Unit five 下载本文

Unit five New Words: favorite :

I have no favorite for food.

Who is your favorite in your mind?

She is a favorite in her family. Food:

Reading is also food for our thought思考. 读书是我们的精神食粮 Sweet food often leads

us to fat persons.

English is delicious food when you need knowledge.

Glass: glasses 眼镜 A glass of red wine could make you lighthearted.精神舒畅

Give me a glass of love-forgotten water. Cola:

Iced-cola is cool for us at this moment.

Women need cola and red


Ice: she is a piece of ice to refuse to melt away.

Watch out, he has an iced-look today.

Add some ice pieces to the cola.给可乐加点冰 Chip:

potato chips

French fries 薯片

Fried meat chips with pepper is also delicious.辣椒炒肉片也是美味的

Bread chips 薄片面包 Hamburger:

Two hamburgers to go.两个汉包打包

It is delicious to have a hamburger with a packet of potato chips. milk: Do you enjoy drinking milk?

Her life is always a glass of sweet milk. bowl: a bowl of rice How many bowls of rice could you have for