北师大版 高中英语必修二(课文,翻译,单词) 下载本文

必修二 Unit 4

Lesson 1 Tomorrow?s World 明天的世界

The Future of Cyberspace 网络空间的未来

Peter Taylor finds out how computers and the Internet are going to affect our lives.


In last thirty years, the Internet has grown rapidly. In 1983, there were only 200 computers connected to the Internet; now there are around 50 million and this growth is clearly going to continue.


Some expert are pessimistic about the future. One worry is crime in cyberspace. Even now, young hackers can get into the computers of banks and governments. In the future, terrorists may “attack” the world?s computers, cause chaos, and make planes and trains crash.


However, many people are optimistic about the future of the Internet. Already, users can buy books, find out about holidays offers, books tickets, and get all sorts of information from the Internet.


“In the next few years,” say Angela Rossetto of Cyberia magazine, “it is clear that we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet.” She also believes that, in the future, we will get entertainment from the Net and that television will probably disappear. The mail service may also disappear with the increasing use of e-mail.


Some experts see our future in virtual reality – the use of computers with sounds and pictures that make you feel as if you are in a real situation. “Personally, I think virtual reality will become a part of modern life,” say Australian expert Peter Anderson.


“I see people living and working in a virtual world. We will work in virtual offices, shop in virtual supermarkets, and we will even study in virtual schools.”


Lesson 3 Virtual Reality虚拟现实

Tom: Hi, Cathy. What are you up to this weekend?


Cathy: Don?t ask, Tom. I have lots of work to do. If I don?t

finish my project on the history of the Internet for next Monday?s lesson, the science teacher will be angry. What about you? Do you have anything planned for Saturday and Sunday?



Tom: It depends on the weather. If it?s good, Dad, and Mum and I will probably go camping. But we won?t go if it rains. Hey, if I stay home, I?ll help you help with you project if you like.


Cathy: Thanks for the offer. Tom, can you suggest any good books for my project? If you tell me some titles, I?ll look for them in the library.


Tom: Use the library computer, If you go to the Science Museum website, you?ll find lots of good information. I?ll send you the website address when I get home.


Cathy: Thanks. Just think, if we had virtual reality holidays, we wouldn?t have any problem with the weather. What?s more, we wouldn?t have to spend a long time travelling in planes to get to our holiday destinations.


Tom: What do you mean?


Cathy: Well, in the future, we?ll be able to use modern technology to go anywhere we like. We won?t have to go there in the flesh at all! Wouldn?t that be great? I feel excited just thinking about it.


Tom: I don?t understand. Cathy, do you mean we?ll use the computer to travel around the world, entering and exiting countries in seconds and visiting all the historical sites?


Cathy: That?s right! Just imagine never having to pack a suitcase! We would not only be able to travel around the world, but also go to study in any world famous universities we wanted to.


Tom: That could be really exciting! But I still find it hard to imagine. You would see it but you couldn?t dip your toes in the sea or eat the foods you saw. You would not experience it.


Cathy: Well, if they invented virtual reality holidays, I?d go on

an around-the-world tour. Tom, what would you like to do if someone gave you the change?


Tom: I don?t really know. Personally, I?m more interested in virtual universities than virtual reality holidays. I?d like to go to a world-famous university, like Stanford. But I guess, a virtual university just wouldn?t be the same, would it?


Cathy: True, but just think-you would be able to study in such a world-famous university without going out of your room!


Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism虚拟旅游

AUCKLAND * new Zealand 奥克兰新西兰 a guide指导

Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand. It has a population of just under a million people and is located on North Island. This seaside city is an important centre for

business and industry. It is also the most exciting city in New Zealand with people of many different cultures living there.


The history of the city goes back 650 years when the Maoris settled in the area. European settlement began in 1840 when the British arrived, Auckland was the capital of New Zealand for some time. Later, the capital moved to Wellington, because it was more central. Since 1945, the city of Auckland has grown and it now has large modern suburbs. In 1985, the New Zealand government made the whole country a nuclear-free zone and since then Auckland has been a centre for protest against nuclear testing in Asia Pacific.


Famous sights include Mt Eden, one of many large volcanoes, as well as the Auckland Harbour Bridge. At the Parnell Village, you can visit amazing view from the Sky Tower, which is the city?s tallest Tower. You can also see Maori traditional dances at the Auckland Museum.


From anywhere in the city, you can see the sea. Auckland is

called “the city of sails” because it has more boats than anywhere else in the world. It has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine – the average temperature in January (summer) is 23.4℃ and in July (winter) it is 7.8℃. It has some of the best beaches in New Zealand for doing water sports: swimming, diving, fishing, sailing and surfing.


It is easy to travel between Auckland and the rest of New Zealand. There are regular international flights, too. However, flights from Europe take over twenty-four hours and are expensive.


Culture corner 文化角

New Zealand Fact File 新西兰的事实文件 Government 政府

New Zealand has its own government, but it is also part of the British Commonwealth, and therefore the official head of state is Elizabeth II, the Queen of England, Scotland and Wales. New Zealand was the first country in the world to give the vote to woman in 1893, to have old age pensions and the

eight-hour working day.


Geography 地理

New Zealand, in the South Pacific, consists of two large islands plus other smaller islands with an area of 270,000 sq km. North Island has a warm climate and there is quite a lot of volcanic activi ty. South Island is cooler and has a higher rainfall. In the South Island, there are the Southern Alps with Mount Cook (3,754 m), the higher mountain in New Zealand.


Economy 经济

New Zealand has some industry but agriculture is more important – there are 55 million sheep, 8 million cows and I million goats in New Zealand!


Wildlife 野生动物

New Zealand was cut off from the rest of the land on Earth for 80 million years and has some unique animals and plants. For example, th e kiwi (the symbol of New Zealand) is a large bird which cannot fly.


The People 人

Over 80% of the 3.6 million people are of European (mainly British) origin. Around 9% of the population are Maoris who came to New Zealand from other Pacific islands in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The two official languages in the country are English and Maoris.


Lifestyle 生活方式

New Zealanders, who are also known as “Kiwis”, are relaxed people w ho love outdoor life. It is not surprising that New Zealand is successful at many sports. Its national sport is rugby and its team, “The All Blacks”, are often the best in the world.


Places to visit 要参观的地方

New Zealand has beautiful scenery. In North Island, the Bay of Islands has lovely old forests and beautiful beaches and the Coromandel is perfect for sailing and watersports. Rotorua is the centre of Maori culture and has wonderful hot springs. In South Island, the Southern Alps, the West Coast region and the national park of Fiordland all have beautiful scenery.


Bulletin Board 公告板

A student is doing research on people?s opinions on the Internet. Read the note and the two responses. Then add your ideas on the board.


Hi, guys!

I?m doing some research on why people use the Internet. I need your help. Let me know what you think about the Internet and for what purposes you use it. Please send your views to www.weblife.com Looking forward to receiving your replies.



I don?t surf the Internet any more. It takes me a long time to find the information I need. Since giving up using the Net. I?ve spent more time doing sports, talking with my parents and going out with my friends. Giving up using the Net is the best decision I?ve ever made.


I use the Internet to find information for assignments, and to

keep up-to-date with events happening around the world. I think finding information on the Net is more convenient than searching for books in a library. The Internet also helps me to keep contact with my friends. We chat on the Net and send e-mail to each other. With the Net I think we?re closer and the world becomes smaller. I like using the Net.



有可能的likely概念concept表格,图表chart集中注意focus跳过skip拳头fist腰waist 指甲,趾甲nail 画廊gallery 网络空间cyberspace (愿望,梦想等)实现come true 人造的artificial 气候climate全球的,全世界的global 全球变暖global warming 洪水,水灾flood 虚拟的virtual真实,现实reality 病毒virus 影响affect 快,迅速地rapidly 增长,生长growth 悲观的,厌世的pessimistic 犯罪,罪行crime 电脑黑客hacker 恐怖分子terrorist 攻击,反攻attack 混乱,无秩序chaos (汽车,飞机等)撞毁,坠毁crash 乐观的optimistic 娱乐,款待entertainment消失disappear 好像,仿佛as if 伤害,损害harm 明显的,显而易见的obvious 破坏,毁坏destruction 军事的,军用的military 科学的scientific(美国)五角大楼the pentagon 原子能的nuclear 网络network 课题,方案,工程project 取得联系get in touch (电话用语)别挂断hang on 做,从事于be up to 时髦,时尚fashion (非正式)想要做,幻想fancy 建议,提议suggestion拒绝,不接受reject 安排arrangement 标题,题目title 目的地destination肉,肉体flesh 本人亲身in the flesh 出,离开exit历史的,有关历史的historical (事件或事件发生)场所,位置site 收拾(行李),打包pack浸dip脚趾toe百万富翁millionaire 吸烟者smoker非吸烟者non-smoker 观光,游览tourism 指南,导游,向导guide 坐落于,位于locate 海滨,海洋seaside (新西兰)毛利人Maori 定居settle (新)定居地settlement 中央的,中心的central 市郊,郊区suburb地域,地区zone 火山volcano 也,又as well as 海港harbour 景色,风景view 阳光sunshine平均的,平均数average 冲浪 surfing 定期的;规则的regular 位置,场所location 钢,钢铁 steel 材料,原料 material 被认为是 be known as 唐人街 Chinatown 正式地 officially 风景,景色 scenery 烹饪 cuisine 吸引人的,有魅力的attractive蜘蛛 spider 蜘蛛网;网状物 web

Unit 5

Lesson 1 performance

Alanis-A true performer alanis-a真正的表演者

Canadian singer and song writer, Alanis Morissette, is used to being in the public eye. Her most famous album Jagged Little Pill, came out in 1995 when she was only twenty-one years old. It sold 15 million copies and made several more albums and she has continued giving great performances on stage.

加拿大歌手和歌曲作家,艾拉妮丝莫莉塞特,经常出现在公众的眼前。她最著名的唱片Jagged Little Pill,在1995年出版,她当时只有二十一岁。它卖了15000000册,出了几张专辑,她在舞台上继续伟大的表演。

Last Thursday night, hundreds of fans went to the Corn Exchange in Cambridge, England to see Alanis Morissette performing in concert. It was Morissett?s first performance in England since her song “Uninvited” won this year?s Grammy Award for the best rock song. The 30-year-old singer has a strong fan base in England. There was not an empty seat anywhere in the concert hall at last Thursday?s event, although it was an extremely cold night. “Sure it?s cold outside, but hope

we?ll warm it up in here for you,” Mirussette said to the large crowd before she started to play.


During the 3-hour concert, Morisstte used a lot of material from her award-wining album “Jagged Little Pill”. She also played a few songs from her new album, such as “Everything But …” which tells the story of someone looking for love in the wrong places. Morissette gave a creative and powerful performance in another song “Utopia”. Her singing was full of feeling; the first part of the some was filled with anger, while the last part expressed love and joy.

在三个小时的演唱中,morisstte用了很多的材料从她获奖专辑“Jagged Little Pill”。她还唱了几个新专辑中的歌曲,如“除了??”讲述的故事为,有人在不恰当的地方寻找爱。莫莉塞特给了一个创造性的和强大的性能在另一首歌“乌托邦”。她的歌唱充满了感情的部分;第一部分充满愤怒,而最后一部分表达了爱和快乐。

Although the concert hall was cold and the sound system caused a few problems, the audience could still enjoy the concert. Many people in the crowd were obviously long-time fans and they knew the words and sang along to nearly every song. Inside the concert hall was extremely exciting. Everyone agreed that they were greatly impressed by Morissette?s brilliant music and singing.


At the end of the three hours, Morissette showed that she was a true performer, singing a well-known song “Heartache”. She finished the evening with a new song about the life of a superstar. While I watched and listened, I knew that I was seeing the performance of a real superstar.


Lesson 3 第 3 课

Experiment in Folk 民间试验

Kong goes for folk! 孔去民间

The famous classical pianist, Kong Xiangdong, surprised his fans last week by giving a concert combining classical music with Chinese folk music. Kong explained that he tried this because he wanted to create something new. ―As a musician, playing the same music in different cities of the world is very boring,‖ say Kong. He also feels that playing Chinese folk music on the piano can help bring it the rest of the world.

著名的古典钢琴师,孔祥东,让他的歌迷们上周通过音乐会结合古典音乐与中国民间音乐。孔祥东解释说,他尝试这样做是因为他想创造一些新的东西。 ―作为一个音乐家,在世界不同的城市演奏相同的音乐是非常枯燥的,‖孔祥东说。 他还觉得,用钢琴演奏中国民族音乐帮助它在这世界上站稳脚步。

Music has always been part of Kong‘s world. As his mother was a great music lover, he lived with music from birth. But it wasn‘t always easy for the young Kong Xiangdong. His mother couldn‘t buy him a piano until he was seven. She had to draw piano keys on a piece of paper so that he could learn to play as early as possible. The 5-years old Kong would practise on the paper piano as his mother clapped the rhythm. He was made to practise the piano so much that, at times, he thought about giving up. However, he didn‘t quit, and he became a great pianist. In 1986, at the age of 18, he become the youngest prize winner in Moscow‘s Tchaikovsky International Competition. He went on to win awards in competition across the world.

音乐是孔祥东世界中的一部分, 他的母亲是一个音乐爱好者,他的生活伴随着音乐的诞生。但是它对于年轻的孔祥东不是很容易。他的母亲在他七岁之前不会给他购买钢琴。她不得不把琴键画在一张纸上,让他尽早的学习。伴着母亲用手拍的节拍,5岁的孔祥东在纸钢琴上练习。他在纸上钢琴上练习了很久,他有时想放弃。但是,他没有放弃,最终他成为了一个伟大的钢琴家。在1986年,他18岁时,获得了莫斯科柴可夫斯基国际大赛奖。他在世界各地的比赛中获得了竞赛奖

Because of Kong‘s talent and hard work, he became famous worldwide. But after years of performing, he became that in some ways he had lost his identity. This is why he went back to his roots and rediscovered the beauty in Chinese folk music. He began experimenting with different styles and his Dream Tour Concert is the result.



Kong‘s new experiment in Chinese folk music is so important to him that he even changed his appearance. When he arrived at his concert last week, he had shaved off all his hair! Since his music style was new, he decided his hairstyle had to be new too!


Whether Kong is changing his appearance or transforming his music, he is a pioneer in music today. The concert last week was such a success that Kong‘s Dream Tour Concert is expected to run for the next two years in Beijing, Shanghai, and other main cities before going to Paris and New york.

不论孔祥东是改变自己的形象或者是他音乐的改变,他都是当今音乐界的先驱者。 上周的音乐会是非常成功的,未来两年,孔祥东梦想巡回演唱会的将在北京,上海和其他的主要城市运行,在这之前,他将去巴黎和纽约。

Lesson 4 第 4 课

Let‘s Dance 让我们跳舞

Ballet 芭蕾舞

Ballet began in Italy and France during the 15th century and is still an important art form in Western


Ballet tells a story with music and actions but no words. …(1)… Another famous Russian ballet is called ―Sleeping Beauty‖.

Many countries have produced ballets, including China. One well-known Chinese ballet is called ―The White-haired Girl‖.


Folk Dance 民族舞蹈

Folk dances are traditional style of dancing that come from ordinary people. They are usually group dances that are taught from one generation to another. Chain is famous for many different types of folk dances, including the dragon dance and lion dance, which are performed during the Spring Festival. …(2)…


Another well-known folk dance is the Yangge, which is often performed on special occasions. In many parts of the country, you can see people of all ages dancing in the street during festivals. They are dressed in beautiful costumes, skipping back and forth to the rhythm of loud drums. People like watch performances of this unique folk dance.


Popular Dance 流行舞

Popular or social dances often come from folk dances,

although they are usually popular for only a short time. …(3)…Until the eighteenth century, social dances were only held in palaces or the homes of noble families. However, in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, social dancing became more popular. Ballroom dancing, which was a formal dance in a large room, became popular in Europe and North America. Central European folk dances, such as the waltz, changed and became the most popular examples of ballroom dances.



In the United States, the mixing of immigrant cultures produced new forms of dances, such as tap dancing. Before the First World War, new ballroom dances came to Europe and America for example, the Tango and the Cha-Cha. The Argentine Tango was made internationally popular by Carlos Gardel through his songs and films.


After the Second World War, African-American rhythm and movements became part of popular social dance. Rock‘n‘rool dances were popular during the 1950s. …(4)… Dancing in

couples returned in the 1970s and 1980s with ―disco‖ music. …(5)… This from of dancing is almost like acrobatics. It began in the poorer part of large American cities.

第二次世界大战之后,美国黑人的节奏和动作也成为一种流行的交谊舞。摇滚乐开始流行于1950年。 。4。 舞蹈夫妇的返回是在1970年和1980年,带来了―迪斯科‖音乐。这些舞蹈近乎于杂技。它开始于美国大城市的较贫穷的部分。

Culture Corner 文化角

Styles of Music 音乐风格 Classical 古典的

Classical music was the music of European courts and big concert halls. Specifically, classical music refers to orchestral music of the 18th and early 19th century. Classical music is played with traditional European instruments, ofte n in large orchestras. Beethoven and Mozart are two of the most famous classical composers. Classical music is enjoyed by many for its rich and beautiful melodies.

古典音乐是欧洲宫廷和大音乐会上的音乐。具体来说,古典音乐是指的第十八和第十九世纪的早期管弦乐。用欧洲传统的乐器演奏古典音乐, 经常是在大乐团。贝多芬和莫扎特是两个最著名的古典作曲家。古典音乐是很多人都喜欢的丰富和美丽的旋律。

Blues 布鲁斯

Blues started off as the music of African slaves brought to the United States. It is closely related to the music of West Africa. It became well-known throughout the world through such musicians as Muddy Waters and B.B. King. In many ways, blues

music remains an important element in many of today‘s popular tunes.


Jazz 爵士乐

Jazz grew out of blues. As with blues, one of the important elements of jazz is improvisation. Improvisation happens when a musician plays unwritten music to fit the mood of the occasion.


One of the famous names in jazz is Miles Davis. He was famous for always finding new ways of playing jazz, and for many people this represented the spirit of jazz. Jazz has been called ―the classical music of black America‖.


Rock ?n? Roll and Rock 摇滚乐和摇滚

Rock ?n‘ roll developed from fast blues. Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley were the big names in rock ?n‘ roll and the Beatles in England took the music and made their own sounds from it. When the guitars got louder and the guitar solos got longer, rock ?n‘ roll became just rock. Now rock is one of the most popular forms of music in the world and its fans can be seen from

Beijing to Boston and all the places in between.


Creating new music 创造新的音乐

Today these name s of music styles are less important to musicians. Radio, television and the Internet have made it easier for sounds to travel across cultures and styles have become more and more mixed. If there is one thing the history of popular music has shown, it is that good musicians will always create new music from the different styles they hear.


Bulletin Board 公告板

A TV station is looking for students with special talents.


Read the notice and the two responses. Then write yours on the board. 看到通知和这两种回答。然后写上你的。 Talent Hunt 选秀

The Talent Show is coming in two week‘s time. If you have a special talent and want to take part in the show, contact Philip Wei immediately.


Hi, don‘t forget me! I‘m a great basketball player. I can dribble the ball between legs and spin it on my fingers. I can

even make the ball roll from arm to arm around my baby. There isn‘t anyone else in school who can do this! I‘m your perfect choice for the Talent Show.


I would like to recommend Jim Liu to take part in the Show. He is unique. Jim Liu is a brilliant juggler. He can juggle balls like a profession-al juggler in a circus. Once, I saw him juggle TEN balls at the same time. It was so exciting watching him do it. If Jim took part in the Talent Show, he‘d win it for sure. He is the ideal person to represent our class.



民间的folk 爵士乐 jazz 摇滚乐 rock‘n’roll 迪斯科舞 disco 芭蕾舞 ballet 效果,作用effect 使失望 disappoint 非凡的,特别的extraordinary 不清楚的 unclear 习惯于 be used to 唱片;相册;集邮册 album 表演,演奏 performance 表演,做 perform 奖,奖品 award基地,基础 base 极端的,非常的 extremely 有创造力的,创造性的 creative 强大的,有力的 powerful 气氛,愤怒 anger 系统 system 听众;观众audience 贯穿,遍及throughout 使(人)印象深刻 impress 表演者performer 乐器;工具 instrument 男性的male 女性的 female 小丑 clown 马车 carriage 财宝,财富 treasure (使)结合,(使)联合 combine 面具,面罩mask 杂技 acrobatics 戏装;服装 costume 代表 represent 将军 general 换句话说 in other words 钢琴家,钢琴演奏者 pianist 音乐家 musician 有时,不时 at times 停止;辞职 quit 才干;天才 talent 全世界的 worldwide 在某些方面 in some ways 身份,特性 identity 根 root 重新发现 rediscover 美;美貌;美人 beauty 外貌,外观 appearance 剃,刮 shave 发型 hairstyle 转换,转化 transform 华尔兹舞 waltz 霹雳舞 breakdance 百科全书 encyclopedia 剑 sword 孔雀 peacock (芭蕾舞剧)天鹅湖 Swan Lake 普通的;平常的ordinary 代,一代 generation 类型,种类 type 跳,蹦 skip 往返,来回

back and forth 独特的,唯一的 unique 贵族的;高尚的,高贵的;贵族 noble 舞厅,跳舞场 ballroom 移民的,移居的 immigrant 踢踏舞 tap dancing 探戈舞 tango 反应 reaction 有责任的,应负责任的 responsible 允许,许可 permission 现实(主义)的 realistic

Unit 6

Lesson 1 A Matter of Taste

Xu Beihong (1895-1953) was important in modern Chinese folk art. During his lifetime, he developed the tradition of combining poetry with painting. Between 1933 and 1940, he held several exhibitions in Asia and Europe to promote Chinese art. Across this painting, named Racing Horse, we can see a horse running at high speed like a missile across the sky. On the left and right side of the painting, Xu Cleverly drew in black ink to show the moving hair on the horse‘s mane and tail. He also used different shades of grey in a creative way to show the sweat along the horse‘s body. The painting of dark and light colours is a favourite of many art lovers.


Qi Baishi (1863-1957) was one of China‘s greatest painters. He worked with wood during his early youth. Then between

1902 and 1909, he travelled across the country and painted many pictures of scenery. His interest changed later to simple pictures from everyday life, such as vegetables, flowers, birds, and insects. Cabbage is a well-known example of Qi‘s work. The tiny insect near the cabbage has some red on its back. Its black eyes, which are fixed on the cabbage, show the creature‘s interest in the vegetable. Qi Baishi‘s style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination.


Chen Yifei (1946-2005) was a very successful artist. His soft portraits of beautiful women are very valuable. In 1997, one of his paintings sold for US$503,000. The painting, a young woman sits alone and is deep in thought. Her hand holding the fan is elegantly positioned above her knees. To emphasise the woman even more, Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan and the cloth of her dress, and chooses to paint the background behind the woman black. The folds of her dress are very beautiful painted.



Lesson 3 Chinese Paper Art 中国美术纸

The Art of Paper 艺术纸

Chen Zijiang is a paper-cutting expert whom I interviewed for my article on Chinese Art. Paper-cutting is something that he learned to do from an early age.


―It is a Chinese folk art with a long history,‖ Mr Chen told me, ―Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty!‖ He added that by the Southern Song Dynasty, paper-cutting had become an important part of everyday life. ―A young farmer who wanted a wife would look at a young woman‘s paper-cutting skills before marrying her!‖ explained Mr Chen, laughing at the look of surprise on my face.

它在中国民间有很长的历史了, 陈先生告诉我,动物剪纸的发现要追溯到

南北朝时期的墓葬中! 他补充说,南宋时,剪纸就已经成了人们生活中重要的一部分。年轻农夫会通过剪纸技能来寻找年轻姑娘做自己的新娘!陈先生解释说。我的脸上布满了笑容和惊奇。

Mr Chen went on to explain that there are three types of paper cuts which people still make today: paper cuts for decorations, for religious purposes and for design patterns.



Papers cuts used for decoration are often seen on windows and gates. They are usually put up during holidays to bring good luck. They are also used on presents. A present for parents whose child has recently been born might show a paper cut of children, for example. Paper cuts which show the Chinese character for double happiness are often used to celebrate weddings.



Paper cuts used for religious purposes are often found in temples. They are also used as offerings to the dead. People to whom the dead person was related would make these offerings on special days and during festivals.


The third kind of paper cuts are those used to make patterns in clothing. They are also sometimes used to decorate jewellery boxes. Dragons are very popular patterns for these designs.



The interview was very useful as I got a lot of interesting information for my article. I was also ready to try out paper-cutting for myself. ―See you next week,‖ I said as I waved goodbye to Mr Chen. I was going to meet him again so that he

could help me make my first paper cut!


Lesson 4 Dream Houses 梦想的房子

The House on Mango Street 芒果街上的房子 We didn‘t always live on Mango Street. Before that are we lived on Loomis on third floor, and before that we lived on Keeler Street. Before Keeler Street it was Paulina Street, and before that I can‘t remember. But what I remembered most is moving a lot. Each time it seemed there‘d be one more of us. By the time we got to Mango Street we were six – Mama, Papa, Carlos, Kiki, my sister Nenny and me.



The house on Mango Street is outs, and we don‘t have to pay rent to anybody, or share the yard with the people downstairs, or be careful not to make too much noise, and worried about the landlord being angry. But even so, it‘s not the house we thought we‘d get.


We had to leave the flat on Loomis quick. There ere worms in the wooden walls. Then the water popes broke and the

landlord wouldn‘t fix them because the house was too old. He had no mercy so we had to leave fast. We were using the washroom next door and carrying water over. And everything in the flat was damp. That‘s why Mama and Papa looked for a house, and that‘s why we moved into the house on Mango Street, far away, on the other side of town.


They always told us that one day we would move into a house, a real house that would be ours so we wouldn‘t have to move each year. And our house would have running water and a bathtub and pipes that worked. And inside it would have real stairs, like the houses on TV. And we‘d have a basement and at least three washrooms so when we wanted to bathe we wouldn‘t have to tell everybody. Our house would be white with trees around it, a great big yard and grass growing without a fence. This was the house Papa talked about when he dreamed of being rich and this was the house Mama dreamed up in the stories she told us before we went to bed.


But the house on Mango Street is not the way they described it at all. It‘s small and red with narrow steps in front and windows so small that you‘d think they were holding their breath. There is no front yard, only four little trees the city planted on the side of the street. Out back is a small garage for the car we don‘t own yet and a small yard that looks smaller between the two buildings on wither side. There are that looks house but they‘re ordinary stairs, and the house has only one washroom. Everybody has to share a bedroom – Mama and Papa, Carlos and Kiki, me and Nenny.


Adapted from The House on Mango Street 改编自芒果街上的房子 By Sandra Cisneros 桑德拉的故事

Culture corner 文化角

World Heritage Sites in China 在中国的世界文化遗产

The official title of ―world Heritage Site‖ is given by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Culture Organisation (UNESCO) committee to places in the world that ate outstanding examples of cultural or natural history. There are 29 world heritage sites in China, more than any other country except Italy or Spain. Here are 3 of them.


The Temple and Manson of Confucius


This site is located in Qufu, Shandong Province, and is a memorial to Confucius, the Chinese great educator. The site is huge. On the grounds, there are more than 900 the Temple of Confucius. Although it was originally built in 478 B.C., the temple has been rebuilt many times. Besides the temple, visitors can enjoy the grounds outside, where there are more than 1,000 stone tablets and over 100,000 tombs.


The Old Town of Lijiang 丽江的古城

This site is a few hours bus-ride away from the ancient city of Dali in Yunnan Province. Surrounded by fields, mountains and rivers, the Old Town of Lijiang looks like a jade ink stone in spring and summer. This is why the local people proudly call their town ―Dayan‖, meaning the Town of the Big Ink Stone. 该遗址到云南省大理古城只有几个小时的车程。周围的田野,山川和小河。


Each year, many foreign tourists visit the Old Town and the place is like ―Venice in the East‖ to them. There are narrow alleys, pretty streams, small stone bridges, and brick and tile

houses with carved doors and painted windows.



Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area


This area, north of Sichuan Province, is a unique natural wonder. Every year, visitors from all over the world come to admire the mountains, lakes, streams, trees, underground springs and waterfalls which make Jiuzhaigou Valley an area of outstanding natural beauty.



The water in the valley‘s lakes, streams and waterfalls is famous for being very clear. The valley is also home to many protected species of plants including bamboo. Endangered animals, such as pandas, also live in the valley.



Bulletin Board 公告板

The will be a school wallboard competition soon. Read the notice and the two responses. Then add your ideas on the board. 这将是一个学校的墙板的竞争。看这两种反应。然后添加你的想法在板上。

I would like to introduce a special place in Poland, which is probably not so well-known in China. It is Lazienki Park in Warsaw. In Lazienki Park there are some huge trees and some beautiful gardens. There‘s also a lovely cafe and restaurants

there. But the most interesting place in the whole park is the Palace there is a statue of the Polish composer Frederic Chopin. In summer there are evening concerts of Chopin‘s music there.


Hi, folks! Here‘s some good news. It‘s finally our turn to do the wallboard in the school hall! And we‘re determined to make it our school‘s best-ever wallboard with your help. Our theme is going be about ART and DESIGN and we need you to send in your ideas and work by MONDAY 16 FEBRUARY. The best works of art will be put on the wallboard for everyone to enjoy. 嗨,伙计!这里有一些好消息。最后轮到我们在学校礼堂做墙板!我们决定


Hi! I have an idea for the wallboard. How about showing the architectural designs of some famous landmarks like the Forbidden City, the Eiffel Tower and the Sydney Opera House? My dad took some fantastic photos of these landmarks and he‘s agreed to let me use them.



Literature Spot 2 文学现场2

The Picture of Dorian Gray 道林格雷的画像

Basil Hayward was a successful artist. He had nearly finished a portrait of a very handsome young man called Dorian Gray. One day a friend of his, Lord Henry Wotton, saw the picture Basil was painting and wanted to meet this young man. A few days later, Lord Henry and Dorian Gray met at Basil‘s house and went for a walk in the garden.


―Ah, how lucky you are to be so young. There is nothing in the world as important as youth!‖ said Lord Henry to Dorian. ―But time is your enemy.‖



They went inside to see the portrait and Dorian looked at his own picture intensely.


―I wish I could always stay young and the picture could grow old. Oh, why did you paint this picture, Basil? Why should it stay young while I grow old? I wish the picture could change, and I could stay as I am,‖ Dorian was beginning to fall in love with his own picture.



A few weeks later, Dorian told Lord Henry that he was in

love with an actress, called Sybil Vane. She was seventeen and very beautiful. Dorian didn‘t tell Sybil his name but she called him Prince Charming. He told her that he was in love with her and he wanted to marry her. Sybil‘s brother was worried about her and this mysterious young man.



―If that man harms my sister, I‘ll kill him,‖ he said to a friend.


But Sybil‘s brother was a sailor and had to go off to Australia.


One night, Dorian took his friends to see Sybil acting as Juliet

in Romeo and Juliet. She acted badly and after the performance Dorian spoke to Sybil. He was very angry with her. ―But how can I pretend to Juliet now that I know what real love is?‖ she said to him. Dorian said that he had loved her because she was a good actress. Now he didn‘t love her any more and so he left her.



When he got back home Dorian looked at his portrait again. Somehow it was different. The face in the picture no had a cruel

smile. Then Dorian remembered his wish. He realised that he had been cruel to Sybil. Tomorrow he would see her and be good to her and make up for what he had done. But the next day Lord Henry brought Dorian some terrible news. Sybil had killed herself! Lord Henry told him not to worry, that it would have been impossible to marry her anyway – she was just an actress. When Lord Henry left, Dorian looked at the picture of himself again. He realised that he would stay young and handsome forever and that the face in the picture would become ugly, old and cruel.


The years went by, but Dorian Gray stayed young and handsome. He enjoyed all the pleasures there were in life. However, his portrait changed and showed all the terrible secrets of his life. Dorian became more and more obsessed with the picture as the face in it became old and ugly. On Dorian‘s thirty-eighth birthday, Basil Hayward, the painter, came to see Dorian and told him that he was going away to Paris. Basil told him that people were saying terrible things about Dorian‘s life. Dorian decided to show Basil the portrait and to tell him his

secret. Basil was horrified when he saw the face and told Dorian to change his life. Suddenly, Dorian became very angry with Basil. He took a knife… and stabbed Basil several times. The next day, Dorian got rid of the body. Nobody would ever miss Basil Hayward. They would think that he had gone to France. 几年过去了,但是道林仍然年轻英俊。他喜欢所有生活的乐趣。然而,在他

的生命中,他肖像的改变显示了他可怕的秘密。道林越来越痴迷的画像变得又老又丑。在道林第三十八个生日时,罗勒海沃德,画家,来见道林,告诉他要去巴黎。罗勒告诉他,人们在说道林的生活是很可怕的事情。道林决定将肖像的秘密展示给罗勒。罗勒感到震惊时,他看到的面孔告诉道林来改变他的生活。突然, 道林变成了生气的罗勒。他拿了一把刀刺伤了罗勒。。。第二天,道林摆脱了身体。没有人会去想罗勒。他们会想他去了法国。

Later that night, Dorian was in a bar talking to two women. One of the women said to him, ―Ah, I remember you. You‘re Prince Charming, aren‘t you?‖



A sailor heard this. It was Sybil‘s brother. He realised that this was the man who had been cruel to his sister eighteen years ago. Dorian was very afraid, but said that it couldn‘t have been him. He showed the sailor his face, the face of a young man of twenty. Then Dorian went away.


“I nearly killed that boy,‖ said the sailor. “我几乎杀死了那个男孩,”水手说。

―Boy?‖ said the woman. ―I first met him eighteen years ago, but his face hasn‘t changed in all that time.‖


A week later Dorian was in the country staying with some friends, when he realized that the sailor was following him. He became very afraid. The next day he went out walking with some of his friends who were shooting. His friend shot at an animal and there was the following Dorian. Dorian decided to change his life.


“Maybe if I have a better life, the face in the picture will not be so ugly and horrible.‖


But when he looked at the portrait it was even more terrible than before. He decided to destroy the picture. He picked up a knife and stabbed the painting. There was a loud cry and a crash.


The servants were very afraid. They went into the room. On the wall they saw the portrait of Dorian Gray as a young, handsome man. On the floor was a dead man, with a knife in his heart. It was the other Dorian Gray, his face old, ugly and horrible.




抽象的,深奥的abstract 直的;直,直接 straight 波状的 wavy 想象,想象力 imagination 画家,油漆匠 painter 痛苦;疼,痛pain 展览会 exhibition 诗(总称)poetry 导弹 missile 鬃毛 mane (色彩的)浓淡;阴影 shade 汗 sweat 青春;年轻人 young 昆虫 insect 注视,凝视 fix one‘s eyes on 动物;(有特性或特质的)人 creature 画家;艺术家 artist 贵重的,有价值的valuable 典型的 typical 优雅地 elegantly 强调 emphasise 细节,详情 detail 布,布料 cloth 皱褶 fold 浅的 shallow 岸边 shore 视力 eyesight 大理石 marble 混凝土 concrete 特征,特色 feature 阳台 balcony 房顶 roof 雕像 statue 城堡 castle 摩天大楼 skyscraper 天使 angle 建筑师 architect 毁坏,毁灭 ruin 湖,海湾 loch 童话 fairytale 花岗岩 granite 有几分地 sort of 咖啡馆 café 凤凰 phoenix 雄鸡,公鸡 rooster 蝙蝠 bat 坟墓 tomb 追溯(到)date back(to)朝代,王朝 dynasty 宗教的;虔诚的 religious 目的,意图 purpose 式样,模式 pattern (书写或印刷的)字,字体 character 幸福,快乐 happiness 庙宇,寺庙 temple 供品,祭品 offering 把??与??联系起来 relate (总称)珠宝 jewellery 试用,试验 try on 村舍,小窝 cottage 租金 rent 房东 landlord 虫,小虫 worm 管子 pipe 慈悲,怜悯,同情心 mercy 盥洗室 washroom 潮湿的 damp 浴缸,澡盆 bathtup 地下室 basement 洗澡;沐浴 bathe 栅栏,围墙 fence 狭窄的 narrow 屏住呼吸 hold one‘s breath 车库 garage 垃圾,废物garbage (美)公寓住宅 apartment (美)地铁 subway 在市区,往市区 downtown 卡车,载重汽车 lorry 窗帘 curtain 空调 air conditioner 结论;结束 conclusion
