13本科-学位英语考试题库-大学英语4卷 下载本文

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86. But you know fully well that our product is of superior quality. Other products (无法与之相比).

87. It is suggested that the air conditioner ___________________________________ (安在窗户旁).

88. (己所不欲),don’t do to others. 89. (如果我们要按时到达小镇),we would have to drive the whole night. 90. (他许多年前说过的话)is still true today in this information age. 得 分 Part V Writing(10分)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a 4-paragraph composition on the topic: The Harm of Drunk Driving. The following structure is for your reference. You should write at least 120 words. Topic The Harm of Drunk Driving Paragraph 1 A Brief Description of Drunk Driving Phenomenon(现象) Paragraph 2 2-3 Harmful Effects That Drunk Driving Has on Drinkers Paragraph 3 2-3 Harmful Effects That Drunk Driving Has on the Society Paragraph 4 Suggested Measures for Eliminating(杜绝)Drunk Driving 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上作答。

第 13 页 共 13 页