(外研社)四年级英语下册-m1-10模拟复习题 下载本文

5. it / was / music / Chinese / ? 6. looks / it / like / guitar / a / .

______________________________ ______________________________

Module 5

一、写出下列动词的现在分词。 play __________ happen _________ skate _________ 二、读一读,连一连。 1. September 10th 2. January 1st 3. Octobor 1st 4. June 1st 5. December 25th 三、连词成句。

write _________ have _________ run _________

clap _________ sit _________ cut _________

A. National Day B. Teachers’ Day C. New Year’s Day D. Christmas Day E. Children’s Day

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

1. are / what / doing / you / ?

2. a / we / are / party / having / . 3. the / Sam / is / drums / playing / . 4. they / now / are / clapping / . 5. happening / now / what’s / ?

6. my / mother / for / and / it’s / a / surprise / party / Ms Smart / . _____________________________________________________ 四、读一读,圈一圈。

1. I ( go / went ) to Beijing yesterday. 2. Can you ( playing / play ) bastketball. 3. Listen! Tom is ( sing / singing ) a song. 4. They are ( have / having ) a party.

5. Amy ( swimming / is swimming ) now. 六、选词填空。






Daming is ________ a picture for _______ motherHe’s painting flowers and birds. These

__________ his mother’s favourite things. He’s writing a ______ for his mother. _________ you read it?

七、读一读,连一连。 1. Was it Chinese music? 2. What did they play? 3. Do you want to drink? 4. When did he go there? 5. what’s Tom doing?

A. Yes, I do. B. No, it wasn’t.

C. They played the pipa. D. He’s painting a picture. E. He went there last Sunday.

6. Can you read it? 八、读一读,选一选。 ( ( ( ( ( (

F. Yes, I can.

)1. What ______ they playing? A. is B. are C. do )2. She is ______ in the river. A. swim B. swimming C. swimming )3. What are you doing ______ this special day? A. in B. on C. of )4. I didn’t ______ TV last Monday. A. watched B. looked C. watch )5. He’s ______ a message for his father. A. write B. writes C. writing )6. Now Sam and Amy are _____. A. claping B. clap C. clapping


一、找出不同类别的单词。 ( )1. A. expensive B. screen C. small D. beautiful ( )2. A. thousand B. hundred C. Tuesday D. twenty ( )3. A. came B. shouted C. run D. finished ( )4. A. violin B. piano C. erhu D. father ( )5. A. thirsty B. hungry C. happy D. twenty 二、照例子,写一写。

A. happen --- happening sing --- _________ play --- ________ make --- _________ write --- __________ swim --- _________ take --- ________ clap --- _________ B. eat ---- ate

see --- _________ go --- _________ come --- _________

Run --- _________ make --- _________ is --- _________ are --- __________ C. glass --- _________ potato --- ________ sheep -- _________ box --- _________ 三、选择填空。

( )1. Daming _____ his picture yesterday. A. print B. painted C. pick up ( )2. He didn’t _____ the piano last Sunday. A. played B. play C. plays ( )3. The erhu _____ a violin. A. looks after B. looks like C. looked up ( )4. We _____ our hands for Lingling yesterday evening. A. clapping B. claped C. clapped ( )5. – What _____ he doing? -- He is _____ computer games. A. are, played B. is, playing C. was, plays ( )6. The boy _____ to the village and _____. A. run, cry B. ran, cryed C. ran, cried ( )7. It’s ____ today. A. mother’s day B. Mother’s Day C. Mothers’ Day

( )8. – Where will she go? -- ________ go to Beijing. A. He’ll B. They’ll C. She’ll ( )9. Let’s make _____ English newspaper. A. a B. an C. the ( )10. – What did he play? -- He _____ football. A. play B. played C. plays 四、连词成句。

1. machines / the / please / Don’t / touch / ! 2. beautiful / is / This / computer / . 3. did / he / play / What / ?

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ A. He went to Hong Kong. B. He came back yesterday. C. Liu Ming went there by bus. D. We’re having a party. E. He played the piano.

4. will / you / do / tomorrow / What / ?

5. English / is / newspaper / fantastic / Our / ! 五、读问题,选择正确的答语。 ( )1. How did Liu Ming go there? ( )2. What did he play yesterday? ( )3. What’s happening now? ( )4. Where did Daming go? ( )5. When did he come back? 一、读一读,填一填。




Module 6 write



Daming, Sam, Lingling and Amy are going to __________ an English newspaper about their

school. Daming will __________ the pictures. Amy will ___________ the reports. Sam will __________ the paper. Lingling _____________ stick the newspaper together. Their English newspaper is ___________ . 二、连词成句。 1. will / you / what / do / ?

________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

2. make / an / let’s / newspaper / English / . 3. can / be / it / our / about / school / . 4. good / at / I’m / Art / . 5. a / that’s / idea / great / .

6. Lingling / stick/ will / the / together / newspaper / ? _______________________________________________ 四、读一读,选一选。 (

)1. What are they ________ ? They are listening to CDs. A. do B. doing C. does

( )2. Is it your ________ birthday? A. mother B. mother’s ( )3. My sister is good ________ PE. A. of B. in ( )4. What will he _______ tomorrow? A. do B. doing ( )5. Let’s ________ a party this Monday. A. had B. having ( )6. There is a school next _______ the hospital. A. on B. to ( )7. We can _______ chess. A. playing B. play 五、读一读,用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Don’t _________ (read) in the sun.

2. Fangfang _________ (clean) her bed yesterday. 3. Amy ___________ (play) computer games now. 4. We will __________ (go) to England next week.

C. brother C. at C. go C. have C. in C. plays

5. She usually __________ (finish) her homework at seven o’clock.

Module 7


1. The sun is very big. 2. This planet is near to the sun. 3. This planet is far from the sun. 4. This planet is beautiful. 二、写出下列单词的反义词。 ( ( ( ( (

hot --- ________ thin --- ________ long --- ________

A. It’s very hot.

B. It’s very, very hot.

C. It’s got three beautiful rings. D. It’s very cold there.

tall --- ________ far --- ________ cheap --- ________

big --- _________ young --- _________ happy --- _________


)1. This is _________ . A. space B. the space )2. The sun is big and ________ . A. cold B. hot )3. This planet is near ________ the sun. A. with B. from )4. This planet is far ________ the sun. A. for B. of )5. It ________ got three beautiful rings. A. is B. does

C. a space C. warm C. to C. from C. has