2015届高考英语一轮复习单元测试阶段评估检测(二) 下载本文

B. Be friendly to your children C. Children’s success in their own style D. Parents’ help with their children’s study



Below are news briefs from a newspaper. ◆The secrets of longevity

In a study of 75-year-olds, researchers found that those who lived into their 90s shared some important traits(诀窍). They didn’t smoke. They remained physically active and pursued a variety of leisure activities. And they kept a strong social network. The research reaffirms what doctors have been advising for years: stay active and stay connected for good physical and mental health. On average, men in this study who followed a healthy lifestyle lived six years longer, and women five years longer, compared with those who did not follow such a lifestyle.

◆Glove keyboard enables use of devices with one hand

Computer engineering students at The University of Alabama in Huntsville have designed a tool that could revolutionize new ways of using electronic devices with just one hand. It’s called a Gauntlet Keyboard, a glove device that functions as a wireless keyboard. Instead of tapping keys on a keyboard, the user simply touches his thumb to points on his fingers assigned a letter or other keyboard function.

◆$600car issued more than $100, 000in parking tickets

An abandoned car in Chicago worth an estimated $ 600 has been issued more than $100, 000 in parking tickets over the past three years. Jennifer Fitzgerald, 31, is

currently stuck with the bill but says the 1999 Chevy Monte Carlo actually belongs to an ex-boyfriend who registered the car in her name without her knowledge. From May 23, 2009, through April 30, 2012, the Chicago Department of Finance issued 678 tickets against the car, totaling $105, 761. 80. But Fitzgerald says she doesn’t owe the city a dime and has filed a lawsuit against the city of Chicago and the ex-boyfriend.

◆Chinese white collars ambitious for wealth

According to MSN China and Research, more than 50% of Chinese white collars believe a personal fortune of at least 5 million yuan is necessary. The survey was conducted online, covering 100, 000 odd respondents. The average monthly income of a senior white collar in big Chinese cities is around 10, 000 yuan. That is to say, it will take a white collar approximately 42 years to accumulate 5 million yuan of personal wealth. Thus it is an unpractical goal, despite the fact that 75% of white collars have faith in making investment. Being too covetous for wealth is bad for one’s health, particularly mental health. ◆Artist seeks a garden in the sky

Artist Stephen Glassman wants you to look up. The Los Angeles-based artist is looking to create an urban air garden above the streets of L. A. Right now the air garden is at the concept stage. If enough money is raised (Glassman is seeking $100, 000), the City of Angels will be home to a floating garden of bamboo, which will appear to be floating but actually be supported by pillars. Even in a city like L. A. , where anything goes, the garden would be sure to turn heads.

◆Supermarket owner gives away stores to his400employees

This is the season of giving, and a grocery-store owner is doing just that. Joe Lueken, who owns and manages two grocery stores in Bemidji, Minnesota, and one in Wahpeton, North Dakota, is retiring at age 70. Instead of selling his stores to the highest bidder, though, he will transfer ownership to the stores’400 or so employees. The employees will participate in an employee stock ownership program, receiving shares of Lueken’s Village Foods based on length of service and salary—and at no cost to them. Joe explained his reason for turning over ownership to his employees, “My employees are largely responsible for any success I’ve had, and they deserve to get some of the benefits of that. ”

46. The most important feature of a Gauntlet Keyboard is that . A. its appearance is similar to that of a glove B. it has the functions of a wireless keyboard C. it can be operated with just one hand D. it’s designed by engineering students 47. Chevy Monte Carlo is the name of . A. an abandoned car C. a street in Chicago

B. a police officer

D. Fitzgerald’s ex-boyfriend

48. Why does Joe Lueken give away his stores? A. To enjoy life after retirement. B. To reward his employees. C. To benefit from his employees. D. To start an ownership program.

49. According to the given information, we can draw the conclusion that .

A. what doctors say about living a long life isn’t always true

B. floating gardens will be built in both Los Angeles and the City of Angels C. on average females enjoy a much longer life than males do

D. many Chinese white collars don’t have a right attitude towards wealth


(原创)If you have got over Why This Kolaveri Di, here’s some more craziness that’s driving the Internet. It’s South Korean star PSY’s Gangnam Style video. The video has beaten Justin Bieber and has become the most liked video on YouTube.

In fact, breaking records, the video has set the Guinness World Record for the most liked video in YouTube history. Gangnam Style, that was available for viewing on July 15, has more than 2, 479, 030 likers on YouTube.

What’s catching the eye in Gangnam Style is PSY’s unique dance moves, funny horse riding scenes and dancing in a towel. Even as many may not understand the language, the video has become the talk of the Internet.

The video also has many different versions and parodies(模仿)on the Internet now. The song has topped the iTunes charts in 31 countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.

“The YouTube video never targeted foreign countries. It was for local fans, ” PSY told the reporters on the sidelines of a concert. “My goal in this music video was to look uncool until the end. I achieved it. ”

Even a few of South Korea’s normally serious presidential candidates are imitating PSY’s moves in an appeal to voters.