CAD图层标准中英文互译 下载本文

?A-HATH-METL 填充-金属 Hatch by metal Hatch by flooring Hidden lines Stair and balcony handrails, guard rails Holes in wall, floor, etc. Holes in wall, floor, etc. Insulating layer Outlines - medium weight lines Outlines - medium weight lines Cars Drive Red line of planning road Roadways Central line of planning road Roof Roof hatch Roof outline 石料阴影线 石料阴影线 投影虚线 3-green 3-green 8 continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous C-D_D0AL01-100 continuous continuous continuous A-HATH-METL A-HATH-OTHR A-HIDN A-HRAL A-HOLE A-HOLE-IDEN A-INSU A-OVER A-OTLN A-PKNG-CARS A-PKNG-DRIV A-REDL A-ROAD A-ROAD-CURB A-ROOF A-ROOF-HATH A-ROOF-OTLN

?A-HATH-OTHR 填充-铺地 ??A-HIDN A-HRAL ???A-HOLE ?A-HOLE-IDEN ? ??A-INSU ??A-OVER ??A-OTLN 投影虚线 护栏 洞口 洞口-编号 保温 平面看线 平面轮廓线 楼梯和阳台护栏防护扶手 95 墙体洞口 墙体洞口 保温层 平面看线 平面轮廓线 轿车 停车位流线 规划道路红线 机动车道 道路中心线 屋顶 屋面-填充 屋顶外轮廓线 41 40 21 33 3-green 8 1-red 1-red 4-cyan 3-green 4-cyan 9 4-cyan ??A-PRKG-CARS 车场-轿车 ?A-PRKG-DRIV ? ??A-REDL ??A-ROAD 停车位-流线 红线 道路 A-ROAD-CURB ?道路-人行道 ??A-ROOF 屋顶 ?A-ROOF-HATH 屋面-填充 ?A-ROOF-OTLN 屋顶-轮廓 ??A-ROOM-AREA 户型-面积 ?A-ROOM-IDEN 户型-编号 ? ??A-SECT-MEDM 剖面-中线 剖面-图案 剖面-粗线 Room area index Room identification numbers Section linework - medium weight lines Textures and hatch patterns Section linework - heavy weight lines Section linework - thin weight lines Spot Stairs treads, Stair 户型面积指标 户型编号 中线 图例和图案 粗线 21 23 6-magenta 8 2-yellow continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous A-ROOM-AREA A-ROOM-IDEN A-SECT-MEDM A-SECT-HATH A-SECT-HEVY ?A-SECT-HATH A-SECT-HEVY ?A-SECT-THIN ???A-SPOT ??A-STRS 剖面-细线 场所 楼梯 楼梯-电梯 墙体 墙体-填充 墙体-内隔墙 门窗 窗户-百叶 窗户-编号 细线 场所 30 9 2-yellow 151 255 8 white 50 61 4-cyan continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous A-SECT-THIN A-SPOT A-STRS A-STRS-EVTR A-WALL A-WALL-HATH A-WALL-INTE A-WIND A-WIND-BLIN A-WIND-IDEN

risers; 楼梯踏步、踢板、自动扶梯、梯子 电梯及设备 墙 墙填充 隔断墙体 窗 百叶窗 escalators, ladders Elevator cars and equipment Walls general Wall insulation, hatching and fill Move walls Windows and doors Window blind ?A-STRS-EVTR ? ??A-WALL ?A-WALL-HATH ?A-WALL-INTE ??A-WIND ?A-WIND-BLIN ?A-WIND-IDEN Window identification numbers, 窗编号、五金器具组等 hardware group, etc. ? ?0 ?A-0-XREF 系统图层 外部引用文件设置图层 箭头 System layer (no delete) Xref layer Witness/extension lines, 系统图层不可删 外部引用文件设置图层 7-white 2-yellow continuous continuous A-0 A-0-X A-ANNO-AROW A-ANNO-DIMS A-ANNO-IDEN A-ANNO-LEVL A-ANNO-NOTE ?A-AROW dimension terminators, dim. text Witness/extension lines, 注释-箭头 21 continuous ?A-ANNO-DIMS ?A-ANNO-INDX ?A-ANNO-LEVL 注释-标注 注释-索引 注释-标高 dimension terminators, dim. text Index numbers ±0 level of architectural 标注(第三道尺寸) 索引号 建筑标高 3-green 42 3-green 3-green continuous continuous continuous continuous ?A-ANNO-NOTE 注释-说明 Job Notes, Legends, schedules 项目图纸说明、图例、进and identification text Miscellaneous text and callouts with associated leaders 度表和索引文字 文字 ?A-ANNO-TEXT 注释-文字 33 continuous A-ANNO-TEXT ?A-BORD 图框 Information on sheet border 图框信息(图框边界线和(Border and Title Block) Information on sheet border (Border and Title Block) 图签) 图框信息(图框填充) 3-green continuous A-BORD ?A-BORD-HATH 图框-填充 3-green continuous A-BORD-HATH ?A-BORD-VPTS 图框-视口线 Information on sheet border 图框信息(图纸空间视口(Border and Title Block) 线) 221 continuous A-BORD-VPTS

?A-GRID 轴网 Grid 轴线,轴网(经纬线) 轴网尺寸标注(第一、二道尺寸) 轴线编号 缩略图 中线 粗线 细线 云线 表格外框线 临时图层 局部遮蔽 默认点标记图层(系统图层不可删) 1-red CCDID0GLB00001 continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous A-GRID ?A-GRID-DIMS ?A-GRID-IDEN ?A-KEYP ?A-OTHR- MEDM 轴网-尺寸 轴网-编号 缩略图 其它-中线 Structural grid dimensions Structural grid iden Key plan Other layer Other layer Other layer Revcloud lines Table line Temp layer Wipeout System default no print layer 103 103 9 2-yellow 6-magenta 7-white 2-yellow 7-white 191 7-white 2-yellow A-GRID-DIMS A-GRID-IDEN A-KEPL A-OTHR-MEDM A-OTHR-HEVY A-OTHR-THIN A-REVD A-TABL A-TEMP A-WIPE A-DEFPOINTS ?A-OTHR-HEVY 其它-粗线 ?A-OTHR-THIN ?A-REVD ?A-TABL ?A-TEMP ?A-WIPE ?DEFPOINTS ?

其它-细线 云线 表格线 临时(辅助线) 遮蔽 系统非打印 备注:图层颜色可随项目的需求进行更改。