中考命题研究(贵阳)2020中考英语 基础知识梳理 九全 Units 1-2(无答案) 下载本文

九年级(全) Units 1—2


类别 课标考点要求 1.pronounce→(名词)________ 词 汇 攻 关 2.memorize→(名词)________ 3.strange→(名词)________ 4.create→(形容词)________ 5.die→(形容词)________ →(名词)________ 1.注意;关注____________ 2.把……和……连接或联系起来____________ 3.首先____________ 短 语 归 纳 4.查(字典)____________ 5.以至于____________ 6.依赖;依靠____________ 7.有……共同点____________ 8.天生具有____________ 9.即使____________ 10.犯错误____________ 1.要理解英语口语太难了。 It's ________ hard ________ spoken English. 2.你读的越多,你(读得)就会越快。 句 型 再 现 you'll be. 3.老师说得如此快以至于我大部分时间都听不懂她(所说的话)。 6.expression→(动词)________ 7.wise→(副词)________ 8.steal→(过去式)________ →(过去分词)________ 9.discover→(名词)________ 10.warm→(名词)________ 11.增加(体重);发胖____________ 12.摆开;布置____________ 13.最终成为;最后处于____________ 14.以……形状____________ 15.射下____________ 16.飞到____________ 17.喊出____________ 18.过去常常____________ 19.使……想起____________ 20.醒来____________ 8.优秀的学习者会一直练习他们所学的东西,他们不犯错误。 Good learners will ________ what they have making mistakes. 9.两周后我要去清迈。 I'm going to Chiang Mai ________. ________ you read,________ learned,and they ________ The teacher spoke ________ 10.我听说在中国庆祝父亲节quickly ________ I did not 和母亲节变得越来越受欢迎。 understand her most of the I heard that it is becoming time. 4.我发现听有趣的东西是语__________ to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's 言学习的秘诀。 is the ________ language learning. 5.我不知道如何提高我的阅读速度。 reading speed. 6.……如果你对某事感兴趣,你的大脑会更活跃,对你来说… if you ________ Day in China. 情也是个好主意。 It is also a good idea ________ parents to do something ________. 奇的老人(的故事),他从未笑过。 It is about an old man never laughs or smiles. I discovered that ________ 11.相反,帮助父母做一些事I don't know ________ my 12.它是关于一位名叫斯克鲁也会更容易长时间地注意它。 ________ Scrooge ________ something,your brain is 13.在寻找彩蛋的过程中,人more active and it is also 们不仅会把它们分散在不同easier ________ you ________ it for a long time. 7.即使你学某些东西学得很好,如果你不使用它,也是会遗忘的。 ________ you learn something well,you will forget it ________ you use it. 1.“by+动名词短语”表示语法 结构 “通过……途径;方法”。 2.that,if和whether引导的宾语从句。 3.感叹句。 ,贵阳五年中考真题演练


( )1.(2020贵阳44题)—Look!________ Sunny day it is!How about going hiking? —That's a good idea.

A.What a B.How a C.What

( )2.(2020贵阳35题)—________delicious the ice-cream is!Could you give me one more? —Sure.

A.What B.How C.What a ◆宾语句

( )3.(2020贵阳43题)I always forget some new words,I'm very upset and don't know ______. A.how to do B.when to do

的隐藏地点,而且会把它们作为礼物进行分发。 __________ them around in different hiding places for an egg hunt,__________ these treats as gifts. C.what to do

( )4.(2020贵阳45题)Alice interviewed some people and asked them about ________ on Father's Day. A.what they do B.what they did C.what they will do

( )5.(2020贵阳44题)Yesterday a reporter asked 10 students at Hilltop school ________ last weekend.

A.what did they do B.what were they doing C.what they did

( )6.(2020遵义38题)I don't know ________ she could finish the work by the end of this month. A.whether B.what C.when

( )7.(2020六盘水40题)—I wonder ________ at 8:00 last night. —I was watching TV. A.what were you doing B.what did you do C.what you were doing


warn v.警告;告诫


1.He warns Scrooge ________(change) his ways if he doesn't want to end up like him. 2.The police warned us not ________(go) out at night. 3.He warned me against ________(stay) up too late.

( )4.(2020咸宁中考)—What's the most important morning news on CCTV today?

—The Chinese government warned Japan ________ harm to China's territorial sovereignty(领土主权) again and again.

A.to not B.not to C.do not 【满分点拨】 warn的用法

warn作为动词,意为“警告;告诫;提醒”。 (1)warn sb.(not)to do sth.警告某人(不要)干某事。 (2)warn sb.about/of sth.提醒、警告某人注意某事。 (3)warn sb.against(doing) sth.警告某人避免(做)某事。

pay attention to注意;关注


5.It is also easier for you to ________ ________ ________(关注) it for a long time.

6.Pay attention to your ________(pronounce),please. 7.We must pay attention to ________(protect) the earth.

( )8.(2020淮安中考)—What else should we pay attention to ________ building the bridge? —The change of the weather,I think. A.finish B.to finish C.finishing 【满分点拨】

(1)pay attention to sth.关注/注意某事 (2)pay attention to doing sth.注意做某事 【温馨提示】


dead adj.死的;失去生命的



9.On Christmas Eve,Scrooge saw the ghost of Jacob Marley,his ________ business partner. 10.Marley used to be just like Scrooge,so he was punished after he ________.

11.Although Steve Jobs has been ________ for several years,his ________ still makes people very sad.

( )12.(2020衡阳中考)His grandma has ________ for 5 years. A.died B.been died C.been dead

( )13.(2020荆门中考)—Do you know that Mr.Zhang passed ________ last week? —Yes.He died ________ illness. A.away;of B.on;from C.by;with 【满分点拨】


不及物动词,表示“死、死亡”。 die Flowers will soon die if they are left without water. 花如果不浇水,不久就会枯死。 形容词,表示“死的;无生命的”。 dead He has been dead for five years. 他已死了5年了。 die的现在分词,也可作形容词,表“垂死的,濒于死亡边缘的,枯萎的”dying 之意。 She is dying.她快要死了。 名词,表示“死、死亡”。 death 【温馨提示】


put on增加(体重);发胖

The police are trying to establish the cause of death.警察在设法确定死因。