电大《开放英语》期末考试题库及答案 下载本文

A. command

49.More and more people in China now (A ) to work regularly. A. drive

50.We (D) the bathroom and plan ____ the bedroom this year. D. have painted…to paint

51.I regret (B) that I'm unable to help you. B. to say

52.They all ( B )the job. B. asked for

53.We have our office ( C ) every day by a cleaner. C. cleaned

54.Mother was busy. Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she ( A) it on the radio.

A. was listening to

55.In the fifties last century, many new cities ( C ) in the desert. C. grew up

56.He (A) in the laboratory the whole morning. A. has been working

57.You like playing football, (B) you? B. didn't

58.That's the( C ) gentleman I've been telling you about. C. very

59.Dr. Hoffman proposed that we (A) the meeting until next week. A. put off

60. China is (A) the east of Asia. A. in

61. Parliament didn't think the Prime Minister did enough in the improvement of fair employment, ( B)he was asked to write to Parliament for further explanation. B. so

62.He asked me where (B) from. B. I came

63.(B ), we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have enough data. B. As a rule

64.I thought that this would be a funny trick ( A)Jim. A. to play on

65.If the man (B )succeed, he must work as hard as he can. B. is to

66.I prefer tea (A) coffee. A. to

67.The beef I ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious. I'd like to have it again even if it costs ( D).

D. twice as much

68.I have (B) finished the report. B. already

69.– Where ( B ) the recorder? I can't see it anywhere. – I ______ it right here, but now it's gone. B. have you put; put

70.You look (D ) . What ______ you ________ ? D. tired, have…been doing

71.We are ( B ) in the future of our motherland. B. confident

72.Frank plays ( C )Alex. C. a lot better than

73. I broke my leg when I (B) skiing in America. B. was

74. She was convicted (C) murder. C. of

75. A new hotel (D) in the center of town at the moment. D. is being built

76. It is very convenient (A) here. A. living

77. I have lived here (B) 1997. B. since

78. The bedroom needs (A). A. decorating

79. He is the man (D) dog bit me. D. whose

80. I’m tired. I (B) working very hard. B. have been

81. Before she left on the trip, she (D) hard. D. had trained

82. He keeps (B) at himself in the mirror. B. looking

83. The sun heats the earth, (C) is very important to living things. C. which

84. Ancient Greece is the (A) of western civilization. A. origin

85. Please stop (B). It cannot help the situation. B. shouting

86. The big man has always been eating on the go, (A) he has got stomachache. A. so

87. Let me (B) the case carefully before I draw a conclusion. B. look into

88. He, as well as I, (D) a student. D. is

89. She (C) her success to hard word and strong will. C. owes

90. Mr. Smith (C) a most important part in the development of our city.

C. played

91. I’d rather stay at home than (C) a walk. C. take

92. Hardly (A)home when it began to rain. A. had I got

93. I prefer classic music (D) pop music. D. to

94. All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, (A). A. however

95. When we were having a meeting, the director (B) the bad news by telephone. B. was told

96. Silk(B) by Chinese for thousands of years now. B. has been used

97. You (B) to lock the door at night. B. ought

98. Before I got to the cinema, the film (A). A. had begunA. to shout

99. The patient acted on the doctor’s (B) and finally recovered. B. advice

100. A lecture hall is (C) where students attend lectures. C. one

101. Don’t worry, your watch (D) and you can have it in no time. D. is being repaired

102. The definition leaves (B)for disagreement. B. much room

103. Not always (B) they want (to). B. can people do what 104. Sadam(B) for 25 years. B. was married

105. I don’t want you to make any trouble, (C), I urge you to solve the problem. C. on the contrary

106. Why (B) the old block of flats _________ demolished next month? B. is…being

107. At present, the most important thing is that Britain needs (A) more to improve the relationship with the USA. A. to do 完型填空

文章1:开头More and more people…..

⑴have⑵have been asking⑶due⑷who⑸-⑹which⑺estimated⑻to have them installed⑼yet⑽to install

文章2:开头Traffic in India means…..

⑴have been sold⑵in⑶vehicles⑷with⑸on⑹pulled⑺watch out⑻are recommended⑼by⑽that 文章3:开头Most workers spend eight….

⑴workdays⑵enjoy⑶extra⑷to⑸rather⑹under⑺As a result⑻little⑼end⑽health

文章4:开头There are advantages and dis

⑴both⑵to⑶than⑷do⑸prepares⑹yet⑺on⑻new⑼as⑽have 文章5:开头Jules Verne’s most famous

⑴meaning⑵invented⑶at⑷story-teller⑸to be⑹who⑺easy⑻ways⑼as well as⑽Sometimes 文章6:开头Peter Blake is a successful

⑴used⑵was⑶decided⑷been⑸so⑹which⑺own⑻on⑼-⑽but 文章7:开头Although international

⑴exciting⑵from…in…from⑶which⑷to⑸leave⑹before⑺effects⑻lessen⑼best⑽for 文章8:开头Frank knew he was very ill

⑴sometimes⑵in⑶mind⑷listened⑸be admitted⑹remember⑺nobody⑻whenever⑼only⑽like 文章9:开头A study()….

⑴has shown⑵to⑶who⑷even if⑸more likely⑹were⑺exercising⑻However⑼to reduce⑽encourage

文章10:开头A study has shown that fitness is the key

⑴to⑵or⑶those who do not⑷the least⑸whether or not⑹to be fat⑺being⑻smoking⑼on⑽to exercise

文章11:开头 A survey was carried out last year……

⑴by⑵sharply⑶Although⑷to exercise⑸walking⑹walk⑺on⑻to make⑼for⑽for 文章12:开头 Bill was on holiday and he was very……

⑴about⑵who⑶had had⑷about⑸surprised⑹for⑺anything⑻his⑼and⑽with 阅读理解:

文章1:开头是:Bill cooper is portfolio manager of the 13billion value thust funds ……..

⑴ for nine years running ⑵through his fathers explanation ⑶one can make money through buying stocks⑷hard work ⑸ only indicated that one was ready to start his career 文章2:开头是:my mother reised me as best as the could

⑴ poor ⑵ badly ⑶ whichare not regular or fixed ⑷ the three years of military service ⑸ the anthor was surprised that he was accepted as a firefight 文章3:开头:robert was born in a small town in England

⑴ his father is a rich farmer⑵ there were a lot of thiever in the city

⑶he was afraid to lose his wallet⑷ he hoped to make fun of the thieves ⑸the thief make fun of Robert

文章4:开头 I have two jobs growing up and they all help share my life…

⑴ how to talk and behave properly ⑵working in different occupations⑶challenging⑷ joining a baseball game ⑸ never be faraid of taking risks

文章5:开头 Paper was invented by the Chinese in the first century ad ⑴ in china⑵ in 1500 ⑶ one tre ⑷ faster⑸ houses

文章6:开头 the entertainment profession ,or shou business

⑴geting the best tailor⑵ yonger singes are catching up⑶ they make him rich and famous ⑷ can be very annoying ⑸keep smiling

文章7:开头may you wish upon a thousand stars?

⑴ husband and wife⑵ her motorhome ⑶ they learn a lot more than ordinary school kids ⑷global positioning syatem ⑸ their life is rich and they stay closer to each other 文章8:开头dear folks :I ’ve been here fou about three weeks…

⑴ looks very different form what she expected ⑵ it is the cheapest⑶ to keep up in a different