【中考命题研究】(贵阳)2020中考英语 基础知识梳理 九全 Units 1-2(无答案) 下载本文


14.I've ________ ________(增加) five pounds these days.

15.It's cold outside.________ ________(穿上) your coat,or you will have a cold. 16.We'll ________ ________(上演) a short English play at the school talent show.

( )17.(2020阜康、米泉中考)—Let's plan a surprise party for our class.What's your idea? —Why not ________ a short play? A.keep on B.have on C.put on 【满分点拨】


put on是“动词+副词”构成的动词短语,人称代词作宾语只能放在短语的中间。 【归纳总结】


辨析discover,create,invent,find与find out


discover,create,find,find out,invent

18.The Wright brothers ________ the plane in 1903. 19.Columbus ________ America in 1492.

20.I wondered how Alfonso Cuaron ________ the film Gravity. 21.Mrs. Green is looking for her purse,but she can't ________ it. 22.We have to ________ his plans and act accordingly.

23.He can always ________ a new game to interest the children. 【满分点拨】


Edison invented the light bulb.爱迪生发明了电灯泡。


The scientists discovered a big oil field in Xinjiang in the 1980s.二十世纪八十年代科学家们在新



The police found the missing boy in Guangdong.警察们在广东找到了那名失踪的男孩。

(4)find out意为“查明,找出”,多指通过调查、询问、研究之后“搞清楚,弄明白”,通常含有“经过困难曲折”的含义。

—How do you study for a test?


—I study by working with a group. —我通过和小组成员合作学习。 【考点抢测】

( )24.(2020遂宁中考)—________ did you achieve your dream? —By working hard,of course. A.When B.Why C.How 【满分点拨】


(2)by doing…结构中,介词by意为“通过”,其后接动名词(短语),构成介词短语,作状语,常用来表达做某事的方式。


by 意为“通过,以……的方式”。后面接动名词或名词。接交通工具时名词前不用冠词 with 意为“用,拿着,与……一起”。后面可接表示工具或人物或身体部位的名词 in 意为“用”。接表示语言或颜色的名词 I wonder if it's similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.



( )25.(2020河北中考)I have some tickets for the basketball match.I wonder ________. A.where you buy the tickets B.why you like to go there C.if you'd like to come along

( )26.(2020广安中考)—Do you know ________? —Sorry,I don't know.

A.if she will come to the concert or not B.whether she will come to the concert or not C.if will she come to the concert 【满分点拨】

“wonder if…”这个句型中,if引导的从句是宾语从句,常用于礼貌地提出问题,询问别人的意愿或礼貌地发出邀请等。如:

I wonder if you can give me a hand.我想知道你是否可以帮我一下。


学着如何学习 ◆写作导图

从全国近五年中考关于学习方法的书面表达的命题来看,通常从以下角度来命题: 1.介绍个人学习方法或学习建议;

2.反映英语学习中的问题,寻求帮助或制定计划。 结合贵阳考情,可以预测第一种命题角度出题几率更大。 learning

methods——introduce a kind of learning method:

discuss in groups—have a good understanding of knowledge; enrich the mind; have more chances to express oneself

—set an example—the result of discussing in groups

—the advantage of this learning method—enjoy learning; deepen the friendship; learning better and better ◆亮点句型速成

常用句型:You can solve the problems carefully.

推荐句型:→①You must be careful when you solve the problems. →②You can't be more careful while solving the problems.

→③When you solve the problems,you should be as carefully as possible/you can. (一)开头句:

1.There are three good ways to learn English. (二)中间句:

2.I think you should take notes while listening. 3.It is also a good idea to recite words.

4.You can try to improve your English by watching English movies. 5.Why not try to sing English songs?

6.We should/must/need listen to the teacher carefully. 7.Don't forget to finish your homework. 8.You should study hard and never give up.

9.You can study it by asking more and learning more from others. 10.Don't be shy and never be afraid of losing face.

11.Ask your classmates or teachers for help when in trouble. 12.Having a discussion with your classmates is a good choice. (三)结尾句:

13.The method is so creative! 14.Practice makes perfect.

15.Helping others means helping yourself.

16.Knowledge comes from communicating and questioning. 17.Think twice before you do it. 18.Never be afraid of failure. ◆写作模板

Good study methods作用,and they can also help us 好处.In my opinion,we can use these methods to study English better.

First,you should怎么做,and take notes carefully.If you have any questions in class,you can 做法.

Second,you are supposed to 做法.It's a better way to check yourself.

Third,it's better for you to 与同学和老师怎样做.It's also a good way to practice your oral English.运用这种方法的结果.




1.your good learning method(s)

2.an experience that you helped your partners 3.your thoughts and feelings 要求:1.80词左右,提示词仅供参考; 2.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。



