (anti anorexia archive). 建立应对类似问题的


? Poetic writing from therapist to client and back.治疗师与来访者互相写得诗

? Creating certificates of expertise or membership in anti problem clubs. 反抗问题俱乐部的会员或技能


? Having a diary or notebook of skills and values. What is the name of the problem? What are some of its

tactics? What were the responses of the client? What has changed? 记录关于技能和价值观的日记或备忘录。问题的名字是什么?它的一些谋略是什么?来访者有哪些反应?什么东西发生了改变?



Guidelines for writing narrative letters


? Choose UO, preferred developments, sparkling moments, coping ways, preferred figures of members of

family. 选择独特发现,期望的发展,闪光的时刻,应对方法,喜欢的家庭成员 ? Use experience close language 运用贴近体验的语言

? Use externalized language for problems.使用外化了的语言描述问题

? Open possibilities, options and different ways of looking at things.打开新的可能性,选择和看待事物的


? Try to check the connections between different UO and people. 试着确认不同的独特发现和人之间的


? Use 'sharp relief' in order to underlie UO. 用“强烈的放松感”来作为独特发现的支持。 ? Be curious and tentative.保持好奇,试探地问。

? Ask open questions that lead the person forward.提问开放性问题,引导来访者前行。 ? Ask about the future too.未来也要问。 ? Use remembering questions.使用回塑问题。

? Move from landscape of action to landscape of meaning and back.从行动层面到意义层面,再回到行动




Map of all maps – The guide for the perplexed


Listening 倾听

o Experience close language 贴近体验的语言 o Clarification 澄清 o Unpacking 拆解 o Concretecising 具体化 o Slowing down 慢节奏 o Zigzagging 曲曲折折

o Not knowing and curiosity 无知,好奇 o Reflecting 反思

o Schmoozing up 恰似闲谈 o Double listening 双重倾听

Self Agency 自我主体性 Always check with the interviewee 不断和来访者确认 o Does this fit for you? 这符合你的感受吗?

o 'Forking' - After reflecting to him what he said: DO you want to talk about A or B?一分为二:反馈了他所


o How is the conversation going for you? 你觉得对话进行的如何?

o Sometimes start the conversation by searching for a Unique Outcome, as a place to stand in, especially in

Trauma work. 有时候从寻找独特发现开始,作为谈话的立足点,特别是在创伤咨询中。 o Always look out for the skills of life involved, don't accept a taken for granted stance easily. 不断寻找有


Externalizing conversations - The problem is not the person 外化对话-问题不是此人

o Naming命名

o Mapping the effects of the problem– Relative influence questions 描述问题的影响-有关影响的提问



? Goals of problem 问题的目标 ? Tactics of problem 问题的伎俩

? Influences of problem on thoughts, feelings actions问题对思维、感情和行动的影响 ? Influences of problem on different realms of life 问题对不同生活领域的影响 ? Mapping the history of the effects of the problem 描述问题产生影响的经历

o Mapping the influence of the person on the problem描述人对问题的影响 o Evaluation 评估 o Justification 论证

o Revealing the Unique Outcome揭示例外发现

Discourses 话语

o Trace the discourses supporting the problem寻找支持问题的话语

o What accepted ideas support the voice or power of the problem来访者接受的哪些观念对问题的声音


o Are there aspects of the problem that are connected to social status (gender, class, race etc.). 问题有没


o Check the technology of power, for example in abuse it is not only the physical power it is also the

psychological power that is used. 检视技术权力的滥用,不限于物质层面的权力,还包括心理权力

Re-authoring Map 改写地图 o Finding the Unique Outcome, the Absent but Implicit, the stalled initiatives, the hidden presences. 发现

独特发现,虚位函存,被抑制的主动性,隐藏的存在 o Thicken them on the following axes根据以下轴丰富它们:


The meaning axis意义轴:

? Landscape of action to landscape of meaning /identity / conciseness从行动层面到意


? ?

The different domains不同领域

? Finding additional UO in different domains.在不同的领域发现新的独特发现 The time axis时间轴

? Historisation of the UO in the present把当前的独特发现放在历史中看

? Finding an additional UO in near past, far past在不久以前,很久以前寻在独特发现



? Envisioning Unique Outcomes in the future设想未来的独特发现


The social axis社会轴

? Who recognized this in you or would not be surprised?谁看到你身上这一点不会觉得


? What did he see in you that would cause him not to be surprised?他看到你的什么特


? What did you appreciate in him?你欣赏他的哪一点? ? What did you contribute to him?你对他有什么贡献?

? Every story has at least a dog 每个故事至少有一只狗(在做听众)


The three dimensional axis 三维之轴? ? The physical context 现实背景

? Different particulars of the context背景中的各种具体方面 ? Five senses 五种感官

According to Vygotsky start with the known and scaffold to the possible to know. 根据维果茨基 观点从已知开始,通过支撑去认识未知。



Outsider Witness Group – Reflecting Teams 外部见证团——反思团队

Find a group of people (family members, friends, professionals, people who went through similar hardships) that will reflect for the family or individual according to the following guidelines. 找一组愿意根据以下指南对来访的家庭或个人做反思的人(家庭成员,朋友,专家,遇到过类似困境的人)


What preferred development spoke/resonated/touched you 谈到的哪些进步让你产生共鸣/触动? ? ?

What image comes to your mind in relation to this PD你心中涌现出什么相关的景象? Why does it resonate/touch/move you? Bring a specific example from you own experience.为什么它会让你产生共鸣/触动/感动?从你个人的经历中找一个具体例子。 ?

How does listening to this conversation move you or make you different than what you were at the beginning.听了这段对话你会有什么变化? ?

General guidelines for the stance of the therapist给治疗师的立场的总的指南

? ? ? ? ?

Not knowing and curious 无知、好奇 Transparent 透明 Accountable 负责

De-centred but influential 去中心,有影响 Taking back practices 错了就要收回

Ask a curious and opening question about this PD.请就这一点向来访者提一个开放性的问题。



Poetic resonance of the course


A. Get into trios.三个人一组。

B. Have a round in which each one will be interviewed about what she took from the course.询问每个人从


? ? ? ?

What specifically preferred part/experience/practice caught your attention and

resonated for you?具体什么期望的部分/体验/练习抓住你的注意,让你产生共鸣?

Where did this touch you specifically in your own experience?这在你自己的经历中具


To what values, believes, dreams and aspirations of yours does this choice speak off?

这个选择反映 了你自己的什么价值观、信念、梦想和渴望?

Where has this course moved you too? In what way (even small) are you different for

having taken this course?这个课程让你有什么变化?学了这个课程你会有什么(哪怕非常小的)变化? ?

Has this course forced you to think or to do something that you don't want to do? If so

what important values or beliefs has it injured or threatened? 这个课程有没有迫使你思考或者做一些你本不想做的事?如果是这样的话,这给你的什么重要价值观或信念带来的伤害或者威胁?

C. While one of the participants is interviewed the third person should write down some of what is said in

the language of the interviewee using the following guidelines当一个人在访谈另一个人的时候,第三个人根据以下规则记录来访者的话:

? ? ?

D. After the three participants are interviewed every one of the writers should compose a poem from the

words he wrote down. This does not have to be a poem in any formal way. It can be edited in the following ways每个人都被访谈过之后,每个人要把自己记录下来的话写成一首诗。不一定是多么



Words that stand out特别关注到的话 Meaningful expressions有意义的表达 Metaphors 比喻


? ? ?

E. The songs will be read in the big group. 面向全体朗诵诗歌

Leave the list as it was written.保持记录下的样子 Add a word here and there.在这里或者那里增加一两个词

Change the order of the words or expressions. 改变词语或表达的顺序




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children and their families, New York: W. W. Norton.

Madigan, S. (2011). Narrative Therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. McLeod, J., (1997). Narrative and Psychotherapy, London, Sage.

Morgan, A. (2000). What is Narrative Therapy? An easy to read Introduction, Adelaide, Dulwich Centre Publications. Payne, M. (2000). Narrative Therapy: An Introduction for Counselors, London, Sage. Payne, M. (2010). Couple Counselling: A Practical Guide. Los Angeles: Sage.

Shalif, Y. (2005). Responding to trauma and grief - family gathering, text and spiritual practice. The International Journal

of Narrative Therapy and Community Work. (3-4).

Shalif, Y. (2005). Creating Care-Full Listening and Conversations between Members of Conflicting Groups in Israel:

Narrative Means to Transformative Listening, Journal of Systemic Therapies. 24(1).

Shalif, Y., and Leibler, M. (2002). Working With People Experiencing Terrorist Attacks In Israel: A Narrative Perspective,

Journal of Systemic Therapies. 21(3). pp. 60-70.

Shalif, Y. & Paran, R. (2008). Learning from children and adults in times of war: Stories from the shelters in the north of

Israel. The International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work.

Smith, C., & Nylund, D. (Eds.). (1997). Narrative therapies with children and adolescents. New York: Guilford Press. White, M. (1997). Narratives of Therapists' Lives. Adelaide: Dulwich Centre Publications White, M. (2007) Maps of Narrative Practice. New York: W.W. Norton

White, M.,& Epston, D. (1990). Narrative Means to Therapeutic Ends. New York: Norton.

Zimmerman, J. L., & Dickerson, V., C. (1996). If Problems Talked: Narrative Therapy in Action. New York: Guildford. Winslade, J. & Monk, G. (1999). Narrative Counseling in Schools: Powerful & Brief, Thousand Oaks, Corwin Press




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Orientation to Narrative Ideas and Practices

White, M. (2007). Maps of narrative practice. New York, NY: W. W. Norton.

Morgan, A. (2000). What is narrative therapy? An easy to read introduction. Adelaide, Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications. Russell, S. & Carey, M. (2004). Narrative therapy: Responding to your questions. Adelaide, Australia: Dulwich Centre


White, M. & Epston, D. (1990). Narrative means to therapeutic ends. New York, NY: W. W. Norton.

White, M. (1995). The Narrative Perspective in Therapy. In White, M., Re-authoring lives, interviews and essays (chapter 1).

Adelaide, Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications.

Freedman, J. & Combs, G. (1996). Narrative therapy: The social construction of preferred realities. New York, NY: W. W.


Payne, M. (2000). Narrative therapy: An introduction for counsellors. London: Sage.

Thomas, L. (2002). Poststructuralism and Therapy – what’s it all about? International Journal of Narrative Therapy and

Community Work, (2), pp.85-88. Reprinted in Russell, S. & Carey, M. (2004) above.

Commonly asked questions about narrative approaches to therapy, community work & psychosocial support: a collective

paper. Available to read at www.dulwichcentre.com.au/articles

Michael White Workshop Notes 2005. Available to read at www.dulwichcentre.com.au/articles

International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work. Published by Dulwich Centre Publications, 4 issues per year.

Externalising Conversations

Carey, M. & Russell, S. (2002). Externalising - commonly asked questions. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and

Community Work,(2), pp.76-84. Reprinted in Russell, S. & Carey, M. (2004) above.

Wingard, B. (2001). Introducing Sugar (Diabetes) (chapter 3), Externalising conversations (chapter 5), Grief: remember, reflect,

reveal (chapter 8). In B. Wingard & J. Lester, Telling our stories in ways that make us stronger. Adelaide, Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications.

Cronin-Lampe, K. Tufuga, P. TeKira, S. & Herbert, A. (1998). Talking with Dak. Dulwich Centre Journal, (2&3), pp.34-38.



McMenamin, D. & Cronin-Lampe, K. (1998). Questions to ask self-blame, teasing, bullying and harassment. Dulwich Centre

Journal, (2&3), pp.39-41.

White, M. (2001). Narrative Practice and the unpacking of identity conclusions. Gecko: A journal of deconstruction and

narrative practice, (1). Re-printed in White, M. (2005), Narrative practice and exotic lives: Resurrecting diversity in everyday life. Adelaide, Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications.

Newman, D. (2010). Narrative Therapy with anxiety and depression: Elevating context, joining people, and collecting

insider-knowledges. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work (2), pp.22-29.

Re-authoring Conversations

Carey, M. & Russell, S. (2003). Re-authoring: Some answers to commonly asked questions. International Journal of Narrative

Therapy and Community Work, (3), pp.60-71. Reprinted in Russell, S. & Carey, M. (2004) above.

Markey, C. (2001). It was not the words that hit mum: Working with children affected by domestic violence. Gecko: a

journal of deconstruction and narrative ideas in therapeutic practice.

White, M. (2000). Re-engaging with history: the absent but implicit. In White, M., Reflections on narrative practice: Essays and

interviews. Adelaide, Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications.

White, M. (2001). Folk psychology and narrative practice. Dulwich Centre Journal, (2).. Re-printed

in White, M. (2005), Narrative practice and exotic lives: Resurrecting diversity in everyday life. Adelaide, Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications.

Ungar, M. (2005). A thicker description of resilience. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (3&4),


Re-membering Conversations

White, M. (1988). Saying hullo again: The incorporation of the lost relationship in the resolution of grief. Dulwich Centre

Newsletter, (2), pp.17-55.

White, M. (1997). Re-membering (chapter 2), and Re-membering and professional lives (chapter 3) in Narratives of therapists’

lives. Adelaide, Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications.

Russell, S. & Carey, M. (2002). Re-membering: Responding to commonly asked questions. International Journal of Narrative

Therapy and Community Work, (3), pp.23-31. Reprinted in Russell S & Carey M (2004) above.



Hedtke, L. & Winslade, J. (2004). Re-membering lives: Conversations with the dying and bereaved. New York: Baywood


Yuen, A. (2007). Discovering children’s responses to trauma: A response-based narrative practice. International Journal of

Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (4), pp.3-18.

Therapeutic Documents

White, M. (2005). Therapeutic documents revisited. In White, M., Re-authoring lives: interviews and essays (chapter 8).

Adelaide, Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications.

Fox, H. (2003). Using therapeutic documents: A review. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (4),


Denborough, D. (2005). A framework for receiving and documenting testimonies of trauma. International Journal of Narrative

Therapy and Community Work, (3&4), pp.34-42.

Newman, D. (2008). ‘Rescuing the said from the saying of it’: Living documentation in narrative therapy. International Journal

of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (30), pp.24-34.



Definitional Ceremonies and Outsider Witness Practices

Carey, M. & Russell, S. (2003). Outsider-witness practices: Some answers to commonly asked questions. International Journal

of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (1), pp.3-16. Reprinted in Russell, S. & Carey, M. (2004) above. White, M. (2000). Reflecting-team work as definitional ceremony revisited. In White, M., Reflections on narrative practice:

Essays and interviews (chapter 4). Adelaide, Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications.

Hernandez, R. (2008). Reflections across time and space: Using voice recordings to facilitate ‘long-distance’ definitional

ceremonies. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (3), pp.35-40.

Some Further Reading

Bernauer, J. & Rasmussen, D. (Eds.) (1988). The final Foucault. Cambridge: MIT Press. Bruner, J. (1986). Actual minds: Possible worlds. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Bruner, J. (1990). Acts of meaning. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Derrida, J. (1978). Writing and difference. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Foucault, M. (1965). Madness and civilisation: A history of insanity in the Age of Reason. New York: Random House. Foucault, M. (1973). The birth of the clinic: An archaeology of medical perception. London: Tavistock. Foucault, M. (1980). Power/knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings. New York: Pantheon Books. Geertz, C. (1973). The interpretation of cultures. New York: Basic Books.

Geertz, C. (1983). Local knowledge: Further essays on interpretive anthropology. New York: Basic Books.

Geertz, C. (2000). Available light: Anthropological reflections on philosophical topics. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Myerhoff, B. (1978). Number our days. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Myerhoff, B. (1982). Life history among the elderly: Performance, visibility and re-membering. In J. Ruby (Ed), A crack in the

mirror: Reflexive perspectives in anthropology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Myerhoff, B. (1986). Life not death in Venice. In V. Turner & E. Bruner (Eds.), The anthropology of experience. Chicago: The

University of Illinois Press.

Vygotsky, L. (1999). Thought and language. Revised and edited by Alex Kozulin. Cambridge: MIT Press.

